Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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More like see if you can survive long enough to live up to them.
Hey, hey, hey.

Blind positivity is the key to success. You never know, Maybe Cen will get a cushy administration job and live a long, fruitful life.
Hey, hey, hey.

Blind positivity is the key to success. You never know, Maybe Cen will get a cushy administration job and live a long, fruitful life.

It's a Brovo RP. Hoping someone will get a cushy administration job and live a long fruitful life is the equal to hoping you can have a jaunty waltz on the sun without burning to a crisp :p
It's a Brovo RP. Hoping someone will get a cushy administration job and live a long fruitful life is the equal to hoping you can have a jaunty waltz on the sun without burning to a crisp :p
If you're going to live on the sun you'll need a shit ton of sunscreen. In short, be prepared for the worst Snakey.

  • Biographical Section
    Name: Abjaar 'Bastille' Korsair
    Age: Twenty Nine
    Race: Human
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: A relatively handsome man, Abjaar is not completely typical of a Free Holder, in terms of appearance. He is tall, strong looking and far lighter in complexion than most of his nation. His father always explained that he inherited his fair skin from his mother, although he got his father's brown hair and muscular form. He stands at Six foot, four inches, and weighs in at an awful lot. His eyes are hazel coloured, and he has let his hair grow down to his neck. He sports a finely trimmed beard, kept controlled by a meticulous attention to detail.
    Homeland: The Free Holds is arguable the oldest nation still around, and is arguable hardly a nation at all. They are a series of city-states that hold to two creeds: That they shall only fight others when their own overall independence is threatened, and to keep trade as open as is possible. Infamously, they even deal in the slave trade, and monopolize the market at every opportunity. They have the most ingenious military save perhaps for the Goblin Holds, and boast the widest range of the finest assassins, mercenaries, and... "Physical Entertainers"...

    The entirety of their territory is desert, save for the northern front, which is a frozen wasteland cut off by a magical barrier that has not been penetrated in thousands of years. Not that they much care, for profit is the single reason this nation is united and exists for.

    Leadership is left to each hold's currently reigning warlord to decide. Again, infamous, the laws of one hold can change overnight with the warlord's sudden and unsurprising death. Followed up with the next one... And the next one... Some holds even place bets about how long the currently reigning warlord will live. After all, anything in the name of profit.

    The city architecture and overall culture is a mix-mash, with a dominant Arabic culture present, though hints of Latin can be seen in some of the oldest holds.

    Motivation: Abjaar strives to rule a land, like all of his family before him. He knows quite well that he lacks the oomph to claim a hold, so he hopes that the Queen's Blades can provide him what he needs to one day rule: That being friends in high places, allies, and the improved skills of a hero. Not that he'd miss an opportunity for adventure and romance, he would happily shack it down with a member of the Renaltan court.

  • History

    Born as the son of Lord Ezeel Korsair, of the Free Holds' city, Chainhold: Abjaar was born to one of the higher standards of living one might expect for a member of the Free Holds. He certainly had nothing to complain about, seeing as he wasn't born a slave. It would be dangerous, however, to assume that he was born with a silver spoon in life. The title of Warlord was responsible for that.

    Abjaar was the third son of the Korsair line, although only half-brother to his other two siblings. While his older two brothers had been born of Lord Ezeel's wife, he was the result of his father's paramour: A mysterious woman who left when Abjaar was young due to the dangerous life that Ezeel lived.

    Because he was considered illegitimate by all except lord Ezeel himself, Abjaar knew he had no real biological claim to the title of warlord of Chainhold. His two older brothers were radically different men, one being a bookish thinker and one being a violent warmonger. Abjaar managed to strike a healthy balance between the two: A man as much of words as he was of actions. He took to studies of all things that a Free Holdsman might need: economy, warfare, trade and business skills, all were weapons to be sharpened, to be wielded.

    His father lasted until his fifteenth birthday before finally passing on as Warlord. He had long outlived most people's expectations, and seemingly died in his sleep. The truth was much more…in line with the Free Hold's succession standards, as Ezeel Korsair was killed by poison. His oldest brother took the position as Warlord and, surprisingly, promoted his other older brother to a position as War leader. Abjaar, like many others, had expected the two brothers to fight within a year and end up with the second son on the throne, but the decision to uplift his brother at least brought the man a second year, in most people's bets.

