Insurgence | Medieval Pokemon RP [Sign-Ups]

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Who should be in command?

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I was thinking that rural Argent is more reminiscent of China, while urban Argent is representative of Japan. This is just to not make it so Japanophillic. Is this okay, Ketori?
I was thinking that rural Argent is more reminiscent of China, while urban Argent is representative of Japan. This is just to not make it so Japanophillic. Is this okay, Ketori?

That's fine. Make it different and all. :)
That's fine. Make it different and all. :)
Alright! I was also thinking about taking it a step further and saying the rural part of Argent, being against the sea, is inhabited by immigrants from a different land altogether to Atlas and somewhat integrated with the similar culture of Argentians, but are segregated into a lower class because of old prejudice, the two populations divided by a range of mountains stemming from the north. Of course, it might not be as intense as it once was, but hate crimes are still committed against the foreigners by some radical groups in urban Argent, such as rape, murder, and destruction of property.

Just keeping it close to reality for a medieval time period.

We'll also need a name for this foreign country.
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Also I would post but my phone doesn't have a rich text thing.

I kinda don't want to add another land because I think Atlas is enough.
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I kinda don't want to add another land because I think Atlas is enough.
It's not like it would be really relevant to the story. It would be a long way away. Besides, the foreigners probably left for a reason. Maybe it's devoid of life now, having been ravaged by a legendary Pokemon?
Like a wasteland of some sorts? Or maybe it was ravaged by war? We can call it Epros, or Osnea.
Like a wasteland of some sorts? Or maybe it was ravaged by war? We can call it Epros, or Osnea.
Well, the people aren't warmongers, so that's why I suggested it done by a Pokemon. Or, I guess they could have learned their lesson to not wage war and became peaceful when coming to Atlas.

I was thinking something more in the Oriental sense, like Daiyu or Xiurong.
Oh okay. Xiurong sounds better, and we do need more oriental things in the RP. Which legend caused the destruction of the continent?
Go original and say it was Yveltal that destroyed the country ^^

@Sen Yes, a traveler indeed ^^

Is anybody free to interact with my char?
Maybe I will, and then say it went back to sleep after destroying the country.
Oh okay. Xiurong sounds better, and we do need more oriental things in the RP. Which legend caused the destruction of the continent?
Go original and say it was Yveltal that destroyed the country ^^
Yes! Yveltal, the Destruction Pokemon! There's nothing more fitting! Minami, you genius!

Is anybody free to interact with my char?
Shui is currently free for interaction, if you'd fancy that.
Wyeth is also free to interact, more or less.
Well anyone would be appreciated actually ^^" If either one of you could post that would be great ^3^
Wyeth is going to be sitting down near Quinn, looking around at the different people. So if you want to have her approach after my post, then you could. :)
I took it upon myself to make an organized character list ^^


Minami Nyx



Minami Nyx



Country of Origin:

Katana #1; Nitōryū

Minami's primary weapon of choice, strapped onto her lower back where she can access it with her right hand easily. This particular weapon is a double edged katana, who's design Minami came up with herself.
It has a loop at the end of the blade, which allows her to handle it much like a kunai.
She has a sheath that makes it look like an ordinary katana to give her the element of surprise when needed.

Katana #2; Hyaku mairu

Minami's second weapon of choice, this katana has the same kind of loop as her Nitōryū, but is used like an ordinary blade. The only thing special about it is it's length, which is about a quarter longer than usual katana. It is also strapped on her lower back, crossing sheaths with her other blade.

Double sickle kusarigama; Karitoriki/Shinigami

Her final weapon, preferred weapon against long ranged opponents. Karitoriki is a difficult weapon to wield and Minami has to admit she has not mastered it completely. She prefers not to use the weapon in combat yet due to it's unpredictable nature.
The weapon has two sickles, instead of the usual weight at one end, allowing Minami to wield both sickles at the same time, switching between close combat and medium ranged attacks when needed.


Mikadzuki (Mika/Tsuki)

Name: Mikadzuki
Species: Ninetales
Gender: Female
Personality: Mika has a somewhat intimidating aura around her, but is quite friendly when she likes you. She has a very jealous side towards everybody trying to get close to Minami and will play mischievous tricks on them in attempts to ruin the mood. She has been known to toss items at people using her psychic powers or pull their chair out from under them, all kinds of things. When Minami scolds her she will walk away in her most regal posture before sulking in a corner until she is called. Despite her jealous side, Mika wishes for her master to be happy with lots of friends and sees her teasing more of a test of worth.
Minami holds her very dear and is never angry for very long, but being scolded is the worst thing in the world for the fox.
Special traits: Mika's fur is very light, to the point of being as white as snow. She is not shiny, just peculiarly light in coloring. People in Minami's village proclaimed that the ninetales was blessed by Suicune with her white pelt.
Other than that Mika's tails and mane are slightly longer than ordinary ninetales'.



Name: Kisuke
Species: Noivern
Gender: Male
Personality: Despite his fearsome and frightening appearance, Kisuke is a lovable and mischievous pokemon that loves spending time with his master. He eats mostly bug pokemon and fruits, though Minami has seen him sneak off with some meat from time to time.
Kisuke is always playful and enjoys nudging Minami or the rest of the team until they go along with him on flights or adventure. If anybody dares to threaten his master, Kisuke's fun-loving personality vanishes like snow in the harsh sun. There have been times where Minami had to forcibly restrain him to keep him from killing her attacker.
Special traits: Kisuke's tail is longer than usual and his wings are abnormally big as well. His coloring seems to be a hue darker than ordinary noivern, but other than that he is an ordinary noivern.


Name: Kinzoku
Species: Metagross
Gender: Male
Personality: This metal monster is by far the most intimidating line of defense in Minami's team. Kinzoku is the one pokemon Minami hasn't bonded fully with yet. Being the newest edition in her team, he is a bit anti-social, often standing on the sidelines when the others have fun or go out on adventures. Minami doesn't push the large beast much, figuring that he'll come around eventually.
Special traits: Kinzoku has no special traits besides his exceptional speed.


Personality: Minami is somewhat silent and distant, anti-social if you will. She has been alone for many years now and though she encounters travelers at times, her meetings are brief and uneventful. The only one she really opens up to are her pokemon.

It is not that Minami can't be friendly towards people, she just finds there to be no need for it. As such she may come over as cold or indifferent, while not meaning to be like that. Despite this fact, Minami would see no harm come to a comrade and will fight to protect them if needed.

Short Biography:
Minami was raised in a small village in Aurios, in the heart of snow and ice. In her particular village children set out when they came of age to either travel or find some other place for themselves, accompanied by the pokemon chosen to be their partner by birth date.

