ICSYL Scourge

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They saw a large sandstorm was brewing and heard a voice cry out, Dark Bogan again!

"Ahahahah!!!Come, Hanja!!!And the lot of you, all of you..I'll give you a history lesson of the bloody history of this planet!!!! I really don't need that orb or the girl but I'll get her one of these days but I think she is already gone so you got no chance of catching her! And if I can't have her and wreck her tiny annoying body? I SURE AS HELL WON"T LET YOU! Oh Hanja, you really crack me up. Doing all of this for lil' ol me? So sad you couldn't stop Daddy's Little girl from becoming just another bag of bones buried in the ground! Food for the wormsss!"

Hanja held back his anger with all his might. "Do not..Engage..This is a trap! We'll fall back for now......We're in no shape to fight him like this. He wants us to follow him. I will not risk your lives for nothing! If I'm the only one that can truly harm it..It does not bode well...."

They still could not see Dark Bogan as the sandstorm masked where he truly was. All they heard was his voice.

"Ahahah! Oh you pussied out on me! Ahahah!! A coward, just like your old man. You'll never finish the job if you worry about the lives of others so much!!! If you want revenge, you have to give up everything, Hanja! Your comrades, your pawns, your wife oh I hope Mai is doing well...And maybe your surviving children... Ahhaha, the price of revenge...Reconsider Hanja. You and me can have a duel here and now, just you me and the sand in the wind!! You can end all your suffering here, Hanja. Why not do it? Why not eliminate me and make this lovely peace-filled world great again?! BAWAHAHAH! Oh..What a load of shit, even if you got rid of me, you'd all kill yourselves anyhow!!! It's just more fun being able to spectate and feast in the festival of bloodshed and death known as war!!!"

Lowe could see how Hanja was trying his hardest to resist Dark Bogan's taunts. Hearing his daughter talked about like that was too much but he knew better than to charge to own death. He still had his wife, he still had children He had subordinates who looked up to him and respected him. If he died it meant Raoul would have all the power he wanted as well. Yet a part of Hanja hated this..Hated not being able to chase Dark Bogan down and end him once of all! Yet it was easier said than done..

Hanja lead them back to what remained of the base. He sighed as he had the unit alone with him in what used to be a briefing room. Now there was a hole in the wall, the table was broken into pieces and the state of the art screen for visuals was smashed. "I think it is time you just get some rest. You've earned it...I'll give you further orders if the need arises...For now I'll have them arrange for you to stay in a secure hotel...All of you are dismissed! Excluding Commander Nacim...He will escort me. We must talk to Zigus! You all deserve answers for why Raoul is acting the way he is!"

*Arcadia, Zigus's office*

Raoul himself was present. He was an older earth beast, not as old as Zigus but he must have been in his early fifties. He wore several medals and looked quite tough himself but rather short and not too bulky despite being an Earth Beast. He wore a full SDF uniform complete with a hat.He looked outraged but concerned at the same time. Whatever his scheme was he was concealing it perfectly from Zigus. He did not talk much about his personal life just like Nacim but from what people heard he once had a large family before the war took its toll. Even viewer knew of his personal life now, he did not seem to have much of one.

Raoul was speaking to Zigus. "How much longer, Zigus? I've shown you the footage. We are lucky Lavion is not trying to demand we send that unit back to them, they let loose a criminal named Akio whom is considered as dangerous as Dark Bogan! Every faction and nation has warrants out for his arrest!!! Then there is the relationship between the two is most unhealthy, love between two soldiers can end only in tragedy and it is unprofessional. She is a Dark Beast, daughter of Roy who serves Jackal!! Why would she want to fight her own people?! She doesn't...And once they attack Arcadia, her choice will be obvious..."

"She could be the next to betray the unit and of course Lowe would follow her no matter what. I suggest we take action. We keep tabs on them. We can't afford another betrayal! and Nacim....No, King Shine of the Wind Beasts I should say!!!! He sponsored attacks on the ALF from rebels who gladly accept OOA aide! He is deceiving us...And he may be responsible for the missing Aura bomb, we know the King hates the ALF. Enough to use such a weapon on them! Weapons we should have used on our terms!!!"