    While his brothers ruled Chainhold, Abjaar continued to hone himself. He excelled at the craft of war, as well as the training of slaves and the economics of trading. He excelled with an Axe, more than anything else, and he started to ride out of Chainhold on the occasional slave hunts. From there, he learned to wield chains as a weapon.

    He learned and excelled with these chains as a second weapon, capturing slaves with ease and safety thanks to them and earning himself a name as the 'Warden.' For his skill in capturing prisoners was like that of a Warden. He took to the name, and also took to the training of slaves and the honing of his craft.

    For ten years, his brothers ruled in relative peace and quiet. There were few issues, and fewer still reasons for them to remember they had a brother. Abjaar kept mostly to himself, and the brothers kept busy ruling Chainhold. Things were good, until one night he was awoken with a start. A woman hovered over him in his bed, knife in hand and ready to kill him. He reacted on instinct, subduing the woman and forcing questions from her. Initially, in the dull light, he had not recognised the woman, but she was a slave that he had trained…A slave he had gifted to his older brother, as well. Abjaar 'convinced' the woman to return to her brother tomorrow, telling him of the done-deed.

    With the realisation that his brother was trying to kill him, Abjaar felt unease overtake his simple life. What had motivated his brother to try and remove him from the picture? There was little way to know. More importantly, was his second brother in league with him?

    Not willing to find out, Abjaar quickly suited himself into armour, and armed himself with both axe and chains. He stormed into his second brother's room and put an axe to his throat, demanding to know why he'd been ordered dead. Abjaar was surprised to see his brother with a male partner sharing his bed, but he cared little. His brother looked at him with only fear and confusion, and he felt satisfied that only the oldest of his kin saw Abjaar as a threat.

    He offered his second oldest brother an alliance. It would give his brother a place on the throne, and it awarded him an ally in taking out his oldest brother. They hatched a scheme, to slay the Warlord the next day. Abjaar would stay hidden and take out his oldest kin while the middle brother distracted him. Things went smoothly, until his older brother drew a sword, and the oldest lifted his hand. Magical power seemed to radiate from the open palm, and the middle brother was held aloft, like a ragdoll. Abjaar was surprised by the magical talent of his brother, but he saw an opportunity to strike. From the shadows, Abjaar lashed out with a chain, throttling his oldest brother and dragging him across the floor. There was surprise in his eyes, when he saw Abjaar alive. He had apparently believed the slave's sweet lie, and Abjaar brought his axe down.

    With the warlord dead, his second brother looked on in surprise and fear at the youngest kin. So callously had he cut down the oldest brother and yet so merciful, in that he spared waiting for the middle brother's inevitable murder. Abjaar threw the middle brother his older one's head. He smiled at his kin, telling him that he had no interest in the title of Warlord.

    …At least not yet.

    Abjaar raided his oldest brother's room, now that he was dead, and discovered a number of interesting items. Most notable amongst them was a hand written journal, scribed by his father. In it, he detailed the basics of magic, and those who might teach it to him. He found he had no real talent for magic, but the old man described in the book offered him something else: A way, not to cast magic, but to annul it.

    So for two years hence, Abjaar trained in the basics of Anti-magic from the old man. He revealed himself to be a long disgraced Templar, from before a time when the Gods had fled the world. He could only teach the basics of Anti-magic, but Abjaar was grateful for it. At a ripe age of Twenty-seven, people expected Abjaar to take the throne of Warlord.

    He was sadly beaten to the punch. A man outside the Korsair line took the throne in a violent coup. Abjaar was forced to fight for his life, and flee Chainhold so as not to be purged in the coup. He saved what he could: and rode out of the city with his armour, his weapons, and his father's books.

    With nowhere else to go, he wandered around the Free Holds, aimlessly trying to gather power and influence. He wanted to one day rule a land: Preferably Chainhold, but he wasn't a fussy man. He used his skills as a man catcher to earn himself a meagre living, and rebranded himself as Bastille: using the name more often than his own, as a shield against any potential assassins from the new lord of Chainhold.

    Soon enough, an offer was made to him by a Warlord from a different hold. Apparently, the Queen's Blades had made a call to arms. Abjaar saw an opportunity in such an organisation: Prestige, power, perhaps even a position on a much nicer land's court. The sky seemed to be the limit with the offer, and he accepted.

  • Traits & Equipment

    Your character has two facets to how they function in the world. The first is their general traits, the list of which you can find in this post, under chapter 3. The second is their two unique traits: These are ones you design. You can make them scalable, passive, active, or otherwise--it's entirely up to you. Just remember that you can grow unique traits over time, so you don't have to overpower them to begin with! You also get more of them as time goes on.

