It started with an egg...

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Asm murred happily at Rin's encouragement. "Asmazus want to be nice. Asmazus want to make happy people and friends. Maybe more friends give Asmazus more shiny gems..." He thought aloud, before going quiet for a few moments. "Asmazus can have job?" He asked suddenly, looking up at Rin.
Leon couldn't help but chuckle when Asmazus talked about making friends. It was sweet in its own way. When he looked at Rin she shook her head. "You're too little. And I'm not sure who would want to employ a dragon my little one," she said as she pet his head still, "But perhaps one day we can find you something. I know you'll manage to make friends, you've got a great personality."
"Asmazus wants many friends and big hoard when big! Asmazus happy with mama and friend Leon now though!" He murred, rubbing his lower jaw against Rin's lap. "But one day, Asmazus will be biggest, strongest dragon!" He said, closing his eyes, and rubbing against the thighs in front of him.
Rin smiled and continued to pet his head, it was quite cute to hear him speak of his dreams. Leon smiled a bit, Asmazus was a pretty nice dragon and he couldn't help but be a bit jealous. He started to wish he'd been introduced to him before.
"What of mama? And friend Leon" He asked as he looked up at the two of them. "What you want when older? You not get bigger, but elfies still live long!" That was one of those things he'd actually learned, that Rin and other elves didnt get big, yet they lasted quite a few years.
Rin smiled. "I want to help you out and maybe become a mama to my own little elves." She replied with a gentle smile. Leon shrugged. "I already consider myself older. I guess having a family would be okay." he replied. He wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do, it all depended on his relationship with Rin.
"So mama is gonna lay eggs for little elves?" Asm asked with a curious smile as he looked up at her, before looking over to Leon. "And Leon is going to be papa of eggs?" He asked, eyes going from the one to the other curiously, eager to learn about the future. Even if he knew that the future wasn't certain in any way. Just like that time Rin had said she was sure he'd be able to fly by now. He wasn't quite there yet, though he could leap and glide.
Rin laughed softly. "Maybe one day. But elves don't lay eggs." She reminded him. Leon turned slightly red at the thought.
"Oh. Right." He murred, looking down stupidly for a moment. "But mama will love Asmazus more, yes?" He asked, looking up at her with a hopeful smile.
Rin laughed and hugged his head. "I will love all my children equally. Though you'll have a special spot in my heart," She replied as she kissed the tip of his snout. Leon couldn't help but smile. For a ferocious dragon he sure was a mama's boy.
Asm murred happily at his mama's affection, and gave her a lick in return. "As long as Mama never forget Asm, Asm won't forget Mama!" He murred, rubbing his head against her chin, careful not to stab her with the small horns that had started growing there.
Rin smiled and started to pet his head again. "I'll never forget you my little Asm," She said with a smile. Leon smiled at the two and watched quietly. After a few moments he spoke up. "I should get going," he said with a smile. Rin then looked at him. "OH geeze I'm sorry. You don't have to leave, really!" she said with wide eyes.
Asm looked from Leon to Rin as they spoke, wondering both why he suddenly felt the need to leave and why she was so shocked by it. He looked to Leon again, and asked "Will friend Leon return?" with hopeful eyes.
Leon looked to Asm with a smile. "Of course I will. I have no reason to stay away from you two," He said simply. Rin put a hand on his with a small smile. "You really don't have to leave you know." she said.
"You two look like you have some stuff to talk about."
"You really should stay."
Asm put his paw on top of Rin and Leon's, looking at him. "Leon just came. Why leave so soon?" He murred sadly, laying his tail flat. "Mama and Asmazus talk every day. First with Leon." He said, hoping he'd stay. He was Rin's friend, and so he wanted to be his friend too!
Leon sighed. "alright I'll stay." He said with a defeated sigh. He couldn't stand to see the dragon look so sad, he was too adorable. He could clearly see what Rin saw in him. Rin smiled a little and leaned against him.
Asm murred happily as he put his head back on Rin's lap again. "Where Leon meet Mama?" He asked, suddenly curious. He knew she had told him of inns and parties, but that was a bit too vauge for him.
"I met your mother in town. She was picking up some things from the buchers shop and I just happened to notice her lovely eyes," Leon answered with a smile, "So naturally I walked over and tried to start a conversation."
Rin smiled a bit, "Asm, I believe I told you this all before." She said.
Asm murred with a slight smile up at Rin at her question. "Asmazus want to be sure Mama no make up meeting of love-fable!" He chuckled, happy to have heard the same story from both of them. He looked at Leon again, still smiling. "And Mama do have pretty eyes. You have good eyes to notice." He murred, still smiling.
Leon laughed softly as Asm spoke, he liked the little dragon's way of talking and thinking. Rin blushed lightly when Asm mentioned her eyes. She continued to pet Asm as she sat there, leaning against Leon. Leon reached over and rubbed his head a little. "You're a very bright little....dragon." He said with a smile, "You certainly know how to make your mama smile."
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