I'm Here to Kick Ass

"Just keep a look out for everything. Don't look at me too much," Ryanne said, trying to pull her skirt further down. "This uniform..." she muttered quietly.
He gave a small nod, a slight chuckle escaping him. "If you hate it so much why do you work there?" He asked taking a slight glance to her.
"Oh? Because I kept getting fired at my other jobs," she replied. She laughed. "I kept getting into trouble and being late. I guess the only down side to my job is the uniform."
He gave a small nod, offering a chuckle still while he pulled in. "Alright on with the ears..."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" she joked. With a little smirk, Ryanne slipped on the cat-ears. Her cheeks were red-ish, but she still smirked as he parked in front of the cafe. "What do you want for breakfast?"
He gave a snicker and a nod, his hand reaching out to feel the fake ear before sighing. "Sausage gravy and biscuits..." he replied with Annie, getting out and opening hr door. "Come on nekomimi..." He teased more.
Once she was out, she clipped the tail on and straightened her ears. "Tease all you want," she said, sticking her tongue out.

She walking into the cafe and immediately slid behind the counter, motioning for him to sit on one of the stools. "I'll get your food out soon," she told him.
He gave a small nod, even grasping her tail for a second before following her in. "Alrighty..." He replied looking to her for a moment before taking his seat, after a moment he found himself a newspaper. Contenting himself he read.
She had his food ready quickly and took it to him. "Like I said, on the house," she said, placing it in front of him. "And if the other girls ask who you are, make something up," she whispered. She then headed off to attend to other people.
"Thanks cutie..." He replied with a sneaky grin. With another nod he contented himself to eat, keeping an eye on everyone else who entered.
She kicked his chair as she passed, carrying coffee to a table. There seemed to be more people coming in today. Usually they didn't fill up all the tables, but now there were only about two or three left unoccupied.

"Wonder what's up today?" one of the other girls said. Ryanne shrugged and went on.
Solomon only noticed due to the chatter, his head once more on a swivel while he glanced over the extra people. He took a deep breath, watching and waiting while he finished his breakfast.
Ryanne came to sit next to him, smiling. "Enjoying your food sir?" she asked. She looked around at all of the customers. "Seen anything suspicious?" she asked quietly.

One of the other girls called for her to get back to work and Ryanne waved her off. "Anyway, I'll get off for lunch around twelve or twelve-thirty. If you want to go... Take a walk around to patrol or something," she told him, standing up again.
He gave a small nod and a slight chuckle. "The service could be better... and the girls could be cuter." His face slowly turned serious. "You guys seem awfully busy..." Was his next response while he sighed. "Alright... I'll go check around outside... yell... really loud if you need anything." Solomon replied while he got up, tossing a dime on the table as a tip before heading out.
"Cuter than me? Good luck finding someone," she teased as he left. She picked up the dime and waved at him as he walked out. "And don't worry. I don't think anyone will try anything here. There's too many people."

Ryanne looked around. "Which is pretty strange for today..." she mumbled. Then she got back to work, walkin about.
He sighed, simply walked around the outside of the the store, an eye open. (Not quite sure what your setting up here...)
(You'll see soon, unless you want to pm me xD It's going to be mildly big))
A small sigh escaped his lips, leaning against a nearby wall, eyes tracking a few people while he relaxed, the day seemed benign enough.
Ryanne looked up, out the window, just as most of the customers began leaving. "Hey, what's with the rush today?" another waitress asked one of them.

"Oh?" the young man replied, "At campus, some guy said you guys had a lunch special."

All of the girls raised their eyebrows. Ryanne wasn't sure who would've said that, but she did notice one of the customers sprint across the street, pulling something from his pocket. He jumped into a black car as it drove past and the car sped off. She'd seen that car before... It was the same one that had come to pick her up the first time she hacked the database. (She could recognize it because of the long paint-scrath on the driver's door)

She quickly back up from where she was and hurried into the bathroom. "Ah great..." she muttered. "What were they doing here?"
Solomon noted the person running off, he raised an eyebrow and returned back inside looking around for her. "What the hell is going on here..."