    General Traits
    • -Endurance Training (Rank 1): After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you're no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)
      --Take em' (Rank 2): You've upgraded from practising against target dummies to practising against living targets, sparring partners. Back and forth for hours, you've learned the harsh lesson that victory goes not necessarily to the person who hits the hardest, but the one who remains standing when all is said and done. (Blows which would normally daze or momentarily stun have a chance to be negated entirely.)
      ---Wolff's Law (Rank 3): In Rheinfeld, constant training in heavy armour is rumoured to make one's bones more resistant to damage. Taking this to heart, you've intentionally trained with heavy weights on your limbs. This has had more than its intended effects, perhaps being superior to simply training in armour. (Bones are denser and have a greater chance to survive blows that would dislocate or break them, character has greater lifting power when not moving.)
    • -Heavy Hitter (Rank 1): Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you've decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you're still working on that "consistent" part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)
      --Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)
    • -Defender (Rank 1): You could take more hits to the face and become an unrecognizable, horrible mutilated piece of scar tissue on one and a half legs... Or, you've mused, you could probably just stop that by holding a shield and your armour correctly. This lets you absorb harder blows with your shield and armour. (Basics of wielding shields and armour (especially heavy armour) effectively.)
      --Protector (Rank 2): Having grown to know your armour like it's a second skin, you've learned the second step to defending yourself in armour: How to lock an enemy down. When an enemy attempts to attack you, there is a solid chance that you will disable or break their weapon, or at the very least disrupt their combo giving you or someone else an opening to attack. (Weapon deflection and combo disruption.)
    • -Fortitude (Rank 1): Whether or not you are a mage, you can learn how to defend yourself from one, and that is just what you decided to do. After all, how else are you supposed to save the world if you can be cooked in a fireball by a pissed off mage? (Basics of resisting magical spells. NOTE: This is all magic--good, bad, and neutral!)
      --Charmless (Rank 2): Sometimes, you meet people who offer you the world. Sometimes, they use magic to try and help make their opinions clear. This gives you a greater chance of detecting and resisting more subtle charms that others may try to put you under, such as hypnosis or other tricks of the senses and mind. (Self-explanatory.)

    Unique Traits
    • -Trait 1. Chainhold's First Lesson: Abjaar has spent his entire life training to survive. A Warlord's son is never guaranteed safety. He can be targeted by enemies, slaves, or even your own kin. This has installed a healthy paranoia in Abjaar, as well as teaching him that survival trumps honour. (Effect: Abjaar is more difficult to ambush, and is more easily able to detect lies in people.)
      --Level 2. Chainhold's Second Lesson: Learning to survive deceit is one thing, but it is juts as important to learn how to tell lies. Abjaan has learned to weave deceit and truth together, and he is adept at making people beleive whatever sweet nothings he might share. Knowing how to lie has also helped in discerning lies: A tell-tale advantage in the political landscape. (Effect: Abjaan is both better at telling lies and recognising the lies of others. Yay politics!)
    • -Trait 2. The Slaver's choice: Abjaar makes use of a wicked set of chains in battle, as well as his axe. The chains normally wrap around his armoured arm, but he can quickly make use of them in battle. A well timed whip, or a long range lash can change the tide of battle very quickly. (Effect: Unlocks the basics of Chain usage in battle and outside of it.)
      --Level 2. Hook, Line and Sinker: Abjaar has learned that the chains he wield can be the difference between life and death, so he has added two more lengths of chain, and has added a vicious hook onto the end of one of them. While it would struggle to pierce armour, it can be used to drag in an unsuspecting target, or knock them off balance. (Effect: Abjaar now carries three chains, and has a hook attached to one of them. Nasty!)
    • -Trait 3. Stockholm: Abjaar has spent a greater part of his adult life either training or at least living with slaves. In that time, he has learned to talk with them; sooth them; and mould them towards his cause and purpose. While this skill is less useful now, it seems to translate well to the poor of other lands, even if it doesn't quite lead to the same effect. (Effect: Abjaar gains bonuses in understanding the lower dregs of society and conversing with them. He can see through lies, change opinions…all that good stuff. This effect is doubly effective against slaves and prisoners.)
    • -Trait 4. You Bastard!: Abjaar is a lot of deplorable things: He is a Slaver who has captured men, women and children; he is a Warlord who propogates everything wrong with the Free Holds; he is a womanizer; and he is a bastard; and he is a cist-gendered scumbag! He also knows how to use these traits to piss off a person, and a pissed off person is more likely to focus on him. (Effect: Abjaar can attempt to taunt an enemy, and force them to focus on killing him. He is a pretty good person to be taking blows, after all, what with the Inches thick steel armour and the general Magical resistance.)

