Its romeo and Juliet but not really

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Elena was glad that the changing room was in a cit off part of the shop so that only she and Roy were there "this is it. This us the dress I want to get married in" she said softly then bit her lip as she felt tears prick at eyes at the thought of getting in to a loveless marriage in such an amazing dress
Roy looked around and made sure they were alone before he went up and gave Elena a quick hug before moving away from her again. "That Strong kid better realize how luck a guy he is, if the fighting continues or I swear I will kidnap his beautiful bride."
Elena relaxed against the other for the small hug before giving a sad smile "thanks but if I have my way we won't even reach the alter" she said seriously before sighing and heading back to the changing room
Roy only sighed. That's what he wanted to. He didn't even want to see a ring on her finger. Now they just had to find the ones before them, solve this figuring, and stop this hiding of their friendship. Roy felt his pick buzz. He took out his phone and stared, almost in horror at what he read.
Elena came out soon after then frowned slightly at Roy's expression "Roy? Is something the matter?" She asked, once again back in her lady like Whiteheart role
Roy thumbed his nose before stuffing his phone back into his pocket. He shrugged his shoulder. "Are you ganna leave that here, or do you have to carry it around with you everywhere?" He asked pointing to the dress.
Elena tilted his head to the side "the man is going to make it in the right colour and ship tit to my home. Now Roy, what was with the expression? You looked almost scared" the worry in her voice was more than real
Roy shrugged. "It doesn't matter, at least not now. We have other business to deal with." Roy kept thinking back to the text message from his sister. He hoped she didn't have any motives.
Elena nodded slowly and took a deep breath before forcing a smile "I shpoukd return home before my mother worries where I am as I seem to be running late" she said and headed for the door
"Then I guess that our little outing is done?" Roy asked.
Elena nodded with another forced smile "it is. Thank you for accompanying me to this, I'm sure it wasn't at all entertaining. I appreciate it" she replied, bowed her head and hurried out the door and all the way home
Roy stayed in town a while longer. He feared going home. His sister had been in town. His sister had seen him with Elena. What was she going to do with that information? What was she going to do with Elena? Were either of them safe?
Elena got home as quickly as she could and after telling her mum she had founds a dress she went straight to her room. The girl knew something was wrong with Roy and she was worried but nshe restrained herself from playing the violin or texting him
Roy started walking home when it got dark. He wished he couldn't have gone to see Elena but he knew it was risky. He knew it was risky even going to see Beauty and riding his fears away in the night. He walked into the room and was greeted by is mom, however she only asked for her things that she need and yelled at Roy for taking to long to get him. Roy sighed, thinking he was in the clear. He didn't know how wrong he was until he enter his room and saw his sister on his bed.
In the end Elena couldn't stop herself and picked up her violin and began to play one day too late by skillet becuase it was just the forest thing she had thought of
When Roy's sister finally left, Roy didn't know how to feel. His sister was not going to tell their parents about them, but she hadn't told him what she would do with her newly found information. As soon as Roy knew it was safe, he texted Elena. "I hope you are not playing your violin outside."
Elena jumped at the sudden text and gave a small laugh before smiling 'I'll have you know I'm plying my violin inside' she replied
Roy sighed in relief. But he almost wished she was outside so he had an excuse to see her. "That's good to hear. I'm sorry about earlier, about the text. I didn't know what to tell you about."
Elena smiled softly then opened the door for him to hear her playing 'want was it about? You looked like someone had caught your hand in the cookie jar"
Roy heard the music and opened his window to hear it better. He felt much calmer when he was listening to her playing. It was almost as if he was in the same room with her. "It was almost like that. My sister was going on a date in town today. I don't really listen to her date plans so I had no idea she was going. She ended up seeing us together walking into the bridal store."
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