Let the Stars Fall Down OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Are you making a female or a male? Appearance-wise, of course.


    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Watashi wa kawaii idoru shoujo desuuuuuuuu

    Votes: 9 56.3%

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Is it too late to throw my hat into the ring on this one? Decided to give it a go if you have space, willingness to accomodate a latecomer etc.
I'm interested in this.
You two have until Tuesday before the IC starts.

Keep in mind the 'preferences' I have stated in the second post of the OOC.

Read everything in the Index.

After that, you should be good to go?
You two have until Tuesday before the IC starts.

Keep in mind the 'preferences' I have stated in the second post of the OOC.

Read everything in the Index.

After that, you should be good to go?
Can i submit mine tomorrow? im having back problems so i might not be able to work on it today.

Tuesday. As in tomorrow.
  • Thank You
Reactions: ❖iSengoku❖
So it lasts for several years? How long has she been 'free' then? And eh, I think we only have...one hardened soldier-type, in the shape of Darvik? Everyone else just happens to know hao2fight through a variety of non-military means. Anyways, how is she going to do her mahou shoujo melee stuff if she can't martial-arts?
My aim with the limiter is mostly for it to be something of an issue so she can't just throw magic around all the time without consequence. And possibly so I could eventually use the occasional cliche line of "limiter release!" Mana's likely only been free for a year at the most, and a few months at the least. I'll go ahead and add in a few skills for basic CQC and marksmanship when I post her in the Index, if you think it's fine to have those skills.

As for how she'd magical girl without them? Probably by using magic. Though the ability to just go "I cast gun!" to catch someone off guard would be worth it.
Isn't R-9's character pic from Beyond the Sky?
Yep, totally is.
Just striving for theme song. How do I put stuff into the tabs like the rest of you?

Character Quote:
I wonder what this does...?
Name: Asgharro Elghis
Age: Mid-to late teens
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Asgharro, or Ash to those few people who know him well enough, is slight and scrawny, with an unruly mop of dark hair. In stark contrast to much of the rest of his appearance, his eyes are an intense blue that seem to scour those he looks at. Spending much of the day out and about roaming the wastes, he's tanned, and wears clothes that blend into the environment, covering everything with an old, travel-worn cloak. One striking feature is the red mask he wears around his lower face, hiding his nose and mouth. In addition, he frequently wears goggles over his eyes whilst out roaming in order to protect them from the searing winds and whatever they might carry. Like many people who live on Purgamentum, his teeth have been filed into points.

Asgharro has an easy-going personality, but a lifetime of survival has overlaid that with severity and prudence. Maybe he'll improve when his life is no longer dependent on checking every corner and every angle. Asgharro is very difficult to work with initially. A life spent mistrusting every stranger has a lasting effect, and Asgharro can't help but see new people as thieves, murderers or worse. However, life on Purgamentum is very hard alone and comrades must stand together. As a result, if Asgharro's trust is earned, he will stand with them to the end, braving insane odds.

Asgharro is a compulsive tinkerer, and can barely stop himself from taking things apart to try and rebuild them in a better way. However, lacking formal training, he frequently meets with mixed success when working with more advanced technology, as various aspects of his mech attest. Unlike most scavs, he searches for farming tech as a side venture, focusing on weapons tech instead. Although this would normally be counterproductive, many communes are grateful for ways to defend against raiders, and he is usually greeted warmly...ish. Distrust of strangers is endemic to Purgamentan society.

As a child, he saw his first mech, and was awed by the scale and elegance of the mechanical titan. Even though this mech was just being used to till the soil in a desperate attempt to boost crop yield and was equipped with no weaponry, the chid still trembled at the thought of one on the attack.

As a young teen, he and a couple of friends went looking for the nearest scrapyard. They were completely lost within a couple of hours, and then a fierce storm arose, causing them to become separated. One of them never made it back.

A few months later, his commune was attacked by a raiding group that had gone weeks without prey and were almost feral in attitude. During the conflict, Asgharro was attacked by a raider who bit into the right side of his cheek. Asgharro's power awakened, blasting his assailant onto the ground and allowing Asgharro to finish him with a nearby kitchen knife before he recovered. It turns out the raider had bad dental hygiene (surprise, surprise) and the wound rapidly became infected. Although they managed to treat it, the skin never regrew, leaving an expanse of raw flesh running from the corner of his nose diagonally down towards the mandibular joint.

Once he had recovered, and having prepared carefully this time, Asgharro set off to the scrapyard again, alone. He made his way there successfully and scavenged some still functional rifles, managing through trial and error to refit a couple more that were broken.

Upon his return, he saw Hell. A much larger raiding group had been active in the area, and had hit his home commune like the wrath of God, wiping it completely off the map. Now, ash, flames and smoke were all that remained of his home. Returning to the scrapyard, he tinkered with various robotic devices and, once he was confident enough, returned to the wreckage of his old commune and repaired the farming mech, which had been damaged by the invaders. Though slow by mech standards, it opened up the ability for him to traverse to many other scrapyards, and scavenge the more interesting pieces of tech.