    Equipment List
    • Heavy Steel Armour
    • Broad Two-headed Axe affectionately named 'The Bull'
    • Three lengths of chains: Twenty feet long; one ends in a barbed hook.
    • A journal, filled with his own thoughts and such.
    • His father's journals, three in total. One is written in an unknown cypher, which aggravates him to no end.
    • A locket belonging to his mother, he presumes she is still alive, but never met her. It is made of a strange cord, and has a number of unusual totems on it.
    • A sharp knife, kept in his boot. He uses it more often as a razor than as a weapon.

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    • Biographical Section

      Name: Môrgæn 'Crooked Bitch' Minstrol
      Age: 26
      Race: Elf
      Sex: Female
      Appearance: A purportedly elven woman, only noticeable from the way the hood bulges around her ears. Her heritage is of some kind of forest elf far from Free Holds intermixed with the Free Hold men, leaving her skin bronzed and hair unnaturally colored. Occasionally this hair is dyed black with heavy oils, giving it a slick droop and black color. She wears a sharp pair of boots padded to be quiet and a leather strap laden suit that fits her form tightly. Her cloak seems large enough to cover a violin, though you're not sure why that comes to mind. Her hood is a short curved affair attached to her cloak. Her mouth is covered by rags wrapped around, leaving only her plain brown eyes and tufts of her hair as evidence to what her face might be like. Her eyes tend to have dark makeup applied around them, seemingly to make it harder to remember her face. She stands at 5'8.

      Homeland: The Free Holds
      History: Môrgæn, is known mainly in the criminal circles as 'That crooked bitch' followed by an act of skullduggery. Though this wasn't always true, her work as an acquirer of illicit and stolen goods has earned her something of a reputation amongst the Free Holds criminal circuits. Most of this is infamy and it should come to no surprise that there are various bounties on her head, dead or alive, and some asking explicitly to come back with her hands intact (as to have the pleasure of destroying them). This has been exceedingly difficult for bounty hunters as her identity has been somewhat hard to pin and its entirely possible she hasn't had a career outside of thievery for several years.

      Legend has it that somewhere in the twisting alleys and raucous boozing kens she was supposedly born. Further legends say that there is actually more than one Môrgæn, which holds itself in some truth. If you can understand the local Cant of Free Hold lower society, there are actually quite a few cutthroats and petty scoundrels dwelling about. There are many like her and it's likely that the combined legends have been been attributed to her even without her doing. Môrgæn of course resents that thought and would like to remind everyone of that time she spiked a five hundred foot tall statue from a scalelike. Or that time she knicked a panter from the copse of a local beak, then had a brusher of her favorite hogsmead after. Damned Cant cried for weeks about his lost toss.

      Truth has it, or a truth she often tells, she was the daughter of simple downtrodden peasants. Father was a berk, tropped off to become the klabee of a vast treasury without the companionship of his forlorn doll. Môrgæn began as a simple pickpocket, moving up to a Prig after gaining the attentions of a Slave Owner named Barius in her growing years. These feelings were mostly mutual and she spent many a night knicking his 'longehnds while he was gawking nightclouds. They never got priest linked and Barius still holds a grudge to this day.

      Motivation: Being of the practical sort, it would seem that the end of the known world would in fact be difficult for Môrgæn's enterprise, as she is want to call it. She's hoping that she can amass fortune enough to retire, perhaps gain a royal pardon or sanctuary from Kouri herself, and settle down somewhere where the fountains shoot out wine and the trees are grape trees.

    • Traits & Equipment
      General Traits
      • --Stealthy (Rank 1): Every journey begins somewhere for the avid stealth expert, and yours is about on par with that of a cut-purse or a minor bugler. You have the basics down, but to learn more will take time and practice. (Basics of stealth-oriented tasks and escaping.)

        Playing Dirty (Rank 2): Knowing that your life is more important than any sort of codifier of honour, you've picked up on using the environment to your advantage. Throwing dirt or sand in opponent's faces, biting someone's neck when grappled or spitting into their eyes, et cetera. (Tools of escape to temporarily blind or distract are more effective.)

