黒執事 Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler RP) Sign-Up's/OOC

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Okay, I has a question... o 3 o Anyone up for playing family members (mainly one of my character's children) of the Ainsworth family? o 3 o 'Cause I'm totally not going for the dead family trope and playing all of them, although it wouldn't be impossible, would definitely be less interesting than having different people play some of the characters. XD
I'd offer but I'm a little swamped for characters xD
I'd offer but I'm a little swamped for characters xD
Neh, it's fine. -w- I've figured out the characters now so I'll manage. XD

General Information

♰ N A M E ♰
Lord Augustus William Keyneth Ainsworth

A G E ♰

♰ G E N D E R ♰

♰ T I T L E ♰
The Marquess of Warwickshire

♰ Q U E E N S ∙ G I V E N ∙ T I T L E ♰
Wolf of the South

♱ B U T L E R ♱
Lucian Flanell

♱ C O N T R A C T ∙ S E A L ♱

The Reflection

♰ A P P E A R A N C E ♰
There is no doubt that Augustus was a stoic man in his youth. He stands around a 183 cm tall, is of ordinary weight for an adult male with a fairly lean build. For his age, he the head of the Ainsworth family seems to be in a surprisingly good shape. Gray hair, long enough to touch his shoulders frame his weather bitten face, which with its sharp features and wrinkles grants him a stern, if not somewhat intimidating appearance. The clothes he wears are simple and without any unnecessary details or decor. It is clear that Augustus is a man who favors functionality and comfort over fashion and in general cares little for what other people think of him. At first glance, Augustus doesn't quite seem to fit the image of a noble lord, but rather looks like he'd belong on the battlefield. Perhaps that wouldn't be an entirely wrong assessment, as during some of the most important years of his life, Augustus served in the British military. He sees no shame in displaying his scars from that time, one of the most noticeable ones running straight past his right eye.

Beyond the Mirror

As his appearance suggests, Augustus is not a man to be tampered with. He may be past his prime, but he's still a figure of authority and has great influence on the countries politics. Luckily he's not a man of short temper and rarely resorts to violence unless the situation calls for it. Some see him as strict but fair, others as rough and intimidating. His language is far from polished and he seems to lack the stuck up nature typical for those of his social standing. Although he has earned the respect of most noble houses throughout the years, his direct, cynical, just and rough nature has also earned him plenty of enemies. Many seem to keep their distance from the Wolf of the South and perhaps that's for the best. At the very least, it's what Augustus prefers.

♰ S T R E N G T H S ♰
+ Augustus' age and experience gives him a certain advantage to the younger lords and ladies in terms of knowledge and wisdom.
+ As a former general, Augustis is very familiar with military tactics and often applies that kind of thinking in his every day life.
+ Augustus is a leader by nature.
+ He's still well versed in combat. Especially in the use of guns.
+ Augustus seems to have a talent for handling animals, especially dogs and horses.

♰ W E A K N E S S E S ♰
- Although far from weak, Augustus is past his prime and can't quite achieve the same physical feats he did in the past.
- His eye sight has worsened considerably, which is why he wears glasses. Without them, it truly would be terrible.
- He's only just barely able to move the little finger and ring finger of his left hand.
- He is a lone wolf and although he knows how to work in groups, he prefers to do things himself.
- Augustus doesn't feel like he can truly completely rely on anyone. Thus, he shoulders a lot himself and has done so his entire life.
- He walks with a limb due to an injury he suffered in his right leg.

A Trip to the Past

♰ H I S T O R Y ♰
The history of the Ainsworth family is long and complicated. Legend has it that the family owes its status and wealth to black magic. Although the family has tried to cover up most of their dark past, bits and pieces which in turn create rumors always surface from time to time. One of them is that the family has a demon attached to their blood and name.

At the time of Augustus' birth, the Ainsworth family was on decline. It had become a shadow of its former glory; the laughing stock of the noble houses. Not that it mattered much to Augustus. He was the youngest of three and would by no means inherit his fathers title or wealth. Knowing this, Augustus followed family tradition and like his older brother, joined the british army. He was a dedicated soldier, known for his hard work and strong will.

As fate would have it, neither of Augustus' brothers managed to stay alive before their father passed away. The eldest became a victim of a shipwreck, the other died in his brothers arms on the battlefield. Unfortunate as their deaths may have been, Augustus was the only eligible heir left. At the late age of 24, he was engaged to a daughter of the [anyone wanna volunteer? XD] family, who a year later gave birth to his eldest son.