Job: Scavenger, wandering tinker

Skills: Self-taught mechanic and engineer. Capable of making very effective repairs to basic mechanisms, but can botch more complex systems.

Talents: Resistant to toxins and radiation.

Power: Can produce temporary spikes in air pressure to produce shockwaves. Limited to around his own body, but in conjunction with his mech he can target areas within a 250m radius.

As a human, his blasts are capable of knocking people back, though they have little effect on mechs. Once loaded into a mech, his blasts gain power sufficient to send people and powersuits flying. Light mechs and even medium weight mechs can be destabilised by the blast, and all but the most high-power projectiles can be knocked off course.

The spider-like legs of Asgharro's mech, provided with his knowledge of the blasts, allow his mech to remain largely unaffected by his power usage.

With this power comes great strain. Asgharro is limited to using this power at most every two minutes, and can only keep that speed up for about 10 minutes total.


Knife: Basic steel blade.
Snout: This homemade shotgun is about as dirty as you can get without the censors getting involved. Based off a pistol with a single wide barrel, breach-loading. Ammo is made from old food cans filled with a layer of gunpowder, followed by a large amount of metal shrapnel.
Basic toolkit: Some scavenged, others jerry-rigged.
Compass and Map
Water Canteen

Theme Song:

Name: Peregrinus
Type: Zero
Size: 30ft
Weight: Medium
Appearance: Had to grab two different images, one for the body and the other for the legs.



Weaponry: Junked railgun: An example of a less than resounding engineering success. In his attempts to fix up a broken railgun, Asgharro introduced quite a few quirks into the mechanism. The barrel is shorter than usual, limiting both the range and speed to about half the usual values. In addition, the projectile is superheated by magnetic induction before firing, resulting in the weapon requiring much more regular maintenance. The heating brings the energy cost of firing it much higher too, meaning it can only be fired about three times without completely draining power. A large heatsink had to be added as well, blocking the auto-reload mechanism. As a result, projectiles have to manually loaded, a time-consuming process. About the only benefit is that the superheated slug is more effective against light to medium armour.

Electro-harpoon: A harpoon fired using a pressurised gas cylinder, connected to a power cable. Upon impact, the harpoon blasts out explosive bolts to anchor itself within the armour. High voltage current bursts can then be transmitted along the cable to try and disrupt the system.

Mech-rifle: A standard rifle firing projectile ammunition. Modified with a drum magazine to increase capacity.

Scythe: A mech farming tool converted for use as a weapon. Sharp edge is effective against lightly armoured targets, and the point can work against heavier armours with limited effect.

Special Features: Multiple legs provide stability in uneven, slippery conditions. Low centre of gravity minimises risk of it toppling over. Attaching the mechanisms from a crate of wind-up torches to the joints helped the energy efficiency.


Stats (Describe as High, Medium, or Low)
Armor Strength: Medium
Shielding Strength: Medium
Horizontal Speed: Low
Vertical Speed: N/A
Energy Efficiency: Medium-High
Intelligence: Piloting support: Low, Power amplification: Medium

Name: Purgamentum
Hours in the Day: 27
Basic Description of Environment: Purgamentum is a dump. Literally. Back in the heyday of Malstraza, this place was the landfill site of the solar system. Of course, that required workers to run. Over time, the number of garbage shipments declined, along with the number of food deliveries. Thanks to years of dumping all sorts of waste, including biohazards and nuclear waste, the soil was horrifically infertile and food supplies were scarce. A committee was set up to deal with various planetwide issues, but collapsed under incredible strain and even greater anger.

The only real resources left to the planet are those in its scrapyards. The rest of the planet is dry and dusty, although temperate. Thankfully, water condensers are fairly common, and people don't tend to die of thirst. The main threat to life apart from other humans comes from swarms of voracious insects, generally referred to as 'Bastards', 'Fuckers', or any other curse which springs to mind when seen on the horizon. Although primarily carrion feeders, they often attack living prey as a swarm.

Basic Description of Civilization: The people of Purgamentum live a hand-to-mouth existence. Some band together and form farming communes, subsisting off the meagre resources they can coax from the ground. Others band together and form raiding parties, preying on those who they come across. A few hardy souls live a nomadic existence, raiding the scrapyards and trading technology for food where they encounter communes. This scavenging provides the primary source of technology, and so the citizens of Purgamentum lack much advanced tech. Cannibalism is highly prevalent, whether it be the corpses of dead relatives or victims. This custom arises both as a result of the shortage of food and to reduce the food available to the insect swarms.

Style of Government: Anarchic.
Dominant Race: Humans are the predominant race, with a smattering of hybrids and very few representatives of other races.
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@RJS Alright, first off...

There is this dude. Called Psyker Landshark. You might want to go talk about possible relationships with your character and his, because they're both junkyard wizards.

