Iwakus sexuality!

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What is your sexuality?

  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 53 49.5%
  • Homosexual

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 19 17.8%
  • Pansexual

    Votes: 16 15.0%
  • Asexual

    Votes: 14 13.1%
  • Questioning/Undecided

    Votes: 17 15.9%
  • Other: Please tell us!

    Votes: 6 5.6%

  • Total voters
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I read it in the paper so it must be true.
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So inspired by Diana's thread, I was curious as to what sexualities we had on Iwaku.
Are you comfortable with your sexuality? Do you need to come out? Do you think sexuality should be a big deal or not?

Don't feel the need to participate in the poll, I'm just curious!

I for one am a pansexual! I always thought I was bisexual but the more I spoke about my sexuality, I figured that I was never really attracted to gender and I never gendered how I saw beauty. So today I just see an attractive person who I'd do it with, instead of being concerned with gender!​
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inb4 shitstorm

But I voted! :D
We're at 50/50 Hetero and Pan atm.

Btw I'm one of the Heteros.
Couldn't vote both ace and gay, so went for gay since that's more relevant.

The correct answer would be homoromantic, though.
Couldn't vote both ace and gay, so went for gay since that's more relevant.

The correct answer would be homoromantic, though.
There is the 'other' option.
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True, but it's basically just homosexuality without the sex part.

Putting it as other felt a bit redundant.
Fair enough.
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I am still questioning about my sexuality..

I haven't dated a guy; but, I did date a girl once in six grade. I worked for two and half months and then she broke up with me.

I still really don't know why she did...
I like people when they're not fuckheads. Sometimes I like them more than as a friend for reasons I don't understand. I'm not sure if there's a term for that, but whatever.
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Proudly lesbian.

Well, sexually, at least.

I haven't been in enough social situations or met enough people to really be sure if I'm romantically attracted to guys or not. I've only ever been legitimately romantically attracted to a couple people, both of whom are female (or at least generally identified as more female than male; gender is a tricky thing!).

So I might be biromantic or panromantic. Dunno yet. And I'm pretty fine with not knowing.
Trigendered pyrofoxkin that identifies as transnegro Monday's, Tuesdays's and Wednesday's, but as transcaucasian Thursday's, Friday's, and Saturday's, and translatino Sunday's.

I am only attracted to those who identify as treekin and can correctly photosynthesis.

Check your privilege cis scum
I'm pansexual. I've been told this means I'm attracted to bread. That may or may not be correct.
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I'm surprised to see the majority of heterosexual people. It seems like everybody else have way stronger voices then o.O
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