Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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Kouri said:
Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair:"A lecherous, slaving pig. This alliance is nothing more than necessity... If you hope to seek power here, the only thing you will face is a gavel, and the sound of a weighted blade in flight."

I'm sure with the power of love we can retrieve their troubled souls.
For some reason Don't Stop Me Now started playing when I looked at that post.
You know, I've noticed a lot of these character thought lists (not all of them) have forgotten about dear old Gremlock.

You know, I've noticed a lot of these character thought lists (not all of them) have forgotten about dear old Gremlock.

Gremlock wasn't on the active characters list, because of editing derps. Brovo just fixed it today though.

I meant to go add Gremlock to my thoughts lists, but I forgot. :P
I remembered gremlock when no one else did, I got your back Maxim.
Aw yeah, finally got to post the Kasim and Helénē collab. Kasim is gonna finally start going through some character development now. Started off like "ay gurl, I'mma get dat ass tonight" and went to basically vowing to become a truly good man because she impressed him and made him think about his life. :D

Also, included Gremlock in my character thoughts thing.

I want to include Gremlock.

...But I supporrt Goblin oppression...

Aw yeah, finally got to post the Kasim and Helénē collab. Kasim is gonna finally start going through some character development now. Started off like "ay gurl, I'mma get dat ass tonight" and went to basically vowing to become a truly good man because she impressed him and made him think about his life. :D

Also, included Gremlock in my character thoughts thing.


but did he get dat ass tonite
I was originally gonna wait to post another thing showing Kasim's actual deeper thoughts on matters, but instead I wrote it at work and decided to just go ahead and doublepost like an asshole.

Also, doubleposting in in OOC, fuck yeah. Is this doubledoubleposting or quadposting? :P
Unique #3

Venatrix: Amazons are awe-inspiring warriors, with skill far surpassing the average soldier. Despite having fallen, Tasha proved too valuable to be lost to the grave. By the powers of Essylt's combined sorcery, the Amazon's fighting spirit has been preserved as a soulstone. It contains all of Tasha's skill and experience as a warrior. Additionally, a special body has been crafted for Tasha, reborn as the golem Venatrix she possesses far greater strength and endurance than in life, and can only be killed if the soulstone is destroyed. However... In spite of Esyllt's dominance over Venatrix' lingering will, the limited conciousness that dwells in the stone curses her own fate. And as a magical construct, she can be detected by mages and is vulnerable to anti-magic.
Unique #3

Venatrix: Amazons are awe-inspiring warriors, with skill far surpassing the average soldier. Despite having fallen, Tasha proved too valuable to be lost to the grave. By the powers of Essylt's combined sorcery, the Amazon's fighting spirit has been preserved as a soulstone. It contains all of Tasha's skill and experience as a warrior. Additionally, a special body has been crafted for Tasha, reborn as the golem Venatrix she possesses far greater strength and endurance than in life, and can only be killed if the soulstone is destroyed. However... In spite of Esyllt's dominance over Venatrix' lingering will, the limited conciousness that dwells in the stone curses her own fate. And as a magical construct, she can be detected by mages and is vulnerable to anti-magic.
"They say I am the evil one. It seems another woman in the Queen's Blade is not so adverse to the idea of enslavement."

These are the available missions that each faction has submitted for approval/denial. Keep the following in mind.
  1. Only five missions may be active out of the following list. Missions which fail to become active are considered ignored, meaning that the nation will attempt to fulfill its own request without help from the Queen's Blades, and likely end up failing. It is possible to convince nations to spare resources to help each other through collaborative posts in mission hubs, but this will only lessen the aftermath, it won't stop the consequences.
  2. Missions which aren't taken, which have demon agents present, have a much greater chance of killing off important characters, and will generally suffer more than nations without demonic agents present.
  3. Missions which aren't taken have their corruption and demon invasion potential stats change. These stats affect the current state of the nation. Nations which are performing poorly will, in general, become skeptical and even distrustful of the Queen's Blades.

