Intergalactic Life: Among the Stars (OoC)

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I'll try and post tonight for Syril but for sure by the end of this week.
Alright, so I'm thinking a little further into the story then I probably should, but would everyone here be okay with (later in the rp), the group is split up and some of us are taken by a group of rather unsavoury types? I'll elaborate more when this part of the story shows up and we don't have to make any decisions now, it's just a forethought.

Basically, the ship would get stolen and a few people would get taken (maybe 2/3rds of the cast) by the thieves for various reasons (these are just random examples, we may not use them: Casspian is dismantled/analyzed for his components, some of the characters would be taken and sold into a slavery trade, the ship would be kept as a prize by the main thief/sold/put as the prize of a specific event, etc).

I'm just making sure people would be okay with that divide in the story, where certain people would go hunting for the captives while the others (captives) tried to survive and escape from their captors.

We may not even run that idea, but its still a few plot-elements away from happening so I wanted to verify it with you all first before I made serious decisions.
Grabbed some time today to post in the IC, but time to go now... idea sounds fine by me!
Alright, majority of people who've chimed in seem to be cool with it so that's a good sign.
Not a bad idea, I can imagine some going a lot less quietly than others.
Oh yeah, definitely. We can discuss who gets taken and who escapes when the arc comes up, but I just thought I should let you guys know what I'm planning for this RP in my head-brain :3
Yeah, totally.

Anyways, don't worry about it right now. We still have about 3-4 ideas before we run into that arc.
asldkfjhsaldkfjhaslkdfjh I'm so excited for this lol

This is by far the most active RP I've been in for a loooooong time :P
XD where'd the (current) crew of the Moonlight Daydream go? Dylan's lonely!
I'm multi tasking, I'll have a post up tonight, fear not.
No worries, my joking tone doesn't come across in text form -_-
Fair enough, tis the eternal plague of we internet denizens. Sarcasm, jest, all are lost to the stark contrast of white text upon black background.
Alright sounds like mostly everyone said yes, so I'll run with it. If there's any issues when the time comes, I'll deal with it.

Alright, so as soon as the Moonage Daydream's crew gets to posting, we can advance towards the space station. I'm interested to see where this goes.

What do you guys think? Should we get another job while on the station or should we float around in space for a while?
Quickly writing up a post. It's late into the night though here at GMT+8, so I suppose the earliest Emily's intro can be up will be some time tomorrow morning.

I'm alright with the plans for later plots events. Also, another job on the station actually sounds like a good way to get the to-be crew members involved, so I personally think it's a nice idea.
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Also, another job on the station actually sounds like a good way to get the to-be crew members involved, so I personally think it's a nice idea.
I second this motion, all those in favor?
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