        Blend (Rank 3): What do you not want to happen when you're pilfering something? Being spotted. Hiding is nice and all, but sometimes you've realized, the best hiding spots are in plain sight... (Character's clothing chameleons to the environment with natural dyes, lowers the odds of enemies spotting you both in and out of combat.)
      • -- Acrobatic (Rank 1): You understand the basics of climbing ropes, ascending walls, jumping across rooftops, and rolling when you hit the ground. On the other hand, you've only really grasped the basics of it, so jumping a twenty foot chasm while being shot at is not recommended. (Basics of acrobatics: Climbing, falling gracefully, etc.)
      • -- Free Runner (Rank 2): Rolling, ducking, jumping, sliding, sweeping, edging--all of these things and more are things you are seasoned at doing. Having obtained peak conditioning, anything beyond this is unnatural... (The environment can no longer be factored negatively against your character--fighting atop a steep slope is the same as fighting on a flat grassy plane, save any advantages. Atop this, your character's acrobatic abilities are at their natural peak: There are few places you cannot reach.)

      • Dodge! (Rank 2): As you've refined your instincts, your ability to avoid harm has also grown, and as such whenever an enemy swings at you, there's a solid chance you've already figured out not to be there by the time the swing would connect. (Dodging is quicker and no longer forces your character onto the defensive, and can occur even if your character is caught off guard.)

      • --Sharp (Rank 1): You've started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm's way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.)
      • --Charger (Rank 1): Something a lot of people don't seem to realize is that the more muscles you have, the faster you are. Sure, perhaps not dexterous, but certainly faster. While you have only begun to learn the true meaning of land speed and would still be caught and killed by a tiger, you are capable of a short distance charge that can knock opponents down and catch the unwary by surprise. (Basics of dashing quickly and charging into opponents.)

      Unique Traits
      • -- Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy (Rank 1): Môrgæn knows a guy who knows a guy who knew the bawd of a guy: (Effect is well versed in the cantor and goings on of lower society and is better able to work with many levels of criminal scum.)

      • --What's that? (Rank 1): Years of searching through crowds for purses combined with a supernatural elven eye has given Môrgæn an ability to locate valuables very quickly. (Effect: Is better able to detect items of usefulness to the group, especially those that look remotely valuable.)
      • --Knicked it! (Level 2):Working as a Prig has its benefits and one of them is a quick hand (Effect: Is better able to steal in plain sight, separate from stealth).

      • I'm out!(Rank 1): Whats the point of living if you can't live forever? (Effect: Less likely to succeed in prolonged fights but higher success at running from them)

      • --It's Only a Violin Mister!(Rank 1): With a desire to smuggle illegal goods into Renalta, Minstrol has found a way to sneak improbably large objects around. Ability to smuggle large objects such as broadswords, spears, and violins in all likelyhood beneath cloak convincingly and by relation smaller objects.
      Equipment List
      • Formfitting leather armor covered in straps to very very quietly carry various gear,
      • A long rope with a hook on the end,
      • A shortsword,
      • A few throwing knives,
      • Some smokebombs,
      • An empty sack tied to the shoulder,
      • A cudgel,

    • Personal Section
      Romance: Don't see why not.
      Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: The real question is, in a reality that nothing but a Kouri Plushie existed, what size would the Kouri Plushie be? Without other objects to compare the plushy, velvet simulacrum of Kouri to, what meaning is scale? In fact, Socrates once said...
      Signature: Chrononaut acknowledges and welcomes death in all his esoteric, wretched forms. In fact, he challenges death to bring it, bitch, and come arm wrestle him if he thinks he has the stones.
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    @Chrononaut: you may want to list the first level ability of the one you picked to upgrade in order to have it plainly seen for reference (as they all have different effects) and plainly list the first level of your unique and the upgraded form, that way we can keep track of all bonuses you are to have applied and can gauge the strength of an ability properly before and after level-up. That is, without mention, that leveled up uniques can have separate bonuses, as well. Just... to make it easier on the GM, other players who look, and to ensure you don't get gypped due to the way it is all listed. *thumbs up*
    Nnngh. As I thought, me trying to think out what to do bears no real result.

    Running away from that 12 legged thingy with spiny legs is just asking for an ass ripping. Fighting it would also result in the same thing, but with less chasing.
    Could pull a Samwise Gamgee and try to fend it off from beneath, hoping for it to fall on your sword or something. Focusing on defending might help?
    Damn, keep forgetting to post.

