It started with an egg...

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Asm kept looking at the two as they came closer, becoming more and more sure he hadn't seen the stranger Rin was with. Yet she seemed to enjoy herself with him, as far as he could tell, at least.

He heard them stepping inside before Rin called for him, and headed for the door to his lair. As he pawed at the door to get it open, he wondered how to introduce himself to this new stranger. He guessed it was the it was the new mate she had found, though he couldn't be sure... If it was, he wanted to make a good impression. So, should he be cheerful, charge down there, and attempt to greet this new one like a giddy dog?
Or something more dignified, walking slowly down, chest puffed, heat almost glowing from his maw? Or maybe attempt to scare him?

Before he had time to figure it out, he had already run down the stairs, and crossed half the room to greet the two. Dignified was far too late. Scary could probably come by itself, so he decided on giddy, and ran over to Rin, growling happily to see her.
The man was a bit surprised to see Asm. Sure she had SAID he was a dragon but he wasn't expecting a REAL dragon. He thought Asm was just a large snake or something. Rin rushed to Asm and hugged him happily. She pet his head glad that he was happy to see her, just like always.

"Asm, I'd like you to meet Leon. This is the man I've been going out with, he's been courting your mama." She said with a smile.

Leon smiled a bit uneasily and waved. "H-hello. I've heard so much about you," he said trying to sound confident. It was clear that his size alone was intimidating itself. His low growls made him even more uneasy, after all it was a dragon. He had no idea Asm could talk let alone clearly express himself.
Asm murred and rubbed against Rin, glad that she finally was back home again. He might be one to say that he could be home alone, but damn if he wasn't glad when she got back home!
Yet as soon as he was introduced to this Leon, and he himself got done greeting Rin, he turned towards the new man.

"Asmazus heard much you. Asmazus pleased to meet." He murred in a low tone, bowing his head for a moment to this new friend, before raising his head again, and looking into his eyes. His shoulders reached up to his gut, yet his long neck almost reached up so he was face to face with him.
Leon seemed very impressed. "You speak very well for your age. It's a good surprise. And the pleasure is all mine. She speaks of rarely anything besides you. I thought I would bring you this for your hoard," He said pulling out a fairly impressive emerald, "I got it off of some goblins a little while back. I washed it up and it shines pretty nice eh?" he said as he held it out for him to take. The emerald was about the size of Leon's fist, so it was fairly large.