He slammed his hands down on Zigus's desk and left a wanted poster for Akio there. It listed an insane amount of crimes but most notably it included murders of a few Lavion politicians!!

"Raoul, cease this madness!!!! You do not have all of the proof to back up these accusations and now is not a good time....I know Arcadia must recover, I know the SDF must grow stronger and smarter! But...All of these suggestions..Mass production of aura weapons, wasting spying on our own troops in their off-time....It's all too much! Of course it may not be professional but they have kept it hidden...Even if we try to separate them it would upset them further and weaken the unit even further. Please do not waste my time, Raoul! The city is in chaos and I am needed for more important matters!"

"No, this is no waste of time, there is nothing more important than this!Can you face the families of the victims of Dark Bogan and the OOA attack, Zigus? Can you say we did all we could and used all weapons at our disposal? We should have used the orb ourselves!!!! But now...They have it!! We need to do all we can to end the war, Zigus!!! How many more times are we going to suffer? How many more times am I going to try to comfort the poor old woman who lost her only daughter? That abomination didn't even leave anything to bury or to even know for sure she died in the attack!"

Those last view words seemed to effect Zigus as he showed regret in his expressions.

He shook his head and he looked out at the window.
"Zigus, I will not stop! I will not give up! I only want what is best for us. Maximum military strength, defenses and superior intelligence. I don't want another tragedy like this. So please, hear me out. Reconsider. And I apologize for that fatal error, I did not order them to attack the OOA, the troops were clearly misguided or perhaps effected by Dark Bogan's powers..It can twist and control minds if you allow it to...But please, in times like this we need a strong leader, Zigus. Not a passive one. We need courage!!! The courage to do what it takes to end the war!!! If you lack that you are unfit to lead!!! That...Is all."

Raoul left the office and went back to his own. Before Zigus had much of a chance to contemplate everything Raoul said he heard a knock on the door as his secretary had news for him. "Zigus...We have some people from the ALF who wish to talk with you."

All of this weighed down on Zigus. He felt responsible for it all. Now he was under immense pressure to against his beliefs just to get the SDF back on its feet. "Even if they are here just to ask us to surrender...It can't get much worse than this....Let them in. I can only hope they are here to talk of peace.."

*Serenda,The Blue Amor*

Liron first saw the Wind Beasts arrive before Noe and greeted them, watching Sheena and Sienna intently and holding back drooling at their prescience. "Welcome to the Blue Amor! My name is Liron Cairo, the great! I am sure you heard of me! Aaah...So beautiful, the Emerald Eagle is majestic! Like a sweet-smelling waft you move with such grace! Your beauty triumphs over any in your unit, although they are quite ravishing as well! Oh your wings are divine I wish I could feel them! May I have this honor Lady Sheena?" He motioned to kiss Sheena's hand but she swatted at his face rejecting the gesture he tried to pull all of her troops watching.

"I appreciate the gesture but I am not that kind of woman. Just give us our room and we will on our way. It was not...a pleasant battle. We all need to rest."
She hated Liron from the get-go.

"Oh I understand Lady...Oh and who is this little beauty? Ah...Little wings...But I imagine five years down the line and this little cutie shall become a big beauty! Gift me with your name at least so I may know.."

Ignoring Liron entirely Sienna asked Sheena,"Why are these women dressed like that?? T--t-hose shorts show too much and the tops are wrong! Lady Lucia says girls and women should dress modestly..not flaunt all of their bodies to men and anyone with eyes..."

"That...is one belief Lady Lucia and I share....Now please do your job and show us the way. We aren't here for anything else. And there are men in my unit too. You'd do well to respect us more! We are not like beautiful birds for you to look at, we are soldiers who need to rest! Admire my skill in battle, not my body please! We are not treats for your eyes, now please show us to our rooms now and no more funny business!"

The Wind Beasts clapped for Sheena and even some of the Casino staff joined in.