To choose a mission for your character, simply state here in the OOC which mission you want your character to go on. That will be counted as a vote for that mission to become active. If five players vote for one mission, that mission will become guaranteed to become active. You can change your vote if you change your mind during the voting process.

You have two weeks to vote for a mission. Good luck, these are hard choices with tough consequences. Realize that you can't save everyone, so pick and choose your fights carefully.

Once mission groups are locked in, each mission group will be able to vote for two NPC companions to accompany them from the NPC Companion list. You can find that list here. In the event of a tie, I'll tiebreak. This process will go on for one week, after missions have been locked in. The votes for missions which have less than five people will be considered "greater in value" to compensate.

Companion Notes:
  1. If the Renalta mission is selected, Mikan must go on that mission in order to achieve revenge against James for killing her son.
  2. If the Free Holds mission is selected, Fahim must go on that mission in order to do as his master wishes.

Request: (The information about the mission/quest, in detail. You can always ask further questions about the requests, but may not get a satisfactory answer.)
Consequence: (The obvious consequences for not taking the mission. There may be further, unknown consequences if demon agents are involved.)
Allies: (Allied forces you can call to help you. Keep in mind they'll be listed, and will usually need to be sought after or contacted remotely via magic/carrier pigeon/pet/et cetera: Simply request them on a task, and they'll attempt to perform it if it's within their abilities and/or time constraints.)
Kingdom Condition
Demon Invasion Potential: (Very low, low, medium, high, very high.) (The current potential for a demon invasion.)
Corruption: (Very low, low, medium, high, very high.) (The current level of corruption present in the nation's rulership and/or society, wherever applicable or appropriate. The higher this is, the harder it will be to motivate the population to report demons and fight against them.)
Mage's Guild Presence: (Yes/No.) (Whether or not there is a Mage's Guild presence in this country sufficiently large to allow instantaneous transportation and detection of powerful demonic agents.)
Current State: (Very poor, poor, moderate, good, very good.) (The current state of the nation militarily, economically, and politically. Measures stability more-so than anything else. Nations in a poor state will have less resources to offer players to help them and will have a harder time fighting demons.)
Demon Agents Detected: (Yes/No.) (Demon agents are the antithesis to the Queen's Blades. They are consistent characters, like PCs, whose role it is to hinder you in missions and spread corruption in countries where they are present. They can move from country to country. If one is killed, their efforts are severely hampered and they may even stay dead, resulting in a weaker demon over-world strategy. On the other hand, if a demon agent can operate uninhibited, they can, and will, try to kill, enslave, kidnap, or replace, an important NPC in that realm. Anyone from a queen to a peasant. Failing this, they will sew dissidence, apathy, panic, or other nation-wide consequences.)

  • Request: To the south of Renalta's rolling plains is a swamp filled with time bubbles and errors. Within this swamp, crows and ravens have been sighted swarming out in droves, trademarks of James the Illusionist's passage. Chronomonks within the swamps have passed along to us sightings of a "man in purple robes, with a small entourage and a large, displeased looking orc knight." The Mage's Guild confirms the presence of James the Illusionist, and recommends that immediate action be taken to stop him, as any magic casted in the swamps tends to have potent side effects. Side effects like unleashing destructive creatures from the past by the hundreds, or creating a time paradox that changes the current time line in wild and unpredictable manners.

    The Mage's Guild normally prevents powerful mages from entering the swamp without direct supervision, but they've been overwhelmed with stabilizing Renalta and cleaning up after the Carnival of Chaos. James likely slipped through after murdering some of the Guild's young watchers. Amanda would file an official complaint, but realizes how moot that is given the current crisis and instead sends her venomous regards for James.

    The Queen's Blades are being called upon by Queen Kouri to end the most direct threat to the Kingdom of Renalta, once and for all. Doing so would galvanize the people to the cause, which is direly needed.

