Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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If anyone wants to do some sort of collab post with Kasim or Zin that's set in Renalta before the Diplomatic Union meeting thing goes down, they're available. I've got plans for them for talking to important NPCs during actual meeting, so anything else there will have to wait until I can get collabs done with Brovo.
Upgrade Suggestion for Andrea:

General Traits:
Raw Talent Level 2
Wizened Level 2 (upgrade from apprentice, gains Earth Magic)
Fortitude Level 1

Dodge Level 2 (upgrade from slippery)

Elementalist Level 2, Andrea gains the ability to use her knowledge of elemental powers to summon lesser elementals of the elemental magic schools she knows about.
Snake Whip Level 2, Llolth favours her most loyal followers even more, adding two more animated snakes to her whip making it a whip with three separate 'strands' each a animated snake which can move independently to some degree (limited due to them being attached to a whip handle) and strike at a target with their fangs.
Snake Whip Level 3, the snake heads of Andrea's whip are now infused with poison of a magical kind (since they aren't really alive to generate poison in a natural fashion) which has a paralyzing effect, useful perhaps to neutralize a target to take prisoner, or kill them. A small amount of poison will paralyze someone affected by it over time, depending on their mass and how fast the poison spreads throughout the body from where it was delivered. Too much of the poison will however not only paralyze the target but also make the target stop breathing as the lungs will stop functioning and the heart will pump slower and slower till it just... stops.


Upgrade Suggestion for Ceann:

General Traits:
Magic Section:
Raw Talent Rank 1 (see special elemental arrows Rank 2)

Light Section:
Sharp (rank 1), Investigator (rank 2) upgrade to Rank 3 ?
Rapid Blows/Fire Rank 2 ?
Stealthy Rank 2 ?

Elemental Arrows Rank 2: In her most recent adventure Ceann had asked Andrea several times to enhance/boost her elemental arrows to greater effect, the results of such were nothing but awe inspiring to her, a simple fire arrow exploding into a small fireball while a lightning arrow set loose a small arc of lightning. Andrea was unwilling or would simply not always be there to keep doing so however, but she did manage to unlock some magical potential hidden within Ceann which allowed her to focus her now awakened innate talent to boost/overcharge her arrows to such effect without Andrea's assistance. (Raw Talent taken to make this special possible)

Shadowstep Rank 2: With further practice she has managed to use small cracks in walls and the cracks between a door and the wall or floor to shadowstep through those to the other side.

Shadowstep Rank 3: Ceann has mastered her abilities and is able to shadowstep without having to fear about sudden dizziness, her vision being affected or other negative effects of such a nature. Abusing the power by using it too much will tire her out still however.
No idea why Iwaku stops giving me alerts to my subbed threads periodically. Also, Brovi, in my last post sorry for assuming the aftermath of the mission, I was just trying to use filler for my post.

Upgrades for Mars

Upgrading Dodge to rank 3
Upgrading Rapid Blows to rank 3
Upgrading sharp to rank 2

adding two points to Botanist, also reworking the trait

Rank 1: allows mars to use the following potions- **At any rank only two potions can be used per mission, and the potions must be added to inventory before my first post in that mission**

Numbing - Numbs the nerves of the user, useful for easing wounds or the ability to resist pain in a fight, however the potion does not actually do anything to improve or prevent wounds so caution is advised.

Turn Stomach - A tasteless liquid that, when ingested, causes the user to vomit profusely. Useful if something poisonous has been consumed.

Rank 2:

Remedy: A potion which can be used to fight venomous toxins in the body. The potions resulting effect is up to GM discretion.

Dragon's Tongue Powder: A powder which can be blown into an opponents eyes to cause extreme swelling and irritation, severely hampering vision. The powder is susceptible to the wind however, so its entirely possible to backfire.

Rank 3:

Datura Extract: A poison when can be applied to a weapon and causes the central nervous system to shut down when entering the bloodstream. It's effectiveness depends on dosage and targets resistance to the plant as determined by GM.

