Kylen's Interdimensional Bar

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Thats why its the first to mortally wound. Neither of us are mortal. And I think we shall. Cyrus downs the last of the Dragons breath as he makes his way to the window. "Yeah, i have no idea which way it is." He turns back, prepared to follow this odd demon. Cyrus is astounded by how...... Un-demon like he is. Physically, yes, but his demeanour and actions..... He worked in an inter dimensional bar for gods sake. It was all very intriguing.

Cyrus joined the party!
Maulnar had been spending his time in the bathroom, whilst three newcomers had arrived to the bar. He was old, things like that took him a while, and he didn't really care how long it took, it was one moment of peace, if there ever was one. Though he didn't witness the.. unusual arrivals of the monkey, the portal guardian, or the scientist, he did catch the part where this portal guardian and the Greater Duke of Hell were going to duel. A fiendish smile tugged at Maulnar's lips. He wished to witness their powers in full action. Harmless tests were never enough to get one to push themselves to the extremes, no, only a real battle would do. That's why Maulnar enjoys wars so much, so long as he doesn't participate.
"There are seats for me to watch your duel, are there not, T.B.?" Maulnar asked the duke, as he followed the two demonic beings.
Kylen smirked at the excitement. "Spectator seats at to the left of the arena entrance."
Maulnar tipped a non-existant hat to Kylen, smiling his friendly old man smile, hiding his own excitement to watch the battle, then walked through the spectator entrance. "It's going to be an interesting event. Surely, I can't miss out on this." He commented, as if to justify his decision to watch the duel.
(Cyrus has joined my party......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
(Sorry I was slow guys, I'm going between this and a stream of a game here. ;n;)

Osi snapped his fingers. "Actually Ky, I have a better idea. I've been planning for this." Portals started to open in the bar, double doors opening near the two eager combatants. He tapped Maulnar on the shoulder, leading him away from the normal Arena. "Come on." They both walked inside and were teleported to the Arena. Osi picked the arena. It was his domain, his little circle of Hell. The City of Cocytus, named after the frozen lake it was built on. An entire coliseum was constructed there, a giant circle drawn in demon's blood to protect the crowd on the fighting ground. The battlefield was covered in snow and ice, but the ground was not slippery, nor cold. The magic made sure to make it fair and equal to both parties when it came to the battlefield. Demons, sinners, and many Dukes of Hell were there, filing in from all of hell, along with the bar patrons, isolated in a section from the rest for the best view. The crowd quieted as a seriphotic figure descended and took his stand between the two. He had 6 black wings and the regal figure of a very powerful demon. Every demonic figure there, T.B. included, kneeled before him. Satan himself was overseeing this event. Satan had a black crystal in his hands, he held it to his mouth as he started to speak. His booming voice was amplified my the magical crystal, broadcasting it through the giant coliseum.

"Ladies and gentlemen, sinners and saints alike, I welcome you to Hell!" The crowd erupted with applause as their excitement finally got the better of them. "We are here to witness a battle between two formidable foes today, my loyal servant, that most of you know as T.B., and the Guardian Cyrus! LET US BEGIN!!!" Satan flew away to his throne in the stands and, with the sounding of horns, the battle began. Immediately, T.B. let loose a beam of dark energy at his opponent, before dashing in it and slashing at Cyrus with his claws.
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Cyrus has left the party!

Cyrus dodges the laser with cat like reflexes, before drawing both his swords. Blade Kitten, a massive, magical blade, and Wasp, a small, light blade. He deflects the claw strikes with increasing ferocity as his opponent increases speed. "Not the Satan I know. Your quick, I'll give you that. I think you even scratched me. But I know what you are. You have no idea!" He says as he flings T.B back with one final slash. "What I am." He throws his jacket away and slices his plain white tee off, revealing dark black, feathered wings. He sheathes Wasp quickly, drawing his Revolver at the same time. "My turn." He grins, revealing pointed teeth. He fires off a bolt of white light that streams towards T.B. (Just to confirm, its still a bullet.) He then charges towards T.B, holstering his revolver and brandishing Wasp once again. He begins slashing furiously.
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The light grazed T.B.'s shoulder, but the adrenaline keeps the pain at bay. He deftly blocks the blade with claws, before catching the blade with the claws of one hand, catching Cyrus off guard. He lands a hit, stabbing all the fingers into Cyrus' arm in an attempt to render it useless. It's all he could to before Wasp was wrenched from his grasp. He looked at his claws. Most had broken off, 2 still in Cyrus' arm, burning him. T.B. broke off the remaining two. He slammed his hand into the lake, before screaming an incantation. "Ved navn Cocytus, jeg kaller på deg, stor huntress! Kan Skadi sang høres gjennom kjøttet av mine fiender!" Icy winds swarmed around T.B.'s hands, forming a giant greatsword made of pure ice. His eyes glowed a bright red. He roared like a true demon, chilling the blood of all around before he dashed at Cyrus in a berserkers rage, bringing the giant shard and bringing it down, shattering the ground beneath and sending frosty winds and shards of ice in a radius around him.
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((Little bit of powerplaying, but okay, fair enough.))