    If I don't come up with anything as I fall asleep tonight, I'll make certain to get it in tomorrow.

    also Hellis you were right
    save yourself
    me and Fahim will soak some crossbow bolts for you

    • Valkyujra

    • Name: Valkyujra [Valk-key-you-da]

      Age: Unknown

      Race: Aasimar

      Sex: Female

      Appearance: Long ebony locks that drag along the ground, Opalescent white auras for eyes that are mostly hidden behind a fancy face plate. Tall, fit frame, and even with an intense presence, ((See Unique Traits)) she still stuns and fascinates with her looks alone.

      Homeland: The Kingdom of Renalta - The Southern Swamps


      An orphan girl stepped out of the Renalta ruins and into the Swamps not to be seen again.

      They were almost waiting for her in the swamps, if by some awesome coincidence, when she stumbled across them before anything else in the chaotic swamps had found her. Chronomonks discovered the orphan and her abilities. Revering her as their prodigy, raising her as their own. Knowing long before Kouri's restorations of Renalta, they begin to prepare the orphan for the life ahead her; honing abilities, granting priceless gifts, and bestowing traits and feats that would help in her quest to become an angel and set her apart from all other creatures.

      Long years go by until one day the orphan decides to wonder the edge of the swamps to see Renalta restored and is spotted. Ever youthful and beautiful she shocks some of the long lived elven folk neighboring Renalta.The rumors became too apparent to be ignored. When word had reached Kouri and after 5 long years of speculation and waiting Valkyujra is finally summoned to Kouri's council and the myth of the orphan girl is put to rest as she returns to become The oracle of Renalta.

      Motivation: In short, Valkyujra seeks to become a full angel, unlock the powers of gifts given to her by the Monks, and discover exactly what the blood of Archangel Myria has to offer. All demons, their devils and underworldings should rue the day she fulfills these tasks.
    • General Traits

      Wells of Power (Rank 1)

      Endurance Training (Rank 1)

      Acrobatic (Rank 1)
      --Free Runner (Rank 2)

      Awakened Meditation (Rank 1)

      Unique Traits

      Chronomancer's Mantra -
      Mantra 1:
      With the voice of an Angel, compiled into endless years of continuous conditioning under the strange monks guardianship, Valkyujra has now developed a voice that rattles time itself. Singing this Mantra at her target inflicts a premonition unto them, they move with more confidence and have a heightened Dexterity while within ear shot of her voice.

      Mantra 2: This Mantra allows her to see into several possible futures, This Mantra requires safety and recoup periods. It takes 12 hours to complete.

      Mantra 3: unknown((Involves touching)).

      Mantra 4: unknown.

      Harrowing Insight -
      Rank 1: Valkyujra cannot see, but she makes up for this through other heightened senses, by just listening to a voice she can hear its intent. Their intentions ((alignment)) revealed.

      Remedial presence - Passive -
      Rank 1: Valkyujra has descended down a long line of holy angels, this Blood that runs through her veins, though diluted by human blood, remains potent enough that its power is recognized by all. Allies and aligned individuals, within range of Valkyujra, are cured of poison, disease, and sometimes even demonic possession.

      Rank 2: Enemies are physically weakened within this presence, while allies stave of death
    • Renalta's Halo - Once unlocked The ancient Helm, Renalta's Halo, grants her limited vision of those around her (within 30 feet) as visages of light or darkness depending on alignment from a holy perspective.

      A vile of Archangel Myria's Blood - Given to the Chronomonks by Myria, it is now given to Valkyura in hopes that she might embody the powers of of Myria and wield them to Protect Renalta from those who would see it ruins again.

      Stave of Boadicea's Light - Ranged Melee attack and an average light source when needed.
      Valkyrie's Cape - Cold resistance and comes with hood ((:D I'm Practical YAY!!))
    • Love
    Reactions: 1 person
    @Limeypanda Korsair has been approved.

    @Chrononaut Môrgæn has been approved.

    @Fijoli Valkyujra has been approved.


    Imperium - Anima Aeternum

    TEAM 1
    --Gremlock reloads and thinks about flowers.
    --Aslo ... Contemplated things?
    --Gryff has fallen!
    --Murderok mourns, flirts with Nyla.

    NPC Allies
    --Florence [no recommendations]
    --Nyla [no recommendations]
    --Trom has fallen!