    It should also be noted that well respected hero, Dean Hansen, went missing pursuing James the Illusionist in the swamp. If he had been captured, James would be using him as a bargaining chip. It may be advantageous to get him on your side, but in all likelihood, he will find you at some point, should lady luck be in your favour.

    If you don't take this mission, Kouri will understand. Renalta might not. Its people are strong, but not invincible, and are susceptible to despair if nothing else: End this threat now, or it'll grow much larger, very quickly, and threaten your home base.

    Consequence: Further acts of terrorism which the Mage's Guild warns will likely be devastating to the southern countryside. Possible demon portal opening, which would directly threaten the capital, as this seems to be James' intent now that he's on his last legs.

    • King's Rangers: Elite domestic agents in direct service to the royalty of Renalta. They specialize at reconnaissance, ambushes, intelligence networks, and so forth, preferring to avoid direct confrontations or fights.
    • Guardsmen: There are guardsmen at a nearby military outpost that can be contacted to 'send in the cavalry.' While Renaltan soldiers are well trained, they are few in number, and don't perform well at subtlety: Call them in when you need a military force to solve a military problem, such as a large-scale battle.
    • Dean Hansen: He's likely somewhere in the swamps. He's also likely quite angry, and wields a very deadly warhammer. James won't like him when he's angry.
    • Chronomonks: It's unlikely they'll directly intervene, it's not in their way. However, they may help guide you away from time bubbles with telepathic messages, as they likely have just as great a desire to stop demons from plaguing their swamps as you do. They'll do the same for Renalta's forces.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Medium.
    Corruption: Low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.
    Current State: Good.
    Demon Agents Detected: Yes.
  • Request: The newly crowned Amazonian Queen is going to join The Imperium to create greater stability in the northern reaches. This in effect will mean that, should it succeed, the Imperium and Amazons will act as one nation, meaning one less nation will require aid in future mission requests. However, in order to gain the authority to do this, the Amazonian Queen must convince her people that they were once a part of the Imperium. She believes this can be done with documents in an ancient temple deep within the interior of the Amazonian jungle, written in an ancient dialogue that the Imperium can likely read and understand.

    However, naturally, this is a dangerous mission, and the conservative elements of Amazonian society reject the notion of Imperial soldiers doing the searching, claiming they would fake the ancient documents. The Imperium, in turn, cannot in good faith trust the conservative element of Amazonian society not to do the same. So they've turned to the Queen's Blades to retrieve the documents as neutral arbitrators.

    It's very likely that with this agreement coming into the public eye, that demons are already searching to destroy these documents. Should that happen, the Amazonians may end up never joining the Imperium without immense bloodshed. One cannot be certain at this point that it would be avoided without those documents...

    Consequence: The conservative elements within Amazonian society will fight and break the alliance down. This will obviously result in loss of life and will allow some demon influence into one of these nations, depending on which one suffers more. This may start a war. The Amazons and the Imperium will remain separate factions, with separate requests, splitting Queen's Blade resources even thinner than they already are.

    • Rashan: Seen as a neutral party with nothing to gain or lose, Rashan has worked with the Queen's Blades before. She is mute, though that doesn't stop her from communicating clearly, and she is one of the few who knows where the ancient documents are. Beyond this, you will have no help.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.
    Corruption: Very low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.
    Current State: Very good.
    Demon Agents Detected: No.
  • Request: There has been a breakthrough in the war against the Papacy. With the Templar Order and Rheinfeld Republic allying together, there are those within the Papacy that predict doom is approaching them all. Sympathizers, more specifically, who have remained silent, and are now ready to join the cause and rip apart the Papacy from within. If given a sign that they can resist the Papacy, that it's not all powerful like it claims, they'll rise up and end this conflict with minimal bloodshed.

    Unfortunately, that means slipping a spy out from within the capital. Not just any spy, but a high ranking Templar who chose to side with the Papacy over the Templar Order, who now has an arrest warrant out for his head. His face is easily recognizable, though he can keep his identity hidden so long as his face isn't seen. He needs help escaping, and neither the Templar Order or Rheinfeld Republic are particularly equipped to handle this kind of situation.

