Lessons You'll Never Forget

  • Thread starter Hikari-chan (光ちゃん)
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Misty smiled, "Wanna hear a story? Probably not, but I'm telling you anyways." He paused, to see if the boy was listening. "When I was 16, I was in public with my father, but he was always in a drunk state of mind, so he embarrassed me in public! It made me mad, and I started thinking what people would think of me!" He sighed, remembering his teenage years. "I literally broke down," Misty said this with an honest tone. "Seeing people break down is nothing new to me."
He slowly smiled gaining a bit of confidence he was happy it was the first time since he moved he thought about it bringing memories.....
He was at the airport all of his friends talking to him saying goodbye he remembered all of them he couldn't imagine it he wished it was a dream but it wasn't it was reality
A woman opened the door "Xander The nurse wants to see you" he left "don't worry he'll be back" and the door shut
The door opened he walked in and sat down but the woman came up to the teacher to speak "Xander has to do some private sessions with the nurse once a week to help cure his disorder but I warn you after the sessions hes extremely rigid which means if he has a sudden change in emotion he can change his identity like that so be careful with him" after that she left the room
Misty had just watched Xander leave his room, as he followed the nurse. He didn't know the nurse very well, she was just there to provide ice packs and band aids.
'Can private sessions with a school nurse cure a physiological disorder?' Misty thought.
((OoC: if they can I'm speaking with my doctor. I know therapists can, I've got DID. (S)he's showing it really well :) you go dude.))

Luke looked at Misty, considering whether he should lie or tell the truth. He knew people liked honesty, but they also disliked being avoided, "Yes," he mumbled quietly and turned around to line up at the door.
Karuno was getting tired and was getting bored. What do we have next he thought. He started to tap his desk and humming a very anoying tune.
"Ugh, I'm so bored, this sucks." Jack huffed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I'm close enough to the door, I'll leave it a few... Perusing over the new guy, he wondered what being crazy was like. With a great yawn, he surveyed the room once again before resting his eyes a little.
He felt strange Xander knew something was off he was happier than usual he thought but he didn't know what it was was it the story the teacher told he was stumped. Xander doesn't even know he is being hypnotized each week he was oblivious to it
*Xander opened his note book and read it*
Xanders journal
I'm keeping this journal to write down some notes particularly about my alters I'm jotting down there personalities mostly what there like and some key notes
They all have there own names and are all extremely different

Sky- The optimistic alter
Sky is always happy extremely optimistic he always looks at the bright side. I've noticed he's also quirky and zany and very spontaneous when he has a idea he sticks with it.

Issac- The sexual alter
Issac is the sexual alter he almost worries me considering he can cause danger only because he always daring in a way he acts very attractive way almost desperate like.

Marco- Team leader alter
Marco always takes the lead what ever it is he'll take the lead and if hes not the leader he'll try to fight for it maybe prove his point or tell why he should be he's also very stubborn I haven't encountered him in a long time I don't have a clue about him

Riley- The child alter
I can't describe Riley his alter type is generic hes extremely child like and has interests for things I had when I was a child

Anthony- Cool Alter
Anthony he is very Cool if I can say that he always comes out like that hes silent I guess he acts like that I don't know why though and he is sarcastic extremely sarcastic he loves music and can't get enough of it

Matt- Sad or depressed alter
Matt is the sad alter he always is depressed that's what I seen I've never seen him other than that he always seems to think hes put down he thinks some one in some way is better than him I think its because of a bully from grade school......

Christopher- Angry alter
Always angry he is the 2nd worse alter and I'm scared of him really he threatens to hurt my friends and my self I don't know what to do I think hes gone but I can't say

Void - Psychotic alter
With a strange name void is my psycho insane alter he scares me bad hes dangerous in many ways the reason I transferred to this class is because of him I almost strangled a classmate he's dangerous and I'm doing my best trying to keep him in line I'm worried

So far I haven't encountered most of my alters in a while so I'm OK for now

* he put the journal down* hoping no one saw him and asked he minded his own business and remained silent he would melt if anyone found out the information in that journal

"Okay, y'all," Misty coughed. "Get outside, and choose a partner. The thing is, you're all going to run around the track. 5 times. And if your partner gets tired? You both drop out," Misty smirked, thinking of how much he disliked activities like this when he was younger. "And the last remaining group gets," he said this dramatically, and held out his arm. "A fifty dollar bill!"
Xander raised his head up in excitement "50$ he mus be kidding"
Luke went up to Jack, "Will you be my partner?" I need fifty dollars. Food AND school stuff.

Wow fifty dollars.

Thank God I can run.

I'll go to church on Sunday.

Then he went up to Misty, "Can I see it?" He'd never seen a twenty dollar bill, let alone a fifty. He must be loaded.
In all honest truths, the fifty dollar bill wasn't Misty's own currency. It was something he had found many years back, during a dark time in his life. He had failed most of his high school exams, due to his lack of caring. But it was a special bill, because it was like a miracle--he had found it on top of a drain. Of course, it had fell down on dog shit, but other than that, it was money. 'Money,' he thought. 'It runs all humans.'
"Alright y'all, get downstairs."
Neil grins, he didn't need money, but now was a great time to assess how fast the others could run, and for how long...this was a great opportunity
"Alright, let's observe the little Rat Race we have going"
Luke took that as a no. I don't think it's real. He didn't show it. Still, Luke wanted to see it. He just wanted to run, run fast, and get the money. He could last for a while, he had to, food was saw and everyone wanted it. He looked around at everyone. Jack looked like he was the most understanding of the situation. He looked around with hate. All wanting money, no doubt. They should go ask their parents.
Xanders mind rolled over and over again what he would do with it he hoped he would win or at least try he got up and started stretching he hasn't ran a race since he was in grade school "he was a bit nervous seeing the others in the class thinking they would beat him by a longshot
"Yo," Misty called out. "Do you have a partner, Xander?"
No "I Don't" he replied "I haven't asked anyone yet"
"None of us have a partner," Luke pointed out. He raised his eyebrows. He doesn't look that fast.