lets get some fries.

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"Oh," He said walking to the kitchen, throwing the bottle of soda into the garbage can.
"Yup." Tamille popped the "p" as she molded little patties for burgers. "You sure you don't want one?" She asked Jack seasoning the meat.
"I'll have one..." He said, returning back to the couch, slinging himself over it.
Jack looked too young to be in a house with a man of Charles' age. His green eyes were too young, his blond hair looked like it hasn't been touched, and his face was definitely delicate and child like, as if he was only 14 or 15.
"Thougt so~." Tamille said so only she herself could hear. She smiled at Jack even if he wouldn't return it. She looked him over and noticed how young he looked. "Charles, how old is he?" She asked curiously but wasn't loud enough for Jack to hear.
"Just turned 15,he's my bosses son. He couldn't take care of him right." he said, peeling some potatoes so he could make French fries.
"He's a cute kid." Tamille commented as she finished forming the last burger. She moved to the skillet to cook as she looked to Jack. "How do you like your burger?"
"Medium," he said, turning on the radio. The radio beamed with comedy shoes and loud rock and roll music, it was so quick but the music drastically changed.
Tamille hummed along with the radio as she cooked. After a few minutes Jacks food was finished.
"Come get dinner." She called over the music and set his burger on a plate so he could add whatever he wanted and then Tamille moved on to cooks Charles and finished with her own.
"Thanks," he said turning off the radio, and eating his burger. "...i could still hear you when you were talking. You called me cute." he said with taking another bite.
"Is that bad?" Tamille asked as she turned off the stove and tidied up the kitchen.
She put cheese and ketchup on we burger and took some fries Charles had made.
Tamille sat with Charles and Jack as she began to eat her fries. "Woah, these are good. You can cook!" She teased Charles and kissed his cheek before continuing to eat.
Jack stuck out his tongue and made a gag sound as he saw her kiss his cheek. "Aw, thanks..." Charles blushed, he always did that, even at the age of an adult.
"What you want one too?" Tamille teased Jack. She took a bite of her sandwich stilling laughter.
"No! Only Charles gives me those..." he said, taking another bite of his burger.
Tamille laughed. "Kidding! Gosh relax. You're not my type anyways." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully of course.
"Good," he said. It was getting late, at least nine o'clock. Charles made a large yawn while Jack finished his burger and sleepily finished his fries.
Tamille laughed lightly and cleared the plates once everyone finished their meals.
"Go on to bed I'll finish cleaning and take the couch okay." She smiled as she walked in to the kitchen and started cleaning.
Charles smiled,"No, you got to bed." he said cleaning the kitchen.
Jack lazily laid his head on his arms, snoring lightly to the point it was almost a purr.
"Noooo," Tamille took whatever Charles had picked up and smirked at him. "You go to bed." She giggled and placed them in the sink to wash.
"...okay." he said confused. Charles picked up Jacks' sleepy body,carrying him to his bed. Jack slung his arms around his shoulder, kissing him on the forehead.
Tamille cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes. She dried them and put them away before flipping off the radio. She took her bag and searched for her pajamas
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