    Rheinfeld - Scheideweg

    TEAM 1
    --Draza enters the medical tent.
    --Laenaia makes Moira appear larger.
    --Kasim attempts to sneak attack an assassin by moving quickly at it.
    --Zin leaves to find Taigyn at the armoury.

    NPC Allies
    --Templar & Republicans: [no recommendations]
    --Moira charges.
    --Squire [no recommendations]
    --Taigyn [no recommendations]
    --Alida [no recommendations]
    --Eric Vadlegarf [no recommendations]

    Liveria - Heaven's Haven

    TEAM 1 (NORTH)
    --Elrbetrt Westfeld yells at the monster and goes into a defensive position.
    --Andrea imbues magic (what kind?) into Ceann's attack.
    ----Pet: Large Venomous Jumping Spider is told to hide.
    --Ceann attacks with her bow.

    NPC Allies
    --Gabriel [no recommendations]
    --Droka'tha [no recommendations]

    TEAM 2 (WEST)
    --Rayvon requests to be lifted up cliff by Molkar.
    --Elrithos climbs over cliff, grabs 2H-sword, thrusts.

    NPC Allies
    --Princess Helénē [no recommendations]
    --Molkar [no recommendations]

    Free Holds - Devil's Children

    TEAM 1
    --Abida Qisaf has fallen!
    --Aëyr asked Fahim to block crossbow bolts?
    --Child grabs Osonia Philia Verathorn by the arm and runs away, urging her to use magic to help the situation.
    --Mars thanks Mikan for her help.

    NPC Allies (stayed behind)
    --About one hundred strong Renaltan Soldiers are reinforcing the doors and holding the main hall.
    --Mikan stayed back, nursing an injury.
    --Barthelo stayed back with Mars.
    --Ouchi Maru stayed back with Barthelo, nursing an injury.
    --Eüchia stayed back with Mikan, as asked by Aëyr.

    NPC Allies (hunting)
    --Fahim following Aëyr.
    --Three crossbows, two swordsmen with shields are following Osonia Phillia Verathorn.
    --Osonia Phillia Verathorn is following Child.

    Note: Succubi escaped! (She's too fast to get caught.)

    Amazons - The Greatest Hunt

    TEAM 1
    --Maeven opens fire on the Doom Guard. (Aiming at eyes.)
    ----Pet: Fafnir grappling!
    --Naream has fallen!
    --Alicia has fallen!
    --Esyllt takes Naream's medallion, attempts to use it to summon two wolves.
    ----Pet: Ser Golem Esquire Ebegeezer goes for the doom guard's legs.
    ----Wolf 1: [See post]
    ----Wolf 2: [See post]

    NPC Allies
    --Alexandria speaks to Egidia, requests Imperial aid.
    --Princess Ethlinn [remember: Her death will hurt your cause!]
    --Unamo [no recommendation]
    --Tasha has fallen!

    TEAM 2 (Allied Faction)
    --Egidia Merryweather (Equipment: Imperial leather armour with breastplate, gladius, metallic tower shield, magical amulet.)
    --Three Imperial Scouts. (Equipment: Mechanical bow prototypes, gladius, pavise shields, imperial leather armour.)

    TEAM 3 (Enemy list only)

    3x Jaguar
    6x Skeletal Minions. (They're repairing the creature. Knowledge check success: They could be feasible possessed by Unamo's spirits or Naream could willpower them away.)
    2x Elite Hound. (Deadly, clever, able to dodge ranged attacks fairly well.) (They're attempting to hide, but the drone isn't falling for it.)
    1x Succubi. (The likely culprit for the jaguar. Appears to be a spellcaster.)
    1x Abomination. (Giant creature from earlier is resting, being mended by...)
    1x Doom Guard. (Fifteen feet tall. Specimen is weak compared to brethren, but it's still wielding an adult male sized war mace. Has hooved feet that may not do well cornering in the underbrush, so in charges you have a good chance of side stepping to safety.)


    1x Jaguars (Note: It's been freed from direct control, but may still hold hints of corruption.)
    1x Agent of Greed. (Skeletal, has a soul.) (Knowledge check: Fail.)

