Let's See Where This Goes

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At some point, Choten's humming slowed, and gradually became quieter, until it ceased. He'd relaxed enough during his humming that he had fallen asleep, leaning on Aerin.
Aerin smiled to see a sleeping Choten on her shoulder. Eventually, she fell asleep herself. This time, there was no trace of the dream.
Choten slept well, still and quietly. At some point, he woke back up, and it took him a minute to remember where he was, but then he smiled, and after a few minutes, drifted back to sleep.
Aerin woke up and looked out a window. Realizing hours had passed, she looked at her surroundings and remembered where she was. Seeing a still sleeping Choten, she decided she'd stay and wait till he woke up to move.
Choten awoke again, and after a silent second of sitting and waking up, he figured Aerin was awake. Starting to get up, he smiled. "Good, whatever time it is!"
"Well good...waking up?, to you too!" Aerin chuckled as she said this. It sounded a little odd, but somewhat fitting.
Stretching, Choten yawned the sleep out of his system. Laughing lightly at Aerin's response, he reached into one of his pockets and pulled out the cube that he'd packed.
Aerin looked over Choten's shoulder at the cube. "Think you'll ever figure it out?" She asked. She wondered why something like it would come into existence.
Confused by her question, he looked back at the cube. Then he realized he'd pulled out the wrong cube. "This thing? No, I wish. I meant to pull out the one with seemingly unlimited space," Choten said, slightly annoyed with his cube mixup. Reaching into the 'holding cube' he began digging around.
"I'm blind to any reason for it." Aerin said. She couldn't help but wonder what the cube was for.
"Ah well, what can you do," Choten sighed. Becoming frustrated he kept digging, carefully for it was a cube full of metal, some parts sharp. "Where is it?" He mumbled quietly.
"What exactly are you looking for?" Aerin asked, looking over his shoulder trying to figure out how this tardis cube worked.
"A flute that I made," Choten mumbled, almost falling into the cube. "There it is!" He said, pulling out a simple flute. "I can't play it yet, but, I like to practice."
"Hmm, well let me hear you." Aerin smiled, wanting to see just how he sounded on this little flute.
"Well, alright," Choten said, bringing it to his lips. He began to 'play' it, but it defiantly needed a lot of work. He was great at moving his fingers, but he had nearly no clue as to how to blow for it.
Aerin listened to the airy sound of Choten's flute. "No one ever gets how to wind it the first few times. You'll get it." She said.
"I know I'll figure it out, I'm a tinkerer, it won't take to long," Choten said with a laugh, looking at the flute in his hand. "I like this thing, but I have to figure it out."
"I used to play a few instruments when I was younger." Aerin said, looking at the flute and remembering her ocarina and cello.
"Like what? I might have one in this thing. I had a strange obsession with carving for a while, then I reinforced them with scrap metal. So they may look simple, but they shouldn't break for a long time," Choten laughed.
"I played an ocarina for a while, and I also played the cello, but I highly doubt you have a cello in there." Aerin laughed at that statment. There was no telling what he had in his cube.
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