Even after taking over responsibility for the Ainsworth family and becoming a father, Augustus did not give up on his military career. He continued to loyally serve the country in the name of the queen, eventually earning him the title of Marquess. Only recently at the ripe age of 52, did he finally retire due to damage caused to his right leg.

Blood Ties and Familiar Bonds

♰ F A M I L Y ♰

Reserved for family tree

♰ P A R T N E R ♰
[fieldbox="Elsa Vivian Terese of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Female || 39 when Deceased || The Marchioness of Warwickshire ||
Lady Elsa was the late wife of the lord Ainsworth. She was known to be a very creative woman, with a great interest in art of different forms. She herself both painted and played various instruments, which took up most of her free time. Her marriage with Augustus was supposedly not exactly a loving one, for though she was a very devoted wife, he was never able to return her feelings to the extent she wished for. She met her end drowning in the Ainsworth lake on their premise. Rumor has it that she committed suicide, although the circumstances surrounding her death nine years ago are clouded in mystery.
[/fieldbox]♰ C H I L D R E N ♰
[fieldbox="Donovan Nicolas C. of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Male || 27 when Deceased || The Earl of Warwickshire ||
Donovan was the oldest son of Augustus' children and originally meant to be heir of the family. Unfortunately he lost his life on a business trip to Germany. He was a rather strict man who believed that one must work hard in order to advance in life. Yet he possessed an arrogance his father lacks and he was far from as simple and practical as his father. Instead he was incredibly charismatic and paired with the families demon, could have made a terrifying businessman. Yet he was also overly ambitious and sometimes failed to see the faults in his grandiose schemes. He was a sly man with little sensibility concerning morals – the kind of person who'd backstab a friend any time, should it further his cause. Augustus often expressed a dislike for this nature, as he himself as a very honest man. Even so, there is no doubt that out of all the male children, he was best suited to succeed Augustus as the head of the family.

At the age of 20 Donovan married a young lady by the name of Lydia. During their 6 years long marriage she was pregnant twice, the first time around resulting stillbirth of their son – much to Donovan's disappointment. The second pregnancy brought about Clara, which the ambitious Donovan wasn't particularly pleased about either. Even so, his little baby girl grew on him and it is said that the presence of Clara in his life changed him for the better.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Vivvian Charlotte Joan of Bristol, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Female || 25 || The Countess of Lancasshire ||
Vivian is the eldest of Augustus two daughters. She is like a perfect blend of her parents. Whilst often told that she is the spitting image of her mother, personality wise she certainly seems most reminiscent of her father. She doesn't quite possess quite the same rough edge her father is notorious for, but she's certainly not the kind of woman to sit quietly and take orders either. While being ladylike and graceful in every sense, she is proud and refuses to let other people tremble her down. Bright and very strategic in her way of thinking, Augustus has always found it very easy to converse with Vivian about business and politics. Her disillusioned and down to earth nature would have made her the perfect successor of the Ainsworth family name... had she only been born a man.

At the young age of fifteen Vivian's hand in marriage was given to the Earl of Lancasshire. Although their relationship supposedly started out quite rocky, over the years they seem to have come to care for each other quite deeply. So far she has brought three children into the world. First the twins Azalea and Primrose, and then their little brother, Thomas – heir to the Bristol family.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="J. Gabriel Matthew of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Male || 22 || Lord Gabriel of Ainsworth ||
According to Augustus, none of his children could have been less suited to succeeding him than the current heir himself – Lord Gabriel of Ainsworth. Out of all the children, he is probably the one most unlike his father. Not only did he inherit his beautiful blond locks and captivating green eyes which he will put to good use at every available opportunity, but his passion for the musical arts seems to outclass even hers. He is a genius in his craft, a child prodigy without doubt. Yet as it turns out, the greenest of apples always run a risk of being rotten inside. Lord Gabriel isn't a bad person per see, but he is a fool in every sense of the world. A womanizer, a gambler and a drama queen with an eye for everything expensive and beautiful, yet without any sense for business and economy whatsoever, Gabriel's mere presence is like a bad omen for trouble.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Benjamin Alexander L. of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Male || 19 || Lord Benjamin of Ainsworth ||
As the youngest son with four older siblings, Benjamin (or Ben for short), his families expectations of him were quite low. Donovan was after all a near perfect child and Gabriel had proved that too high expectations could completely backfire. He was doted on and pampered by both Vivian and Gabriel, yet still often felt unappreciated or forgotten. His fathers attention was almost entirely on Donovan and Vivian, whilst Gabriel had won their mothers adoration with his talent within the artistic and musical fields. Benjamin is neither artistic nor has he ever cared for the families heritage or future. Business and politics bore him to death. The one thing Benjamin has always had a burning passion for is science. Chemistry, biology, physics and maths are almost the only things that seem to hold his interest. He could spend hours indulging in his studies, completely forgetting that there is a world outside the library, or even that he himself has human needs.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Marie Jeanette Elsa of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Female || 15 || Lady Marie of Ainsworth ||
Marie is the youngest of the Ainsworth children. She is a free spirited and imaginative young lady who has yet to have her hopes and dreams crushed by the harsh realities of this world. That innocent and naive nature of hers adds to her charm and is perhaps what has let her get away with her behavior thus far. See, many have attempted teaching her the ways of a lady, Marie does not fit the criteria for any of that whatsoever. She is the kind of person who is the happiest chasing through the forests and across fields on horseback. Who cares little for the state of her clothes after her wild adventures and who'll forget all about manners when faced with something she loves. Who'd even dress in mens wear without second thoughts. She is not the brightest member of the family, but she is bursting with so much life and energy that hardly anyone can keep up with her. Absolutely loathing the thought of sitting quietly and meeting some husbands expectations, Marie's greatest dream is to travel the world and explore new places. She has a childlike curiosity that seems completely insatiable and for Marie, and it is as though to her, every day is a new adventure.