Rin smiled and was glad the two seemed to be getting along. If all went well Leon would certainly be a nice fit. Asmazus was the most important thing in her life and Leon was well aware of it. If Asm didn't like him now, he'd be done. Rin had made that abundantly clear to him from the beginning.
Asm's eyes were pulled to the green stone as soon as he pulled it out, making his maw open slightly in surprise. He stared wordlessly at it for a moment, before his eyes returned to Leon's. "Ah... Asmazus think you court mama, not Asmazus. Asmazus accept gift with great happy." He murred, bowing his head once more, before leaning down and taking the emerald gently in his maw, his teeth clacking lightly against it. He was careful not to bite Leon though. As he got the gift, he quickly scampered for the stairs, to get his treasure to his hoard, and to free his mouth, so he could speak more to this new friend.
Leon couldn't help but smile. He was glad that Asm seemed to like him. Rin smiled and gestured for him to sit with her. The two sat on the couch with a smile on each of their faces. They waited for Asm to return, things were turning out to be wonderful. Rin leaned against him with a gentle smile, feeling relaxed.
Asm dropped his emerald on top of his pile of shiny rocks. Sure, his pile wasn't the largest, nor the one filled with the most valuable of shiny stones. Most of them were in fact nothing more than slightly shiny rocks he had found in the woods.
As soon as he was done, making sure the rock lay properly, he turned tail, and headed back down, finding the two others on the couch. He was quick to join them, jumping onto it, and laying against Rin.
Rin smiled and placed a hand on Asm's head, starting to pet him. Leon couldn't help but smile, Asm was much like a dog in some ways though he was far more intelligent and a certainly more interesting pet compared to a hound. He couldn't help but watch with slight awe at how relaxed Rin was in petting him. After all Asm could easily snap her hand right off. Then again, Rin had taken care of him since he was an egg so it made some sense. There was very little talking as Leon wasn't sure what he could talk about around Asm. He didn't know how much Asm understood about the world.
Asm murred happily at Rin's touch, once more enjoying lying about and relaxing with her, even if there was a new element added to it with Leon. He looked from the one to the other a few times, before he suddenly asked "You going mate now?" Sure, Rin had tried to explain the whole mates and mating thing again, but then, he was still young. He had yet to understand romance and the birds and the bees. And as Rin always had encouraged him to be curious, more so than she had tried to teach him what was and wasn't appropriate things to speak of, he tended to be rather blunt about his questions at times.
Leon's face turned a dark red and Rin started to laugh. "No not yet little one. I haven't decided if he's a keeper yet," She teased Leon while scratching Asm's head, "In polite company we don't talk about that. But you are still a bit young to be understanding any of that."
Leon looked at her a bit surprised that she seemed completely unphased. She was used to his blunt questions and knew that he never took no for an answer when it came to simply answering his questions. Silence would only make him throw a fit so she had to give him something.
Asm murred in understanding, not wanting to anger her nor Leon with keeping at it. As he lay there, with his head resting on Rin's lap, he studied Leon a bit, attempting to figure out what sort of man he was. And it didn't take him long to figure out that he had no idea what sort of men there were in this world, as he had hardly met any of them. "Leon here to stay?" He figured he'd ask instead then. He'd have to get used to him, if he was going to stay with them, after all.
Leon looked at him and shook his head. "No I came to visit. Rin thought it was time I met you," He said, "Though I'll start visiting more often, maybe even stay a night or two before I'm here to stay." Leon didn't mind answering this question.
Rin smiled and pet Asm's head as it rested on her lap. She felt more relaxed since it seemed Asm had no problems with Leon.
Asm lay still for a moment, thinking, before coming up with another question for this new friend. "What Leon do? Leon do something to earn money, or Leon not afford shiny." He asked, lifting his head curiously towards him. He knew that emeralds were worth quite a bit, and not usually something someone would give someone on their first meeting. But then, dragons were rather rare.
Leon looked at him. "I do a lot of odd jobs. I work mostly as a guard around the town. Like I said I got that from some goblins. I do the odd raid here and there," He replied, "I know it's rare but I do occasionally get a nice trinket."
"So Leon too dumb to get good job?" He asked with a gleeful smile, thinking he'd figured something out. He had never seen a Goblin himself, though it was one of the things Rin had taught him about. All he remembered though, was that they were small, green, and usually to be pests.
Leon looked a bit insulted and frowned. "That's not it!" he snapped in return, "Towns need guards you know!" Rin put a hand on Leon's shoulder.
"Asm, that's not nice to say. I thought I taught you calling someone dumb is not nice." Rin scolded him. She stopped petting him and stared at him, clearly disappointed with him.
Asm bowed his head in shame, whinging lowly. "Asmazus is sorry..." He whined, remembering the lesson, just not having caught the words before they poured out of his mouth. "Asmazus not used to talking to people that not mama..." He pulled his head away from Rin's lap, craning his neck quite a bit to get it off her.
Rin sighed and pulled his head back on to her lap. Leon looked at him and gave a soft sigh. "It's okay. I accept your apology." He said as he sat there.
Rin rubbed the top of Asm's head. "Next time think before asking a question like that okay?" she said softly.
"I'll try..." Asm murred, as he settled his head on her lap again. "Many rules, many questions no okay... It so much and confusing..." He murred on. He wanted to be a good boy, obviously, but being that good a boy meant he'd have to learn oh so many social rules.
Leon sighed softly, he had to remember that Asm was still a child. Hell, compared to most dragons he was just a baby! Rin continued to rub his head now. "I know my little one, one day you won't even have to think about it. But until then it's going to take a lot of hard work, but I know you can do it." Rin smiled at him.
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