I'll never be part of your world (The Returner and Redblood)

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Damien felt as Anna came closer to him. She spoke but suddenly stop, like she didn't know how to carry on. The relationship that now arouse between them made Damien sensitive and more empathetic. Turning around, Damien looked down at Anna again. He brushed her hair and smiled slightly. Knowing that she was safe now, made him feel pleased. However, he still thought that there would be problems in the future if not tonight as well. The moment that he finished the thought, there came a knock on the door. Damien looked in that direction and slightly moved forward. Who could that be? Isabel? The knock resounded again. Giving Anna a questioning look, Damien was still wondering who could it be.
Damien turned around and looked down at Anna, as he brushed her hair she got a small blush on her cheeks. Something felt different between them, was it because of the bond? When Damien gave her a smile she gave one back, but it fast disappeard when someone knocked on the door. Who could that be? Damien gave her a questioning look but she just shoke her head, how would she know, she barely knew anyone there. And who would come in the middle of the night? "Anna, are you awake?" She heard a voice comming from outside the door.

"Michael?" She went to the door and opened it, "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" She asked as she stood face to face with him. Michael didn't look at her, he had gotten his eyes on Damien behind her.
"I was worried, when I came by before in the evening you weren't here so I just wanted to make sure nothing had happened." He said, after hearing about what had happened with Gabriel he had rushed to Annas room to see how she was, but she hadn't been there. Then he hadn't been able to find her in the school and now she were with that guy. Michael didn't like Damien, for the most he had been on Gabriels side on things but he had stayed neutral under the meeting. Instead of looking at Anna he gave Damien a murderous look, even if Anna didn't notice it.

"I'm fine, I was just walking around." She said a bit uncomfortable, why was he starring like that on Damien? Did they know eachother?
Damien raised his eyebrows once Michael entered the room. How did he know her? Where did they meet? Suddenly, he remember when he saw Anna during PE lesson. She fell down and Michael helped her up while others were laughing. Did they become friends since then? Not that Damien wouldn't like it but Michael wasn't on his side. If the need be, Michael supported Gabriel. Personally, Damien didn't mind Michael but he was dangerous. He became even more dangerous now, as he obviously was one of Anna's friends. He could influence her in a bad way. While Michael looked like he wanted to kill Damien on spot, Damien's expression was even. He didn't show any other feeling than the surprise which has already subsided.

"I am Anna's friend just as much as you are, I suppose," Damien replied calmly. He didn't dare to mention that there was a bond between them, and hoped that Anna wouldn't do it either, because Michael might run to Gabriel and inform him earlier than needed. However, Damien didn't show any sign of leaving the room. Moreover, he felt as if his feet turned into roots that prevent him from moving. He did it willingly for he didn't fully believed Michael either.
Anna felt a bit uncomfortable with the atmosphere in the room, her eyes went between Michael and Damien.
"Well, I'm fine, obviously. So see you in class tomorrow." Anna told him a bit nervously, she had a feeling it was a bad idea to let those two stay in the same room, even if one of them weren't technically speaking in the room. Damien seemed to take this situation really good though, even though it was a guy starring at him for God-knows-what-reason. As she were about to close the door Michael took it with his hand so it wouldn't close.
"If something happens then you will tell me right?" He asked her, both because he didn't trust Damien and because of the incident with Gabriel. Anna nodded "Ofcourse" Michael looked at Damien again before letting go of the door and walking away.

Anna closed the door and turned around towards Damien again. "Did you know him in any way? He didn't seem to like you." Anna asked Damien, she didn't see a reason for Michael to look at Damien like that when comming to check if she was alright.
Damien was silent for some time. He reconsidered the whole situation and what role could Michael have in the game between Damien and Gabriel. However, when Anna was talking to him and Michael was out of the room for good, Damien let out a sigh. It was hard to tell whether it was a sigh of relieve or a worried one. In that moment, Damien didn't know himself. It might have been combination of both.