It makes one wonder, what might she loose when the chains of reality finally start taking hold of her? When she's eventually forced into a role she absolutely cannot imagine conforming to? Sooner or later she will be forced to open her eyes, for no one stays a child forever.
[/fieldbox]♰ I N ∙ L A W S ♰
[fieldbox="Lydia C. Dianne of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Female || 23 || The Countess of Warwickshire ||
Lady Lydia is the widowed wife of Donovan and thus the current countess of Warwickshire. She is a rather quiet woman who doesn't say a lot and at first glance, she may therefor come off as very strict or stern. Her taste in black, dark purple and blue attire plus stern expression does not exactly do anything to counteract this. Those who know her well will however be aware that Lydia is a very gentle individual. Referring to her as timid would be wrong, however. She is strong in her own way and has always stood her ground, should it come down to it. She cares deeply for her daughter, yet neither dotes on nor pampers her. Over the years, Augustus has come to respect her as the wife of his eldest son. Even now after Donovan's death he treats her as though she were a child of his own. Their relationship seems in fact to be quite good, which is somewhat of a surprise. It is rare for Augustus to express that he likes anyone.

Lydia was 16 years old when she joined the Ainsworth family. Her relationship with Donovan didn't start out great, yet she never complained. She took the verbal and even sometimes physical abuse with her head held high and her mouth clamped shut. Their relationship almost reached a breaking point after the stillbirth of their son and the birth of Clara, which he completely blamed her for. Yet as time passed and Donovan softened somewhat, their relationship seemed to improve somewhat. Even so, Lydia did not cry on his funeral. She mourned in silence.

Even to this day, Lydia carries her scars and the memories of her husband with dignity and her head held high.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Jonathan Tobias Wilfred of Bristol, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Male || 32 || The Earl of Lancasshire ||
Augustus' relationship with Jonathan seems to be purely professional and business-like. There's not a lot to be said about him, since he's not exactly a huge presence in Augustus' life. Even as the husband of his beloved daughter, he doesn't seem to make much of an impression. Even so, his family has been a valuable business partner for many generations, a relationship Augustus would only reluctantly give up on. He capable enough, though the way he dotes on his daughters can sometimes be beyond frustrating. He is a kind man with a gentle heart, and though he is far from on the same level as Gabriel, does in that regard seem to have a foolish streak. At least he is wise enough to listen to the advice of his wife – although Augustus has already noted that he may rely on her too much at times.

Jonathan married Vivian at the age of 25. Their relationship is said to have started out somewhat rocky, it soon grew into a budding friendship that would eventually turn into love. They are a happy couple, with three children they both adore. From time to time they'll get into disagreements, especially about Jonathan's doting nature, yet overall they don't seem to have a lot to complain about.
[/fieldbox]♰ G R A N D ∙ C H I L D R E N ♰
[fieldbox="Clara Elsa Emma of Ainsworth, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Female || 5 || Lady Clara of Ainsworth ||
Clara is a fairly easy child to deal with, except for that fact that she's incredibly shy. She is a very quiet child and rarely seems to be up to something bad, though she does still possess a curiosity typical for a child. People she feels comfortable around she will often ask questions, even if they aren't always.... well, appropriate. Most see her as obedient and polite, a child that will one day grow into being a fine young lady.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Azalea Luna Christa of Bristol, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

