Immortality's End

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Waow, it happened again. Only two people having posted, with the deadline only one day away.

Why gaiz why
Just popping in to see if any salt has happened. Or if anyone backed out
Just popping in to see if any salt has happened. Or if anyone backed out
Well there was one drop, so there might be a spot open. No salt yet though.
That being said, not much happened at all either.
Well there was one drop, so there might be a spot open. No salt yet though.
Well I'll start working on one in the mean time. But my week is hella busy so if I make one I can't promise it'll be up until later this week. May I ask who backed out so I can know what powers and abilities everyone has?
The healer poofed.
Aesil jumps ship.

6 + 8 = 14

Aesil looks for more fools.

18 + 16 = 34
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Sahms slides out of the scene.

10+8= 18

And doesn't end up a bloody stain far below.
I think if I make a character it'll be an ex-noble whose main power will be either something involving Alchemy(On a medicinal level, not FMA) or something more like influence of characters.
Hmm... Of all the available flavors, why do you look for salty? Admittedly it's an interesting flavor...

Anyhow, which stat do I roll when I need to sweet talk this farmer bloke? Or I can just flaunt my assets and roll nothing at all? #nohomo
Hmm... Of all the available flavors, why do you look for salty? Admittedly it's an interesting flavor...
Because of all the flavors of the world, nothing is more delicious than a stream of tears. And from my (somewhat limited) experiences with asuras' roleplays, they are a prime spot for salt. Also it usually means a spot is open.
Hmm... Of all the available flavors, why do you look for salty? Admittedly it's an interesting flavor...

Anyhow, which stat do I roll when I need to sweet talk this farmer bloke? Or I can just flaunt my assets and roll nothing at all? #nohomo
You roll nothing. You just need to be a good writer. :3
Because of all the flavors of the world, nothing is more delicious than a stream of tears. And from my (somewhat limited) experiences with asuras' roleplays, they are a prime spot for salt. Also it usually means a spot is open.
Mhhmm... Well, I do enjoy a pinch of salt now and then. Guess I pick the right place, eh?

You roll nothing. You just need to be a good writer. :3
Haha. Fortunately, I am. Not. Oh gosh ><
So, guys, a litte discussion for team 14? What should we do next? Wanna split up or anything? I have a couple of ideas, but I kinda don't want to force you guys or anything, soooooo.....
#don't metagame
#discuss in the IC
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"History was an experience for one, a lesson for another, and a future for the last."

Galcius is a 23 year old male who stands approximately 6'1" and is fairly broad. But, despite his towering figure, he has a gentle demeanor. He carries himself with an air of spontaneity. One befitting of a Royal Fool.

People would look at Galcius and say "Oh he's a lover not a fighter." And for the must part they're right. Galcius prefers to talk things out with a joke, or persuade a person with a sweet serenade. But they would be shocked upon seeing him on a mission. Able to keep up his demeanor while even bringing down his target. Well, so long they deserve it. They usually do.

Galcius is laidback and carefree, often seeming almost lethargic. This is not the case. While he seems unconcerned, the fact is, he has seen the influence of the Empire on his travels. This alone provides a reason to fight. And this is excluding his past history with the Empire.

Full Version

A young child, no older than 7, left orphaned on the streets, fending for himself, and trying to keep his head above water. He didn't remember anything from his life, and most specifically, how he got here. But he did have a small harp for some reason. He'd occasionally begin plucking away a the strings, listening to the nice sounds that the instrument produced. As time wore on, he'd begin to grow more and more proficient with the little harp. Some people would pass by and give him money as he played. He didn't understand why, but it made life so much easier for him. It encouraged him to keep playing.

And the young boy's skills grew and grew. He began to sing songs and dance as he played, attracting more and more people to him to see his performance. More money appeared on the streets day after day. People loved to see the young boy dance around and sing. So much so that Lord Marrimus III, a nobleman, sent his own stewards to summon the boy to his chambers to become his Fool. When asked for his name, he had no clue even after all this time. So he gave himself one. "Muse". He was brought in, and kept in the Manor. There he was taught rhetoric, history, and most importantly, music. But he never did like the songs he was made to play. They didn't suit him. His own music, though unconventional, was far more enjoyable.

3 years past, and day after day his talents continued to grow. He wrote songs of ancient stories, so loving the epic tales that were told long ago. And the more he poured his soul into his talent, the more his music seemed to infect people. Whether it was magic, or just a phenomenon did not matter. His music could strike such powerful emotions that his Lord forbade any laments or other sorrowful pieces. Lord Marrimus' eldest brother Duke Fredrick I heard of the child's abilities and paid his brother a visit. Then he saw the harp.

That harp had been a gift that Fredrick had given to a young, fair traveling bard that he had... relations with a while back. About 13 years ago. Nine months before he was born. She disappeared shortly after he was born. And there he stayed until he was taken away and to the streets. He only had that harp left. He was the only son of Duke Fredrick I. Now he was the next in line to inherit his father's position of Duke.