On her fifth birthday Minami was introduced to the pokemon that shared her date of birth, a little vulpix it's tails only split into three. Minami was overjoyed by the little thing and immediately treated the fox as her own. The two slept, ate and bathed together, day in and out, growing closer with each day. When Minami reached the age of 10 she was allowed to go out of the village by herself. Her village relied mostly on the hunt and mining, so Minami was instructed in hunting from a young age and was going out on her own for the first time.
She had a good hunt with her companion, returning home with a bundle of buneary's and some spearow for dinner. When she got back home though, she realized she had a stowaway in her bag; a tiny noibat that had hid away from the cold. It seemed it had lost its way from home and hid in her bag when confronted with the icy cold winds. Feeling sorry for the creature, Minami attempted to bring him to what she believed to be his home, only to see the little bat being chased out by zubat and noibat alike as she was attempting to walk back home. She took him back home and attempted to set him free a few times, but the bat refused to leave her side and eventually she just let him.

Four years later, Minami was allowed to venture out and travel the world on her own, accompanied by her pokemon. She left after her uncle forged her two swords she had thought up and set out into the world. She ventured long and trained with her pokemon, both evolving in the process. Just a couple of years ago she encountered a lone metang that decided to follow her after a heated match and quickly evolved into a metagross.

After so long, Minami felt traveling held no real purpose for her anymore and found new purpose when she heard of the campaign of the emperor, traveling down to the Capital.

Other: Themesong: The Devil in I - Slipknot​

Atheros, The Bastard Prince

  • [fieldbox="Atharos The Bastard Prince, LightBlue, dashed, 10, Trebuchet MS"]


    Username: LimeyPanda
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: Aurios
    Age: 23

    Appearance: Atharos looks more like a man chiselled from ice than flesh: his face is angular, sharp and striking; with no obvious blemishes, scars or marks that would mar his beautiful features. His hair is a silvery-white, like powdered snow and his eyes are a nearly perfect icy-blue that seem to stare into people's souls. He stands tall, at Six foot, Eight inches, and every inch of his body seems to be formed to mimic Adonis: strong muscles from heavy exercise and constant use, skin without blemishes except for a single tattoo on his right shoulder, and skin that has an iridescent, pale-ness which instinctively draws the eyes.

    More often than not, Atharos is seen in heavy plate mail, but over that he normally wears a set of furs from various creatures that he has hunted down himself. His favoured furs are those of a very large Beartic that threatened a village near the capital, although he has others. When Plate mail is not required, Atharos will favour light colours and shades: Whites, blues, greys and silvers most often being the dominant colour of his attires. He has been known to don darker clothes and a travelling cloak from time to time though: Bastard princess often get curious about their people.

  • Personality: Atharos is a man of some pride, who often finds himself on the receiving end of a lot of abuse or slander because of his station. Once upon a time, he would react to such insults with fury and steel, but now-a-days, Atharos is more likely to remain calm and thoughtful, responding less with rage and more with cold cunning. He might take an insult and turn it on the speaker's head, or he might shrug it off and remain impassive like a ripple-less pond, silently holding a grudge.

    If nothing else, Atharos is an honest sort of person. He is perhaps a little cutting with people, as it is not in his nature to pull punches or offer words of warm sympathy, should someone do something stupid. His father accuses him of lacking tact, but Atharos just retorts that he reserves his tact and wit for people who show it themselves. Atharos has shown a bit of prejudice against a number of people, namely the uneducated and the uncouth. He often states that stupid people are best left for the fields or the stocks. Atharos also has a clear preference towards people from his country, although that is to be expected for someone who doesn't leave home except on war-excursions.

    Short Biography: Born to the King of Aurios' mistress, Atharos held a strange place in the kingdom, and an even stranger place in the heart of the king. Atharos always knew that he was a mistake, but he also knew that he was the son that his father had always wanted: Brave, strong and wise when contrasted to the spoilt or ill offspring the Queen had offered him. Still, his love for his father meant that he never made any attempt for the thrones, and instead became a knight of the realm: and a damn good one at that.

    When the emperer of Pheonicus declared that the six kingdoms must make peace in order to resolve the conflict that rocked the land; and when his father agreed to the terms, Atharos was wildly confused. He didn't understand the sudden call for peace, nor did he seek it from some of Aurious' fiercer enemies, but he relented none-the-less. His loyalty to his father remains absolute, and when he called for volunteers, Atharos was amongst the first to offer himself for his country.

    Weapons: A Kite-Shield and a War axe, as well as two throwing axes.

    Other: "I don't need a catchphrase. I've got an axe."

    • aggron.gif

      Rook – Female – Rock Head; Head Smash, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Protect

      Rook is Atharos' first partner, and his most trusted. The huge matriarchal Pokémon is above and beyond what your average Aggron in terms of height and weight, and she is more than happy to throw her power around with devastating attacks which can bust down boulders in an instant. Her intense loyalty to Atharos is only tested by her love of sweet things, and in the face of sweet snacks, Rook is a much less intimidating giant.

    • froslass.gif

      Bishop – Female – Snow Cloak; Hail, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Ice beam

      Bishop is a very distant seeming Pokémon in a lot of ways, preferring to remain out of the eye of everyone except for Atharos himself. In the company of others, Bishop is mostly quiet and sullen, like a child forced into the public light, but when alone with Atharos (or at least, when it thinks they are alone) it demands attention of its trainer, as if the same child from before suddenly began demanding praise.

    • zangoose.gif

      Knight – Male – Immunity; Crush Claw, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Close Combat

      Knight is a strange Pokémon in that it seemingly sought out a human owner, and found it in Atharos. Knight was once a wild Pokémon that had made residence on a main road, and it had begun to harass traders and merchants on their way to town. Being the knightly type that he is, Atharos decided it best to deal with the trouble, and he went down to the road itself. He watched the passing of an elderly female merchant, who ignored the sleeping Zangoose and was surprised to find that the Pokémon did not move. As soon as Atharos approached, it rose to action and surged at him, intent to attack. Atharos instantly understood the Zangoose's intent, and fought it mano-e-mano. The two battled for what seemed like hours, with Atharos eventually beating the Pokémon into a retreat. The next day, he discovered the Zangoose perched at the end of his bed, laying their like a dog, protecting its master. Ever since, the two have been together.





Username: Crescent

Name: Haku

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Country of Origin: Argent

Weapons: His primary weapon is a Naginata, and his secondary is a Tantou (Dagger).


Ryou | | Megahorn, Aqua Tail, Superpower, Dragon Tail
Prideful and fatherly, Ryou has proclaimed himself as the elder of Haku's group. He is usually Haku's choice of mount both on land and in water. In battle, he serves as Haku's second spear and focuses entirely on dealing heavy blows and damage. Ryou's horn is longer than what is normally seen for a Samurott, causing him to appear much more intimidating.


Gardi | | King's Shield, Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Shadow Sneak
Gardi is the target of much prejudice, often being called "demon" or a variation of thereof. Nevertheless, Gardi stands strong and remains by Haku's side at all times. In battle, he serves as Haku's shield and focuses most on defense and blocking. Gardi is silent and always observant of those around him-- sometimes to the point of uneasiness. It is extremely rare to see him in his blade form.