Ambrosium Essence: Another toxin that when consumed causes severe hallucination, impaired motor movement and dissociation. The toxin isn't fatal but has long lasting effects, making it useful for subduing a target or generally just giving yourself a groovy experience. Tribes across the ocean use such a potion for shamanistic purposes.

and adding one point to Opportunistic
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No idea why Iwaku stops giving me alerts to my subbed threads periodically. Also, Brovi, in my last post sorry for assuming the aftermath of the mission, I was just trying to use filler for my post.

Upgrades for Mars

Upgrading Dodge to rank 3
Upgrading Rapid Blows to rank 3
Upgrading sharp to rank 2

adding two points to Botanist, also reworking the trait

Rank 1: allows mars to use the following potions- **At any rank only one potion can be used per mission, and the potion must be added to inventory before my first post in that mission**

Numbing - Numbs the nerves of the user, useful for easing wounds or the ability to resist pain in a fight, however the potion does not actually do anything to improve or prevent wounds so caution is advised.

Turn Stomach - A tasteless liquid that, when ingested, causes the user to vomit profusely. Useful if something poisonous has been consumed.

Rank 2:

Remedy: A potion which can be used to fight venomous toxins in the body. The potions resulting effect is up to GM discretion.

Dragon's Tongue Powder: A powder which can be blown into an opponents eyes to cause extreme swelling and irritation, severely hampering vision. The powder is susceptible to the wind however, so its entirely possible to backfire.

Rank 3:

Datura Extract: A poison when can be applied to a weapon and causes the central nervous system to shut down when entering the bloodstream. It's effectiveness depends on dosage and targets resistance to the plant as determined by GM.

Ambrosium Essence: Another toxin that when consumed causes severe hallucination, impaired motor movement and dissociation. The toxin isn't fatal but has long lasting effects, making it useful for subduing a target or generally just giving yourself a groovy experience. Tribes across the ocean use such a potion for shamanistic purposes.

and adding one point to Opportunistic

So, my characters should avoid him at all costs :p
Minstrols's General Trait Upgrade:

Stealth 3
Dodge 1

Minstrol's Unique Trait Upgrade:

Knows a guy who knows a guy upgrade: Black Market (Rank 2) - Minstrol has gained contacts in the Black Market and is able to sell off goods to Fences therein and acquire mission acquisitions from the market if located.

New Unique: It's Only a Violin Mister! - With a desire to smuggle illegal goods into Renalta, Minstrol has found a way to sneak improbably large objects around. Ability to smuggle large objects such as broadswords, spears, and violins in all likelyhood beneath cloak convincingly and by relation smaller objects.
I have spent some time thinking on and off for awhile now, and I have come to the hard decision that I will be withdrawing from LoR. It has been a large experience of my life. I have grown with it and seen it grow in turn. I have seen faces come and go... And ultimately, I cannot express just how much it has impacted me and given me something to delve into and lose myself in through some of the lows of my life... But I regreattably have been finding it harder and harder to post, as of no one's fault. It has grown to become a bit of a chore to me, and unfortunately, it brings me to post thinga of lesser quality than this roleplay and my time ought warrant. If I am to be a part of this, I realize that I should not be drudging along with the bare minimum. No one deserves that.

I thank you all for this experience and all you have contributed to this game and this wold. It would not be what it would today without all of you who have ever contributed to it. This includes both LoR of old and the current incarnation. You have been wonderful and it is awe-inspiring to see what you have all done within this realm.

But now, I must take my leave. Perhaps it is a matter of simply needing to detox for a time and come back with a freshened heart, mind and outlook as towards the entire experience. If that be the case, I will come back, perhaps, at a later date. I hope that Robert will hold my characters in reserve and not do anything extreme with them, but if he truly feels it necessary, I understand that I have brought it on by taking leave from this project and he cannot halt the story for anyone.