Also, the only reason that powers can be enhanced the first place is because the mech acts like a supercomputer, connecting to the pilot's brain. Are you saying that Ash knows how to make those things as well?

In regards to his power, actually, can you go into more detail in regards to how much it can do? The maximum amount of destruction it can cause, both as a human, and within a mech.

And finally...does he have high morals? Or is he more like a thief that hates other thieves?

Also, the mech would be a Type-Xception, mainly because it never was modified from an average mech. It was always just a junkyard crab. Everything else is fine though.

@icechibi202 It's closed now, sorry.
@RJS Alright, first off...

There is this dude. Called Psyker Landshark. You might want to go talk about possible relationships with your character and his, because they're both junkyard wizards.

Also, the only reason that powers can be enhanced the first place is because the mech acts like a supercomputer, connecting to the pilot's brain. Are you saying that Ash knows how to make those things as well?

In regards to his power, actually, can you go into more detail in regards to how much it can do? The maximum amount of destruction it can cause, both as a human, and within a mech.

And finally...does he have high morals? Or is he more like a thief that hates other thieves?

Also, the mech would be a Type-Xception, mainly because it never was modified from an average mech. It was always just a junkyard crab. Everything else is fine though.

@icechibi202 It's closed now, sorry.
No, I'm just claiming that the supercomputer was never damaged. Some of the mechanical mechanisms were, but the supercomputer remained functional (if that makes sense)

In terms of power, I was thinking that without mech enhancement, it'd be capable of staggering people or knocking light people off their feet, with no effect on mechs. With mech enhancement, in addition to the range change, the power would increase, knocking people and powersuits lacking stabilising elements back with a fair amount of force. I'd say it's probably fair for it to knock missiles and standard projectiles, or at least divert their path, with no effect on railguns/plasma weapons. In terms of mechs, Heavy mechs would laugh at it, medium mechs would feel a minor push, and light mechs would be knocked off balance/slight deviation to flight path. We're not talking massive explosions here.

His morality's a bit tricky really. He's only ever killed a few people in self defense, but has no problems with that. Once he got some weaponry on his mech, most raiding bands steered clear, so he doesn't often have to deal with attacks or fighting people. He doesn't really look at right or wrong, rather what's necessary. If he were put in a situation where he had an opponent who had surrendered, but he was short on food and was at risk of starvation, he'd kill and eat them. I'd say he's amoral, but not actively cruel or ruthless. He just doesn't think about things in terms of morality, but in terms of reality.

I was originally gonna class it as a Zero/Xception, because it was originally a type Zero used as a farming mech. It has been somewhat modified by both the original repurposer and Ash, so it's kinda custom. It sits in a bit of a grey area, so I'm happy to class it as an Xception if you want me to.
Ah, so he got lucky with an undamaged core, eh? Fair enough.

In regards to knocking projectiles away...sounds rather questionable, if it's only strong enough to knock power-suited people far away. I mean, missiles are probably heavier than humans, and are faster, and are probably designed to be aerodynamic. This is under the assumption, of course, that his shockwaves are pretty much just air pushing to fill whatever vacuum he created. Same with bullets, really.

I will say, though, that he could probably divert lasers with his air pressure manipulation, via refraction or whatever.

If he has no morals, then why would seeing others as thieves or murderers matter to him? XD

Mm, you could always just call it a Type-Farmer, but sure, if it's just a heavily modded Type-Zero that got junked, the Zero classification works then.
Ah, so he got lucky with an undamaged core, eh? Fair enough.

In regards to knocking projectiles away...sounds rather questionable, if it's only strong enough to knock power-suited people far away. I mean, missiles are probably heavier than humans, and are faster, and are probably designed to be aerodynamic. This is under the assumption, of course, that his shockwaves are pretty much just air pushing to fill whatever vacuum he created. Same with bullets, really.

I will say, though, that he could probably divert lasers with his air pressure manipulation, via refraction or whatever.

If he has no morals, then why would seeing others as thieves or murderers matter to him? XD

Mm, you could always just call it a Type-Farmer, but sure, if it's just a heavily modded Type-Zero that got junked, the Zero classification works then.
I was thinking small missiles, and due to their speed it'd probably only divert the flight path, not blast them back. Also bear in mind that this is not something that can be used regularly due to the strain on his body - we're talking maybe every 2 mins or so at absolute max, and that'd only be able to keep going for about 10mins.
Can't keep in mind something that wasn't present in the original CS, but k. If that's the case, where he can only use it every few minutes, feel free to buff it's strength a bit. I thought was more spammable than that.
Can't keep in mind something that wasn't present in the original CS, but k. If that's the case, where he can only use it every few minutes, feel free to buff it's strength a bit. I thought was more spammable than that.
Aight, I'll boost it up so it knocks people back as a person, and has a bit more umph against mechs, and edit the CS accordingly.

EDIT: CS updated with power info. Backstory changed a little, and a new organism specified in the planet section.
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Aight, put that in ze Index afterwards.
Alright, Kroil's article has been put up. Working on IC now.
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