    This is where the Queen's Blades come in.

    They can be slipped in thanks to contacts within the Free Holds on Rashad's end of things, whose mercenaries the Papacy is paying for to reinforce its small armies. Slip inside, find the spy, and get him out through any means possible. Doing so will spark the embers of rebellion from within the Papacy, and the capital city will be overrun with sympathizers, which will spare the Templar Order and the Rheinfeld Republic every single one of their soldiers to end this conflict.

    Consequence: The Spy will most certainly be discovered and killed. The Templar Order & Rheinfeld Republic will be forced into a siege of the capital with its defences fully operational, which will result in high casualties for all sides involved, and the devastation of the capital city of Rheinfeld.

    • Sympathizers: There are sympathizers to the Rheinfeld Republic (lower classes) and Templar Order (upper classes) each respectively that may be able to help you, if you can find them.
    • Spy: The Spy himself is a trained knight. If you're feeling especially desperate, you can call him into a fight and he can do so competently.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.
    Corruption: Very low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: No.
    Current State: Good.
    Demon Agents Detected: ???.

    The Kingdom of Rheinfeld was left to its own devices by the agents of Queen Kouri. One can only hope their casualties won't be too severe.
  • Request: The orcs to the north have gone on unprovoked attacks despite the attempts by Shaman Molkar to unite them. Shaman Molkar arrived in the capital of Liveria shortly after the Queen's Blades left, at great risk to his own life, to inform the royal family of the troubles with his brethren to the north.

    There is a demon of Wrath leading the growing morass of orcs that proclaims it was successful in injuring Queen Kouri of Renalta in the Goblin Holds, and that it is time for the orcs to have a "true homeland true to their own nature" and to "depose of the pig bloods currently reigning on the throne." Needless to say that while Liveria's military could feasible hold up against the orcs, having two civil wars raging around Renalta's borders would make it quite easy for demons to slip in and create a portal threateningly close to the capital of Renalta.

    Needless to say, the demon of Wrath needs to be put down before he can spur the mountain orc tribes into a united assault against Liveria. This may require settling the ages-old--and ill understood--blood feud between the orcs, and the royal family of Liveria.

    Consequence: Failure to take the mission will allow the orcs, led by the empowered demon of Wrath, to go rampaging across the northern countryside of Liveria and wreak untold havoc and rape upon the innocent people living there. It will also assuredly dethrone and likely kill Shaman Molkar, who is our only friend amongst the mountain orc peoples.

    • Shaman Molkar's Tribe: Shaman Molkar and his tribe are at our disposable in these trying times, so long as we promise them something in return for their help. The Queen's Blades have worked with this tribe before, they are honourable and keep to their words, though are fairly small compared to others.
    • Liveria's Witchhunters: Should it come to bloodshed, a detachment of Liveria's finest military minds and arms is at our disposable to call upon. They will leave a flare gun in the hands of one of your companions, who can be ordered to fire it for their help at any time.
    • Princess Helénē: Princess Helénē will be available, technically leading the Witchhunters. She can accompany you as a diplomat, and is willing to help the Queen's Blades settle any blood feud between the royal family and the orcs. Keep in mind that her ability to offer deals may be limited, as she has been instructed by her father what is and isn't acceptable as compromise in exchange for peace. If she is killed, it will surely lead to a bloodthirsty war on the part of Liveria that will not end until every orc man, woman, and child is dead.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.
    Corruption: Very low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.
    Current State: Very good.
    Demon Agents Detected: Yes*. (Moved here from the Goblin Holds!)
  • Request: As many already know, there was once an Imperium of old that was spread all across the lands of the desert that now contain Tuleria, the Free Holds, and the Goblin Holds. There are also many ancient ruins. One thing of great interest to Xixis, that was worth his time and attention defending, lies miles underneath the surface of the as-of-yet unnamed hold. Down there lies an ancient construction factory, untouched, undisturbed. A construction factory which the Imperium of old took from the Mechanists and converted to their own end. A construction factory which can mass produce weapons, or golems.

