Kingdom/Race Creation Roleplay?

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Okay. So, each turn should have the nation name at top, the current action they're performing, as well as current processes in the nation. So, are you building a mine and preparing the yearly harvest? Cool. Let us know. Is your main action preparing to raised up a new leader? Sweet, please state.

I'll do an upkeep once a week, that just means you have to present in each post in bright red bolder don't what resources you're spending on what you're doing. That's your job. My job is to collect that all, take your monthly income into account, and update the resource list.

I can also keep track of all official trades for you guys but that too needs to be clearly denoted.

That's just info to put up at the top. we also want a post from the ambassador or maybe the leader if it's necessary for the actual gameplay :)
Okay. So, each turn should have the nation name at top, the current action they're performing, as well as current processes in the nation. So, are you building a mine and preparing the yearly harvest? Cool. Let us know. Is your main action preparing to raised up a new leader? Sweet, please state.

I'll do an upkeep once a week, that just means you have to present in each post in bright red bolder don't what resources you're spending on what you're doing. That's your job. My job is to collect that all, take your monthly income into account, and update the resource list.

I can also keep track of all official trades for you guys but that too needs to be clearly denoted.

That's just info to put up at the top. we also want a post from the ambassador or maybe the leader if it's necessary for the actual gameplay :)

I know you're at school, but can you clarify this when you have time. I'm not sure I'm following what you're saying.
How do we measure what resources we spend? I could spend 10 wood on building a trojan horse or I could spend 1 wood on it. Is there any regulation for this, or is it just every action requires 1 of whichever is the most relevant resource?
Oh Akashi we can still work out our plans, I mean the nations can still have a Treaty of working together. It's not like they have to be right next to one another for it to work. Whatever nation you pick, The Fangels would be down for working with your race^^
Lol, I know they can but being next to one another, I was thinking of something else as well. I did tell you that on Skype but perhaps that thought escaped your mind, or maybe I just worded it badly. Anyhow, I do have another idea, so if you can get on Skype quickly, we can discuss it XD.
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Well yes. As mentioned, there's a list. And I need you all to contribute to it ahead of time. Anything new that comes up will be at my and my co-GMns discretion.

And I need my co-GM to be my second set of hands. When I can't update, they need to. They need to help make decisions and they need to step in to do rolls and upkeep when I'm not available.
And white, since I can't type your name on my phone lol, I hope you see this: you can come in but you won't get a choice of locations since you're last on the list. Rion dropped so we have one extra slot anywuas s
Would not want to have it in any other way!

I will post all available data from my dead Nation RP here in a few minutes, take from it whatever you want, or don't. Up to you.
@Karakui if you go back to like, page four, you'll see the start of that list. And I did mention I needed you all to contribute :)
And no, not everything will be on the list. But that's where I come in as a co-GM.


Table Example:
(look at the bottom for the other sheets for the corresponding nation)

Here, should be everything except for the vast image database on my pc.
This is how I did it, the tables were a pain to maintain and I hate every single one that disappeared without a word because of that xD
How do we measure what resources we spend? I could spend 10 wood on building a trojan horse or I could spend 1 wood on it. Is there any regulation for this, or is it just every action requires 1 of whichever is the most relevant resource?

We should probably agree to a chart, or something else, that quantifies how much of a resource each project requires. I think the simpler the better, or in other words, instead of trying to list everything possible we create a list that gives an example of how much of each resource is required in order to make something.

As an example:
  • 1 wood or stone is required to make a small dwelling
    2 wood or stone is required to make a longhouse
    3 wood or stone is required to make a fort
    4 wood or stone is required to build a castle
    5 wood or stone is required to wall the largest of cities.

Kind of ran out of ideas after 5, but to try to continue this faulty example - if someone wanted to build a fleet of fishing boats, we could consult the chart and decide that they would need 4 wood, since it probably takes more wood to build a dozen boats then it does to build a fort.

I feel we should also quantify what a 10 in a resource is. Does a 10 mean that the resource will never deplete, or will it deplete over a few centuries (if it isn't replenished in some way)?

Never mind, Soul already beat me to this.
@Seeking Calliope
If we go down that path then Soul really needs a co-gm. I was not kidding, I truly hate somebody who had been very loyal to me for leaving without a word after I had to maintain those tables for resources and armies.
I think simplicity is necessary when it comes to numbers games. Get too complicated and it just gets tedious. If I were running it, I'd make a lot of generalisations, so I'd have very few options and a lot of freedom within those options.
Want to expand your city? Go ahead. It'll cost you 2 wood or stone the first time but you can build any 5 structures. Want to improve your army? 1 wood, 1 ore, 1 food. Any units you like, max 10. Something like that is what I'd use, rather than specifying the cost of every item. It's not a game, after all, it's a story, and the majority of the plot comes from our interactions rather than what building we put where.

As for resource scores, I was imagining it would be something very simple. Your wood score is 8? Great, you have 8 wood to distribute as you please each month, plus/minus what you trade. Of course, depletion time would be more realistic, but maybe the trees are really fast growing trees and grow back every month?
As for resource scores, I was imagining it would be something very simple. Your wood score is 8? Great, you have 8 wood to distribute as you please each month, plus/minus what you trade. Of course, depletion time would be more realistic, but maybe the trees are really fast growing trees and grow back every month?
mhm, that is the simple method.

It is a trade between simplicity vs depth.