Nene | | Sludge Bomb, Confuse Ray, Screech, Air Slash
Nene is somewhat of a pacifist and dislikes being involved in conflicts. Regardless of what is generally believed, she is kind-hearted and loyal to Haku and never strays too far away from him. In battles, her role is to launch surprise attacks from above. Nene's wings are long and very wide, contrasting her much smaller body. Should someone say or do something awkward, she would be the first to roll her eyes.


• Haku's left eye has a scar around it. It has faded slightly over the years, but it's still visible enough to notice.
• His hair is dark and a few stray strands are long enough to reach his shoulders.
• While he cannot be described as 'muscular and bulky', his arms and chest certainly carry evidence from regular training.
• For his age, Haku is a bit on the short side.

Personality: Vigilant, serious and dedicated, Haku serves his nation and deity with his whole being. He has little to no patience with people who belittle others and may be far too honest for his own good. He has a tendency to hold grudges and may even be rash and somewhat distant with people. Nevertheless, he is devoted to those he hold dear and passionate with what he believes is right. It is ill-advised to make him furious.

Short Biography:
Haku doesn't usually talk about where he comes from. Most will assume and take for granted that he is from Argent's capital, while others might go far enough to claim that he is 'one of those farmers'. If poked and prodded to the point where he finally snaps, he will reveal that he is from a village somewhere by the coast, and that he had no future there. Those who have been with him from the very start will know that when Haku joined the Argentian army, he had been awfully eager to begin his training, and they would also know that one should never ever engage him to a sparring fight on a bad day. He spent the last four years training as a soldier, while also heading out on missions into the surrounding countries.

At the present, Haku's plans are to join the group of volunteers that are to meet in the capital of Phoenicis. While he can't say that he looks forward to meet people worshiping foreign gods, he is constantly reminding himself that he is doing this for the sake and safety of his nation.

Other: "There is only one god that I will praise, and that is Lugia."


Username: Yosuke
Name: Shui
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Argent
Weapons: Qiang (In picture)
- "Jiao", Vaporeon, Female, Knows: Water Pulse, Return, Ice Beam, Surf
- "Huang", Dewott, Male, Knows: Razor Shell, Swords Dance, Aqua Tail, Retaliate
Personality: Kuai is a very calm and collected individual. Rarely ever shows anger or intensity. Tends to be a thinker and takes his time in decisions. Enjoys silence and artistic beauty. Dislikes hotheaded individuals.
Short Biography: The son of a philosopher and a farmer, Shui lived on the edges of Argent, near the sea. As a young boy, Shui witnessed his father's works of profound philosophy in the forms of poems and paintings. His father always told him that Lugia itself witnessed and blessed Shui's birth, marking him as a child of the soft waters. Whether this was true or not, it did not matter. This went to inspire Shui to pursue a life like his father's, as a philosopher and a warrior-priest. So, at his coming of age, he left to study at a temple dedicated to Lugia. He would study for around five years with the warrior-priests of Lugia, and developed his sense of calm and fluidity, much like the soft waters, and his talent for martial art.

When the King of Pheonicis sent out his summons, Shui answered. He was a very able warrior-priest, the most able of the temple, and one of the most able in his area of rural Argent. He also felt that, having been blessed by Lugia, or apparently so, he had a duty to the Pokemon, and to halt the squabbling of the nations of Atlas by providing an answer: peace. So, Shui enlisted to this venture right after the proud approval of his father and the tear-riddled nods of his mother.


"It's only forward from here."
[Country of Origin]


  • Caspar
  • -Boomburst-Superfang-Razorwind-Dragonpulse-
  • Caspar is very self-centered and cocky, but will often come through when need be. He is smart and cunning, and often mischevious. He enjoys teasing the other members of the group, and will make fun and mock them. However, he means well most of the time.

  • Iris
  • -Dragontail-Bulldoze-Hyperbeam-Dragonrush-
  • Iris and sweet and well mannered, often trying to mellow out Caspar's unruly behavior. She will many times be the nurse of the group, tending to whatever needs to be done. Iris is calm and collected in times of stress, and will often be the one to make sure things run smoothly.

  • Sage
  • -Brickbreak-Flamethrower-Shadowclaw-PowerUpPunch-
  • Sage is very mute and very passive. Often times ignoring the situation at hand, she is a very complex individual. However ignorant she may seem, she is very observant and very smart. Sage gets along with the other members of the team, however rude she may seem or be.

Erza is timid and shy, often times choosing to stay out of battles. However scared she may seem, if the opportunity calls, she can be ruthless and cunning. Erza will never back down from a challange, however, and is very coherent with her team.
Erza is very curious and often times gets her mixed up in trouble, something she wants to avoid at all costs.
Erza has a very small temper, and hates being made fun of. She is quick to get angry, but never quick to judge. She will analyze a situation before delving straight into it and getting herself in trouble. She can be very selfless, often sacrificing something she needs in order to please somebody else. Erza is observant and quiet most of the time, often choosing to stay out of fights whenever possible. She doesnt understand the concept of being cocky, and will more often then not be very modest with herself and her abilities. Her personality makes her team very coherent with eachother, and balanced most of the mismatched personalities within her team. She is flexible and caring, making a very fitting center for her Pokemon.
[Short Biography]
Erza was born into a middle-class family, but her mother had died during childbirth. Her father had been sent away during the War, leaving her alone with the 'nanny', which was a Mr.Mime. She was cared for and very well taken care of. When she was the age of 6, her father was reported MIA, and said to be dead. Because of this. Erza left home at the age of 13, spending the years before that training to become what her Father had been, a Warrior. During her travels, she has learned to be very curious but cautious, meeting her team very early on the in the journey. Caspar at 14, Iris at 17, and Sage at 20.

Username: Crescent

Name: Heisuke

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Country of Origin: Argent

Weapons: His primary weapon is a Yari, and his secondary weapon is a Tessen (War fan).


Sachi | | Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Power Gem, Light Screen
Sachi is quite possibly the friendliest Pokemon one will ever meet. Barely differing from a young child, her endless curiosity often brings her into all kinds of trouble-- be it from humans or other Pokemon. She dislikes arguments and fights, and will often try to avoid them. In battles, her most common role is to serve as a distraction. Sachi's tail is long and the orb at the end is slightly bigger than average.


Yang | | Fiery Dance, Bug Buzz, Morning Sun, Solar Beam
Strict and passionate, Yang rarely spends time on pleasantries. He is fiercely loyal to Heisuke and only ever leaves his side to follow orders or to track down Sachi. He has a bad reputation for burning things into a crisp. In battles, Yang's role is strictly to be a heavy damage dealer. His wings have very vibrant and vivid colors, making it appear as if flames are dancing across them whenever he flies.