It was only a few weeks before he was to leave to his father's manor. On his way to the library to read up on other ancient stories. He overheard his uncle Marrimus speaking to his advisor. They were plotting to kill him. He had to escape. His father would never believe him. He trusted his brother too much. So he devised a plan. He started writing more and more sorrowful songs. Never did he dance and sing his joyful songs of old. And then one day, he was gone the whole day. He was found later, hung up by the neck in his chambers. And so he was presumed dead, and he was placed in his family's tomb. Left to rot... He awoke seven days later. Sneaking out and heading in his own, once more into the world.

For another 2 years he traveled, as a vagabond. Playing and dancing and singing. His music continued to strangely influence others, and his skills only seemed to increase. However, he was able to see the world as it truly was. What the Empire had done. His father, the person who gave this harp was responsible for this. Though his skills in music did increase, the influence seemed not as great. He carried the harp still, but he grew to despise it, seeing it as symbol of oppression, instead of one of beauty as he thought of it so long ago.. One day he stumbled upon an old cottage. Strangely enough though, all the world seemed to sing together here. It was beautiful. Before he had a chance to knock on the door, an older woman, maybe in her mid-forties walked out from behind the cottage, and greeted him as "Glacius." When he told her his name was Muse, she merely laughed, and said that she knew for a fact that his name was indeed Glacius. But she never said more on how or why

He had no reason to believe her, but all things considered, taking a new name would be a smart decision. So from that day forth he was Glacius. Glacius Marriam. He stayed at the woman's cottage for a month, before she gave him a Mandolin. She said to him that there was nothing special about it. It was a simple mandolin. But he was special. A certain kind of mage, known as a Chronicler. One who told stories through song. These stories could influence others in mysterious ways. She told him, "Practice with this instrument. It will never be more than a Mandolin, unless you pour your heart and soul into it. That harp you held was once such an instrument, but your resentment for its maker has since cut your connections." Then she handed him a book. A book of legends and epics. Tales of heroes. One's he never heard of... Or rather, ones he never heard of as heroes. The Empire's library had books that made many of these heroes to be the villain. "The Empire thought they could change history. But we Chroniclers know better. Here is the truth. Take this book and study it well. It will serve you on your journey." And with that, she sent him off.

He never learned who that woman was, nor how she knew so much about him. But he lived by her words, studying the true heroes, and writing new songs. For eight years he practiced and played the mandolin, pouring his own being into the vessel. And one day, it began playing on its own. The mandolin was now an extension of his own soul. Over the course of these eight years, he trained in combat, and held on to his old harp. Not because it was that symbol of joy, but more for the fact that it was a symbol of deception and lies, just like the songs that Galcius wrote of those false heroes. He wished to punish the Empire for their treatment of people, past present and future. After all, those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. And it was obvious that the Empire had not studied enough.

Was a bard for a nobleman. Later discovered that he is the bastard son of current Lord's elder brother, putting him in line for the throne, in front of his current Lord. Current Lord tries to kill him, fakes his death, and lives on as a vagabond before being contacted by the Bloodpeace after rumor of a bard with mysterious powers of influence began to spread.

  • Might ♪♪♪♪ 4
    Finesse ♪♪♪♪♪♪ 6
    Fortitude ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 8
    Health ♪♪♪♪ 4
    Speed ♪♪ 2
    Perception ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 8
    Arcane ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 9
    Spirit ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 9

  • ~The Heroes' Ballad~
    Revering the Heroes of Old, Galcius sings of the their adventures, and triumphs. Their rewards, their losses, their Gains, their sacrifices. Their Lives. Their Deaths. His music inspires his allies, instilling them with stronger fighting spirit and will to survive, granting them a Bonus to both Spirit and Fortitude for as long as they can hear Galcius sing, and his music plays. Galcius can only play one song at a time, and can not fight and play at the same time, unless Lyre's Bluff is in use.

    ~Siren's Song~
    Ancient beasts said to show man their deepest desires with their enchanting song, and lure them to their watery grave. Galcius has learned to mimic what has been said about these foul creatures, able to entice enemies who hear his song, causing a penalty to Finesse and Perception. Galcius can only play one song at a time, and can not fight and play at the same time, unless Lyre's Bluff is in use.

    ~Lyre's Bluff~
    An instrument is more than just a simple piece of wood or metal that makes a sound. It is an extension of one's soul. And through extensive practice, and a little bit of magic an instrument it becomes a part of his soul. For Galcius it is his own mandolin that he has created such a bond with. He is capable of playing his instrument without even touching it. However, He must be near it. This technique of playing an instrument without touching it has been given the name, Lyre's Bluff.

  • ~Mandolin~

    While it was originally an instrument of no significant importance, it has since become Galcius' most prized possession. While to others, it is no different than any other instrument, to Galcius, it is an extension of himself. It is currently the only instrument he has mastered Lyre's Bluff with.


    A simple curved blade often used in different lands. Galcius is fairly proficient with it

    ~Harp of the Empire~

    The harp which Galcius has held onto since he was an orphan on the streets. It has since become a grotesque item to him. But he holds on to it as a reminder of the atrocities that have been
    committed by the Empire.