"Yes, I know him. Actually, vampires know each other no matter how many of us are here," he said and then smiled as Anna said that Michael didn't seem to like him. She gave him a chance to make his first move. First move? Well, that's a bad chosen way how to describe it. Damien just wanted to warn Anna. "Yes, he doesn't like me because he supports Gabriel's ideas. He never supported me and God knows what he thinks about me. But I don't mind him. He is not that big threat to me," looking at Anna, Damien was curious what reaction will his words provoke in Anna's expression.
It took some time before Anna got it in her brain what Damien just had said. "Is he a vampire to?" Anna asked, even if she already had understood that he was. Did she know anyone that wasn't a vampire? Was Kristine a vampire to? Well she would get to know that soon if she were or not. Now when she thought about it, she hadn't met Kristine since her first day, they didn't have classes together. Anna looked down in the desk "Do you and Gabriel have some kind of school gang like war or something?" She turned back to face Damien. She almost wanted to say how childish it sounded in her ears but she didn't.

"Who is this Gabriel anyway?" She asked, she couldn't recall ever hearing the name before now.
Damien noticed her confusion and almost felt sorry for her. It must have been quite depressing to find out that people you knew and believe in suddenly turn out to be something completely else. Something that you thought existed only in your nightmares or movies. An apologetic smile appeared on his face as he nodded in agreement that Michael was a vampire. It looked as if he wanted to excuse the whole situation. Even if he would want to, he wouldn't be able to do so.

"Well, Gabriel is the one you met after you played the piano with me. Gabriel was also the one who attacked you in the library," no more secrets until the content would be too dangerous for Anna to hear. But for now Damien thought that she should know most of the information. "As for the gang war...No, we don't have gangs. It is more like politics. We have parties and the two of us are something like chairmen of these parties. The reason for simulating this is that the strongest member would become an assisstent to the principal and once the principal would retire or die, the assisstent would take over and become next principal," Damien explained and hoped that Anna would understand. The whole process was more complicated and Damien thought that Anna was too tired for a lecture about 'war for power'.
Of some reason Anna didn't get surprised when she got to hear that the guy they had met after she had played piano and the guy in the library was the same person. But even if it didn't surprise her she still felt a shiver down her spine as he reminded her of the incident in the library. To get herself to think about something else she tried to think about what he had told her after that. "Die? aren't vampires immortal?" She asked, trying to escape the talk about Gabriel. "Now when I think about it, I have met a real vampire, this would be the perfect time to get to know which stories is true. Do you burn to ashes if you go out in the sunlight?"

Would she need to stop eat onion from now on when she was close to Damien? That couldn't be true could it? Why would onion have such an effect on a immortal creature. Anna thought about a lot of things she had heard about vampires not noticing that the clock almost was three in the morning. Even if Anna should go to sleep, she had become way to hyper because of everything that had happened to be able to sleep. Did Damien sleep in a coffin? Could she ask him without him laughing at her if she asked?
Obviously the fact that Gabriel was the same person in both situations, didn't set Anna of the tracks. That made Damien feel somehow content. After all, Gabriel looked like a jerk without even trying. He listened to Anna's next question and to his surprise it wasn't about the politics, but about vampires themselves. He smiled slightly. Yes, he understood why Anna asked yet he never ever had to explain it before. His first pairing was curious too but in different matters and ways.

"Well, vampires fight a lot and it can happen that sometimes we kill our opponent," he explained and for a fraction of second an image of him being cannibal appeared in his mind before it vanished just as quickly. "Think Anna, did I burn to ashes two days ago when you've met me for the first time?" First time? No, they've met before but Damien didn't dare to mention it. As for his answer Damien hoped that Anna remembered that the sun was shining if not she should get his point anyway. Damien began to be curious himself. What would be her next question? What would she ask? He found himself engaged with the idea of answering those questions. It was unusual yet rather funny in a way.
Anna though about it for a moment, he was right they had been outside in the sun the first day. "I should have thought about that" She said as a curse to herself. She should have thought about that. "Okay, can you turn in to a mist, wolf, bat or rat? How about garlic, do you get weak of garlic and cross? Do you sleep in coffins? Will you die if someone pierced your heart with a stake? Can you see yourself in a mirror? Do you even remember all the questions I have asked now?" She decided that maybe it was best to stop asking questions and let him answer them.