Personality: Erratic, mischievous and cunning, Heisuke is what you would describe as a troublemaker. He has a talent for holding speeches and enjoys being in the center of attention. He cares deeply for his Pokemon and won't hesitate to patch up even the smallest scratch. In the company of other people, he is generally well-mannered and may even offer a helping hand to anyone in need of it. He is rather fond of riceballs.

Short Biography:
Heisuke is generally known for being a chatty person, but if asked about his origins, he will clam up. The topic is a hated one, and he would rather pretend that it didn't exist. Unfortunately for him, there is not a street in the capital of Argent that hasn't at least heard of the tragedy. It is rumored that he once belonged to a family of would-be-nobles, that they had gotten themselves severely bankrupt, and that they had lost everything in a single misguided attempt to re-build their wealth. Whether these rumors are true or not, only he will know. How Heisuke came to join Argent's army is an outright mystery. Those who know him well enough will say that he has not once made a serious effort on being a soldier, and indeed, this is only proved by him not attending or heading out on missions and patrols.

Nowadays, Heisuke ponders over his plans to travel to Phoenicis. Whether he will end up participating in this campaign or not, he did not know. But what he did know is that if he didn't leave for the capital, he would be missing an opportunity of a lifetime. And while he's there, he supposes that he could seek out the cause behind those 'crazed Pokemon'.

Other: "This will be...most...entertaining."




"Who's there?"





Country of Origin:

Nothing but her bare hands


Arena Trap
Superpower | Crunch | Sand Attack | Sand Tomb
The offspring of her adoptive parents, in other words, her younger brother. Wyrm is a very curious individual who likes exploring new things. He wanted to explore the world with his sister and thus chose to tag along with her in this journey. He has initiative, a lot of it. Despite this, he is more wary than you expect, and is probably wiser than his sister.


Draco Meteor | Acid Armor | Toxic Spikes | Venoshock
Bahamut holds a high position in the Dragon Tribe, as one of the Dragon Guardians of the tribe. After Linda decided to set out on a journey after hearing the odd rumours, Bahamut was tasked by the Dragon King Tiamat(who is a Hydreigon) with looking over Lind, since she was but a human in the world of Pokemon. Bahamut is very protective of her tribe mates, that includes Lind and Wyrm. She puts those two before herself. Bahamut knows a lot of trivia about Pokemon species and is willing to share it with others.

She is about 1.5 metres tall and is completely flat in a particular department. She does not like wearing clothes. Her skin is as pale as depicted, and her hair is long enough to reach her lower back. She has minor abs.
The only clothing she wears is her long hair drooping over her chest, which also covers her nether regions to some extent.

Lind is a sweet, mature girl with the heart of a dragon. She has her pride as a dragon, and tends to stick to it no matter what. While generally sweet, she is still a 'wild child' and might attack a person or Pokemon she finds 'hostile', out of instinct. She always attacks before thinking, much like a Berserker.
Lind also loves exploring the World, which was why she volunteered to go.

Short Biography:
Lind never met her real human parents. Her youngest memory was with her current ones.
When she was but a baby, she was found by a couple consisting of an Escavalier and a Flygon, who became her foster parents.
These two were part of a bigger league. They were members of the Dragon Tribe, and as the title said, it was a tribe consisting of Dragon Pokemon of all varieties. They travelled many places like nomads, but always preferred the cavernous lands of Leonias. Lind was raised as a dragon, not a human, and thus, lived like one.
One day, one of the Swablu messengers arrived with a message in human writing. Tribe members who could read human translated it, only to deliver some news of a disaster that could affect them. After King Tiamat addressed this matter to the tribe, Lind volunteered to set out and stop the threat. While her parents initially disapproved, they soon accepted that their daughter was no longer a child, and was ready to rise.

She can understand the speech of Dragon Type Pokemon and by extension, their evolutionary relatives, e.g. Horsea, Trapinch, etc.(while Mega Evolutions aren't present in this RP, non-Dragons with Dragon-type Mega Evolutions, such as the Mareep line, count. Pokemon of the Dragon Egg Group do, too.). Since her father is an Escavalier, she can understand the speech of this Pokemon's evolutionary line as well.
She has enough combat skill to challenge weapon-users barehanded. She can use swords though, thanks to her father's teachings.
She is stronger than she looks, say a man who's twice her size. Yeah, that's her strength.

Username: Chexmix

Name: Gentry

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Country of Origin: Leonias


-A simple Longbow with a quiver of steel arrows
-A two-handed steel greatsword strapped to his back



Salamence | Earthquake - Fire Blast - Hydro Pump - Draco Meteor
In the aftermath of the disaster at his family's farm, Gentry found a small, helpless Bagon left behind. It didn't have the same look in its eye as the other dragons did, though the sight of it filled Gentry with rage. Despite this, he couldn't find it in himself to kill the defenseless beast, and so he showed mercy. The Bagon clung to Gentry to his annoyance, but eventually the two formed an unbreakable bond. Now fully evolved and no longer the same defenseless baby, Salamence is much like his master: fierce and strong. Salamence is the leader of the pokemon pack and Gentry's strongest, as well as best friend. Some would say Salamence has a better sense of humor than Gentry.


Scizor | Bullet Punch - Roost - Aerial Ace - X-Scissor
Scizor was Gentry's second Pokemon to befriend. Well into his warrior training, Gentry stumbled upon a scyther in the forest one afternoon. At the sight of Gentry's red scarf, the wild scyther charged, and Gentry elected to take him on with his own sword. The battle went long into the evening; scyther was much faster but Gentry much more controlled. When the scyther was finally defeated, Gentry again showed mercy, and the scyther joined the group out of respect and thanks. Scizor is now ready to step in for any battle in Gentry's defense or by his side. Scizor is now Gentry's sparring partner as well.


Absol | Sucker Punch - Thunder Wave - Aerial Ace - Thunderbolt
Absol was the final member to join the party. Travelling through a village, Gentry was told of a pokemon which brought terror to the land. The rumor was, whenever the pokemon was seen, an earthquake or tsunami was sure to follow. When Gentry tracked down the beast that was haunting the land, he found Absol and defeated her in battle. The wounds Absol suffered immobilized her, but no earthquakes were felt. When a nearby horde of Dugtrio attacked, Gentry determined they were the real cause of the earthquake and nursed the Absol back to health. She is the kindest and most affectionate of Gentry's pokemon, though Absol is still misunderstood as a bad omen by most people.


A tall, strong man. He has various scars from previous battles, and a large burn mark on his back. In battle, he wears a scaled leather armor.

Personality: Gentry is a business-only type warrior. Strong and silent, the best term used to describe him would be "Battle-hardened." He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, isn't much for making friends (other than his pokemon), and really isn't a pleasure to be around. His reputation in battle have made him a bit arrogant, but not boastful. He has little patience for the "weak" around him. In battle he is intense, ruthless, and justified.