    Golems made for a nifty army. A nifty army the Goblin Holds can use to better defend itself, an army it can use in the impending war against the Nine Hells. There's just one issue. One, small issue.

    In the fighting between the Goblin Holds and the Blood Sea, the agent of Wrath infiltrated the Goblin's Mage Guild and stole this secret. They undoubtedly shared it amongst themselves and have sent their own forces within the Goblin Holds to take and hold it. So that very same army of golems could be used against the Queen's Blades, and against the Goblin Holds, rather than for it. Not to mention, an underground gateway to hell could be quite problematic to destroy. One would imagine burying them would do the trick, but as it turns out, they would probably just dig through the rubble.

    Troubling, isn't it.

    The Goblin Hold's own Mages Guild have also determined that there is something of ancient power living within the ancient mechanical superstructure. They cannot determine what it is, only that it is neither good or evil, it is perhaps even outright amoral. Meaning that there might be a powerful spirit down there that could serve you, or the demons.

    So, Emperor Xixis humbly requests that, now that you have more information, you pay attention to the Goblin Holds now. Please?

    Consequence: Cultists allied to the Nine Hells will take over an ancient mass-manufacturing, abandoned Mechanist city that will spitfire Golems made of pure, puppy-kicking evil. Nonstop. If this happens, you can be sure that Emperor Xixis will withdraw from the Queen's Blades entirely, focusing solely on his own country.

    • None. Most of the Goblin Holds are currently working on rebuilding the capital and mending their wounded. You will be on your own. Though, it should be noted, the Goblin Holds do have skilled alchemists, and could likely spare a few explosives to create small cave-ins and other such goods, which may help for countless reasons.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Medium.
    Corruption: Medium.
    Mage's Guild Presence: No. Local state-sponsored guild of Goblin Mages present.
    Current State: Moderate.
    Demon Agents Detected: The Goblins believe so, though this might contradict information given in the Liveria mission unless another demon agent took their place, which is a possibility. Of course, it's also a possibility that they're lying to plead for your help...
  • Request: Rashad has discovered a once in a lifetime opportunity. The kind of opportunity that can install a warlord for life if it succeeds. Rashad has found a way past the magical barrier that has prevented mortals from crossing it for over ten thousand years to the north. The one that leads to the frozen, snow-bitten wastelands which Kouri entered to seal off the Gods themselves at an ancient temple. As it turns out, that same ancient temple has a secret at its core, one which Rashad nearly paid his life to acquire: An ancient warrior, powerful. Extremely powerful. Likely on par with the most powerful warriors of the world. How powerful, you might ask?

    Try a Demigod. The kind that once engaged Llolth, the Drow Spider God, in armed combat, and won. The kind that is the only man known to have ever ridden a dragon. The kind that many royal families, including the Renaltan royal family, claim lineage from, even if there's no basis for it whatsoever. This is the son of the brother of the King of Gods: Dragonix, Slayer of Kings. He is the most powerful Archangel to have ever lived, and he would side with mortals in a heart beat to defeat the Nine Hells, as stories tell of his banishment from the Heavens for dying their holy will many thousands of years ago.

    It is possible his untapped power is what allowed Kouri to banish the Gods in the first place, as he is the beating magical heart of the indestructible temple she used to banish them.

    Acquiring this warrior would be a humongous boon, and would show the Free Hold warlords that Rashan is perhaps the greatest warlord to have ever lived. There is only one problem: The time window for achieving this is small, as the magical barrier fluxuates in strength only once every few years. This is one of those time windows. The party will have two days to travel in, one day to free Dragonix, and two days to travel back at a rapid pace.

    Be sure to pack your snow shoes. The Free Holds will sell them to you, for the low, low price of twenty gold dukats.