Cyrus frowns as Wasp is knocked away from him and the claws stick in his arm. He waves it around a little, the claws falling out as he does so. As the great ice sword slams down towards him, Cyrus raises his free hand and whispers, "Mundans Ignis." A white flame bursts from his hand, which doesn't even melt the ice, it just obliterates it. He then quickly sends a flame burst at T.B before following up with another incantation. "Sanctorum animae, sine hoc nefandi percutere" More white flames blaze from Cyrus, sizzling the flesh of not only T.B, but all the demons too close. He stares down T.B, his eyes pure white, veins pulsing and every pore in his body blazing with holy flame.
((Sowwy. Trying not to be OP. ;n;))
T.B. growled at his weapon being broken. That was an ace in the hole. He must be unpredictable. His left arm was useless now, the burning making it um movable, but alive none the less. T.B. used drastic measures. "I WILL NOT LOSE." He used a jagged claw to cut a magic circle into into it, then savagely ripped it off, the remaining blood in it spiking and freezing it, forming a crude mace. Black blood seeped from the wound, a bit of jagged bone visible. It would cauterize if he ran at Cyrus and stop the bleeding, but it would take a severe toll on him, along with the shock of a lost limb. He'd take the risk. He charged at Cyrus, running through the flames. His arm withstood enough of the flame to land a blow to Cyrus' side, breaking a rib or two. He was hoping to break Cyrus' concentration so he could use his free arm and fangs to inflict some heavy damage on his opponent.
((So'k. Just had some bad experiences with powerplays.))
Cyrus raises an eyebrow as T.B rushes through the flames. He doesn't even bother dodging the mace, taking it fall force in his side. His ribs crack, and Cyrus again is amazed by this show of raw power. The thousands of broken ribs he had hardened his bones into iron (thats a real thing. Theres a martial arts style where you kick concrete slabs which causes micro-fractures, and so when the bones heal, they come out stronger.) He grabs T.B by the neck, swings him around so Cyrus is behind him, and plunges his fangs into T.B's neck. He sucks out some blood, spits it out, leaps up and kicks T.B as hard as he can with both legs, crashing to the ground as he does so.
(Yeah, I know. Pretty cool martial art shit.)
The sheer brutality of the match, mostly of T.B. to his own body, shocked, scared, and disgusted a few of the people, making even one of the Greater Dukes, Lilith, leave because it disturbed her too much. When he was being held by Cyrus, he managed to twist his arm and thrash about, making it start to shred his stomach, giving Cyrus deep gashes and making his stomach bleed profusely before he was kicked away. The gashes were deep, even going as far as exposing a small amount of Cyrus' intestines and cuts were on a very small portion of them. As for T.B., his bones didn't break, but the kick caused internal bleeding, enough to make him him woozy and weak. He vomited the excess blood in his stomach, to alleviate, and went over his injuries. He had one arm gone, another popped out of it's socket, along with it having He had to end this quick or else a loss was certain. "Fuck it..." He bit his arm, using an old magic to make it start to cold boil. Before it went to the rest of him, he ripped it off and threw it at Cyrus, before it exploded, sub-zero fluids spraying everywhere. His vision was red, blood dripping from his mouth and fangs. He roared, making one last attempt for Cyrus' life. He ran as fast as he could, opening his maw and going for the seraphim's neck. "DIEEEEEEEEEEEE-"
Cyrus is slapped by the hand full on, surprised by the sheer ferocity of the cuts. YOU are a powerful demon. Unlike anything from a dimension know of. But your anger is your downfall. Cyrus also assesses his damage. Mostly just cuts, and the torn intestines. It wasn't too bad, really. Not in comparison to....... Anything. As T.B charged towards him,he uttered a few simple words. Words that only affect the angry. Effusus sanguine erupit! T.B's blood literally bursts, popping all manner of veins and the like. Cyrus rushes over, smacks his foot against T.B's face, and readies himself in case the demon still wishes too fight.
The shock from the blood bursting and the kick almost knocked him out. He jumped up and went to bite Cyrus. It was a bit short though, not getting his neck, but his teeth were embedded in Cyrus' shoulder. He was biting down on it as hard as he could, growling as the bone slowly started to give way, cracking loudly.
Not bad, little mouse. You fight like a beast. Ferocious and nimble, almost admirable. But a beast must be slain. Cyrus shoves his blade straight into T.B's gut, twists, snaps back T.B's head, and then pulls out one of the teeth before shoving it into TB's eye. The skin then vanishes from Cyruses left arm, revealing cold steel he pulls back T.B's head, shoves his metallic arm down T.B's mouth, and fires an energy beam. It was interesting, powering down my implants and seeing how well you did. But you did well. Your a challenge. A foe worth facing. A suprise.
(Well.....everyone get's one vulgar display of power.....)
T.B. laughed, cackling the beam went through his skull, eviscerating it. The body went limp. Cyrus started to walk away. "I also think it interesting that you think you won on your own merits. It's cute. You're still a child compared to me." T.B.'s voice resonated throughout the arena. The body got back up, before T.B. reverted to his human body's form. He smiled. He was too prideful not to make a point. " You won....but...." He aimed his hand onto the demonic part of the crowd. A small bolt of shadow came out. Cyrus laughed at the little thing going into the crowd, seemingly doing nothing. Then that entire part of the coliseum exploded, sending stone dust and small rocks everywhere. "...I didn't go all out either." He winked at Cyrus. "I SEVERELY underestimated you, however. You outsmarted me to boot."
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((I'm sorry you crossed a little boundary there, controlling my character. That is the sheer limit of powerplaying, please refrain.))
Cyrus just looks on, thoroughly unimpressed. "You still seem to severely underestimate me, my age, and my power. I play poker on tuesday nights with Death, among others. I have seen kingdoms rise and fall, some because of me." He moves in closer to T.B as his flesh weaves itself back together, his intestine fall out of his stomach as another one grows. "I'm not saying you have no chance of beating me, or of being older than me. I'm just saying that underestimating ME has been the downfall of many." He offers T.B his hand, a fresh grin spreading across his face.
(That's powerplaying? Oh. My bad. :/ Not exactly a vet here.)
T.B. whimpered as he stared at Cyrus, it sounding a bit more excited than intended. He shook himself out of his daze, collecting himself. "" He stammered over his words, before just saying fuck in in his mind and shaking his hand. Satan took the crystal in his hands again.

