It's Your Turn (IC)

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Gabby turned and came face to face with a girl she didnt know.
"Gah...! W-What the hell are you doing in my house!"
The outburst was more of a statement than a question, and more of a tired gasp than an actual outburst. She was tired and bruised, and just wanted to curl up on her cot and hope the bruises looked less like bruises the next morning.

Gabby eyed the girl and took a few steps back, reaching behind her onto the table. Thankfully, she had knives hidden around her apartment, which she thanked the guards for. Those bastards were always knocking on her door, and she wasnt about to face them empty-handed in her own apartment. She wasnt going to face this girl empty handed, either. Gabby's fingers closed around the hilt, and she held the dagger behind her back.

If the girl wanted to kill her, she could easily do it. She was weak, tired, exhausted. At this point, Gabby wasnt sure if she'd stop the girl from trying.

Will frowns a bit and rubs the back of his head "no offense Andy..but..that..seems a bit far fetched. Don't get me wrong I want to help but how do you intend to get a sample of the fog? it's not like we have gas masks and other things laying around to use as we want. If we get too close to that stuff and breath it in we're as good as dead. Even if we could get close enough without dying how do you intend to get a sample? its not like we can just take a jar and scoop the stuff into it. We'd need some kind of...I don't know some kind of vacuum that would be able to suck up the fog and contain it."
Jerry sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I figured you would say that," he murmured, but smiled and shook his head. "Anyways, it was worth a try. Uh, you're not gonna tell anyone about it, are you?" he asked. It was the main reason he hesitated to tell William in the first place. If anyone decided to stop him in his plans, then everything he worked for could go to ruin.


Kitiana blinked and took a few steps back. She did not expect the girl to react so suddenly. Shaking her head, she turned away. "She seems fine, Adika. I don't see why you're so worried about her," she muttered, beginning to leave. And she would have continued, if Adika had budged from Gabby's side. Kiti sighed. Of course she didn't. The girl was obviously hurt and the puppy's heart was too big to ignore the fact that this girl might have needed help.

Turning back to the dog, she planted her hands on her hips. "Oh, come now. If she doesn't want help,t here's nothing I can do," she growled, but the dog ignored her. She tried again. "If we stay here, we may get caught. She could be a guards daughter for all we know. Now, come on!"
Will shakes his head and finishes off the rest of his water and then sets the glass down "no I'm not going to tell anybody. I want to figure out a way to stop the fog as well but we need a better plan then that that's all I'm saying" He looks up at him and gives him a small smile "I'll do whatever I can to help as long as it makes sense"
Andrea nodded. "I understand," he murmured, shrugging. "I don't have any other ideas, though." Sighing, he glanced out of the window, trying to think. It wasn't easy in this cluttered house but if he risked going out and begin seen by the guards, he risked a scolding from his cousin.
Will yawns again and then shrugs "If you have one idea i'm sure you'll come up with others in time. besides it's not like we can fix this all in just one day. It'll take time anyways and the more time we spend planning the better off we'll be"
"I suppose you're right," Andrea murmured, shrugging and offering a smile. "Thanks."
Gabby sputtered and looked at the dog, then back at the girl that was still in her apartment. Her body was still throbbing, and there was a headache scratching at the sides of her skull. She felt weak.

Gabby groaned and slumped against the wall, holding her head in her hands. The room was spinning, and there were a thousand dogs and a thousand girls in her house. Was her house even that big? She didnt know. Any thought she seemed to get a grip on slipped away in the black fuzz that surrounded her head. Christ.

"I-If I were a Guards daughter... I wouldnt look like this.."

She gave the girl a small smile before finally passing out onto the floor, her body crumpling like wet paper.

Kitiana sighed and rolled her eyes. "Some people," she muttered to herself and walked over to the unconscious girl. She looked her over and once satisfied she would cause any damage, picked up the girl. She took her over to what looked like a bed and set her down, making sure to cover her with a blanket so that she wasn't cold. She then began to assess the girl's condition, making sure there wasn't any possible fatalities. "So hopefully, I can leave before she wakes, and she won't die if I do," Kiti whispered to Adika.

