Kyysucara Namosaka & MiNaGi

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"Yeah... I'm sorry to ruin the mood." He said awkwardly and ran a hand through his hair.
"Don't be. At least you're worried about it." She smiles. The waiter comes back with their food.
"This thing has been my life for years... of course I'm worried..." He uttered and sighed softly, but lighted up a bit seeing the food.
He nodded and sighed softly as he reluctantly began eating. He had this knot in his stomach and no matter how delicious the food, he felt like he had to throw up.
Shion dropped her fork and looks at him. "Someone was just attacked."
Just before she said it, he felt the same jolt in his body and looked up at her. "We'd better go." He packed his bags and sent her a glance.
She nods and leaves the money on the table. "Let's go."
Valshe stands up and pulls his jacket off as they walk out into the night. "So where are we going first?"
"This way." She grabs his hand and drags him along. A few streets over she points down an alley. "In there."
He looks over at the alley and his face seems to go completely pale as he observe the dead body. Even after so many times, the sight still made him feel sick.
Shion walks over to the body and looks it over. "I know her. She's in our class."
"Oh... shit..." He muttered and then it sort of just clicked in his mind. "What if this was always intentional... and he kills because of us? I have witnessed eleven kills so far from this man. First was my mom. Then it was my school teacher, then it was the woman from the flower shop where I used to help out as a kid. What if it's us that he's after?"
Shion nods. "Trust me. I've thought of that too." She sighs. "We should call the cops."
"What will that help? When we tell them that we witness these murders in our friggin' sleep they'll call us crazy!"
"I meant because of the body. That way she can have a proper funeral. If they ask we came back here for some privacy and we found her."
"Right." He let out a puff of breath and slid his phone from his pocket, tapping a number on it. After a short conversation he put his phone back. "The usual drill; we have to stay here and then go to the police to get cleared and bla bla bla." He said and rolled his eyes slightly, his eyes again finding the body. "What..." He slid a bit closer and then backed up the wall with a horrified expression before sinking to his knees.
"We'll catch him. Don't worry." She sits next to him
"No... her eyes... they're lying over there..." He points a finger and truly enough in that direction about 30 cm from the tip of the body's fingertips lies both of her eyeballs. "And inside of her eyes are... there's a piece of paper... don't you think it's for us...? That woman... she was my new employer. I worked for another flower shop again, because I love flowers. And now this..."
Shion walks over and carefully removes the paper, slipping it into her pocket. "The cops will be here soon." The sirens could be heard a few streets away.
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