    ~Chronicler's Tome~

    A large book filled with years of history, that is passed down from Chronicler to Chronicler. It continues to grow so long as there are those who fight for the freedom and justice, and there are those who write the tales of those heroes.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"The fool turns knave that runs away"

People would look at Galcius and say "Oh he's a lover not a fighter." And for the must part they're right. Galcius prefers to talk things out with a joke, or persuade a person with a sweet serenade. But they would be shocked upon seeing him on a mission. Able to keep up his demeanor while even bringing down his target. Well, so long they deserve it. They usually do.

Galcius is laid back and care free, often seeming almost lethargic. This is not the case. While he seems unconcerned, the fact is, he has seen the influence of the Empire on his travels. This alone provides a reason to fight. And this is excluding his past history with the Empire.


The Heroes' Ballad
Revering the Heroes of Old, Galcius sings of the their adventures, and triumphs. Their rewards, their losses, their Gains, their sacrifices. Their Lives. Their Deaths. His music inspires his allies, instilling them with stronger fighting spirit and will to survive, granting them a Bonus to both Spirit and Fortitude for as long as they can hear Galcius sing, and his music plays. Galcius can only play one song at a time, and can not fight and play at the same time, unless Lyre's Bluff is in use.
Siren's Song
Ancient beasts said to show man their deepest desires with their enchanting song, and lure them to their watery grave. Galcius has learned to mimic what has been said about these foul creatures, able to entice enemies who hear his song, causing a penalty to Finesse and Perception. Galcius can only play one song at a time, and can not fight and play at the same time, unless Lyre's Bluff is in use.
Lyre's Bluff
An instrument is more than just a simple piece of wood or metal that makes a sound. It is an extension of one's soul. And through extensive practice, and a little bit of magic an instrument it becomes a part of his soul. For Galcius it is his own mandolin that he has created such a bond with. He is capable of playing his instrument without even touching it. However, He must be near it. This technique of playing an instrument without touching it has been given the name, Lyre's Bluff.
While it was originally an instrument of no significant importance, it has since become Galcius' most prized possession. While to others, it is no different than any other instrument, to Galcius, it is an extension of himself. It is currently the only instrument he has mastered Lyre's Bluff with.
A simple curved blade often used in different lands.
Harp of the Empire
The harp which Galcius has held onto since he was an orphan on the streets. It has since become a grotesque item to him. But he holds on to it as a reminder of the atrocities that have been committed by the Empire.
Chronicler's Tome
A large book filled with years of history, that is passed down from Chronicler to Chronicler. It continues to grow so long as there are those who fight for the freedom and justice, and there are those who write the tales of those heroes.

Finally finished. Theme Song is place in Personality(Though it might change), and Age and Gender are in Appearance. Bio is far longer than I expected.
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I know you (probably) put a lot of effort into your CS, and I know you're a cool guy. I mean, everyone called Bob is a cool guy by default. But you just happened to trigger me one time too much. Take it as a friendly advice? But your sheet is a nice example of where too much 'styling' hurts the readability. To show you what I mean:


You see this? For each ability I have to scroll down or whatever. Now this might sound like 'Oh my god so he uses up like minimal extra effort' or whatever, but imagine this: For one people on mobile platforms get rekt. The morte important reason however is that it (maybe) annoys a GM more if every single person would do it. I know not every single person does it, but I know RP where stuff like that happens, sheets that have pictures and yt links attached to them that are longer than the entire text and so on and so on. Every single sheet is like that, a fun GM task can quickly become tedious.

I mean yours isn't even close to some of the stuff I have seen and still very easy to read, like, you haven't used any sort of obnoxious green/color-combination that hurts the eyes. But please don't grow a tendency towards that stuff, I do know Asuras thinks like that too.
I know you (probably) put a lot of effort into your CS, and I know you're a cool guy. I mean, everyone called Bob is a cool guy by default. But you just happened to trigger me one time too much. Take it as a friendly advice? But your sheet is a nice example of where too much 'styling' hurts the readability. To show you what I mean:


You see this? For each ability I have to scroll down or whatever. Now this might sound like 'Oh my god so he uses up like minimal extra effort' or whatever, but imagine this: For one people on mobile platforms get rekt. The morte important reason however is that it (maybe) annoys a GM more if every single person would do it. I know not every single person does it, but I know RP where stuff like that happens, sheets that have pictures and yt links attached to them that are longer than the entire text and so on and so on. Every single sheet is like that, a fun GM task can quickly become tedious.

I mean yours isn't even close to some of the stuff I have seen and still very easy to read, like, you haven't used any sort of obnoxious green/color-combination that hurts the eyes. But please don't grow a tendency towards that stuff, I do know Asuras thinks like that too.
No you're just fine. I might have tried a little too hard to make it pretty. I mean I usually try to keep an organized and clean looking character sheet, and this was really the only time I've tried to use this many bb codes. It's a case of less is more. I see exactly what you mean, especially the mobile part since I actually wrote a lot of that on my phone. So I'll try to simply it when I get the chance, but I'm a little afraid to mess with that number of bb codes while on a phone... dear God I've created a monster
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