"Looks like we have a winner here!" The crowd erupted into cheers, celebrating the match.

(I'm gonna go pass out out of exhaustion cause i've been up for 17 hours. Bai.)
((Yes. I figured you werent, but you have to learn somehow. Powerp,aying is the act of controlling somebody elses character in any way, this includes actually saying 'and then i shoot them and laugh as they bleed' and the like, as maybe they don't bleed, or maybe they dodge.
It didn't bother me to much, you did pretty well actually, but just food for thought.))

Cyrus is entirely astounded by the announcement. "Oh? Whatever happened to three rounds." He frowns. "Oh well, I'm hungry again."
Teal didn't take an interest in the arena battle going on, so he didn't join the other bar guests to watch. He simply resumed eating and drinking.
He felt disgusted at the ape's question to him, shaking his head in response. "I don't have any of those...things. And I won't....ponies don't do that."
Aly notices the scientist staring at her and glares at him. "Have a problem with something?" She hisses at him. She never was a 'people person'. If it wasn't for the bad weather approaching and her tiredness she wouldn't have stopped at a place like this. "I'll have whatever your strongest drink is." She says to the bartender.

She watches the other people attempt to.. fight with magic. "If any of you even think about touching me, I will kill you." She hisses, glaring at them. She could easily take their souls and kill them without even trying.
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