    As a quick request to everyone, please verify that what you wrote matches what happened. I had to make a lot of corrections and it makes future posts difficult when there's multiple different versions of current events. I had to make several corrections this post, but here's a couple examples. :ferret:

    With the crossbowmen currently focusing on the others, there was nowhere to escape.
    At the north and east corridors, enemy Free Holders waited with crossbows to engage.
    Down the West corridor about a hundred feet they could see Fahim and Aëyr standing still...
    The [Renaltan] swordsmen take positions with shields, managing to block the first couple shots with their own crossbowmen behind them returning fire
    You're traveling down the west corridor from Child & co's position at the center of a four-way intersection. Enemies are present in the north and east corridors. There are currently swordsmen actively blocking crossbow shots from the north and east corridors.

    @Atlas Child
    and the feint memory of a blur tackling the demon.
    Just as the Succubi lunged to finish him off however, a human blur tackles him out of harms way: It was Mikan.
    The demon is a succubus which means it's more than likely female considering it has taken female form, it's also depicted as having immense measures of strength so light-weight Mikan likely wouldn't make the succubi budge if she rammed it physically like a torpedo.:rotfl:Still, this one didn't vex me nearly as badly as a couple others did. Just figured this was humorous enough to mention.

    The Imperium, Rheinfeld, Liveria, Free Holds, and Amazons missions are on their last round!
    • Imperium: After the decision to help the spirits or destroy their possessed, weak bodies, the mission will end. You can of course, attempt to risk taking a third option. That's on you though.
    • Rheinfeld: Since the enemy is retreating and Davian is too wounded to attend the negotiation, Taigyn and Alida will easily be able to take a third option on any agreement and make something work. At this point I'm just giving @Elendra the opportunity for a collab with Draza & Davian if she wants one, as well as letting the rest of y'all wrap things up on your end. After which, the mission will end.
    • Liveria: Regroup as necessary and begin wrapping up. Combat is over which leaves Gabriel free to do the mission objective. If any of you want a collab or something, you let me know.
    • The Free Holds: Take the escape tunnel. Wrap up anything you have left to do and go for the tunnel. Sorry if that last post seems somewhat disjointed but, well, there was about a dozen chronology errors I had to repair, so at one point I just threw my hands up in the air like I just didn't care and did what I thought people intended to do.
    • Amazons: Wrap up now since the objective has been fulfilled. Say your condolences to the dead and so on.

    Next IC post is on Friday the 13th/Saturday the 14th. At that point the epilogues will get posted, characters will level up, the mission hub will be a thing, and so on. For new people: This is the date when you can get included in on everything. This is also about when character submissions will become critical. If you haven't put up a character yet, you will have only one posting round left to finish your character. If you don't, your invitation will be revoked until the next wave of missions is over, and that will take months.

    Aww yiss got it all done. All missions ending at the same time. Nobody left behind!
    Last edited:
    Third option I choose you!

    *Throws a brain that's been painted to look like a pokeball.*

    *squishy sounds ensue as it bounces along the ground*
    --Kasim attempts to sneak attack an assassin by moving quickly at it.
    Hey man, it's possible to move stealthily and also quickly.

    It's just harder to pull off.

    And Kasim has no stealth training.

    And he made no special preparations to be stealthy, like securing his gear to make no noise.

    And he didn't bother with anything like waiting for a good distraction.

    Anyway, my point here is shut up, Kasim doesn't know any better, he's all hopped up on campfire stories and self-importance. Mocking him for that foible is like mocking a child for learning that hot things are hot by way of touching one and getting burned. :lol:

    Also, I'm highly amused that the unique trait that I hadn't found any good place to use before now ended up saving his life.
    I made a dumb mistake with positioning, thinking the Renaltans we holding off the South corridor's entrance instead of blocking off the other two entrances. I'll try to do better in the future.
    Brovo, see, this positioning confusion is why you should do maps. :cheeky:

    I was referring to Mars when I said 'him. Mikan tackled Mars out of harms way. Sorry if my wording was wrong/confusing.

    EDIT: woops, just read the other quote, you're right. I did say Mikan tackled the demon.

    EDIT 2: --Mars thanks Mikan for her help.

    Haha, the rest of the group needs to thank me for my significant contributions the last few posts.
    This is also about when character submissions will become critical. If you haven't put up a character yet, you will have only one posting round left to finish your character. If you don't, your invitation will be revoked until the next wave of missions is over, and that will take months.

    yo what up home boy

    I'll probably throw up the WIP (or at least a link to it) in the next day or so, so you can at least get the gist of it. Biography will remain general bullet points until I see whether I can tie the mission epilogues into it.
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