Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I am good o-o;;

I have no idea what that is. Other than.. Greek. I think
It is very much Greek. The short form is that some dude's wife dies and he goes to the Underworld to get her back, charms the lord of the dead, almost makes it to the surface with her and fucks it up by turning around at the last possible second ( The rule was that he couldn't turn back until they were both on the surface.)
Ohh, yeah. I've heard of that somewhere but I don't remember where. I saw something... Damn. that's gonna bug me.
Well, damn... That's actually a really sad Greek story, Lucky. I'm surprised by the fact that I finally understood what were you talking about. I think I have reached the illumination...
Yeah, it is. It's even worse in musical form. They used Jazz. Do you know how depressing jazz music can make anything sound? Very depressing is the answer.
Jazz? Jazz is weird
i'm both a teen and adult member. Does anyone else see that or is it just me glitching?
It's a glitch for your birthday. When you hit your 18th birthday in your part of the world and before regular Iwaku, it puts the two together until the date is the same.
Yeah, so you are a teen adult for now. It should fix itself in about four hours, maybe five.
Actually, it looks like it fixed itself already.
Um, I guess I should say Happy Birthday to this Straix?
I wanted to be mean to you, but I decided to actually be nice because of your birthday. Don't get used to it, tho. O` -`O
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O`- `O Sir, you are late, I'm afraid...
Shh... it's still his birthday on the east coast.
O`- `O It doesn't matter, sir. YOU ARE STILL LATE. And there's no magic-try that can fix this.
Nope, I was on time because of my time traveling ability to be in the past. :)
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