Despite these faults, Gentry is EXTREMELY loyal. His devotion for his country and its ideals of righteous justice and balance is limitless, and is the driving force behind his years of training. Though he is stern, when on the right side of the justice he is seeking, you will never have a more faithful friend.

Short Biography: Gentry was the son of a poor herdsman. Living on the farm they were quite isolated from the rest of Leonias, so Gentry didn't meet many people other than those who worked handling the livestock. Despite this, Gentry was happy then. At the age of 12, the farm was attacked by a large herd of Dragon pokemon. When help finally arrived it was too late. His family was slaughtered and his home destroyed.

Gentry was taken in by an older couple who lived two farms over. The man who took him in was a retired warrior, the old woman very kind but too old for children of her own. He learned from his new father how to fight, and was driven by vengeance. As soon as he was old enough Gentry left to become a warrior, and quickly rose through the ranks. Stories spread through Leonias of the young warrior, who was soon somewhat of a legend. When the King of Phoenicis sent his summons, Gentry saw it as an opportunity to spread justice throughout the world and gladly joined in.






Username: Ketori

Name: Suzume

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Country of Origin: Phoenicis

Weapons: Naginata, Katana.



Seraph ♂ | Flamethrower - Wild Charge - Close Combat - Extremespeed
Somewhat grumpy, Seraph isn't the one for jokes. He's the one who is in charge of Suzume's band of Pokemon. Serves as a mount for Suzume both in and out of battle. His fur is more ruffled and spiked than other Arcanine, and his right ear is nicked. There is also a scar over his right eye.


Mauve ♂ | Moonlight - Shadow Ball - Crunch - Hyper Beam
Mauve is a slight clone of Seraph; it doesn't take much to irritate him. He is, however, less rash and impulsive than Seraph, and definitely thinks much more than him before doing something dangerous. Mauve gets his name from his different colored eyes; instead of being crimson, they are violet.


Caius ♂ | Dragon Pulse - Air Slash - Dark Pulse - Boomburst
The comedy relief of Suzume's little army. Caius is a thief-- a kleptomaniac, to be frank. Even though he can be quite annoying sometimes, he serves Suzume as a scout and reports to her as soon as he gets new information. Friendly and loving, he loves attention. Unlike other Noivern, all of his neck is feathered, including the normal place above his chest. His tail is also tufted. Because of his difference in appearance, he is usually mocked and called a "flying half-shaved Mareep".

Appearance: A rather fit woman, Suzume maintains somewhat of a curvy figure which isn't noticed when she is in her armor. Her hair, a bright platinum blonde that seems white, is usually tied up in a pony-tail. Her eyes are a warm, earthy brown that can become sharp like a knife in an instant. Her chest and rear end are decently sized for her age, which is surprising-- apparently many people expect her to be "flat" under her armor. Her left leg bears scars from a previous battle and she walks with a slight limp.

Personality: Suzume doesn't particularly act like a woman around others; she is brash and blunt, not afraid to tell anyone what's on her mind. Some people call her "silver-tongued" as she always has something to say. She dislikes being proved wrong and will often argue her point until the end. She appears to have a hidden anger deep within her that sometimes peeks out when she is extremely aggravated.

Sarcastic and somewhat rude, she dislikes it when people prod her too much for information on her past. Despite being a fiery and sassy woman, those who know Suzume well know that she is a valiant woman that refuses to roll over and show her belly. Some may call her friendly while others deem her caring and compassionate. Those who don't know her, however, think of her as a bitch.

Short Biography: Her early years are a mystery to others. She despises talking about it and will do anything to avoid speaking about her times as a child. When pestered to the point of annoyance about her past, she explains that she hatched from an egg in the middle of the forest and was raised by a pack of wild Arcanine. The ones closest to her know that she joined the Phoenician army when she was just seventeen and has survived for four years. Those four years, however, have been quite the eventful ones for Suzume; she has been in more battles than she can count and plans on being in more for a while.

Suzume's plans at the moment include joining the volunteers on a journey through Atlas in search of some foul thing that "makes the Pokemon crazy". Even though she is worried about what she will find on her travels, she won't let it show.








Country of Origin:

Triple-wielded odachi. Two on his hands and one in his mouth. They are made of used evolutionary stones that have lost their effects from catalysing an evolution, but they are still as durable as thousand-folded steel. They are made from Water Stone, Fire Stone and Thunder Stone respectively, which while rare, are common where he comes from.


He is about 1.8 metres tall and ties his long hair up in a ponytail. He is slightly muscular as well.

Tachibana is a serious man who does not normally fool around. However, this does not mean he is completely devoid of emotion. Tachibana has a caring side towards docile Pokemon and innocent people who only mean good. He will aid foes as a last resort, should they have a common goal.

Short Biography:
Tachibana's parents died when he was 13, many years ago, for reasons he refuses to speak of. Since then, he had travelled until he reached a little forest, where he found a village within.

The village, however, was not inhabited by humans, but inhabited by Eevee and its various evolutions, coexisting in a community, creating cottages with their different abilities. It was like a fine utopia for Eeveekind. There was only one other human living there though - Yukinoshita. Yukinoshita lived among the various Eeveelutions and was older than Tachibana.

Yukinoshita cared for Tachibana as he practiced his swordsmanship alongside the inhabitants of this village, allowing his many sword skills to be inspired by the various inhabitants of the village.

At some point, Tachibana and Yukinoshita had a little marriage as a sign that they loved each other, surrounded only by their little woodland friends. They then had a child, Kinoshita. When their child was merely a month old, Tachibana set out on a journey to become stronger.

He then hears of a campaign about the kingdoms uniting to defeat a common, unknown threat. Hearing this, the Ronin chose to volunteer, while his wife stayed to care for their child and village.

Tachibana invented the sword technique 'Subamegaeshi', which acts like the Pokemon Move Smack Down, except it slashes instead of smashes. It was invented when he was pondering about how to strike a fast-moving Taillow in mid-flight.
This move is designed to work of flying units, but works on grounded units as well. Great speed is invested as the first strike cuts upwards to cause imbalance to the opponent. The second strike strikes down to halt the movement of the opponent. The third, ultimately, is a downwards cut to slam the opponent to the ground, mimicking a Talonflame catching its prey. These movements are very fast, that these set of moves could be performed once before a regular single sword strike slams down. However, it cannot be performed twice in a row as it drains stamina, allowing the user to only use other skills.
Most of his weapon techniques are inspired by various evolutions of Eevee, their Moves to be precise.


"There Is Grace In Everything You Do, Even In Battle."





Country of Origin:

His Phoenix Talons(He loves to move around in battle, and the claws bring flash and beauty to any bloody battle).



