Imperial Academy: The King's Game [Sign-Ups & OC Thread]

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I could go either way. On one hand playing out more days gives more time for potential failing.

But on the other hand I want to interact with the girls dang it!
I would post my third post for day 1, but I'm still waiting for @BanaNashi to interact with both my characters.
I'll reply tomorrow, because I'm sleepy now, and while I know I probably won't go to sleep for ages, my posts sound silly if I write them too late at night.
And then I wake up the next day... with a semi-clear head, and I look at them, and can't help but wonder if I was drunk the night before and simply forgot. >:I
So how about this. We will do it one day at a time but the post will be limited. Like say 8-10 post each player. That way we won't get stuck and the days move at a moderate pace. Fair enough?
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Hey guys, I'm gonna be out all day tomorrow so I wont be able to reply.

As the day progresses, you can just assume that Phineas is off crying somewhere in a locker after his ordeal. (JK but he'll be keeping his head down in between thanking Magnus for his assist).

Anyone is free to interact with him if it's needed but obviously don't make him lose his credits beyond what he's already lost (if he has) ;~;
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Oh yeah. Pls. Start deducting credits from your current credit points. That way you'll be able to keep track on how much you earn or owe.




Previous Credits: 100,000,000
Credits loss: 300,00
Current Credits: 99,700,000

I'm just curious... What are those bodyoftext thing? Is that really there or is it a glitch?
I'm just curious... What are those bodyoftext thing? Is that really there or is it a glitch?

It is as it is, a body of text. That bodyoftext is your paragraph, its supposed to be your format for the roleplay. To keep track of your credits.
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Internet shut down on me yesterday and now I am back on~

More things to read.


You guys should hurry and wrap it up for this day. The next few days will be quiet now from both parties. We will be skipping the days foward.

The girls will start to get desperate. Since they are losing credits faster than gaining weight.

Something fun will happen on day five. :3

Poor admin you have a ton of stuff to read.
Ugh.. I have no idea what Michelle should do next. I think she bit off more than she could chew. Magnus didn't even acknowledge her presence TT_TT
Ugh.. I have no idea what Michelle should do next. I think she bit off more than she could chew. Magnus didn't even acknowledge her presence TT_TT

Don't loose hope and it is still the first day of the games you still have 6 days to win!
Question: is Lucifer an NPC or a real character? Kinda thinking about changing targets.
(Finally finished Lucy's bio)

Character Sheet
Personal Details
Name of Student:
Lucifer L. Clare
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: September 22
Place of Birth: Waterford, Ireland
Blood Type: A

History/Personal Background:
Born in a loving family a chef for a father and an actress for a mom one can never complain in the lifestyle they had. It was his father that urge him to enroll in Imperial Academy. He entered IA on the first grade since he took kindergarten at his hometown. At first he was unused to the dorm lifestyle having to go home once or twice a year. It all changed when he met the Strauss brothers, they taught him the tricks and trade of AI and told him of the Kings game how you can earn more credits by playing. He also became good friends with Richie the youngest of the three.

They usually fought back then, Richie being the spoiled brat and Lucifer teaching him how to be more practical and how he doesn't mind his credits. He would join Kings game every now and then as long as it seems doable and not too difficult it will loose him a lot. There were rumors he received huge amount of credits from Richie's older brothers from doing a special request, it was never proven though it was then forgotten as time goes by.

He can actually acquire a white uniform with his credits but decided not to buy one since a blue uniform is more practical on spending his credits on than buying a white uniform. He already has a ton of rumors spreading one of them saying he is gay, he doesn't need a white uniform to attract more unwanted attention. (He already has a lot of attention coming from Richie and that is enough)

Practicality is important for him. He is kind and caring but seems to be so engrossed in playing games whatever console it is. He always seem to loose his temper on Richard and it always have to do with his spending habits. He likes sweets and snacks. He is a good cook and he is also part of the painting club. He doesn't have that much stamina than Richie so he hates sports and doesn't really excel in it.


Hair: Brown
Eye colour: blue
Height: 5'10
Weight: 74 kilos
Skin tone: warm rosy
Special Facial Features: none

Father's Name: Ludwid O. Clare
Occupation: chef, restaurant owner
Mother's Name: Corolla L. Clare
Occupation: housewife, theater actress
No. Of Siblings: 1
Henrietta L. Clare

Other Information: He is actually a very emotional person.
Question: is Lucifer an NPC or a real character? Kinda thinking about changing targets.

He is an actual character but he is not joining the king's game so it will be no use to aim for him.
Ugh.. I have no idea what Michelle should do next. I think she bit off more than she could chew. Magnus didn't even acknowledge her presence TT_TT

That might have been my fault... It was late when I posted. I'll make sure she gets mentioned in my next post.

Magnus may indeed be a hard target though. Certain... Erm... Methods of attention seekingaybnot be a effective on him haha.
This is fun o v o
(Finally finished Lucy's bio)

Character Sheet
Personal Details
Name of Student:
Lucifer L. Clare
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: September 22
Place of Birth: Waterford, Ireland
Blood Type: A

History/Personal Background:
Born in a loving family a chef for a father and an actress for a mom one can never complain in the lifestyle they had. It was his father that urge him to enroll in Imperial Academy. He entered IA on the first grade since he took kindergarten at his hometown. At first he was unused to the dorm lifestyle having to go home once or twice a year. It all changed when he met the Strauss brothers, they taught him the tricks and trade of AI and told him of the Kings game how you can earn more credits by playing. He also became good friends with Richie the youngest of the three.

They usually fought back then, Richie being the spoiled brat and Lucifer teaching him how to be more practical and how he doesn't mind his credits. He would join Kings game every now and then as long as it seems doable and not too difficult it will loose him a lot. There were rumors he received huge amount of credits from Richie's older brothers from doing a special request, it was never proven though it was then forgotten as time goes by.

He can actually acquire a white uniform with his credits but decided not to buy one since a blue uniform is more practical on spending his credits on than buying a white uniform. He already has a ton of rumors spreading one of them saying he is gay, he doesn't need a white uniform to attract more unwanted attention. (He already has a lot of attention coming from Richie and that is enough)

Practicality is important for him. He is kind and caring but seems to be so engrossed in playing games whatever console it is. He always seem to loose his temper on Richard and it always have to do with his spending habits. He likes sweets and snacks. He is a good cook and he is also part of the painting club. He doesn't have that much stamina than Richie so he hates sports and doesn't really excel in it.


Hair: Brown
Eye colour: blue
Height: 5'10
Weight: 74 kilos
Skin tone: warm rosy
Special Facial Features: none

Father's Name: Ludwid O. Clare
Occupation: chef, restaurant owner
Mother's Name: Corolla L. Clare
Occupation: housewife, theater actress
No. Of Siblings: 1
Henrietta L. Clare

Other Information: He is actually a very emotional person.
Prepare to be harrassed o v o
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