Just your basic everyday highschool...or is it?

"Oh me too!" Ri mentally slapped her forehead. Of course he knows that you are new here moron she scolded herself. "Ummm....Could I maybe eat lunch with you?" she asked nervously. She didn't have any friends yet so she thought being proactive was her best choice here.
Jeffrey- *he smiled on the inside when she made that coment. Partially because he didn't want to insult her and partially because it made her ten times cuter.* Sure! As long as you don't mind my sister.. she's really nice an- *the bell rang and he picked up his books*
Lily- *she gathered her materiala and rushed out of the room to the cafeteria for lunch*
Ri smiled brightly as she picked up her books and walked behind Jeff. "I hope you know where we are going because i have no clue." she said as she passed many people in the hall. Most of which gave her strange or curious looks. She wondered why so she asked Jeff, "Is there something on my face?"
Jeffrey- *He turned and looked at Ri. Nothing but pue beauty he wanted to say but instead he commented* Nope. *Then turned around and spotted his sister* Lily!
Lily- *She smiled at her brother and the pretty girl behind him. She walked over to them and lead them into thr cafeteria.*
That's that girl that I helped this morning! Small world. "Is that your sister? I helped her this morning. Small world." Ri said and giggled to herself as she followed Lily to the cafeteria. She sat down next to Jeff, turned towards Lily, and said, "Heyy we met earlier!"
Jeffrey- *Smiles and nods along*
Lily- *grins* Yes! We did! Haha yeah Jeff's my big brother.. he usually doesn't admit it too often though..
Jeffrey- I soo do!
Lily- *giggles*
Ri smiled. "Well i'm starving be back in a bit!" she said as she got up and walked towards the lunch line. Some of the guys in front of her pushed each other out of the way to let her in front of them. Ri smiled and thanked them.
Jeffrey- She's so...amazing..
Lily- She's gorgeous! *she smiled and winked at her brother* Go get 'er tigerr
Jeffrey- *He smiled and laughed* we need to find you a man..
Ri finally got her lunch ,just salad and an apple, and walked back to Jeff and Lily. "Would you like some?" she asked offering them what she had.
Lily- *She tried to smile SLIGHTLY* No.. I'm fine.. thank you.
Jeffrey- *Looked at his sister then to Ri* I'll pass too..
"Oh ok!" Ri said cheerfully even though her smile dropped a little bit but she tried to hide it by starting to eat. "How do you like school so far?"
Jeffrey- *shrugged* So far, its better then the last one.. *smiles at Ri*
Lily- Its okay I suppose.. I'm just hoping someone shows up that I can have things in common with *giggles*
Jeffrey- *smiles*
Ri thought their comments on the school were....interedting. She took a bite out of her apple. "What do you mean?" she asked curiously.
Arin was in no rush to get to lunch, she never really ate anyway. When she got into the cafeteria she stood awkwardly in the doorway, scanning for anyone that she had seen in a class. Arin saw the people from this morning and quietly sat with them, keeping to herself while eating a small red apple.
M'ar smiled as the Lunch bell rang. He knew exactly what he wanted to eat....He led the girl name Marissa to his car. It was a silver Honda civic. He invited her for lunch at his place. She responded with a simply "Yeah I'm starving." M'ar smiled and responded "Me too.."

He drove her down the street and parked the car about the mile from school. He looked at the girl and she looked back. She didn't seem to care that they stopped. She spoke again "So what's your opinion?" M'ar looked befuddled he didn't even know she was talking. Was he thinking of food the whole time? M'ar smiled he knew a way out. "Do whatever feels right...Natural." Marissa nodded. She leaned in close to him.

M'ar reached out for a bite. Before he could get to her neck she kissed his lips. M'ar kissed back until she stopped. She went for round two but before she could M'ar bit her neck. He held her close and tight as he drained her of her golden ichor. She gasped and seemed calm as he did it. He finished and drove around the corner to the Mcdonalds. He let the girl out and watched her as she walked away stumbling every few steps. He knew the girl wouldn't remember anything after she falls asleep. He frowned wishing he had the ability to turn mortals.

In order to turn M'ar would have to find true love. He shook his head knowing how unlikely it would be. He wiped his lips and burped. He laughed and drove back to school with his belly full. He parked his car and walked in the cafeteria. He spotted the girl from art class sitting by herself eating an apple.

He wanted to talk to her but he was to tired. Fresh meals usually made him tired. He sat at a table full of nerdy kids. He rested his head on his arms and fell asleep.
Jeffrey- Well.. I did meet a beautiful girl today..
Lily- *smiles at Ri* and I seem to have made a good start to an amazing friendship!
Ri smiled back at Lily. "Yay! I'm glad we're friends." then she turned towards Jeff and said , "Good luck with that girl."
Jeffrey- *He seemed slightly confused. I must not be good at hints.. he thought to himself.*
Lily- *she giggled* me too!
Ri giggled as well and got up to throw away her trash. When she returned back to the table she picked up her stuff saying "Well i'm off to find the English room. Ummm....do you know where that is?"
Lily- *she shrugged* I'm not quite sure..
Jeffrey- I don't know either but I have it next so we could find it together?