Infinite Beginnings Academy (Magical Girl/boy Roleplay)

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Airi smiled at the teacher energetically, undisturbed by the fact the teacher had been expecting her. "Thank you for having me." She said with a quick bow.

As they walked to the Lake and the teacher explained its power, Sharuru, who had been in her Comune form, poofed into her rabbit form. "Airi is a legendary warrior of light, a Precure." She said as Airi gazed into the lake.
(Please describe what your character sees.)

The headmistress nodded at what the rabbit said. She looks a little unsettled by the strange rabbit. She looks into the lake, staring hard at it while she waits for something to appear.
((Oh um what should I be seeing? Like a teacher or a power?))
((You may want to look at what other people saw in the lake as reference. Although a lot of people see something abstract. But what my character saw, for example, was that the entire lake turned into ghosts which screamed in agony. Thus, her power is controlling ghosts and being able to become a ghostly apparition herself.))
As Airi stared into the lake she saw white wings unfolding. As they unfolded, it showed her alter ego, Cure Heart, holding a pink crossbow like item with a heart on the tip. As Airi watched, Cure Heart winked and formed a heart of of pink light energy and shoot it towards a shadowy creature, purifying it. Then the wings folded in again and the water cleared.

Sharuru nodded in approval. "Definitely the Cure of Love." She smiled and sat on Airi's shoulder.
In the end the question Natalia asked only made the students fight more.

" You guys are beginning on get on my nerves... "

She stands up as her pet dragon climbs back into her chest pocket.
Alex then takes out the small bag of sugar cubes, but pink. She puts the two sugar cubes
in the girls mouths while they were fighting.

They looks surprised, but a bit excited.

As the both girls exclaimed. " They tasted like strawberry shortcake! "

" Yeah, and honestly, I think both of you shouldn't be the leader. If your not that experienced
in magic it wouldn't be a good idea. Also you both easily get angered, we have to work together in order
to finish the mission correctly. I am saying this so that everyone in the group can get a
good final grade. "

Alex sits back in her chair as her pet dragon crawls off her arm and onto the best to eat
a blueberry flavored sugar cube.

" This is only my opinion though. "

(( Also you forgot to accept the villain role, if you want to ))
(Yeah, the villain role is accepted...Chibichan please make a character sheet for your character's mentor.)

Natalia nodded. That sounded smart. "Well, I guess if we really want to make an educated opinion on who should be the leader, perhaps we should tell each other what our powers are. The headmistress told me that my powers are to become a ghostly apparition and I can control and see ghosts. I can transform, but I haven't really tried my other powers yet. B-but, I bet I could do it if I tried! Headmistress Everstein said that my powers are activated by willpower, so if I just willed it..." her voice trailed off as she thought about it.
((Yes, if you want. However, I recommend making her powers at least a little different than your other character.))
Name: Setsuna Hanako

Sex: Female

Birth date/Age: 20

Normal Attire: Her college uniform. (See pic)
Her PreCure outfit. (Right)

Powers: Based on flowers and moonlight

How did you get your powers?: Met her partner Cologne who gave her a transformation item to protect herself from a monster.

Physical attributes: Tall, lean

Personality: Setsuna is a quiet girl who keeps to herself. The only person she can be seen talking to is her partner Cologne.

General History: Setsuna attended the academt when she discovered she was a precure. She graduated early with top marks and now she is a teacher here.

How did you find out the academy's location? Teacher.
The headmistress smiled. She was glad that she didn't see anything disturbing. "Well, the most obvious mentor for you would be Setsuna Hanako. " She looked at Miss Hanako and shared a knowing glance with her. "Miss Hanako, would you mind helping her with her first transformation then take her to the gymnasium? I want her to be a part of the first mission as well."

Name: Selt Koge

Age: 20

Costume: Red sweat jacket, White shirt and red sweatpants and black gas mask.

Powers: Info steal, Allow him to steal information from his opponents. He must touch there forehead to use it. He also transport the info into someone else.

Second Power: Agent Black, Spews black smog of poison from his gas mask that drains magiic then stamina then life. People normally die in 5 mins.

Powers gained: Unknown

Personality: Very calm, Stoic and slightly sadistic , He is sneaky and has amazing hand to hand combat skills. He loves money.

Physically: Average height, very skinny, Red eyes, Pale skin and brown short hair.

Background: Not much is know, He is registered as a hired hand.

Found school: Unknown, He is in the forest lurking, waiting.

I kept him Mysterious.
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Airi blinked and looked over to see a purple long haired girl she hadnt noticed before. The girl had a small white and purple creature with her.

Setsuna nodded and walked off a little ways. She then turned to Airi who had followed her. "I'll transform first then you." She said plainly. She got out what looked like a lotion bottle with a round slot. Her partner glowed and produced a purple round chip-like thing. "Precure! Open my heart!" With a flash of light, a purple dressed girl stood where Setsuna had. "The flower that glistens in the light of the moon, Cure Moonlight!"
Airi and Sharuru stared in awe. "Youre a precure too?!" Airi said excitedly.

Cure Moonlight nodded. "Now you."

Sharuru poofed into her commune form and Airi took her. "Precure! Love Link!" She drew L O V E on the commune and transdormed in a flash of light. "Abundant love! Cure Heart!" Cure Heart smiled.

Cure Moonlight simply nodded and detransformed. "Come on, lets go to the gym."

Cure Heart blinked and detransformed, following her. "Did I say something to offend?" Airi whispered to Sharuru, who shrugged.
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Selt sat on the trees, He watched the school. He checked his phone for updates, Maybe texting friends or mission specs. He always keep one eye on the school only blinking rarely. He saw new students at the lake and the ones on the grass along with the student falling from the top of the school. He watch the masters close, He watch Everstein harder then any.
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"So this is the gym." Nicola said. "Why are we here."

Juda looked up to him. "Well, For the first mission."

"First...Mission." Nicola said shock.

Dyami flew to Juda. "Do not be afraid, I trained you how to fight."

"No, You told me, You told me how to fight." He harshly responded to the spirit.
Headmistress Everstein looked into the forest because she felt like she was being watched. However she didn't see anyone and just wrote it off as paranoia. She shivered though, it felt as though the air suddenly had gotten cooler. She walked back into the gymnasium and watched the students talk.

Natalia looked towards Nicola. "Hello! We are trying to figure out who should be the leader in our group. We're trying to do so by learning about each other's powers. What are your powers?"
Alex saw some other student entering the gym.

" Is it getting a bit cramp, or is it just me... "

She then began seeing someone asking people asking others about there powers.

" Oh please dear god don't let them ask me "
Juda then poked Nicola, "Nicola, Announces your self, Your power."

"Well maybe we should wait, I don't want..." He was cut of by Juda.

"Hello lovely Students, I am Juda Mastersen and this is my student Nicola Olsen. He would like to speak." She then left the picture as everyone looked at him.

"She put me on the spot." He told his spirit.

"Yes, Yes she did." Dyami responded bluntly.

Nicola build up courage and spoke proudly, "Hello, My name is Nicola Olsen and my power is speed, I might be the fastest person in this gym. I am sure my ability will be very useful on this mission!"
(I'm getting tired. I'll post tomorrow... Good night everyone!)

Natalia nodded seriously. She considered her powers to be fairly useful as well, but she didn't feel that she had the maturity to be the leader. She went back to conversing with the other students. She argued and reasoned with them, choosing her words very carefully.
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