All this said, I wish you all the best of luck and that you continue to enjoy this experience for what it is. I am sorry if my decision to withdraw impacts any of you in any way, it is not my intention. Have fun. Quest on. Renalta Lives Forever. *tips hat*
More character reviews & other stuff



Protector (Rank 2): Having grown to know your armour like it's a second skin, you've learned the second step to defending yourself in armour: How to lock an enemy down. When an enemy attempts to attack you, there is a solid chance that you will disable or break their weapon, or at the very least disrupt their combo giving you or someone else an opening to attack. (Weapon deflection and combo disruption.)


Investigator (Rank 2): Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).)


Pain is a Disease (Rank 3): Wounds that would normally cause you to flinch instead do nothing. The damage is still there, but whether you've even registered it is arguable. (Pain can no longer be factored against your character—they can fight through it perfectly.)

KEEP FIGHTING! (Rank 4): More than once you've fallen down, more than once you've been told to stay down. More than once you've gotten back up regardless, spat your blood in their surprised face, and struck them down. (You can shrug off one significant wound per mission and survive with it, though it may still slow you down.)

Vorpal Talent: Approved. Though I'll have you know, I'll bleed on you!
Renaltan Knowledge: Approved.
Hard Headed: Approved. Keep in mind that magical spells that cause these effects will be harder to resist without the fortitude trait.





Occam's Razor (Rank 3): "The simplest answer is usually the truth." When confronting someone with a theory, if all or part of the theory is true, even deceptive characters will typically give a conversational 'tell' saying so, whether or not they verbally confirm it. (Truthful accusations are easily confirmed.)

Focus (Rank 4): Continual honing and focusing of one's mind typically extends into other facets of life, and this character can focus on a specific task to ensure it gets done right. On the flip side, they do this at the sacrifice of peripherals. (Can focus on an action intently to gain bonuses on any action, however all other actions for that round aren't as effective. This translates to things like guaranteed critical hits at the cost of dodge potential in a counter-attack.)


Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)


Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)

Gods' Honest Truth: Approved. Obviously though, some characters will take to his bragging better than others. This hasn't changed. :ferret:
Archer's Form: Approved.
Archer's Figure: Approved, Gaston. :rotfl:



(Note: Title error for raw talent being the title twice. Fixed.)


Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.
(Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)

Overwhelm (Rank 3): There are rare moments with spellcasting when a mage has absolute clarity, and in these moments, spells you cast have added, unintentionally beneficial effects. (Upon critical hit with magic, additional beneficial effects are granted at random, at no cost to you.)


Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)


Wells of Power (Rank 1): Having been born with this talent or having artificially acquired it later on in life, you've connected your mind and soul to the five ethereal Wells of Power, the sources of all magic. You can subtly feel nearby mages and places of magical power, though this isn't precise yet. The more powerful it is, the more likely you will detect it. (Basics of detecting magic and mages.)

Supernatural Allure (Diana Vamp Rank 3): An almost surreal beautiful quality surrounds this vampire with their pale soft skin & strange eyes, and they can use it to cause enemies to hesitate or convince people of their friendly nature. The more times the Vampire uses this power in a mission, the greater the blood cost becomes. It's alarmingly more effective when used with other deception-type powers, though that also increases the blood cost.
Illusion Savant: Approved.
Tunnel Vision: Approved.





Occam's Razor (Rank 3): "The simplest answer is usually the truth." When confronting someone with a theory, if all or part of the theory is true, even deceptive characters will typically give a conversational 'tell' saying so, whether or not they verbally confirm it. (Truthful accusations are easily confirmed.)

Focus (Rank 4): Continual honing and focusing of one's mind typically extends into other facets of life, and this character can focus on a specific task to ensure it gets done right. On the flip side, they do this at the sacrifice of peripherals. (Can focus on an action intently to gain bonuses on any action, however all other actions for that round aren't as effective. This translates to things like guaranteed critical hits at the cost of dodge potential in a counter-attack.)

Supernaturally Aware (Rank 5): Paying attention to the smallest of details and putting it into the largest of schemes, this makes it nearly impossible for others to surprise you. After all, you saw that coming two moves ago. Checkmate. (This character can no longer be surprised by an attack, and their ability to detect stealth units with malicious intent towards them increases greatly.)


