Let's See Where This Goes

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"I wouldn't let you," Choten said, softly. He hugged Aerin back for a while, then he remembered Bean was still right there.
"Alright, siblings." Bean said, sarcasm in his voice. "You'll have to be a little more convincing. As far as anyone else knows, you're my niece and nephew now."
Flair's posture streightened. . And up goes the wall. She thought.
"You'll have to stay somewhere till this thing blows over, and I'm sure you're tired." Bean commented, as he directed them even further back into the building. He led them into a room with several blankets in piles on the floor arranged into makeshift 'beds.' "This will have to do." He said.
"Thank, you." Flair responded.
Bryce nodded, and as he looked at the beds, he realized how tired he was.
Aerin practically collapsed when she saw a bed. She droped her pack and curled up, making herself look almost like a sleeping dog.
Choten lied down, and sighed. He was a light sleeper, so getting to sleep in new areas wasn't easy for him.
Aerin fell asleep quickly, but she didn't sleep well. She never did after killing, and Emaline's death still came to haunt her. It had been a couple of days, but it would be a couple of months before her mind would let her get over it. Her nightmares were more like memories. Each time she dreamt, that scalding pillar would fall, but one thing was different from what actually happened that night. Yes, it fell, and it fell on her, but she wouldn't escape it, and all she'd hear was the voice of Emaline saying, "This is what you deserved." Aerin woke up, and sat up quickly. She covered her mouth with her hand, hoping it would keep the noise of her sharp breath and muffle any screams that potentially would escape her. Luckily this time, they didn't.
Choten at some point had gone and gotten a chair and brought it in to the room. It was a small wooden chair, so he could have brought it quietly. He sat in it, because he wasn't going to get to sleep. He was a tinkerer, though, sleep wasn't always needed. He was used to missing a day or two at a time. He was almost asleep, when Aerin shot up, and covered her mouth, Choten asumed she was attempting not to scream. Worried, he quickly went to her side. "Aerin, are you okay? What's wrong?" he said, calmly, just a touch of worry in his voice.
"It's nothing, just the same stupid nightmare." Aerin said, trying to calm herself down. She tried covering up tension in her voice, but she squeaked when her words came out. "You having trouble sleeping?" She asked.
"I never sleep easily. I'll be fine, I've adjusted to lack of sleep. Right now though, I'm worried about you. Are you sure you're okay?" Choten asked, not quite believing it was 'just a stupid nightmare.'
"Ill be alright. This might happen a few more times, but ill be alright. Eventually." Aerin said, trying to reassure Choten. She hated to see him worry about her.
Aerin put her hand on her shoulder feeling the scar she'd been given the first time Emaline tried to kill her. "A memory...of sorts." She said. "Well, sort of. Accept, this time, in the dream, I didn't make it out alive."
Choten gasped as he heard this. "Well, you are alive, and your here with me. I will do my best to protect you, okay? I won't let anyone take you without taking me."
Aerin smiled a bit. "Let's hope it never comes to that." She said. "Besides, I lived through it, and I've got the scar to prove it. Just another mark of what I've survived." Scars make us stronger.
"I'm here for you. Remember that," Choten said softly. "And I always will."
"Thankyou." Aerin said. She put an arm around Choten and leaned on his shoulder. "Thankyou, for being a real friend to me."
"Always," Choten said, smiling. Although he was starting to get used to this type of 'situation' he still found it awkward, though he didn't mind. He put an arm around her.
Aerin sat and smiled. A friend was something she'd needed more than ever. She didn't think she could ask for a better one than the person sitting right next to her.
Choten, smiling, began to hum a songless melody, a peaceful, blissful one.
Aerin simply listened to his calming melody. She was much more at ease now. For a moment, she'd believed the words that had been said in her nightmare. She had believed that maybe she did deserve to die, but now, now she knew that those words weren't true. She'd survived that night for a reason, and she wasn't about to let that go.
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