In her anxiety she almost were about to ask if he had a soul or not, but why would he care about her in any way if he didn't have one? She sat down on her bed and waited for Damien to reply.
Damien's eyebrow rose up as Anna was asking. He bit his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing. All those questions were understandable but what made him want to laugh was her last question. Apart from that Damien liked how Anna was curious and wanted to know as much as possible. He had chosen well. However, with such a decision came responsibilliy. In that moment he decided to protect Anna more than his frist pairing.

"Don't worry. I have a great memory," he informed his friend and thought about his naswers. "So I will start from you first question. We don't turn into bats, rats, wolves or mist. We aren't magicians. As for garlic, it makes some of us feel sick but that's the same as with humans. Overall, I personally eat garlic and I don't mind it." Remembering coffins, Damien let out a chuckle. "Back in Vlad's days, vampires used to do that until they found out that beds are more comfortable. So no, I don't sleep in a coffin." The next question about piercing his heart made Damien think for awhile. Surely, he didn't experience it but wasn't told before that it would kill him. "I am not sure if I would die if someone would stab me with a stake, but I wasn't told that it would kill me so I presume that it doesn't hurt vampires. It might weaken them but not kill them."

For the last question, Damien just smiled. He looked around Anna's room and soon found a mirror hanging on the wall. He went over to Anna, took her by her hand and pulled her in front of him. Suddenly, they appeared in front of that mirror. Damien was pretty visible, stading behind Anna, still holding her hand. "Do you think I am invisible now?" He asked and in the reflection smiled at Anna.
Anna thought about his answers carefully, so nothing said about vampire actually had to do with the real thing? She still waited for her last question to be answered but instead of a answer he just took her hand and pulled her towards the mirror. As they got close to it she saw a handsome man standing next to herself, Damien was as visible as she was in the mirror. "So, where does all the stories come from?" She asked as she turned around to face him. "Someone must have made those things up, like vampires doesn't have souls and all that stuff. Is any of the stories true about vampires?"
Damien smiled and sighed. He went over to Anna's desk and sat on the chair in front of it. A chair where he was sitting once before. Being so good at history, Damien could tell her everything about his races. All the facts that she was missing. However, she wanted to know something he didn't know for sure himself.

"We were wild once as humans were. My ancestors didn't know how to behave and we evolved just as much as your race did. Those stories might have been true once, but they are out of date now," he said and sighed again. "But there is a truth to each and one of them. We can be cruel and basically none of us have a soul. How would be able to drink humans blood then if we had a soul? We can lose our mind and kill anyone near to us," he fell silent. Damien hated this part of their being. He hated how merciless his kind was. How arrogant they could be. We are monsters inside, he thought and a smirk appeared on his face. There was something pleasant in the statement. For being a monster meant to have a power of destruction. Destruction was something that his race was famous for. The pride subsided slowly and Damien had to put much effort in it. He shouldn't feel like that...otherwise he would end up as Gabriel.
Anna looked at him almost terrified for a couple of minutes before being able to say anything. "Yeah, and bats doesn't have a soul because they drink blood, don't give me such a crap." She almost screamed, how could he say he didn't, that they didn't have any soul. "If you wouldn't have any soul then I wouldn't have any blood left in me, no if you didn't have any soul then you wouldn't have saved me when I was attacked in the library. I don't buy that you don't have a soul just because you drink blood, all living things have something they need to feed on, they can't help what they need to eat." She had never expected that kind of answer from Damien, she thought he would laugh if she asked if he had a soul and actually she wanted to laugh at that question to. Instead he was there completely serious saying that he didn't have a soul.