The more depth the more complicated it becomes.
Well, my alerts did not alert me of three new pages. Fun.
Based on the skimming... I wasn't really needed anyway~

As for the co-GM, someone with a bit of experience in GMing and improving may be nice. Based on @Soulserenity20's earliest comments, someone with a bit of experience in tabletop games would be helpful to understand her intentions.

For the numbers and resources, @Karakui describes it well.
A few set options to start that are used more as guidelines and examples than an unchanging list. Maybe it's just the D&D DM in me speaking, but improvisation is much easier and quicker than trying to plan for every contingency.

So how are your races coming along?
I only have a few scant concepts; I'm waiting to learn of my neighbors (particularity Areas 3, 4, and 8) before going full-throttle.
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Well nobody said it had to be super specific. I don't think the ones I listed so far are specific. A mine increase stone or ore, which is why I specified. I didn't say anything like "build mid-class duplex" lol
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What would be the cost of a mid-class duplex, for reference? I plan to demolish the lower income housing and replace it with holiday homes for the rich.

Lol, probably same with me for the GM thing. Improvising > planning any day, when it comes to dungeons.
I will set my stuff up in less than five hours.

I somewhere read about a map, care to point me at it anybody? Pretty please?
Been too blind to find it apparently.

I see the sheet on the first post, is there more to add other than what I can find on page 4?
Improvising > planning any day
I hate to say it, but I completely disagree. With my experience, improvising results in a lot of players getting unequal treatment and thus, a lot of knotted panties. People get sticks up their ass as soon as this "improvising" thing is implemented. If I say to you, "sure make this magical spell that change this and that" and then another player pitches it and I say "Naw, doesn't make as much sense for your race" then all of a sudden the GM is a biased jerk.

Planning and organization and pre-made rules save GM's asses from the plethora of players who like to whine.

Now, as for my formal response on all that chat:

To @Karakui :

I understand where you're coming from. I'm a biology and religious studies major and in my main roleplay, I'm incredibly anal about magic making reasonable, scientific sense. My dragons can't make magic fire, they have a system of methane producing gut bacteria in a flame sac that provide fuel which is ignited by a spark plate on the back of their throats which is struck with a bony spike on the back of their tongue. The mana is what fuels their existence, but the mana that can't be explained by science is explained by logics which align with ingame mechanics. In my other RP, I don't allow the creation of random species of animals because they have to make sense and most people don't make species that make sense. They say "Because Magic." I don't make a map that has a random cluster of trees and deserts all clumped together because that doesn't make sense to me. Do I understand plate tectonics and geology to the extent that you do? No. And in the long run, does that really matter? Nope.

So just keep in mind that I am inclined to agree with you naturally, but for the sake of this RP, that kind of thinking is a hindrance more than anything.

To everyone:

In this roleplay, I have given players freedom. It is not a gm constructed world filled with gm constructed races and mechanics. You all, as players, have the right to make things that don't make sense. BUT, you also have the responsibility to make them make sense in a world of magic. Does a mountain on an island make sense unless its a volcano. No. But frankly, that doesn't matter. Because in a world of magic, all I have to do is say "Long ago, there was a race of giant burrowing worms that piled all their excess dirt off the coast and over time it formed a mound, which began an island. Then a bunch of earth Shamans came along and say "Let's make this a sacred mountain." And they made it a mountain. So now, all talk of geography and volcanoes and collision courses is officially void. "Because Magic", but also "Because Shamans and Giant Worms."

The world will work as such:
Anything goes. But you have to explain it to me in respect to the world we're all creating together.

That being said:
Not everything goes.
No you can't make an OP race with all the resources and all the everythings. And that's me having the right as a GM to moderate and decide when enough is enough.

Everyone gets the right to have fun and have creative freedom. If you don't agree with something, either PM it to me, or keep it to yourself because if you don't agree, that doesn't mean that its not allowed, that just means that you have an opinion and that's that. The point of this roleplay is to have fun and be creative and if you have a RL 'anal-for-details' tendency, then just be aware of the fact that this whole RP might be nails on a chalkboard for you. I know there are things that already have annoyed me but I keep my mouth shut because I ask myself: does this actually matter? Or am I just being a fantasy nazi? And most times the answer is: no, it doesn't actually matter. So I just leave it. And that's hard sometimes but its necessary for these kinds of RP's.

I hope you all take on this attitude and pick your fights.

So, in conclusion:

Never hestitate to discuss your concerns and issues with me, but do it via PM for things like "I don't like your mountain," or "I don't like that fairy's wing color." Do not go stomping around the OOC with a text book and calliper saying this doesn't make sense on an earth-mechanic level. Because its not going to, and never will. :) Hence the "Fantasy Roleplay" section.

Now, in regard to the resource expenditure thing:

The way I'm running this roleplay is as such:
1. There will be a list of costs. Premade. This makes it the same for everyone and no one can complain when something comes up and they want special treatment.
2. That list will be fairly general, but it will be specific enough that I won't have to deal with angry players calling "unfair treatment!"
3. I, and hopefully a co-GM, will be keeping track of the number of resources available over all. Each month, my land will get 39 total resources. If 20 are used, then 19 go on to the stores. That is a part of the system. I will also be distributing a base number of resources to get us all started.
4. Your job as players is to be clear on what trades and building projects you'rs doing. YOU need to make the spending clear, I will collect the spending and balance it with your income.
5.You all need to have a say in the making of the cost list (however specific or general its going to be) because I don't know all the races and so I can't say what all i needed.

Have I missed anything to speak on?
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