1. Aura Sphere 2. Shock Wave 3. Double-Edge 4. Aerial Ace

-Kiyoshi met Toshi, when he was a little boy and Toshi was a Togepi. Kiyoshi thought it was just some colorful egg or what not, but when he went to touch it, Toshi popped up. From that day on Kiyoshi and Toshi were and still are inseparable. Toshi shares Kiyoshi's bright and positive attitude about everything. Toshi doesn't like to fight, but if anyone harms Kiyoshi, you better watch out. If they're not fighting or relaxing, Kiyoshi is usually flying around on Toshi, his main source of transportation. (Unlike most Togekiss, Toshi's triangles are green and pink, instead of red and blue).



1. Close Combat 2. Psycho Cut 3. Confusion 4. Psyshock

-Ying has the fighter spirit of Kiyoshi, while Toshi is the fun and loving pokemon of the group, Ying is the protector and guard of the group. He's second in command after Toshi in the group of Pokemon. He has the grace and precision of a true fighter, which is why Kiyoshi was glad he found him as a Ralts. Ying grew to trust Kiyoshi and they bonded over practicing fighting moves while traveling. They are sparring buddies. (Ying's Horn isn't red, like most Gallade, his horn is bright orange).



1. Sucker Punch 2. Psybeam 3. Disarming Voice 4. Psychic

-Neno is a very unique character, he is very quiet and to himself. Neno is the total opposite of Kiyoshi's other Pokemon, he's the book smart one of the group. As long as you don't bother him when he's busy creating things or finding things, you don't have to worry about him. If you get in his way, he'll probably blast you with his psychic attacks. Neno and Kiyoshi have a love and hate relationship, since Neno rarely follows what Kiyoshi says and Kiyoshi rarely let's Neno do his own thing. (Neno's fur, instead of being blue and white, it's gold and silver).

Kiyoshi is usually mistaken as a woman at first, but then you realized he's a man. Kiyoshi just loves to take care of his image, he has long hair that goes down to his feet. He wears his hair in a ponytail, if he ever was to wear it freely it would be a train behind him. Just like his country, Kiyoshi is usually wearing bright colors and flashy style. He loves color and can't bear wearing something dark and bland. He has a feminine build but with strong and masculine features, when you look up close. All and all, Kiyoshi is just a beautiful man.

Kiyoshi is a bright and positive person, he likes to keep things fun and light. Kiyoshi hates drama, unless on the battlefield. He makes a great ally, because when he's in battle that's all that matters but he doesn't take the battle out in the regular world. Kiyoshi also makes a great friend, he knows how to cheer people up and keep them happy. He doesn't keep grudges, but he also keeps his distance from strangers, until he gets to know them. Kiyoshi does have a mean streak, if you test him with his patience, he'll cut you down. Graceful yet Deadly.

Short Biography:
Kiyoshi grew up in Phoenicis a happy little boy. He never wanted or begged for anything. His parents weren't rich by far, but they were well off. They weren't Royals, but more like Nobles in Phoenicis. Kiyoshi grew up around class and grace, which rubbed off on the creative and adventurous boy. At the same time Kiyoshi was growing into his own person was when he met Toshi and they became instant pals. Wherever Kiyoshi went Toshi would be right behind him. Kiyoshi studied the art of Graceful Fighting and became a phenomenal fighter.

Hearing that the Emperor was looking for volunteers to find out this new threat, Kiyoshi didn't hesitate to join the cause. Kiyoshi has been fighting and conditioning his body for years, he is the perfect person for this job. With his Pokemon, he will be able to defeat anything that comes his way.

Theme Song






Username: Sen
Name: Quinn
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Fulmion
Weapons: A shield with the Fulmion symbol imprinted on it and a simple long sword. Also equipped with plenty of armour both steel and leather.

- Dragon Rage
- Dig
- Dual Chop
- Dragon Rush

Thresh was the first Pokemon Quinn bonded with and is the closest one. He is silent and rarely talks to other Pokemon, preferring to stand by Quinn and watch with him. He does have quite the temper and usually sulks after bursts of fits. He also has a tsundere streak. Thresh is stubborn but modest. He has proven himself over and over to be tough on the outside, but not necessarily inside. His dream is to complete his evolution into a Garchomp.

He is Quinn's ace and powerhouse, a Pokemon trained and specialising in sweeping others. Over anything else, Thresh prefers to be strong.

- Aura Sphere
- Dragon Pulse
- Crabhammer
- Swords Dance

Quinn's second Pokemon companion, a Water-type he had come to love and treasure. Jachin finds it hard to express his emotions, seemingly nonchalant about everything uncaring about everything at first, standing by the sidelines and watching everything unfold before him quietly, just like Quinn would. Out of all his Pokemon, perhaps Jachin is the one with the closest matching personality. Although the lobster-like Pokemon may not seem like he cares, he is considered the peacekeeper when it comes to disputes between the volatile Thresh and the arrogant Dinari.

In battle Jachin serves as the front line defence, using his rock-hard large claw to defend his friends from damage, as well as dishing out some damage of his own. A powered-up Crabhammer is extremely powerful.

Jachin also happens to be quite close to Quinn, understanding the man's fear of fire and always helping them put fires out whenever one occurs without hesitation.

- Roar
- Electric Terrian
- Wild Charge
- Discharge

Dinari is proud and arrogant, not wanting to spare those whom he considers weak an opportunity to battle. Yet he is also loyal to Quinn, having accepted him as an equal, willing to fight by his side in battle. One would often find him grooming himself because he is also vain, keeping his mane in tip-top shape, making sure he looks regal all of the time. Compared to other Luxrays, he's a little bigger than most, giving him another reason to be proud about himself.

Dinari is extremely fast, using this to his advantage, he uses his agility to confuse enemies and make them dizzy before rushing in for the kill.

Personality: Quinn is a taciturn person who only lives to serve the Fulmion army. He's loyal to his superiors and his country and is a very observant person, the man knowing more than one would think. He's extremely quiet and prefers not to say anything unless spoken to. Quinn is protective of all Pokemon except fire types, as he has a deep fear of the element. He also looks outs for his friends, superiors and villagers. Not only is his loyal, he is also very generous as well, the soldier willing to lend a helping hand to anyone nearby. Although in battle he's proven to be quite a sturdy member of his battalion and won't hesitate to kill off a target. His strong figure shows little weakness, apart from one he tries to hide very well - fire. Dependable and down-to-earth, Quinn can sometimes be stubborn and possessive of those he is willing to protect.

Appearance: Quinn stands at a tall 6'1 (185cm) and his head is crowned wth close-cropped blond hair. He's a little tan and is very muscular and lean from his training as a soldier, his figure usually shown through his clothing thanks to the rains that plague the country. Quinn is usually seen wearing his uniform, of leather and steam armour and clothes of the nation's colour. He is also never seen without his shield and sword, sheathed or unsheathed. Underneath, his skin is quite rough and littered with scars earned from battle and a childhood incident. Quinn's hands is very callused from his journey to being a soldier of Fulmion.

