In Love and War

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Good girl, lay down." he says still commanding but slightly less harsh. "Then roll over onto your back and show us your belly."
Shaking she lays down, whimpers again and then rolls over. "yes sir" she says quietly with her hands raised by her face.
"You like what you see?" he said making a slight sexual joke about her.

"Yes I do boss, Wow, when's the next open night?"

"I will be in the next email update. I'm bringing that back." he turns to Fel "Up." then back to the guard "Now let us out."

"Yes boss." the guard says moving out of the way. As they walk by he strokes her back and plays a quick grab ass with her.
Closes her eyes while on her back and whimpers more at the memorise of the one night. listens until she hears the command to get up. Standing up slowly not looking at either of them she follows him out. she tenses and looks at him as he grabs her ass but doesnt say anything until he told her it was clear.
((Blarg, I wasn't clear on this but the guards grabbed her ass))

When it's clear Gil bends down and unhooks the color "You can stand now. You did great, for a second I thought you were going to knock the living daylights out of that guy." he said taking her hand and helping her up. "We can't get out at night but I know a place where we can rest."
(( ooooooh >.< sorry :( ))

Feels the collar come off and sees Gils hand. Grabbing it and standing she looks at him ashamed. he was her partner, he had known her at her best... he had just witnessed her worst. the tears well up again and flow over, streaking down her dirty face leaving a trail. "o-okay, then lets go there."
"Don't cry." he says conforting her as they walked until they came upon a tree house. "Up we go." he says letting her go first and following her close. When at the top he got onto the mattress and laid down further back before siting back up "Actualy, you can have the bed if your uncomfortable sharing it."
Walks with him by her side until they got to the tree house. She giggled a little and mutters, "like we where kids" Climbing up she flopped down on the bed. when he layed down she curled into him. it was nice not to be alone. "You can stay, i dont mind."
"Ok," he says laying back down and putting an arm around her, they didnt have any blankets and being in the cloths she is wouldn't help much.
Curls up to herself and starts to shake. "Im glad you saved me... im glad i found you... through all our training i was not expecting that." she jokes about their old jobs. "think theyll still want us back? used and abused?"
If we manage to take my brother down they will welcome us back." he said confidently.
"but not before that?.... then how are we supposed to do that?" her voice sounds desprate and depressed. "Gil, im scared of him. You know me well enough to know ive never been scared of anyone."
"It's ok. Don't think about it for now." he said kissing her cheek. "It's ok."
Felt her face go bright red as he kissed her cheek. "Gil?" She looked at him confused.
"Fel, I love you..." he said unsure of what her reaction should be... or would be. He kissed the back of her cheek again.
"gil... i..." turns around to look at him. "Gil," She repeats calmly and looks into his eyes. "I love you too Gil." she whispers to him.
He kisses her on the lips as they lay there. He held her close to him and slightly rubbed her back as they continued. When he finally finished he looked at her hoping she was smiling just the same as he was.
Kisses him back and starts to smile. he held her close and rubbed her back and she giggled. once he pulled back and smiled, she smiled back and layed her head down on him.
He continued to hold her until they both fell asleep.
Falls asleep in his arms with a smile and sleep soundly for the first time in the last week.