Playing Dirty (Rank 2): Knowing that your life is more important than any sort of codifier of honour, you've picked up on using the environment to your advantage. Throwing dirt or sand in opponent's faces, biting someone's neck when grappled or spitting into their eyes, et cetera. (Tools of escape to temporarily blind or distract are more effective.)

Don't. Hurt. Draza: Approved.
Battle Preparedness Aura 1 & 2: Approved. Be aware that others, especially the clever and magically inclined, will spot this and make her a priority target as a result.

It's your custom. You can upgrade it however you please.




HOLD! (Rank 3): Through a mix of strength training and knowledge of how to defy basic physics, you can render Newton's Third Law inert on the defence. This gives you the chance to absorb a blow that, by all rights, should send you off your feet. (Self-explanatory effect.)

REPEL! (Rank 4): When on the defence, you aren't helpless, and can push your way through opponents. Even opponents who are larger than you will find themselves troubled to stop you from shoving them back. After all, if an enemy is recovering from a shove, they're not able to hit you, or your allies. Opponents who have their combos broken by you are guaranteed to be knocked onto their backs or dazed. (Bonuses to shoving opponents back, eliminates penalties against larger targets unless they're significantly larger, such as being ten times your mass.)


Take em' (Rank 2): You've upgraded from practising against target dummies to practising against living targets, sparring partners. Back and forth for hours, you've learned the harsh lesson that victory goes not necessarily to the person who hits the hardest, but the one who remains standing when all is said and done. (Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.)


Fortitude (Rank 1): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)

Combat Positioning: Approved.
Stalwart Tulerian: Pick either Humanoids or Non-Humanoids. (Undead will be counted under Humanoids.) It's a little too broad to count it to basically anything that lives. :ferret:
Excellent Soldier: Approved.




Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

Kick, Bite, Spit (Rank 3): You've an uncanny knack for spotting escapes nobody even knew existed, and exploiting unorthodox tactics to escape. These range from escaping a grapple by undoing the strings of an assailant's pants, to craning your neck so an otherwise deadly strike will instead only knick you. The more lethal the attack, the more likely your character will, by instinct, escape. (Escaping from unfavourable situations, often in unorthodox manners, and often as an instinctive reaction rather than a trained action.)


Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.)


Rapid Blows (Rank 1): Sometimes, it's just better to hit something several times in quick succession, instead of trying to hit something really, really hard, and you understand this. Though you aren't too good at hitting specifically vital points with it yet, or keeping it up for very long. In the case of ranged weapons, one takes a hit to accuracy in exchange for increased fire rate. (Basics of attacking rapidly in an effective manner.)

Mechanist Bloodline: ? (If you want me to roll this for you, let me know. There are a series of traits for Mechanists but you can customize it too.)
Unstable Concoctions: Unfinished, so obviously not approved yet. :ferret:
Mechanist's Weapon: Approved. (Interesting way to marry rapid fire & heavy shot.)


@Rain of the Night


Oh, my bad. :ferret:

Also, I'd like to apologize for snapping at you. I was grumpy, but it's no excuse to treat you poorly just because your customs need a little work.


Take em' (Rank 2): You've upgraded from practising against target dummies to practising against living targets, sparring partners. Back and forth for hours, you've learned the harsh lesson that victory goes not necessarily to the person who hits the hardest, but the one who remains standing when all is said and done. (Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.)

I'll give you a bonus, change difficult environments from "as much" to "have no effect on Elrithos". He can fight equally on any battleground, that works fine, and it makes sense with his race.

For the last point, here's a couple suggestions.
  • Something to do with being one of the last of his people, increasing his survivability in some manner. (Dodging, health via determination, et cetera.)
  • Something to do with teamwork as Elrithos has little to incentive him to work with others. Maybe a bonus to flanking for himself and/or others as he likely fought in groups back when he was a desert nomad?

