Last Post Wins: The Reckoning

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I'm not that confused by it either, other than why a naked genderless alien looks like a naked human girl. That one's puzzling.
It's not my fault that my body looks like a woman xD All aliens of my race looks like this ;)
Best. Race. Ever.
And I'll winning it :D *Hits hiro-kun with an oak* MOHAHAHHA
Oi, you attacked me when my guard was down D:
How would I know when your guard is down and not xD not my fault, you should always be on guard when I'm close ;)
*Raises up hand and goes to speak*

...You've got a point. Nevermind, I've got nothing.
*Steals the lead* mine :o
*hits with tuna*
Mine ^^
*Throws a bucket of water over red and laughs*
You're all wet.
*throws a bucket with tuna over aira*
Hahhahah you're all fishy :D
*Also pours a bucket of water over herself to wash fish off* made me wet too now!
*makes use of the fish and turns it into sushi and feeds it to red*
I don't like sushi D:
*puts the sushi in to Airas pants and shirt*
*Throws sushi away and pulls red toward her*
What do you want? =P
*Red kisses Aira*
I want to have a great yuri time with you. *Red says with a glittery background*
*aira kisses red, retreating slightly. Taking her chin and gazing into her eyes*
you think it's that easy? *with a sparkly background and roses*
*Red is blushing slightly*
It's easy if we decide to make it easy *with a sparkly background, red roses, teary eyes and a awesome dramatic pose*
*laughs gently* you're going to have to do more than that to convince me.

*blinks* holy shit i'm turning into Kain
I like Kain so I don't mind xD
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