    Consequence: Rashad spent a great deal of time, money, and favours accruing this. It will make him look the fool and weaken his political standing. It's quite likely that failure to take this mission will result in the Nine Hells reestablishing a Deimos-like figure, only this time, they'll be sure to move in and take out the competition quickly. That is: Rashad is fairly certain that if this fails, he will die, and Renalta's only powerful friend in the Free Holds, keeping them away from the Nine Hells, dies too. Dragonix, Slayer of Kings, will be lost to the frozen north for many more years to come.

    • Caravan: There is an expedition heading north with the party. They're there to feed you, clothe you, and guide you to where the ancient temple is. This includes several dozen caravan guards.
    • Warlord Tina: Tina has sworn to get this done herself to improve the credibility of Rashan's incredulous claim. She's a competent gladiatorial fighter, having scrapped her way to a warlord position in the first place. Don't expect her to fight suicide for you, but she won't betray you for gold either, seeing the bigger picture in all of this.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.
    Corruption: Very low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.
    Current State: Very good.
    Demon Agents Detected: Yes.

    Rashad will just have to try and survive on his own, as the Queen's Blades have decided on other tasks.
  • Request: As everyone knows, the Drow and Dwarves don't trust each other now that the Drow believe the Dwarves stole the Spider Queen crown. It is, in fact, quite plausible due to how Dwarven society works. The Dwarves have proposed a final solution to prove their loyalty to the alliance however, and that is thus: Destroy the Mindflayers.

    The Mindflayers are a seemingly malevolent race that often only communicate with the Drow to purchase slaves. Otherwise, they merely prey on caravans and dwarven mining expeditions to cannibalize their corpses, and suck out the knowledge of their minds to add to their great hive's brain. The great hive brain is essentially how it sounds: A giant brain that houses the knowledge of the mindflayers. This same brain gives the mindflayers an edge in magic and intelligence. Thus destroying it will render the cohesion of the mindflayers moot. This is possible susceptible to demon corruption as well.

    The Dwarves will throw a full company at this effort, and the Drow seem receptive towards ending this threat once and for all.

    If this threat isn't destroyed, the Drow will have no reason to believe the Dwarves to be either competent or loyal in their eyes and will terminate the alliance. The Dwarves, thus, need the aid of the Queen's Blades: This threat has to end, or the Coalition will end.

    Consequence: The Underdark Coalition collapses out of the Drow's lack of faith for their allies. This will likely mean that the Drow and Dwarves will each respectively go at each other's throats though there won't likely be an outright declaration of war, and one of them may turn to the Nine Hells for favours. They'll become independent factions that will make independent requests of the Queen's Blades, spreading already thin resources even thinner than they are.

    • Dwarven War Company: Dwarves do love loot, and they do love war. Call these tiny armoured juggernauts into battle for plentiful comments about bosoms and battle. Keep in mind that once called in, any area they are fighting in will become a war stricken nightmare that will be extremely dangerous to navigate. They can be brought to the fight with a war horn, which one of your companions will carry.
    • Drow Assassins: Elite assassins that can take out or distract guards. While in a straight on fight they will lose hard, they can draw attention away to give you an opening, or ambush enemies attacking you. This includes luring enemies into a Dwarven War Company.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Low.
    Corruption: Low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: No.
    Current State: Good.
    Demon Agents Detected: ???.

    Queen Kouri stepped in on behalf of the Queen's Blades and has burned bridges to prevent a dire mistake.
  • Request: A small demon portal has opened in southern Tuleria, leading to widespread panic. The Lizardmen uprisings throughout Tuleria are likely in part caused by this demon portal and its corrupting influences. If it isn't close, it's going to keep spreading corruption, and will likely overwhelm large sections of Tuleria with a mix of demons, and the undead to the south.

    Quite frankly, if this isn't stopped here, Tuleria as a nation will be forced into a last stand situation, and will be useless in the larger battles ahead against the Nine Hells.