Also, if you want to do a collab to develop your character, let me know. He is probably dealing with the loss of his people, after all. There are also the political collab options available.




Raw Talent (Rank 1): After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)

Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.


Awakened Meditation (Rank 1): Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)


Protector (Rank 2): Having grown to know your armour like it's a second skin, you've learned the second step to defending yourself in armour: How to lock an enemy down. When an enemy attempts to attack you, there is a solid chance that you will disable or break their weapon, or at the very least disrupt their combo giving you or someone else an opening to attack. (Weapon deflection and combo disruption.)

Mage Hunter: Approved.
Mage Slayer: Approved.
Ios, Shield of the Disruptors: Slight adjustment, make it go from "sustains 3 magic hits" to 1. You can upgrade its capacity to take hits later, since you can keep refreshing it between multiple fights in a single mission.




Protector (Rank 2): Having grown to know your armour like it's a second skin, you've learned the second step to defending yourself in armour: How to lock an enemy down. When an enemy attempts to attack you, there is a solid chance that you will disable or break their weapon, or at the very least disrupt their combo giving you or someone else an opening to attack. (Weapon deflection and combo disruption.)


Smash n' Grab (Rank 2): Atop of charging brutishly like some kind of avalanche of death you've clued in that if you can grapple your opponent, or hit them specifically in a way to daze them or knock away their weapon, you'll then have a much easier time with introducing them to whatever entity they consider divine. Such as your warhammer, or crossbow. (On successfully charging into someone, you have a chance of disarming them, grappling them, pinning them, or stunning them, depending on what their size is and whether or not they're wielding a weapon, and have a greater chance of avoiding harm while charging into someone or something.)


Pain is a Disease (Rank 3): Wounds that would normally cause you to flinch instead do nothing. The damage is still there, but whether you've even registered it is arguable. (Pain can no longer be factored against your character—they can fight through it perfectly.)

KEEP FIGHTING! (Rank 4): More than once you've fallen down, more than once you've been told to stay down. More than once you've gotten back up regardless, spat your blood in their surprised face, and struck them down. (You can shrug off one significant wound per mission and survive with it, though it may still slow you down.)

We of the Westfelds 2: Approved.
We of the Westfelds 3: Approved. (Insert horse riding jokes here.)
Sightless Mind 3: Approved.



Gift of Longevity III: Approved. Keep in mind that she can self heal to ease the crippling or heal her target after the fact to bring them back from more than just being stabilized.




Take em' (Rank 2): You've upgraded from practising against target dummies to practising against living targets, sparring partners. Back and forth for hours, you've learned the harsh lesson that victory goes not necessarily to the person who hits the hardest, but the one who remains standing when all is said and done. (Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.)

Wolff's Law (Rank 3): In Rheinfeld, constant training in heavy armour is rumoured to make one's bones more resistant to damage. Taking this to heart, you've intentionally trained with heavy weights on your limbs. This has had more than its intended effects, perhaps being superior to simply training in armour. (Bones are denser and have a greater chance to survive blows that would dislocate or break them, character has greater lifting power when not moving.)


Protector (Rank 2): Having grown to know your armour like it's a second skin, you've learned the second step to defending yourself in armour: How to lock an enemy down. When an enemy attempts to attack you, there is a solid chance that you will disable or break their weapon, or at the very least disrupt their combo giving you or someone else an opening to attack. (Weapon deflection and combo disruption.)


Charmless (Rank 2): Sometimes, you meet people who offer you the world. Sometimes, they use magic to try and help make their opinions clear. This gives you a greater chance of detecting and resisting more subtle charms that others may try to put you under, such as hypnosis or other tricks of the senses and mind. (Self-explanatory.)

Chainhold's Second Lesson: Approved.
The Kiss of the Chains: Approved.
You Bastard!: Approved. You CIS-Gendered slaving scumlord! *Shakes fist*




Power Draw (Rank 2): Regularly pushing to their limits, this character has grown more intimate with their usage of magic, and has surpassed the limits of apprentice spell casters. Given momentary preparation, they can hit someone with the utmost of their capabilities.(Increased spell power, can now spend a post overcharging a spell to use in the next post)


Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.)


