In Their Footsteps - Harry Potter Sec-Gen [OOC/SIGN-UPS]

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♡ vast and brilliant. ♡
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Usually in the evenings and late at night.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. No Preferences
Definitely fantasy, anything with magic, sci-fi, apocalyptic, occasionally modern/slice of life depending on the plot.

Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home.


Have you ever wondered what happened to our heroes after Hogwarts? Have you ever wondered what their children would be like? Would they be heroic and brave like their heritage, or would they lead their own stories?
It's a new age. A new dawn. We may walk the same halls, wear the same uniforms, carry the same names, but we are not them. It's about time they realize that we are not out parents, we have our own lives to live, our own stories to tell. Hogwarts is ours now, and nothing will change that.
If you haven't picked up on it already, this is a second generation Harry Potter roleplay, and there will be some canon aspects. We will be playing the sons and daughters of those we had followed throughout the story. We will not be playing the canon characters themselves unless need be. This will be set in modern times at Hogwarts after the war, and will be more domestic (but this may change as the plot goes on.) The Cursed Child plot line will not exist, leaving the lives of their children entirely up to us to play out.


[children of] Harry and Ginny Potter:
- Sebus Sirius Potter ♦ Male ♦ 17 ♦ Seventh Year ♦ Slytherin. @Cait.
- Cordelia James Potter ♦ Female ♦ 16 ♦ Sixth Year ♦ Gryffindor. @neptune.
- Oliver Nolan Potter ♦ Male ♦ 17 ♦ Seventh Year ♦ Ravenclaw. @Lulunopia.

[children of] Ron and Hermione Weasley.
- Daughter reserved by @Shayla.
- Hugo Weasley ♦ Male ♦ 15 ♦ Fifth Year ♦ Gryffindor. @Kythera.

[children of] Draco and Astoria Malfoy:
- Historia Narcissa Malfoy ♦ Female ♦ 15 ♦ Fifth Year ♦ Slytherin. @Mysty

[children of] Neville and Hannah Longbottom:
- Linus Frank Longbottom ♦ Male 17 ♦ Seventh Year ♦ Hufflepuff. @neptune.
- Jasper Radley Longbottom ♦ Male ♦ 16 ♦ Sixth Year ♦ Gryffindor. @Mysty
- Arthur Longbottom ♦ 15 ♦ Male ♦ Third Year ♦ Gryffindor. @Kurogane86
- Ivy Alice Longbottom ♦ 14 ♦ Female ♦ Fourth Year ♦ Hufflepuff. @Luster

[children of] Rolf and Luna Scamander.
- Aurora Porpentina Scamander ♦ Female ♦ 15 ♦ Fifth Year ♦ Ravenclaw. @Cait.

[children of] George and Angelina Weasley:
- Fredy Weasley ♦ Female ♦ 14 ♦ Fourth Year ♦ Gryffindor.@DakotaChez
- Avenglica Weasley ♦ Female ♦ 14 ♦ Fourth Year ♦ Ravenclaw.@DakotaChez

[children of] William and Fluer Weasley:
- Alexander Draken Weasley ♦ Male ♦ 15 ♦ Fifth Year ♦ Slytherin. @Dualnte.

[children of] Blaise and Pansy Zabini.
- Pandora Riddle (Lestrange) Zabini ♦ Female ♦ 18 ♦ Seventh Year ♦ Slytherin. by @~Dark Disney~ (daughter of Bellatrix & Scabior).- Optionally available.

- All Iwaku rules apply.
- Your characters are required to be 13+.
- Only two characters per player, twins count as two character slots.
- Reservations are only held for a week without any further notice.
- Please stick to the couples as listed, no children of affairs, an and no children of Voldemort. If you have an
idea for a plausible couple that's unlisted, please shoot me a message so we can discuss it.
- Character relationships are required to be pre-planned before the roleplay starts - most of our characters have known each other for quite some time.
- Try to keep genders equal, no excessive amount of females and vise versa.
- Please put 'Dumbledore was on roller blades' at the bottom of your cs if you've read the rules.
- Have fun!

Realistic pictures only!
Age: 13+.

Pet: Owl, cat, or toad. (Some exceptions such as rats or ferrets. Harry's kids could probably get away with bringing an entire giraffe.)




Theme: why not?

- Sebus Sirius Potter @Cait. ]
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.
- Cordelia James Potter @neptune.
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Hugo Weasley @Kythera.
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Historia Narcissa Malfoy @Mysty
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Linus Frank Longbottom @neptune.
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Jasper Radley Longbottom @Mysty
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Arthur Longbottom @Kurogane86
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Ivy Alice Longbottom @Luster
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Aurora Porpentina Scamander @Cait.
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Alexander Draken Weasley @Dualnte.
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

- Oliver Nolan Potter @Lulunopia
Positive ⋅ Neutral ⋅ Negative
Character's opinion of them here.

