Journey without end: A time travel RP

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Colleen just saved Damian's butt.
She will need some extra help tho, she ain't no fighter.
A brief non-getting-brained-by-a-club-wielding-caveman moment is all Damian needs to spring back into action!
Big post coming up tomorrow morning I promise. I apologize for my absence, I had to go a funeral and I got a new job. This week has been hectic for me but yes, big post tomorrow. ^^
Jimmy Jazzhands, challenging your gods since 1,000,000 BC (Or w/e time period we're in)
Man, Quantum leap this ain't! Slaughtering an ancient race? Questioning self-proclaimed gods? and OMFG DON'T TOUCH TEH HAIR! Hehehhh

Ok, so. I guess I'll tie this scene up with a post tomorrow, so wait for me....I might end this chapter if I can figure out a good exit strategy, I think I got it covered. I am also jumping the gun a bit cause I have, like always, been plotting ahead. Whether or not we time travel in my next post, or simply make an escape after defeating Aten..I'm not sure yet, but It'll come to me tomorrow.

A small recap: Akila recognized the scripture from her time and realized that this was the creation of an evil from her time, Aten. Aten no doubt has relation to time travel, most likely how he was able to wreak havoc in Akila's time era (Ancient Egypt) and be thought of as a god. He is not invincible and can be killed, this will set wrong to right and allow us to 'travel' again.

Keep up the good postins!
Ok, I posted. Read and react! WE are about to travel again, so if your character is NOT in the alter room, get in here! This will be like your outro post for the chapter before we travel.

A couple things:
One. I made reference in my post to Aten's stone skin. I am trying to tie things together (very loosely for now) and related it to being some kind of camo used in futuristic warfare (Stares at Hunter). Since Hunt's character is a solider from the future world, I thought this would help us in later chapters.

Two, Zen had a really cool idea about us traveling to the early 1900's (Very near to the time of the Doc & Zakia) aboard the Titanic,our goal being, as you can probably guess, to save it from certain destruction in iceberg infested waters. We might go here next

After this next chapter I am thinking of taking us to the End of time (Jazz hands land), where we will all have a better understanding of what is really going on and why we are all intertwined.

Good posts everyone! And if you are only partially involved in things at the current time, don't worry cause each of us will have vital importance -plot wise- eventually.
Guys sorry, but RL is getting to busy and I can't raise the motivation to post...I think I'll need to quite. Feel free to use Derrik how you see fit. Sorry :\
Yeah, no worries dude. RL comes first.
D :.....

Well, always looking forward to see you in some other roleplay! Anytime!
Good luck with your endeavors!
- w- I'm sorry for how busy I've been..
I'm hoping to TRY and get a post in Saturday before I go to this spanish dance thing.
If not, then Sunday.. -nod.-
:( Is sorry to see you go too, but it's nice of you to give free reign over Derrik ;)

Won't be able to post until Monday, have to go to this weird spa place with my sister..? But yeah if I'm still alive after I'll probably say Monday.
Ok, guys. I know apps are closed, but I've kidnapped two new players, Celest and Elyd, that will be joining us at the start of chapter two. So expect to see them soon!
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