Fortitude (Rank 1): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)


Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

Elementalist: Approved.
Snake Whip 2: Approved, and nasty weapon there. I love the theme. :ferret:
Snake Whip 3: Approved. Keep in mind that when others notice the weapon paralyzing their friends, their likelihood to target you will rapidly increase.




Raw Talent (Rank 1): After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)


Investigator (Rank 2): Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).)

Occam's Razor (Rank 3): "The simplest answer is usually the truth." When confronting someone with a theory, if all or part of the theory is true, even deceptive characters will typically give a conversational 'tell' saying so, whether or not they verbally confirm it. (Truthful accusations are easily confirmed.)


Counter-Attack (Rank 2): After being interrupted countless times, you've gotten tired of allowing your opponents to attack you without consequence and have thus trained to prevent such occurrences. (When attacked, there are no penalties to dodging and attacking at the same time. If you fail to dodge an attack or the attack misses without dodging, you gain a bonus chance to pierce a target's armour instead.)


Playing Dirty (Rank 2): Knowing that your life is more important than any sort of codifier of honour, you've picked up on using the environment to your advantage. Throwing dirt or sand in opponent's faces, biting someone's neck when grappled or spitting into their eyes, et cetera. (Tools of escape to temporarily blind or distract are more effective.)

Elemental Arrows: Approved. You don't need apprentice when applying magical effects to your weapon only. If you keep levelling up raw talent, the magical effects in elemental arrows will grow too.
Shadowstep 2: Approved.
Shadowstep 3: Approved. Keep in mind that if she's attacked moments after appearing, she will be caught off guard as though it were a surprise attack unless directly facing a target she shadowsteps towards or away from.


@Atlas Child

Nice to see you're still around mate. Hope this means you're doing better. :ferret:


Kick, Bite, Spit (Rank 3): You've an uncanny knack for spotting escapes nobody even knew existed, and exploiting unorthodox tactics to escape. These range from escaping a grapple by undoing the strings of an assailant's pants, to craning your neck so an otherwise deadly strike will instead only knick you. The more lethal the attack, the more likely your character will, by instinct, escape. (Escaping from unfavourable situations, often in unorthodox manners, and often as an instinctive reaction rather than a trained action.)


Counter-Attack (Rank 2): After being interrupted countless times, you've gotten tired of allowing your opponents to attack you without consequence and have thus trained to prevent such occurrences. (When attacked, there are no penalties to dodging and attacking at the same time. If you fail to dodge an attack or the attack misses without dodging, you gain a bonus chance to pierce a target's armour instead.)

Multi-Shot (Rank 3): Atop revenge, there's another satisfying effect to honing your ability to attack with flurries of blows. In melee, you can attack multiple times in a single round without penalty, and with a suitable ranged weapon (not firearms or crossbows) you can fire up to 3 shots simultaniously, or throw two weapons at the same time. For firearms and crossbows, you instead can fire and reload in the same round without penalty. (Self-explanatory.)


Investigator (Rank 2): Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).)

Botanist 1: Approved. Keep in mind, add that you can apply Turn Stomach to a weapon. Makes sense, it's effective as a poison too.
Botanist 2: Approved.
Botanist 3: Approved.
Opportunist: ? (Any new effect or is it just upgrading the same effect?)



You still have one more general trait point. (You already had stealthy, so it cost you two points to get the next two ranks, and one point to get dodge. Meaning you have one point left of four.)


Playing Dirty (Rank 2): Knowing that your life is more important than any sort of codifier of honour, you've picked up on using the environment to your advantage. Throwing dirt or sand in opponent's faces, biting someone's neck when grappled or spitting into their eyes, et cetera. (Tools of escape to temporarily blind or distract are more effective.)

