Just your basic everyday highschool...or is it?

"That would be great! I have a map but i'm terrible at reading them." Ri said blushing slightly at having to admit it.
Jeffrey- *smiles* okay.. *gathers his materials and says bye to Lily.* Ready?
Lily- *smiles at the two and heads for the restroom*
"Yes i'm ready." Ri waved to Lily and began walking with Jeff in search of the English room. "So out of our two classes so far which is your favorite?" she asked curiously.
Jeffrey- *he shrugged and thought for a second* I'm not sure yet..
Ri nodded and looked back down at the map. "I think the room is right up here." she said skipping ahead.
Jeffrey- *smiles and follows along, amused*
Lily- *standing in the bathroom looking at hersef in the mirror*
Ri entered the classroom and talked with the teacher for a bit before choosing a seat in the middle of the room. She waved Jeff over to the seat beside her.
Jeffrey- *smiled as she waved and he wandered over to the seat beside her.*
Ri took out her books and prepared herself for class. She stared longingly for few minutes out the window. Just a few more hours she thought to herself.
Jeffrey- *he layed gis head on his desk and stole a glancr at Ri once in awhile.*
Lily- *She began to tear up as she thought of how much people told her she looked like her mother. God did she miss her!*
M'ar awoke in shock. His stomach turned as it settled with the fresh blood. It's been too long since he had rich food. M'ar looked down at his schedule and frowned. "Teacher Assistant English" "I had english first period!!" He walked to the class and asked the teacher what he was supposed to do. She said to simply help other kids and run errands. M'ar nodded and leaned against the wall.

He watched as a red haired girl and a blonde guy walked in. They sat together and seemed to be friends. M'ar walked over to the couple.
"The teacher is just going to have you guys write about yourselves and what your summer was like. If need any help my name is M'ar" M'ar had to control himself around the girl. Her scent was delicious and her bloodtype was undefined. So Exotic..... M'ar thought to himself as he looked at the guy. He was a mere A+ not M'ar's favorite food. He leaned against a wall near the couple.

He pulled out his Iphone and played Bubble shooter. The game always seemed to entertain M'ar.
Jeffrey- *glanced up at M'ar and felt an odd energy. He didn't know what it was about him, but he certainly didn't like he way he looked at Ri*
Before Ri could reply back to M'ar he had turned and walked away. Something didn't seem completely right about him but Ri tried to never judge books by their covers. So she set to write about her summer. No details of course just that she spent most of her time outdoors in the woods. She turned towards M'ar. "I'm done. Do we turn it in to you?"
Jeffrey- *he returns to his original position, trying to avoid any work*
Ri turned towards Jeff. "Aren't you going to write?" she asked after noticing how he tried to avoid the assignment.
Jeffrey- Nope *he mumbled then he looked at her* Unless you think I should...
"I'm sure you did something fun this summer. Besides this is an easy A." she said smiling at him.
Jeffrey- *He thought for a moment then wrote swiftly and set his pencil down* okay. I'm done.
Ri laughed quietly. "That was fast. What did you write?"
Jeffrey- I moved here. *he smiled brightly then laughed*