Kiss...or...Kill C:

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*kisses lightly on the forehead*

I admire you're kindness. ^^

.... I'm not in the mood for kisses

*Pushes Tenshi off a cliff with jagged spiked rocks at the bottom*
**Gives Chrona a little kiss on the cheek**
Did you just kiss yourself?

Eh, I guess I'll kiss you too.
How did she kiss herself now?

*stabs in the stomach and chuckles*
Oh. He's referring to a small typo that my computer freezing caused. Nothing now...

But you killed Dark.
**Scalps Laharl and pours sulfuric fluorohydrin in the wound**
*screeches in pain and mends head*

OWWWWW I just stabbed him i didnt kill him... unless he bleeds out >.>

*pins and kisses cheek before running off*

-flips giant concrete table onto Lah-sans.-
*Stabs Staci and kisses her dead body*
I can't kill. I'm not very good at it.

*Kisses a lock of your hair*
Will I kiss you?
. . . My brain 'sploded from watching that.

-Eats the sandwich.-
That counts as a kill.
*Walks up to you*

Since I don't know you but you seem really nice I'll just do this.

*Softly kisses your hand them smiles as she walks away*
**Does dangerous medical experiments upon**

For science!
*Comes back a smaller chibi*


*Hugs you as she give you a kiss on the cheek*
*scoops Tenchi's eye out with a melon-baller, then forces the eye down his throat, causing him to choke to death*
You Sir have earned my respect, and therefor, you shall not be rewarded with death.
Rather, here is this Kiss.
-Hands a Hershey's treat.- ~
Stop using my idea!!!

*Grabs Staci by the neck and drags her to a pit of blood thirsty lions, tossing her in. Then pours a few buckets of meat on her and walks away, leaving the lions to do their job*
*swoops from the sky and plants a kiss on chrona's forehead*

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