Iwaku: Azazel

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Spot the references, folks.
okay~ thanks!

also, thank you for telling me Vay, that explains some things.
Yeah, knew there would be a fucking chainsaw. Scar the child ever further Asmo. XDD

I stand corrected. He's gonna kill her.... And probably Rameses as well.
I'll get back to answering PMs about this RP at a later date. Right now please PM Jack, Vay, or Zypher any questions.
I can be very.... accommodating.
Fel's characters are going to be played by Fluffy since he's unsure if he'll be back anytime soon for a while.
I'll catch up on what Fel's characters are doing and then post as soon as I can for them, and Umbra. I'm going to try and do so on Thursday morning if I have time. If that doesn't work, then I'll post Tuesday. :3
Powers/Abilities: Confluence Pulse: Asmodeus is an epicentre of the powers of Confluence. He enforces gritty, realistic reality in a 100ft radius around him, weakening the magical powers of others and forcing them to fight harsh and gruelling battles at the risk of their very lives.

For future reference, Asmo's not an idiot. He wouldn't set up a serial killer shack less than 100ft from the centre of a busy town.

If you guys absolutely must have showdowns with me, drop me a PM and I'll help you come up with halfway-plausible exposition as to how you've tracked down the most wanted man in Iwaku.
I see now I should have read up on the Confluence Pulse before making that last post. I could edit it so that Rameses isn't there with Asmo and Melody, but then Zen would also have to edit her post. It wouldn't require too much rearranging on either of our parts, though, so I think it's still fairly feasible at this point.
I wouldn't mind editing mine, it doesn't bother me much. If Melody gets killed, then she gets killed. And if she lives, then more fun for me.

...Wait. Wait a minute.

Miru said Thomas and Eros. Archy said Seiji and me. Both are an older male and younger pair traveling in the same area and having a convo, which is what Miru typed IC.

I am confused. x___x
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