Journey without end: A time travel RP

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Damnit you guys!

It makes me feel special that you like the game enough to keep posting here (And IC), even though I fell off the face of the planet > <

If there is still interest, and it looks like there is, I will do my best to breath life back into the game at some point. As most of you know I am basically MIA from everything Iwaku related other than the cbox, but that may change soon.

In the mean time, please, post post post! Don't let my inactivity stop you from doing so! If you wanna rp your characters in this awesome game, and move the story ahead to the 'next jump', feel free to do so, and when I am free enough to actually post I will.
I think Damian will be needing to constantly steer the ship out of the way of the icebergs while having Nari log down the changes in course. Colleen, Nari, and Damian could also get to know each other a bit better while they're in the control room and maybe the other circus freaks could be put on the spot and do freaky circus things.

I wonder if anyone heard any of the noises in the captains room....
Yay! I want to keep playing! Staci, wanna do an act with me while the rest of them rescue the ship?
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