Iwaku World - OLD Character Sheets

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Re: Character Sheet Applications


Name: The Pop n Lock Kid

Race: Human

Faction: No Faction

Place of Residence: Iwaku City



Personality: Kid just enjoys spending time with other people dancing and jiving to music, he is a people person and loves to socialize. If he connects with people well his care for them goes so deep he would do anything for them.

Drivers: To become a famous hip hop dancer.

Equipment: SkullCrusher Headphones, two semi-automatic pistols that fire concussive blasts

Strengths: Pop n lock, hip hop, bboying, making friends

Weaknesses: When he makes friends if they are in danger he will risk everything to protect them thus can be taken advantage of easily.

Primary Power: "Sound Phase" Soul Art
Can transform into sound waves thus phasing through anything tangible, this is limited by the factors that because he is made of sound while in this mode anything that absorbs sound (if given enough material) he can not phase through. In a sound proof room he is stuck unless there is a hole somewhere in the room that leads past the soundproofing and such. The more dense the material the more energy that must be used to make it through.

Secondary Power: "Marksmanship" Confluence
Extremely proficient with his twin handguns that fire concussive blasts. The guns nicknames are Chopin and Vivaldi after famous classical composers. When the concussive blasts come in contact with something they materialize and cause damage.

Tertiary Power: "Karate" Confluence
When pop n locking Kid can add karate into his routine without ruining the flow and thus can be unpredictable if the music is only heard by him.

Background: Kid is currently twenty years old and lives on his own. He discovered this ability when he was eighteen after listening to music so much he became one with the music and turned into sound itself. His family also owns a farm out in the middle of a place resembling Narnia and when he visits he often practices is marksmanship with his twin semi automatic pistols, and because of this his uncle gave him the nickname Dead Eye.
The ability to pop n lock was born within him it the skills seem to have surfaced form no where as he has had no professional training, his body just responds to the music. His parents however did not find dancing to be a profitable avenue to pursue in life and thus he left his parents abode.
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