League of Legends: The Beginning

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You got it down pat, archangel.

Arch, one you finish her character you cant make anymore
[I just realized something. Perhaps we should mark which abilities our characters have that are skillshots and AoEs that way we know which abilities can be dodged as opposed to everything hitting.]
Actually, thats a good idea, you guys edit your sheets, ill do the same once i get home.
Well, i edited mine, i also weakened my Ult, as it seemed way too overpowered when i read it, so now it only does all those effects to visible enemies.
[I went ahead and added global and self as target types. I also defined the skillshot as being a line or a cone.]
[Well, my character in here wasn't intended to be a leader type so I was kinda hoping that one of the others would take point on that front. Couple with Gavin being ill, I've not had much of a chance to actually post. That hacking cough of his was painful. That said, he's feeling better so that means I can take over and post tonight.]
The Voided Memory


  • [Male | The Void | 1,500+ years | 5'10" - 8' | Fighter/Assassin | Melee-Mid Range]​

    Tiech, the Voided Memory, is a being trapped within Icathia whose only escape happens to be through the powerful magics used by the Institute to create the fields used for combat. Tiech is considered the foremost expert on The Void and Icathia, however, he can only ever answer the questions of those in the institute during his time spent dead while in the midst of combat, and even then, it is even more limited as he loses his sanity as he grows in levels on the battlefield. That said, Tiech is only ever released into longer games as it requires an immense amount of energy for him to be summoned and his level progression needs to be hindered for him to be informative. Tiech is also one of the few completely neutral individuals involved in the fields, and due to his power and ferocity, this makes him a fan favorite if chosen for any team.​
    Relations Tiech is seen in the visions and nightmares of most Voidborn. Tiech can only communicate with the Voidborn outside of the fields created by the institute, and even then it is rarely a strong connection. Most Voidborn instinctively fear Tiech, as predators fear the apex, and Tiech can only ever recall such memories as to why in the beginning of a match... when he is least likely to die. Aisde from the Voidborn, Tiech has no relations in this era.

    The Blade of Beru'tu as pictured above is one of the two powerful weapons wielded by Tiech, and has the ability to slash through all that is ethereal. Not much is known about the actual capabilities of the blade as the only knowledge about it are its powers (to later be explained) and what Tiech has said about it. The blade is a token from his late friend, Beru'tu, whom sought to create a true portal between the Void and Runeterra during their time in Icathia. It's abilities are apparently related to this fact.

    The Gauntlet of Jay-merene is a larger version of the identical gauntlet on his sword-hand. Like his sword, this gauntlet is from a former friend of his: Jay-merene. He claims this Gauntlet holds the burning power of emotion and can be used to amplify any magic to its maximum potential. The gauntlet itself represents no field of magic, but instead is a pure form of raw energy even more pure than mana itself. Tiech claims Jay-merene sought after the power a lover uses when they make their ultimate sacrifice, and did so through this gauntlet. It is unknown how powerful it actually is outside the fields.

    Personality Tiech is only ever truly himself for the lowest-levels of the game, and in that time, he tends to be pompous and cocky, but not completely about himself. He boasts of the accomplishments of his friends and colleagues from his era, and how the current mages are pathetic in comparison. To Tiech, nothing in this world can ever add up. He has no problem helping the Institute with whatever they ask him as he claims to be bound within the Void while being chained inside Icathia in a prison meant only for him. He finds their questions "primitive" and "endearing"; some view his attitude as sheer ego, but the advancements made because of him cannot be denied. One thing is certain: Tiech never takes credit for what he knows, and no one ever takes the time to get to know him. Mostly because there is so little time to actually talk to him.​

  • Passive - Corrupted Memories

    Tiech does not use mana and instead relies on the power of his memories, whether they are pure or corrupted. His memories grow stronger for every attack or ability used with either the Blade of Beru'tu or the Gauntlet of Jay-merene. His memories will weaken over time if no ability is used (he begins losing his memories in a mere two posts) and at 50, each ability gains a bonus. Tiech can use the active on his ultimate when his memories are at their strongest: 100.

    As Tiech levels and gains power, his memories are further corrupted by the Void. Each level Tiech gains .33% ability power (per level, max 5% at 18) and +1 armor penetration as well as grows in size and alters from his regular human appearance to his corrupted appearance, as shown in the picture above.

    Q - Wake and Despair

    While using the Blade of Beru'tu, Tiech can empower his next attack to leave a path of destruction behind its target. This wake slows all units inside of it and acts as a barrier for a single projectile. Damages in increased with AD and a flat amount with each level while the slow ranks up with each level.

    Empowered Wake causes the slash to be concentrated, stunning the target for one one and each unit around the target for a quarter post.

    While using the Gauntlet of Jay-merene, Tiech can shoot a linear ball of energy at his target. This ball cannot be avoided and will deal half damage to all units between Tiech and the target. The projectile will follow the target even through a displacement ability.

    Empowered Despair causes the ball to deal true damage instead of magic damage and causes the target to take a percent more damage from Tiech for the next 4 seconds.

    These abilities have independent cooldowns of three posts each.

    W - Here and Gone Again

    If used while wielding the Blade of Beru'tu, Tiech teleports instantly to the designated area and deals a small area of effect damage as he does. If used while wielding the Gauntlet of Jay-merene, Tiech will apply a damage over time debuff to all enemies in front of him in a wide, but short cone. This ability can only be used once every five posts. All damage is based on AP.

    When empowered, this ability gains double the distance.

    E - Their Legacy

    Tiech unleashes the spirit inside either the Blade of Beru'tu or the Gauntlet of Jay-merene, resulting in different effects for each. If used with the blade, Tiech gains a shield and his auto-attacks ignore a percentage of armor per level as long as the shield remains up. While the shield remains up, it absorbs all damage and lfiesteal abilities replenish it instead. If empowered, the shield simply grows in size. If used with the gauntlet, the ability generates an aura in a set area that increases all magic damage dealt to enemies within it by a percent per level. If empowered, the aura is made larger. Each ability can only last up to five seconds at all levels. Both abilities share a 10 post cooldown.

    Ultimate - By Hand or Blade

    Tiech has his ultimate available at level one, but cannot access his ultimate unless his memories are at their peak. While his memories are below 100, the ability acts to switch between the Blade of Beru'tu and the Gauntlet of Jay-merene. When using his blade, he is considered a melee champion. When using his gauntlet, he gains a range 415. Tiech can switch once per post.

    Active: By Hand And Blade

    When Tiech actives his ultimate while his memories are at their peak, he gains the ability to wield the Blade of Beru'tu within the Gauntlet of Jaymerene for four posts. During this time, Tiech is granted the aura from Their Legacy onto him and deals a percent of true damage on each attack equal to the percent he would normally ignore armor. While this ability is active, no other spells can be used except for recasting R. If this ability is recast, it will immediately end it by launching a wave in a cone in front of Tiech dealing true damage equal to exactly two empowered Despairs.

    After the active is used, Tiech cannot cast spells for another two seconds nor can he gain his memories from attacks. While the active is down, Tiech also loses 25% armor and magic resistance. This ability can only be used once every eighteen posts.

Definitely accepted ^^
Well, for a 5v5 to happen we need to finish this 3v3 first and we need 10 characters.
And I'm starting to think certain players have left. Any word from them?
None whatsoever.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Archwar
Poke them with a sword
No. Spear a piece of meat and poke them with the spear with the meat on it.
[Why can't they be the meat?]
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