Short Biography: He vividly remembers the burning of his family home and village, how it had caught aflame when he had been very young and killed many, many people. He watched their corpse burn in the scarlet sea of flames, the young boy frightened and terrified, clutching onto his mother's skirt. No one knows why the fire had started. The damage had been done. It was one of the days where the rains weren't coming in their otherwise wet country. Since that day on, he had been afraid of fire. Scared that it would consume him again and kill the remnants of his family. He didn't want anyone to die again. While searching amongst the rubble of the ruins of his old home, he had stumbled across a Pokemon, trapped underneath the blackened wood that had once held up the building. Quinn had found a Gible, struggling to get free from the burnt ruin. It was from this point that an idea had crossed his mind - serving his country. Training for many years, he remained active as a soldier in the capital of Fulmion for most of his life, only leaving to visit the other nations on missions or back to his little village.



Username: Ketori

Name: Wyeth

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Country of Origin: Fulmion

Weapons: Lance, Recurve Bow.


Lux ♀ | Fire Blast - Solar Beam - Focus Blast - Dragon Pulse
Lux is a friendly being, one that always has a smile on her jaw and is willing to bond with Pokemon if they approach her. In other words, she is a gentle giant; she is often seen curled around Wyeth protectively, purring softly as she is stroked. She makes sure to keep Ciel in check and dislikes violence amongst partners. Being a female, she is more fragile-looking and is built for speed more than anything else. Her scales and eyes are a lighter color than other Charizard, making her appear even more delicate than she was before.


Ciel ♂ | Crunch - Wild Charge - Ice Fang - Superpower
Grouchy and nonchalant, Ciel spends most of his time lazing around, away from others. It seems that he lacks interest for others (that is, if he's not bothered) and would rather do things his way. Despite being uncaring and disconnected from others, he has a rather short temper and will claw at someone to get them away from him. His mane is slightly longer and pointier than other Luxray and his ears are more sharp than ovular. His claws are longer than other feline Pokemon as well.

Appearance: Standing at 5'11, Wyeth can be considered a tall man for his age. His skin is slightly tanned due to the fact that he hails from a warmer country that has little to no cover from the sun. He is rather lean and his legs and arms are toned from riding and using his bow. His long black hair is usually kept in a low pony-tail or braid-- other times it is allowed to hang over his shoulders and down his back. His eyes are a surprising violet color, but they can appear a light blue under certain lighting. His arms and back are littered with scars ranging in size.

Personality: Calm and down to earth, he refuses to argue unless he has no other choice. Wyeth is friendly and considerate towards those close to him and serious with those that are not. When on his lonesome, his face is set in a serious expression, but his eyes are ever watchful. He usually tries to settle things between his brother-in-arms before rivalries become too fiery for his taste. Many people think of Wyeth as dry and quiet, but he is rather talkative and cheery once you get to know him well. He loves music, whether it comes from a lute, flute, or guitar. Though he may not talk about his god, Raikou, much, he believes that he has a closer connection to the lightning beast than others.

Wyeth's large amount of patience can wear thin at times, and it is then that he stands his ground. He cannot stand when something unjust is going on for long periods of time and will often confront the person who is wrong. Even though this is the case, he seldom gets into physical fights and would rather avoid them.

Short Biography: Wyeth was born in a barn in the middle of nowhere. His mother died giving birth to him and he was left alone for two days without warmth or food. Eventually, his crying alerted the farmhands, and they soon found him in a bundle of hay. They buried his mother and took him in, surprised that he had survived for so long. The farmhands presented him to the owner of the farm, who deemed him his adopted son and announced that he would be treated well as long as he lived. The farm owner, named Zealot, named him Wyeth and made sure that he was well taken care of. His wife spent much of her time around him and taught him how to use a bow and lance when he was just ten years old. She told him that he should learn how to fend for himself, just in case worse came to worst and he would find himself fighting for his life.

At age fifteen, the Fulmi army took him away from his home and shoved him into the military. At first, Wyeth tried his best to escape and go back to the farms, but the soldiers always caught him sneaking away and whipped him when he was brought back to the camp. Eventually, he gave up trying to leave and instead began to fight for his life and country. Despite being in the army, he hasn't been in many battles and is surprisingly "green" for his age.



Country of Origin:

A somewhat fancy looking longbow with a quiver of steel arrows.
A simple steel short-sword and two steel daggers.
(While she doesn't use melee weapons like longswords or waraxes, she has a short-sword and two daggers mainly in case of emergencies or running out of arrows)


Flash Fire
Flamethrower | Dark Pulse | Sludge Bomb | Solar Beam

Despite being Cazanna's 2nd pokemon, he is her lead pokemon. Basilius is very protective of Cazanna and his teammates and acts as if they were own his own pack and often gets a little jealous when Cazanna is interacting with someone else but he of course knows he doesn't have Cazanna all for himself obviously. Though he also very, very grateful of Cazanna when she nursed him back to help when her home village burnt down due to the fire he caused because of the fact that someone from the village decided to kill one of his brothers who was still a houndour that was unfortunate enough to venture into the vilage. He now deeply regrets what he did.



Moonblast | Psyshock | Shadow Ball | Misty Terrain

Gaiana is mostly what you'd expect out of a fairy-type, friend, quite a bit of a prankster, mischievious, a bit of a trouble maker and adorable. Though Gaiana has an ego that is bigger than her body and often thinks she can defeat most if not all pokemon, mainly because she's a fairy type and immune to dragon-type moves and sure as hell not intimidated by them in the least or by most things really but she will rather quickly back away from a steel-type and/or poison-type. But she will always stay by Cazanna's side or at lest most of the time if she isn't busy being curious about something, despite this she has been with Cazanna ever since she was born and was with her with the village burnt down, the two have a inseparable bond but isn't Cazanna's main pokemon due to the reasons above but doesn't at all mean Cazanna doesn't like this pink menace.



Mold Breaker
Dragon Claw | Brick Break | Poison Jab | Dual Chop

Like other haxorus, Demetria is usually a kind and fairly calm pokemon even for a dragon-type, but is very fierce and powerful when provoked. She is Cazanna's strongest physical attacker and probably most intimidating too as Demetria has been blessed with dark colored scales instead of the usual brown-ish color that most haxorus have.
And another note able trait is she has 4 claws instead of the usual 3 that most haxorus have.


Without her armor, Cazanna has a mostly lean yet fairly muscular build and stands around 5'7. She also looks fairly younger than she actually is which can be a bit bothersome or useful in some situations. She also has long unsual red hair that reaches down to her waist and is usually tied in a long single braid.

Well Cazanna is a rather prideful and confident despite appearing shy and timid at first glance as she doesn't usually talk that much to strangers. Another interesting trait from her that she doesn't seem to worship any god but still believes that they exist, she just doesn't bother with joining a religion but if you asked which god she worships, she will by default answer Raikou, mainly because she's a little worried about the fact that she might get in trouble for answering she doesn't worship any of them or care for that matter. But she probably respects Raikou more than any of the other gods, being a native of Fulmion and all.