Blend (Rank 3): What do you not want to happen when you're pilfering something? Being spotted. Hiding is nice and all, but sometimes you've realized, the best hiding spots are in plain sight... (Character's clothing chameleons to the environment with natural dyes, lowers the odds of enemies spotting you both in and out of combat.)


Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

Black Market: I'm going to save you some pain and tell you that missions come from Kouri & the Diplomatic Union. Fencing goods to the black market is largely irrelevant as a skill as well, presumable you can do that by default. Make something else.
It's Only a Violin Mister!: Approved, humorously. Keep in mind that the especially suspicious and skeptical may not buy it.


If I missed a character, let me know. If you edited a previous post, that would be why. Make sure to link it and remind me here in the OOC since I know some of you weren't finished with traits. :ferret:


Regarding @Tempest leaving the RP,
  1. Tempest's characters will be set to inactive and since they're back at the base, won't die. They'll be there if she decides to come back. Besides, I know she'd prefer I not kill them, and we're long time friends, so I'm happy to comply.
  2. The Kingdom of Tuleria will undergo a few revisions so I can get a better feel for it. Core characters and the like will remain, so don't worry about any of your lores being invalidated. If anything, I plan on spicing it up a bit, and maybe giving them some Spanish/Moorish culture... :ferret:
  3. Missions might be delayed an extra couple days subsequently so I can do some planned expansions and revisions of Tulerian lore.

In the meantime, @Kadaeux remains a co-GM as before. Everybody wish @Tempest well, hopefully she can come back. If not, well, it's been fun, and I wish you a merry life!


Information in the main OOC post will get updated shortly after missions are posted. Still have to restructure the traits section so it's cleaner, primarily by eliminating the spoiler tag. :ferret:
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@Brovo just a couple of things.

1) I did not start with dodge, so I only have rank 2, not rank 3 unfortunately. Hopefully all this running around the skill tree won't end up hurting me.

2) Any chance you could show me the roll on the Mechanist Bloodline before I decide? I'll probably say yes I just want to make sure it's not going to mess with another unique.

3) For the upgrade to Alchemist's Kit, I was actually planning on using an idea somebody had posted on making ludicrously dangerous substances. Problems I ran into were A) The technology to make said chemicals probably doesn't exist in Renalta (yet, gogo Steampunk Renalta 3?) and B) I'd never be able to store them. Right now I'm thinking about making a list of more chemical type stuff but if anyone has any input I'd be happy to hear it.

EDIT: Also @Tempest, I give thee well wishes.
If I missed a character, let me know. If you edited a previous post, that would be why. Make sure to link it and remind me here in the OOC since I know some of you weren't finished with traits.
Does it still count when you approved them out of site already? :ferret:

was actually planning on using an idea somebody had posted on making ludicrously dangerous substances.
I posted that with the purpose of planting the idea in our gobbo alchemist head after all. :v

Yeah man, i'm doing better. Also, my upgrade to Opportunist is just upgrading the same effect and I'll revise the Turn Stomach poison.

Also, I think everyone here shares my sentiments when I say I really appreciate your dedication to this RP. This is the only RP i've been able to stick with, and I think its due to how well you handle things as GM. It's also pretty nice knowing how stable it is, the sense of permanency lends itself to the fun factor.
Elrithos' Custom Upgrade:

Desert Raider Party Tactics (Rank I): The Aavikkanians have no shame in saying they raid merchants and caravans when the opportunity comes for them to gather supplies, especially after the Exile. And so, they have learned to work in close cooperation which each other to successfully strike enemies or strike back on other raiders attacking them.

+ When in combat with one or more allies versus no more than 2 enemies engaged in direct melee combat, Elrithos offers bonuses to his allies.


Also, Brovo, I can understand your frustration. You have told me before that adding so much would just render the modifications useless, which I should have realized.

All other modifications have been done in the sheets.
Amazons adopt family names based on their profession. Ergo, when Ethlinn became Queen of the Amazons, her family name changed from "princess" to "queen". However, naming nomenclature among the Amazons is reversed: The first name is last and the profession/family name is first. ex: Listener Unamo, Queen Ethlinn, et cetera.