She turned away from Damien trying to hide that her face had gotten red. He was way to much of a gentleman to be souless, he was even acting like a gentleman when he was angry at her. It was no way that he didn't have a soul. What was a soul anyways?
Damien was looking at the floor but once Anna started to shout at him, he quickly lifted his gaze and stared at her. As she was getting louder, he was getting angrier. How could she say that?! She didn't know anything about them! Anything at all! How dare she?! Anger was raising within his limbs. It was greater than the first time when he wans angry at Anna. It was way greater. He clenched his teeth and curled his hands into tight fists. He wanted to hit her, drink her blood, punish her. Yes, now he was feeling like a vampire. The power of destruction ran through his body and without knowing Damien's fangs showed up and his eyes got all sparkly with blood thirst and anger. Quicker than before Damien moved to Anna, toppling the chair over. He gripped her arms and pushed her on the wall. His face was close to Anna's and Damien was breathing heavily, growling silently.

"You know nothing about me and my kind. Nothing at all. We could crush your race in a week without you even noticing it!" he hissed at her almost like he did hissed on Gabriel in the library. However, this wasn't enough for him. He wanted more. He wanted to torture her. Really torture her. From the corner of his eye, he saw her bed. With one move he threw her there. He didn't care whether he was gentle or not. She deserved whatever was about to come. Not giving her a chance, he got on top of her, pinning her hands at one place. Somehow, he got in between her own legs without even noticing it.

"You think, you are clever but you are not. You are just a human," he hissed again, arrogantly. Deep in his mind, where the kind and gentleman-like Damien was imprisoned, something screamed that he was now behaving like his father or even worse...like Gabriel. However, this furious version of Damien didn't mind. He became wild, but not wild enough. He lowered his head towards Anna's neck. Feeding time? No, furious Damien was up to something else. What would be a better punishment than hurting someone psychicaly? He made his fangs disappear and with his human teeth bit Anna's neck like someone would do during wild intercourse. His mind was still darkened so he didn't and couldn't control his actions. Moving Anna's hands above her head and holding both of them in one of his, Damien used his other hand to brush Anna's side from her armpit, over her breast and down to her hip. Afterwards, he moved his hand under Anna and lifted her lower part up.

"Soulless..." he hissed and looked back into Anna's eyes. His anger didn't subside at all.
Anna wasn't able to react when Damien suddenly pushed her to the wall, what was he doing? She barely could see any sign of Damien in his eyes, it was like he wasn't Damien anymore. "Just because you can do that doesn't mean you will do it." She almost whispered after he had hissed at her, she was to scared to scream at him. She wasn't certain if he even had heard that she had said anything or just didn't care because he didn't react at all to what he said. He suddenly threw her at the bed, as she tried to get up Damien put himself on top of her, forcing her down. In her head she was screaming in fear but she couldn't let out a word on the outside. Damien wasn't like this, this wasn't Damien, he wouldn't do this kind of things.

If he had said that in any other situation she would probably have said something ironical, but now she couldn't think about anything to say. How could she make him stop? As he moved closer to her throat she thought he would suck her blood out, he would stop before she died, he couldn't be that out of his mind so he would kill her right? But those thoughts soon disappeard from Annas mind as his actions changed, he wasn't drinking her blood. Her eyes narrowed as he hissed, was he trying to rape her?

"Let go of me." She screamed, "This isn't going to proove anything else than that you have a really bad temper" One part was screaming to her to try making him calm down, what she was doing would just make him angrier. But what could she say to make him stop? "Do you really want to be like Gabriel?"
Bad temper? Bad temper?! Damien couldn't get his head over what she had said. It only stirred his anger and made his blood boil. He wanted to call her so many bad names. Maybe drinking her blood would do it. Yes, that would be the right thing to do. In front of her face, his fangs appeared again. Without second hesitation, Damien lowered head again and prepared himself for tasting Anna's blood. He would do it if she hadn't said something. 'Do you really want to be like Gabriel?' His mind was blank, only this question was repeating itself within. Gabriel... His body froze, he couldn't move. Slowly, very slowly the old Damien took a hold of the body yet didn't move an inch. His eyes cleared and his fangs disappeared.His mind went blank again. The question fell into oblivion.