Girl to the Left
|| Female || 9 || Lady Azalea of Bristol ||
Whenever Azalea and Primrose are around, trouble ensues. Though they may look sweet and act all polite at first, it will soon become clear that they're rarely up to anything good. Pulling ridiculous pranks and messing with people is part of their every day life. Out of the two, Azalea is certainly the more outgoing one. She is daring and likes to challenge authorities, making sure she is heard and seen wherever she goes. Don't let that fool you, however. Primrose is far from innocent herself.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Primrose Stella Anne of Bristol, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

Girl to the Right
|| Female || 9 || Lady Primrose of Bristol ||
Primrose might seem calmer and more mature than her twin, but she's actually the one behind most of their shenanigans. Or, at least she was the one to think them up. In that sense she can almost be considered manipulative. Furthermore she's less happy-go-lucky than her sister and can sometimes even come off as a little mean. Even so, it's clear that she cares for her sister and whenever things get though, they will always stand together.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Thomas Walter James of Bristol, #b38c56, solid, 5, times new roman"]

|| Male || 6 || The Earl of Bristol ||
The little earl of Bristol and future heir of the Bristol family is certainly a cheerful child. Unlike his sisters he is far from a troublemaker and usually seems quite obedient. Although he is somewhat of a crybaby and easily gets scared by things, he will just as easily let himself be cheered up again. Thomas has a wild imagination and loves fairy tales and fantastical stories. He will often try to play them out with his best friend, Clara.
Welcome to Warwickshire

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Lucian Flanell


The Trivial

Name: Lucian Flanell
Gender: Male
House You Serve: Ainsworth Household
Master(current): Augustus William Keyneth of Ainsworth
His Reflection
Lucian has pale greyish blonde hair that reaches just below his shoulders and is tied into a loose braid, held together by a purple band. His eyes are grey but in the right lightning it's almost as if any and all colors dance through his irises. He usually wears his butler uniform, consisting of a black vest with purple edges, a white dress shirt, a cravat and black pants. The blue gem holding together the cravat was a gift from one of his past masters at the mansion.

Demonic form: In his demonic form, his eyes grow a creepy toxic green, fangs extending from his normal teeth. He doesn't change appearance much from what can be seen with clothes on, but his body is covered in tattoos glowing red. All of this is merely a way to mark himself as a "demon" and none of the traits have actual ties to his abilities. Although the tattoos do represent the type of magic that he uses.
Beyond the Flesh

Demon abilities:
Enhanced abilities and senses - as any other demon, he is fast, durable and extremely strong, just like the most of demons. He also has enhanced senses.
Immortality - As other demons, he is immortal.
Shape-shifting - Because he has had to serve the same family for generations, he has to change his appearance completely to not get found out as a demon, and has also changed his name over the years. As he does not age, he has to do this quite frequently.
Emotional manipulation - Lucian can provoke certain emotions by either talking to someone or getting ih physical contact with them. He uses it to cloud people's judgement. It's very convenient in business situations and when they're in danger.
Practical/academical skills:
Cooking, cleaning - obviously, he masters these two things, as a butler. He has spent over a century serving a family, so it has become as easy as breathing for him.
Music - Lucian plays the piano splendidly.
That, Which Bounds Him
Faustian contract seal:
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Hey guys, sorry for being so quiet with this RP. I took a couple days from iwaku - it was getting pretty clustered for me, plus I was in emerg' because I decided to use jump off a ramp with rocket powered rollarblades and missed the ground by 'that much', instead ending me in a shark tank.. so... that was fun x'DD (Real reason irrelevant because the fake one is so much cooler).
Hey guys, sorry for being so quiet with this RP. I took a couple days from iwaku - it was getting pretty clustered for me, plus I was in emerg' because I decided to use jump off a ramp with rocket powered rollarblades and missed the ground by 'that much', instead ending me in a shark tank.. so... that was fun x'DD (Real reason irrelevant because the fake one is so much cooler).

Haaaave... our charries been approved? XD
I have been away from this rp for way to long. What's been happening?
I have been away from this rp for way to long. What's been happening?
Literally nothing. It's in a hiatus state since the beginning of September. I'm assuming because everyone is readjusting to their fall schedules.
OMG! I'm soooo sorry! School came up and there's been so much to do that I couldn't roleplay for a while. I feel horrible for just disappearing like that.
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