    Therefore, High King Boann formally requests the aid of the Queen's Blades in destroying this portal. Liveria has spared a few witch hunters to help. Tulerian and Renaltan soldiers will be present to assist with the brunt of the fighting. To close this demon gate will thankfully not take too much power, a single mage at its base should be able to infuse raw mana into it and destroy it. Any mage will do, so long as they have at least basic control of magic power. (Raw Talent: Rank 1 or better.) Should the party lack a mage, Janelle will offer one of her elite mages to your service.

    Consequence: Millions will die and a visible, world-rotting corrruption will begin to spread outward from the portal. Tuleria as a nation will collapse into a shell of its former self.

    • Liverian Witch Hunters: Liverian Witch Hunters are elite slayers of the supernatural. They can help protect you on your final approach to the demon gate, and can be summoned with magic to your current location. They will stay out of the fighting until you're ready for the final charge.
    • Tulerian Buccaneers: Expert duellists who often carry pistols. Lightly armoured and perform poorly in formation-based combat, preferring to pick out individual targets from the horde. They will fight to the death for you.
    • Renaltan Soldiers: Sword & Shield mainstays, with some crossbowmen for support. These few thousand strong will hold the line and keep the demons at bay for as long as possible.
    • Triumvirate Leaders: High King Boann and Archmage Janelle, the two remaining surviving Triumvirate leaders, will be participating in the battle leading a elite royal guard and elite mage protectors each respectively.
    • Marcela Adriana Otis: The leading admiral of the fleet, she was the trusted confidant of Varro before he fell to represent his interests in Renalta. She will directly lead the troops. There is a high likelihood of her demise. Should she survive, she will likely bring balance back to the Triumvirate as a respected military leader.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Currently being invaded.
    Corruption: Low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: Yes.
    Current State: Moderate.
    Demon Agents Detected: Yes.
  • Request: We wish to contribute Our resources. We cannot do that While still deprived of bodies for war force. We require bodies, organic puppets. We have alternate source for bodies than the living. We only have one chance: Tulerian war alarmingly destructive over individual losses! We can destroy the Lich that poisons their land. With it dead, We can take its many thousands of bodies. This will help Tulerian Tribe recover quickly. This will help Us. This will help Queen's Blades, as We won't then have to use your bodies instead. As thanks, We would allow you to tell Us what targets threaten your tribes.

    Translation: The Lich that has been corrupting and poisoning the southern section of Tuleria's lands for many ages, that has many tens of thousands of undead warriors at his command, can be slain permanently by the Blood Sea's methods. In doing so, the Blood Sea will acquire their bodies for its uses--likely more than enough for the coming conflict. They appear to be threatening to take our bodies by force if we do not comply with their request. This would provide a robust, potent force that can arrive to aid any faction surrounding the Blood Sea, with their promise that they would use it at our request.

    Consequence: The Blood Sea will start taking living bodies without permission, likely infuriating and harming surrounding nations. The corrupted Lich will remain at large, continuing to throw its forces in attacking Tuleria even if the demon gate is closed.

    • Speaker Brent: We will send Him as Diplomat to you for The Choir, as. . . . . . . Translator.
    • Linked Legion: Fifty of Us, linked by two Undead. Can fight, can lure Lich out to fight. Individuals then destroy its body, We reprise its soul into the Choir, therefore killing it once and for all.

    Kingdom Condition
    Demon Invasion Potential: Very low.
    Corruption: Very low.
    Mage's Guild Presence: No. Whether this is even possible is a good question.
    Current State: Good.
    Demon Agents Detected: ???. Whether this is even possible is a good question.

    The Blood Sea's warning goes unheeded by the Queen's Blades. They will likely not take kindly to this.

*Demon agent has survived previous round and succeeded at their corruption tasks, they're likely stronger than they were before as a result. Beware direct confrontation unless you can bring numbers, excellent teamwork, or the element of surprise to your side...