Lifting up, Damien felt stiff. His eyes were not open wide but they were confused and there was something else in them. Something that he could not hold back no matter how hard his befuddled mind tried. It was a great regret and sorrow. He stood up an looked down at Anna. Like Gabriel...like father, he thought. His throat tightened. She couldn't see him like that. Quickly moving away, Damien darted to the door, opened it and slammed it behind even though he didn't want to. As he was walking away from Anna's room, his eyes started to fill with tears. He didn't want to be like any of those two. He hated them. He wished he could die. He prayed for principal to show up, knowing everything about Damien's moves. He wished the principal would be angry to tear his head off. However, the corridor where he was walking was empty...eerily empty.
Anna was laying there, somethings she had said had an effect on him. First he froze, he didn't do anything. Anna didn't dare to say anything, it could make him angry again. Then he moved away from her, Anna moved so she sat up in her bed looking at Damien wondering if he would say something. But instead he dashed out of the room and slammed the door after himself. Anna sat in her bed trying to figuring out what just had happened, why had he acted like that? Did he really think that what he did would proove that he didn't have a soul?

She couldn't move one inch of her body, she was parylised of the things that just had happened. How would she react the next time she saw Damien? Was this her or his fault? Who of them even had the right to be angry for this? She laid herself down at the bed, this was the worst day ever. Even worse than the first time they fought, and everytime they fought it seemed to be over something really trivial. Maybe it wasn't trivial to Damien, but how could she know if he attacked her instead of talked to her? Not because she was so much better, she started to cry in front of him without even telling him why. Would he tell her why he had acted like this? Would she even dare to talk to him?

All this thoughts ran threw her head, Damien made less and less sense to her for every minute she knew him. Shouldn't it be the opposit? Slowly she fell in to a deep sleep where her dreams got mixed up in her thoughts.
Damien got into her room. As he closed the door, he leaned against it. It all got messed up. Suddenly he felt someone's present in the room. Lifting up his eyes, he saw Isabel. Once again, he looked worried. Couldn't she look differenly for once? She was about to say something but Damien was quicker.
"Get out," he said, trying sound even. "But Damien..." Isabel wanted to ask but Damien didn't let her. "Get out!" he growled at her and opened the door. After seconds that felt like minutes, Isabel moved out. Damien closed the door again. On his desk, he saw a file. No, he didn't need to look inside to know what it contained. The file was about the pairing. Anna... He thought and lowered himself to the floor with his back still against the door. Putting his forehead in his palm, first tears escaped his eyes and he cried silently...being alone.

The next day, Damien refused to attend the classes. He did this willingly. Anyway, who would miss him. Moving from the door he went over to his desk which was by the window. Sitting down, he moved the file to one side and looked out at the garden. The sun was shining but it didn't brighten up his mood as usually. Folding his arms on the desk, he put his head on top. He didn't care if anyone would step in his room. He wanted to be far away. The further, the better. But as long as he could move anywhere else than into the town, he had to stay where he was. Only in his imagintion, he could travel and that was what he was doing. Damien blocked out the real world and traveled into his own.
Anna woke up and noticed she hadn't put on the alarm, again. It was already lunch, again. She had oversleept, again. She hurried up and once again she had so much to think about because of things that happened during the night. Would she almost get raped every night from now on? Was this how her every day life would look like? Anna sighted and pushed all the thoughts about vampires and rape away for now, now it was important to get to her lesson and explain to the teachers that she had felt ill and puked in the morning and couldn't get up from her bed before now.

After her lessons she rushed towards Damiens room, she had been in agony during every lesson in the afternoon because she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. She didn't know what to say when she meet him but she needed to see him. She came to his door and knocked at it, no one opened it. She knocked again, no one said anything. She felt at the door, it wasn't locked. She decided to walk in. In the room she could see Damien sit at his desk, was he noticing that she were in there?

"Damien?" She asked as she laid a hand on his shoulder "are you okay?" He looked terrible, she thought that when she got there she would scream untill her head exploded, asking what had happened yesterday, but seeing him like this Anna couldn't do anything. It wasn't like him to look like this, it wasn't like him to act like he did during the night either but he had done it. But why?
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