Short Biography:
The most vivid memory she has of her past is the village she was born into, getting reduced to ash when she was rather young and she clutching the eevee that has been by her side ever since she was born, as she watches her home and village get burnt to the ground from the nearby bushes she ran off to. When it was all said and done, she frantically searched for her parents and even her friend, Quinn but to no avail. But while searching through the burnt ruble, she had found a injured houndoom, of course her young and naive self didn't once at all consider that the injured pokemon caused the fire and thus with the help of her eevee at the time, Gaiana she nursed it back to help and formed a strong bond with it and had since been apart of her team. And had been going on many adventures ever since,

Though at some point she did begin to realized that her trusted companion, Basilius, most likely had caused the fire as considering due to how often it usually rains in Fulmion there were barely any fire types around but days before the fire started she remembers hearing very eerie distant howls during at night which often kept her up. But even then she often just try to brush it aside as she thinks that its important to put the past behind her and learn from it also.
She was friends with Quinn prior to the village burning down.



Thea, The Witchdoctor



Username: Sen
Name: Thea
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Country of Origin: Verdante
Weapons: A simple wooden crafted bow and a set of arrows with stone arrowheads. Also armed with the knowledge of herbs and medicine.

- Shadow Sneak
- Hypnosis
- Dream Eater
- Ominous Wind

Jiba is extremely mischievous and is quite the prankster. He will constantly jump out of his keystone to frighten others and tends not listen to others. As an Odd Keystone, he had been dropped and abandoned by the man that had awakened him, leaving the 'rock' to fend for itself. Jiba had been found by Thea in the forests where she lived. Although the two of them get along quite well, Jiba's presence doesn't quick solve the issue of the local townspeople viewing Thea as a doctor of witchcraft...

His Odd Keystone is often kept safe in a leather strap pouch that Thea wears around her whenever he prefers to stay in that form.

He prefers to fight dirty, using his shadows to confuse and confound enemies, putting them to sleep as often as possible.

- Horn Leech
- Aromatherapy
- Leech Seed
- Double Kick

Stargrove is quite mother like and friendly to be around once you get to know her, but she is quite suspicious of strangers, preferring them not to approach Thea unless she shows clear indication that she recognises them. Once a normal inhabitant of the forests of Verdante, Stargrove had been injured during a storm, only to bond with the human she had been frightened of before she had healed the Sawsbuck. Protective and brave, Stargrove serves as her assistant in her work and her steed.

Stargrove is quite normal for her species, she stands at 6'03 (190cm) which is tall enough to allow Thea to ride around the forest as she pleases. Like her species, she changes according to the seasons, but she never stops helping the human she bonded with. It should be noted that her horns aren't as long as they could potentially be.

This Sawsbuck is her main damage dealer, her back legs packing quite the punch. She is also a healer, her aromatherapy getting rid of any potential diseases and illnesses.

Personality: Thea is someone who likes fun, even for her age, having a friendly personality to go with it. Despite being shunned from the others and being accused of being a witch, she happily lives in the forests away from towns with her partners and other wild Pokemon, learning the ways of traditional medicine and the plants that grow in her newfound home. There are a few people who recognise that she's a normal human and regularly come to visit her and be healed. She's also quite intelligent with her knowledge of plants, but can be quite childish. She's not happy with the way she looks, but Thea knows there's not much she can do about it. Although not what others would classify a 'witchdoctor', she does practice nature-worshipping, tending to the statues of Celebi that reside in the forest whenever she stumbles across them.

Appearance: Thea is extremely small for her age and is often mistaken to be a child whenever she leaves her home in the forests of Verdante. Much to her disappointment, unlike the other girls living in the villages and towns, Thea is a mere 4'7 (140cm) and weighs 77lbs (35kg). She has a very child-like stature, with a skinny body. She's quite pale, her skin having a cream colour. Although her hands are smooth from handling the herbs and plants of the forest floors, the rest of her body is quite rough and dirty from life in the forest. Her wrists and ankles are very thin, yet she continues to wear very baggy clothing, or whatever she can scavenge from the towns. She's also flat chested. For decoration, she prefers flowers and creates crowns out of them which she wears. In order to look similar to the Sawsbuck she had befriended and tamed, she wears sticks to imitate the horns of her partner. Her eyes are an emerald green, like jewels in the darkness of her home. Thea's hair is a light blonde colour, long enough to reach her hips.

Short Biography: Most of her early years were of her going to the forest daily to study the plants that grew there, brewing medicine from them and testing their effectiveness. Though over time, the way she worked and how she always seemed to love the forest more than the town had earned her the title of a witchdoctor. Rumors began spreading of how she would be able to curse others with magical potions and cured her patients with witchcraft, the people of the towns shunning her and forcing her to leave their town. Not that Thea minded, she found it hard to settle into the forests at first but eventually came to live in a place she loved. Showing love and affection to nature and the Pokemon that lived with her, she was concerned at the rumours of something 'foul' that affected the Pokemon terribly. hearing around these volunteers, she joined, in order to see if she could help all Pokemon with her knowledge she had obtained through her years in the wild.


Username: Iatos
Name: Ghille
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Verdante
Weapons: Bow and arrows, also a dagger for close combat.
-Male Braviary: Known as Vishal, a loyal companion of Ghille who can be very dangerous to anyone who try to cause him harm. They bonded at an early age and have done a lot together making them close. On his own Vishal is vigilant and protective.
-Brave Bird
-Crush claw

-Female Asumarill: Named Dwyenne, a free spirited pokémon who hang around Ghille because of his musicsl talent. In battle she prefer to put enemies to sleep, and somewhat can make it permanent on her masters command.
-Muddy water
-Aqua ring.

-A male Rapidash: named Harry, a easy going stallion that never really learned any moves as his main use was for work and transportation.


A drifting soul who go from place to place never feeling at home in one place for too long. Ghille have never truly known where he belonged in the world, yet he enjoy wandering and usually live for a moment wherever he feel like it. He's not necessarily kind nor unkind either usually doing what he have too do to survive.

Short Biography:
Ghille is the Son of a merchant, yet during his growing up business went bad and eventually Ghille left home at a rather young age to avoid his fathers new debts. Living day by day Ghille learned to hunt on his own, but also to play music for coin.

During his many years of travelling he met a lot of people and pokémon and in the progress learned many new things. During the time in the wilds he trained archery both of his own and with the help of hunters and watchmen he met on the way spending both time and care perfecting the art. And during his time among people he studied lores and listen to stories and songs that he could take with him on the journey.

-"Sing with me tonight, because tomorrow the end might come"


Last edited:
By the way i changed Cazanna's sylveon's ability from Pixelate to Cute Charm hope you guys don't mind.
  • Love
Reactions: Mu
Thanks Minami <3

And abilities don't make a difference, so... okay!
Unfortunately Crescent has dropped out. :(
Aww too bad :(

You're welcome Lumi ^^