Kingdom of Renalta
  1. Murderok. ( @Kadaeux )
  2. Zinnarath Corsys. ( @Jorick )
  3. Sheriff Cennick "Cen" Greenborough. ( @Snakey )
  4. Valkujra. ( @Fijoli )
  5. Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair. ( @Limeypanda )
  6. Mikan.
  7. NPC Companion 2

The Imperium/The Amazons
  1. Elrithos "Sand Runner". ( @Rain of the Night )
  2. Sonia. ( @Atlas Child )
  3. Doctor Steven "S" Adian Gremlock. ( @Maxim )
  4. Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol. ( @Chrononaut )
  5. Slot 5
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

Kingdom of Rheinfeld
  1. Slot 1
  2. Slot 2
  3. Slot 3
  4. Slot 4
  5. Slot 5
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

Kingdom of Liveria
  1. Kasim Amibilus. ( @Jorick )
  2. Elrbetrt Westfeld. ( @Fubuki )
  3. Laenaia. ( @Alphakoka )
  4. Rayvon Krayvitch. ( @Tempest )
  5. Draza Zorya. ( @Elendra )
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

The Goblin Holds
  1. Daevon van de Scathis Venderland. ( @Kadaeux )
  2. Esyllt Boudica. ( @Kestrel )
  3. Child.
  4. Maeven Lucre. ( @Tempest )
  5. Aslo. ( @Orion )
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

The Free Holds
  1. Slot 1
  2. Slot 2
  3. Slot 3
  4. Slot 4
  5. Slot 5
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

The Underdark Coalition
  1. Slot 1
  2. Slot 2
  3. Slot 3
  4. Slot 4
  5. Slot 5
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

The Kingdom of Tuleria
  1. Filomena Peláez; Nicknames: "Yoloyaotl" ( The One who has a Heart for War ) "Frankañaño" ( Forthright Friend ). ( @Elendra )
  2. Aeyr. ( @Holmishire )
  3. Protector Yuri. ( @Herzinth )
  4. Arkos Cernunnos. ( @Tempest )
  5. Slot 5
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2

The Choir (Blood Sea)
  1. Slot 1
  2. Slot 2
  3. Slot 3
  4. Slot 4
  5. Slot 5
  6. NPC Companion 1
  7. NPC Companion 2
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Ok. In my opinion.

The Goblin Holds: An enemy with access to potentially limitless numbers of Golems is as good, or even worse, than a demon invasion. Golems are much harder to kill than Imps.

Tuleria: It's under actual invasion by daemons through a daemon-gate. This needs to be stopped before it gets worse.

Choir: We REALLY don't want them to start taking bodies by force. The coalition has enough enemies without adding to their count.


Rheinfeld: This one simply doesn't have the impact of the remainder. While it WILL have an impact (Brovo's the GM guys, like it wouldn't) it is simply of the least consequence to all others here.

Free Holds: Ignoring this is almost a win-win. Rashad loses power, even dies. But again, it's impact is of less immediate consequence than the other missions.


Renalta: It's our power base and should be protected, and public confidence is important here. We should not lightly forsake them. If we must, then we must. But we cannot ignore Renalta's needs for long. Last time cost us Mikan's child, this will likely permanently cost us Dean.

Underdark: We really don't want to risk losing this, the potential for the enemy to gain a foothold and thus have unknown access to the surface across the entire continent is beyond a dangerous thing to consider. It's likely fatal.


Liveria: It's being attacked by a horde of Orcs being lead by a daemon. While dangerous it poses less imminent danger to the nations, as a whole, than the other missions and can be sacrificed for the greater good.

Imperium/Amazons: While it'd be nice to solidify such an alliance, it is not critical and IMO doesn't require the attentions of the Queens Blades at this time if another powerful party, such a Amanda or Sarah Darkhammer can be convinced to aid in the Blades stead.


Murd chooses to aid Renalta.

Daevon chooses to aid the Goblin Holds.
Laenaia to the Free Holds.
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