It started with an egg...

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As Asm slipped past him, he growled happily. He attempted to ram his head against his lower back, hoping to knock him over. He knew the small nubs of his horns wouldn't harm him, being short and dull.
Leon fell forward and tried to roll with it. "Woah!" he looked back at Asm and smiled. "Nice job little one!" he said.
It wasn't that Asm didn't appriciate the compliment, but he had no time to reply, being far too busy pushing his advantage. He rammed Leon's shield, hoping to get him before he gained his balance.
Leon rolled out of the way with a smile. Asm was very good at fighting and he knew he'd be strong enough to take care of himself one day.
Asm took a few steps back when Leon dodged. Thus far, he'd been the agressive one. Now it was time to let him try to attack!
Leon smiled, knowing what Asm wanted him to do. He charged forward and attempted to shield bash him and hopefully knock him over.
Asm was ready for the charge and roae up to his back feet with a beat of his wings, catching Leon's shield and digging his back claws into the ground. He stood a bit taller than the elf, grinning down at him as he started to push back!
Leon pushed back with all of his weight but Asm was too strong and he fell backwards, pinned down by the dragon.
"Asmazus win. Again" he chuckled, keeping Leon pinned for a few moments longer, before pushing himself off him and running over to Rin. "Mama! Asmazus win!" He murred as he rubbed against her.
Leon chuckled at the dragon as he rushed over to his mother. He found it adorable the way Asm looked to her for approval and would nuzzle against her. Rin smiled down at him and pet him. "I had no doubt in my mind little one," She gigged before giving him a hug, "You're such a strong and smart dragon after all!"
"Asmazus strong enough to protect mama forever!" He murred happily as he leaned into the hug. "And Asmazus will!" He said, before he gave her a loving lick.
Rin smiled and giggled as he said that. It was cute still and she loved him like her own child. She finally let him go and stretched. Leon smiled and walked over. "Great job Asm!" he said.
Asm turned towards Leon pushed himself to his hind legs, grabbing him with his fore ones, and hugged him. "Leon fun to play with!" The dragon murred, struggling slightly to not drop all his weight on him.
Leon couldn't help but smile a bit and hugged the dragon back. "Yeah, that was certainly fun for me too Asmazus," he said with a grin. Rin smiled and nodded to herself, Leon was the one.
And with that, Leon became part of the little family, moving in but a short time later.

Years passed, and Asmazus grew larger and large. He grew to the size of a large horse, with his horns starting tocome along as well, starting to become two footlong spears on his head.
His intelligence grew as well, and his mind matured. While he was no longer a young child, he was still a dragon who loved his aelven mama.

Asmazus came flying back to his home, holding a goat between his teeth. He landed with the heavy flap of large wings and the loud thud of strong feet hitting the back yard, before he started tearing into his meal.
Rin and Leon were eating when they heard their dragon son come home. Rin smiled, glad that he could catch his own food now. It would be hard for her to feed him herself, especially now that she was with child. Her stomach was a bit round, she was somewhere along 6 months or so and she had a very serious discussion with her beloved son about the baby. Leon was generally a play mate and buddy to the dragon, it was Rin who did the discipline. Not because Leon wouldn't but because Asm never listened to him! Once everyone was done eating, Rin waddled outside and smiled.
"Welcome home Asm!" she said cheerfully, "What did you have for lunch?"
Asm was just done with his meal when Rin came out to greet him. "Thanks Mama." He murred in between working his tongue against the remains between his teeth. It didnt matter that he had become much better at speaking, hevstill called Rin Mama."Goat" He murred as he got a rib loose. "A wild one. I learned my lesson when the town guard came last time." He chuckled, even if it had been a rather serious situation.
Rin smiled and pet his nose. "Good boy. You've come such a long way and mama's very proud of you," She said warmly. She still talked to him as she always had, referring to herself as mama. "So what do you plan to do today? Go for a nice fly about?" She put a hand on her stomach as she felt a little bump in her belly, "Oof...the baby sure likes to kick."
Asm murred happily at his mama's petting, leaning in against her. He was about to answer her when she was apparently kicked from the inside. "The little one wants to make his way out then!" He chuckled. "I just hope it doesn't go the way it did when I got out. That would... have rather unfortunate results." He didn't really want to think about his mama being ripped open, but the thought made it's way into his head for a moment, before he could get it out again. "You're harder to crack open than an egg though!" He chuckled.
Rin laughed. "Don't worry the baby will not break out of me," She said with a smile. She hugged his head as she stood there with him. "He's probably just a bit unhappy with lunch. Who knows why babies kick." She kissed the tip of his nose as she stood there.
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