Let the Stars Fall Down OOC

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Are you making a female or a male? Appearance-wise, of course.


    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Watashi wa kawaii idoru shoujo desuuuuuuuu

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For people who don't know, in regards to post speeds...

After my last RP died way before its time due to post speeds and such, I have become paranoid as hell. We'll be moving on a post-round sorta thing.

I will start my next post on Sunday. Meaning you should probably post before then.
  • Thank You
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For people who don't know, in regards to post speeds...

After my last RP died way before its time due to post speeds and such, I have become paranoid as hell. We'll be moving on a post-round sorta thing.

I will start my next post on Sunday. Meaning you should probably post before then.

Hue, I was pretty sure I post right after R-9 posted with Mana :P.

Just saw this. You know, Eidola are actually a thing.

Well, not a real thing. They're basically the ghosts of Ancient Greek myth. More accurately, they're a spirit-image of a given person (who may or may not actually be dead), so that reflects the status as a "sentient" AI quite well.
I know, I know, but thanks anyways.
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For people who don't know, in regards to post speeds...

After my last RP died way before its time due to post speeds and such, I have become paranoid as hell. We'll be moving on a post-round sorta thing.

I will start my next post on Sunday. Meaning you should probably post before then.
Fine by me, this way we will not be waiting forever for one or two people. No disrespect meant, of course.
Crap, I didn't get notifications on this for a while. Catching up on the IC now and will get a post in shortly. Sorry guys.
I'm just waiting for confirmation from a plotting discussion before posting.
Wow, Auric is already being received in the way that I more expected my character in PRB to be. But then, he's only had one post, so I guess people have to work with what they can get.

Still, as they are different characters, I am obliged to say the following nonetheless:

Well, I am really not a fan of pre-determined relationships because of stuff, but really a month with a crew of 3/4 is actually a lot of time, but things can change <3

For people who don't know, in regards to post speeds...

After my last RP died way before its time due to post speeds and such, I have become paranoid as hell. We'll be moving on a post-round sorta thing.

I will start my next post on Sunday. Meaning you should probably post before then.
Is this still going to be a thing? I thought we were going to have certain posting speeds...
Yeah, it's still a thing. Giving time for Psyker, Zombs, Lstrom, and RJS to post.
Ok, so I'm not just hallucinating that multiple posts are happening, or are we allowed to do that so long as it does not affect the plot?
You're allowed to do so, as long as it doesn't effect the plot. All things considered though, you have yet to post for your own character, unless you plan him to be one of the inspection guard peeps.
He will be one, he just does not say who he is when no one is out and around to talk to that doesn't know who he is, that would be awkward, wouldn't it?
He could always talk to his guard buddies. About all the shows he's missing due to his night shift or whatever. Unless he's too serious for chattering inbetween ship-dockings. XD
Standard protocol and such. Sadly, he is to communicate with them with hand signals and talk to the civilians with questions. As such, he is pretty quiet right now.
I'm sure that adds a bit more character to the mysterious dictator, lol...
I have a few questions about Zombeh's post. To be accurate, the portal power the person used. I'm not going to ask about the portal itself, but how does a portal absorb information?
Sorry for the delay. I will attempt to get up a post by tonight. If I do not, you can move the plot along, I will catch up.
To clarify, the neural link to the lift that enters into Kroil is locked and only unlocked by a neural link by a stationed guard's neural signiture and living DNA sample (done by scanning the guard itself). As such there is no computer involved at the lift's point, just a lock and a port with a retina scanner.
I never did say there was a access terminal to the lift, therefore there isn't a access pad either.

Basically, The guard inserts his finger into the port which then links into the neural link. Then scans his eye into the data bank, this all then gets sent to the underground security place to wait for approval, and while this goes on, a light near the lift goes yellow. Once allowed, the light goes green, then the locks detach and the doors are then able to be opened. If not allowed, it flashed red and something starts to tick while the large rounded bay doors close up.

Once the finger is in the port two things happen, 1 the finger is pricked, the other is a nano bot is injected into the body and sent to the eyes. Once at one of the eyes, it goes to the outer retina, hence the eye scan.

Security this tight is needed for against piracy or even if just by paranoia.

Attempts to hack this will result in the automatic shutdown procedure taking highest priority, thus keeping the locks locked and turning off the unlocking mechanism. The locks are magnetic blast doors powered by geothermal power from the planet itself. The manual bypass is actually not anywhere accessible from the floor ships arrive at.

You did want simple from me, but like before, simple means less information.
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I have a few questions about Zombeh's post. To be accurate, the portal power the person used. I'm not going to ask about the portal itself, but how does a portal absorb information?
I'm going to guess the portal absorbed the electrical current. I'm more baffled about how Icturin could read it.
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