Gabby woke with a start, her itchy wool blanket thrown over her with care. The girl was still in her apartment, but was making her way out in a hasty retreat. Well, who the heck saves a girl from possible death then bails? No way.

"W-Wait! Why are you... Wholly Rabies, is that a dog!?"

She had never seen one in person. Pets usually died at birth up here, due to the lack of clean air, so seeing a healthy dog was such a rarity. It was cute and fluffy, and she wanted desprately to pet it.

"C'mon, Adika," Kitiana murmured, beginning to walk out. Once she had reached the door, however, the girl talked. Rather loudly in fact. Kiti cringed, the blood in her temples pounding against the sides like a beater to a drum. "Yes. She's a dog. A puppy, really," the girl whispered, turning back. "Now, what was your first question?" This girl was starting to get annoying.

Gabby blushed and brought the blanket up to her face, embarassed. The girl was invading her house, and had practically healed her wounds, and the first question she asked is about the dog? She probably looked stupid, with all of her bruises and broken body, with a wool blanket thrown over her.

"S-Sorry.. I've never seen one in person before. I was going to ask.. Why did you come and... Y'know, help me? Its rare to get that kind of compassion in times like these."

Never seen a dog? Kiti supposed it was the truth. After all, it seemed only the well off were able to afford to keep one. And then there was the question. Why? What a question. "Well. There are many reasons," Kitiana murmured, shaking her head. "Just to mention one would be pointless and to mention all would take the entire day. Time that I do not wish to waste." The older girl seemed to come off as a bit harsh, but she was just anxious.

Gabby looked at her in confusion. She didnt quite understand what this girl was after, or why she had helped her in the first place. Normally, when you saw somebody getting their ass handed to them by a guard, you didnt question it, nor did you try and stop it. The brutality of the guards was not a force to be reckoned with.

Gabby stood up and winced, holding her sides. She felt as if her organs had been misplaced and then shifted to be put in the right spots. Her jaw felt like it was on backwards, and she was positive that she was covered in a beautifu array of bruises. She smiled at the girl, however, and stood up straight, brushing off the pain as if this wasnt the first time she'd ever been beaten.

"Do you want something to eat? Drink? I must be a horrible host in your eyes. Let me treat you."
At first she sat up. Then stood up. Then she offered her food or drink. Was this girl an idiot? Kitiana rolled her eyes, feeling her impatience building. However, she forced the thoughts to the back of her mind. Perhaps she had hit her head. Her cousin had once explained that a head injury could cause one to forget that they were hurt. "Hon," Kiti began, holding back the frustration from her voice. "It is best that you rest. Your injuries would heal better. And technically speaking, I'm an intruder to your home, there is no need for you to be a host."
Will shrugs a bit and smiles "I didn't really do much..but your welcome."
Andrea smiled softly and shook his head. "Anywho, I wonder what's taking her so long... the sun's already setting."
Gabby sighed and leaned against the wall, her forehead breaking out in a cold sweat. Damn, that guard really did her in. She was practically painted in bruises, and would probably be berated by other corrupted guards if she dare step foot outside looking like this.

Despite her intention to help her, Gabby could feel the growing frustration in the girl. She was doing her best to hold it back, but there was a high strung tension in her words. Gabby sighed and leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes, and holding her owl hips.

"If you thought you were going to get frustrated, then why save me? Im Gabby, by the way.. In case I forgot to tell you my name."
Kitiana sighed internally. Did she just say that she didn't want to explain. Or, more so that fact that she could. Shaking her head, she shrugged, smiling softly. "Because I could. That and Adika wouldn't leave you alone," she whispered, giggling when the puppy let out a small 'yip'. "
Gabby tilted her head to the side. This girl was confusing. Why save her, then? Because of the dog? She was so confused. Gabby leaned against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest and studying her. She looked like she came from the richer district, which made her in her own house all the more confusing. Add frustrating to the mix. The girl was getting angry at her, and Gabby had no idea why. If she couldnt explain why she was even here, then why be in here in the first place?

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