... oh

Excuse me while I make a small edit to my CS.
And Abjaan is now striding through the Renaltan court, casually trying to earn the favour of one of the most dangerous women in the known world.


If anyone would like to talk with Abjaan, feel free to message me. He has been dismissed by the Valsharess, after all.
Upgrade Requests for Aslo:

Sharp (Rank 1): You've started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm's way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.)
--Investigator (Rank 2):
Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).)

Fortitude (Rank 1): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)

Take em' (Rank 2): You've upgraded from practising against target dummies to practising against living targets, sparring partners. Back and forth for hours, you've learned the harsh lesson that victory goes not necessarily to the person who hits the hardest, but the one who remains standing when all is said and done. (Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.)

Upgrade unique trait "Eyes and Ears" to Rank II
Ominous Reputation: Word has spread through several criminal organizations, if there's something you need done there's one man to contact that you can be sure will come through. That man of course is Aslo, and in the shady circles of the realm his name is well trusted, and feared. (Beings that deal with criminal organizations are likely to be intimidated if Aslo's name is mentioned. Crime bosses will more frequently contact him with jobs)

New unique traits -
Cross "T"s, Dot "I"s: Sometimes in the field of work in which Aslo works there is a requirement for orders or documents that need official seals or signatures. In his years of work Aslo has developed a keen skill for forging these things if he's seen it often enough, or if it isn't too complex. (Basics of forging documents and signatures)

Creative: A wise man once said that anything can be a weapon if you're holding it right, this saying holds true where Aslo is concerned. Whether it's a splintered piece of lumber, or an actual weapon that he's never used Aslo will find a way to make it work.
I wouldn't mind doing a collab with someone, or anyone. There are some NPCs I want to talk to still, but if anyone wants to meet there character up with mine i'm game. It doesn't have to be in the meeting room or whatever, it could be over a game of drunken dice, in the gardens, etc.

Other then a chance encounter with any of your characters, I imagine there are probably only a few people Mars would actively approach to talk to if he saw them, being Zin, Andrea, child or Aeyr, since Mars has been on a mission with them and knows them, but i'm fine with meeting new people =P

I think the last time I talked with Andrea she was trying to roast me alive, haha.
shameless self-promotion
Seeing as we're moving ahead to the next Mission Hub, I've started work on re-updating my Charbriefs! A couple sections have undergone significant reconstruction, and I'll probably continue efforts in that regard. (Still stumped about what to do with uniques, if anything.)

Now, without further ado, here are the trait upgrades for Aëyr.

Basic traits: Adding Charger, *Blend, Free Runner, and Playing Dirty.
  • Endurance Training
  • Charger
  • Acrobatic
    • Free Runner
  • Slippery
    • Dodge!
  • Stealthy
    • Playing Dirty
    • Blend

Unique Traits: Adding Plotting the Course, Reclaim and Recoil, and Ricochet.
  • Selkie. (Variety of underwater adaptations.)
  • Going the Distance. (Running speed and endurance.)
    • Going for Speed. (Better running speed and endurance.)
    • Burning Fast on an Empty Tank. (Decreased recovery time between sprints.)
  • Plotting the Course: Not only has she practised firing at moving targets, she has also mastered the art of a moving reference. Gone are the days where she must halt her chase to aim. (Just as good at aiming projectiles while running/swinging/whatever as when immobile.)
  • Reclaim and Recoil: When ammunition is scarce or the opponent better armed, an enemy's tool can serve just as well as an ally's. She has trained her reflexes beyond mere dodging to reclaiming the danger herself. (Chance to catch dodged projectiles.)
  • Ricochet: It can be useful to have a couple tricks at hand when a target is not directly in one's sights. (Can ricochet sling-shots off of walls, ceilings, or other nearby surfaces for a chance to hit targets behind cover.)

*EDIT: I had forgotten to fix it in that list, now fixed.
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