  • Astronomy (taught by Aurora Sinistra.)
  • Charms (taught by Fillius Flitwick.)
  • Dark Arts (taught by Amara Carrow.)
  • Defense Against The Dark Arts (taught by ??)
  • Flying, first years only (taught by Rolanda Hooch.)
  • Herbology (taught by Neville Longbottom.)
  • History of Magic (taught by Cuthbert Binns).
  • Potions (taught by Horace Slughorn.)
  • Transfiguration (taught by Edna Rothwell.)
ELECTIVES (third year and up):
  • Alchemy, sixth and seventh years (taught by Fredrick Delith.)
  • Apparition, sixth and seventh years (taught by Wilkie Twycross.)
  • Arithmancy (taught by Septima Vector.)
  • Care of Magical Creatures (taught by Rubeus Hagrid.)
  • Devination (taught by Sybill Trelawney).
  • Muggle Studies (taught by Susanne Hunter.)
  • Study of Ancient Runes (taught by Bathsheda Babbling.)
  • Ancient Studies (taught by Nubia Ramses.)
  • Art (taught by Henry Wellborn.)
  • Frog Choir (taught by Fillius Flitwick.)
  • Ghoul Studies (taught by Casper Hathaway.)
  • Magical Theory (taught by Catrina Lamia.)
  • Muggle Art (taught by Perce Tom.)
  • Music (taught by Thaddeus Hillary.)
  • Muggle Music (taught by Elvina Hanna.)
  • Orchestra (taught by Fillius Flitwick.)
  • Xylomancy (taught by Urias Isadore.)

7:10 AM to 8:00 AM - BREAKFAST
8:15 AM to 9:15 AM- FIRST PERIOD
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - SECOND PERIOD
10:45 AM to 11:45 AM - THIRD PERIOD
11:58 AM to 12:58 PM - FOURTH PERIOD
12:58 PM to 1:58 PM - BREAK (lunch, studies, etc.)
1:12 PM to 2:12 PM - FIFTH PERIOD
2:27 PM to 3:27 PM - SIXTH PERIOD
3:41 PM to 4:41 PM - SEVENTH PERIOD
5:56 PM to 7:00 PM - DINNER.

Fifth year students must take Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology. They must also take at least two of Divination, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies.

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Has all the cs's been turned in?
I've messages Shayla and I've hadn't heard back yet, so I'm thinking that we should just begin and when they're ready they can wiggle in?
I've messages Shayla and I've hadn't heard back yet, so I'm thinking that we should just begin and when they're ready they can wiggle in?
Start date, if everything goes well, will be sometime next week! I'm working on teacher and class listing now, I may just go off the Hogwarts wiki for the sake of me being lazy.
I've added the classes with their teachers (I've made up some names if the wiki didn't provide me with a professor), as well as the schedule.

Edit: Here's the Hogwarts wiki if anyone would like it: Hogwarts subjects
I would like to say that with next week being the week of Thanksgiving it may be a little difficult for me to post until after the holiday. Though I have not been asked yet I will probably have to work extra this week (as I usually do) and trying to do that and fit time in to see family is rough enough. Just wanted to give a heads up in case it starts and I am a little delayed in posting!
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I entirely forgot about Thanksgiving. Dx If you can't post like, ASAP, it's totally fine and I understand. But since I get a few days off from school for Thanksgiving, it'd be the only time I could sit down and write out a starter without the intrusion of homework and stuff.
  • Thank You
Reactions: DakotaChez
I'm cooking both Wednesday and Thursday, so depending on when we start, I can either post before or after the holiday. I'm fine to wait on others though, no biggie c:
Yay~ Its starting! I will get a post out tonight~~~ So excited to get this started~
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Yay~ Its starting! I will get a post out tonight~~~ So excited to get this started~
Same. I was procrastinating too much. xD
Please I'm like the queen of procrastination but, I'll get a post up soon. Just have a few things I need to do before some people get mad. *cough cough Mysty cough cough
Please I'm like the queen of procrastination but, I'll get a post up soon. Just have a few things I need to do before some people get mad. *cough cough Mysty cough cough
are you challenging my position as the queen of procrastination? The throne is mine. BD

*cough yes please get that starter up cough before I die of anticipation cough*
are you challenging my position as the queen of procrastination? The throne is mine. BD

*cough yes please get that starter up cough before I die of anticipation cough*
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No one! And I mean no one! Can beat me when it comes to procrastinating! Hahaha I have decided to wait till 2 weeks before finals before I started actually studying and reading up one what needs to be done! *Shouldn't be proud of this.............*
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No one! And I mean no one! Can beat me when it comes to procrastinating! Hahaha I have decided to wait till 2 weeks before finals before I started actually studying and reading up one what needs to be done! *Shouldn't be proud of this.............*
I do that too, and then try to cram everything in the night before while I feel myself slowly die on the inside bc I'm the actual worst.

Wanna know what I should be doing right now? Studying for an Algebra test. Wanna know what I'm doing instead? Watching makeup videos on instagram for the past two hours.
I do that too, and then try to cram everything in the night before while I feel myself slowly die on the inside bc I'm the actual worst.

Wanna know what I should be doing right now? Studying for an Algebra test. Wanna know what I'm doing instead? Watching makeup videos on instagram for the past two hours.
I should be studying for my Biology test.............buuuuuut I'm RPing and looking at funny post on pininterest u-u
I should be studying for my Biology test.............buuuuuut I'm RPing and looking at funny post on pininterest u-u
I would say you should study for your biology test, but then I would be a hypocrite. we'll go down together it's fine.
I would say you should study for your biology test, but then I would be a hypocrite. we'll go down together it's fine.
I would say the same to you but meh....busy surfing the internet. It has been a while since I could fall with a companion in my struggle.
Omg it's starting c: I'm excited!
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