Looking a bit disappointed Liron then said,"So be it..Show them the way Aidee!" He ordered one of his maids to escort Sheena, Sienna and the other Wind Beasts to their rooms.

He then sighed to himself as he said, "That slutty little brat needs to be gagged! You're wasting a beautiful body if you talk and think too much. Let that be a lesson to you ladies. Let me do the thinking for you. That is the way the new world works, there are leaders and followers, you either do as you are told or die if you're not a leader!! I could kill anyone in this godamn room and I am not scared of any Wind Beasts! These Wind Beast women have too much freedom and think too highly of themselves.. It will be their downfall! And you who clapped for them.. I'm docking your pay!! You don't disrespect me in my house!!!I am too great a man, no woman can be my equal!!! They are all under me! I am a great man!!! All of you know that!!! Bow before me!"

He made sure Lucia and wasn't around right after saying that and everyone in the room bowed for him. He laughed to himself and then then noticed Noe coming. He coughed and braced himself to greet her, once again putting on his suave persona. "Hello, oh this sweet young thing..You must be Noe! Aaaah. Good to meet you, I am Liron, Liron Cairo!! Member of the OOA and leader of this fine city and this casino resort, the Blue Amor!! I have a gift for you in the form of this book but...Allow me to greet you properly my sweet little battle flower! Ah...You smell of a sweet woman but also of blood.. A scent I know far too well..Poor thing allow me to honor you.." He tried to kiss Noe's hand and awaited her response.
The guards were most accommodating although some of them gave the unit a foul look. The ALF had often taken more from them than the OOA. Since their Arcadian base was located on the western side of Shintaion many of their trading agreements had fallen besieged by the ALF forces and their need for resources. To most of the ALF the SDF was something of a nuisance but something malleable for any future excursions, to Atoshi, though, the SDF was a pawn turned queen. It was not long for them to gain audience with Zigus, the man who led all of these pawns. "Zigus, how good of you to see us on such short notice." Atoshi said walking in first. While most of the others had been ordered to stay back Aurora and Kono had entered as well. "With me I have General Aurora and my own man Kono."
"What have you come here for?"
"I've come on matters concerning the Department of Ancient Artifacts. Our intelligence believes that you might be holding an extra card in the deck."
"And what if I am? Your departments have come with threats before." Atoshi frowned a bit and started to walk toward a window that was still intact for the most part. His face was level with a crack in the glass as he looked out over the shattered remains of pieces of the city.
"You let a situation get out of hand. Am I to expect retaliation from a wounded king? No, this isn't the dark ages and I know as you do that you will need time to recover. I alone could take control of the SDF at this point." As the leader said that many of guards took up arms and readied to fight. "Unfortunately for me I've not come to take violent action. In fact it is quite the opposite, I'm under orders to give aid to your filth. Since I cannot bring myself to work with you Kono here will stay with you and Camak will be our go between." Zigus did not seem all too pleased with what Atoshi had to say but he and Raoul knew well the hatred the leader of the Shadow Unit had for the SDF. With Raoul still there he had to be assertive to convince he still had the people in mind.

"We will not be seen as allies to the ALF, the OOA will take that as an act of war from both of us and bring their full military might down upon us." Atoshi smiled, perhaps for the fact that he was happy Zigus willingly admitted the SDF was broken, or maybe it was an old warrior's spark. Either way it looked like they had to play their parts for their masters even if they were lower in power and command.
"This truce is only a singular joint effort mission. The President himself requested this of my unit. Zigus, you let your hands loose, you are no leader and cannot maintain discipline. That is why you lost the artifact you held so close. Either way Kono will be assisting you and whatever units you can spare. The orb cannot fall into OOA hands!" Atoshi started to walk out of the room and stopped before the threshold. "I'll be waiting in what is left of your conference room. Let me know your decision. Come you two." Aurora and Kono followed the former being slightly apprehensive about what was discussed.

-Serenda, The Blue Amor

No matter where you go around the Blue Amor everything spoke of men having a good time. There were plenty of women doing as told as the figure in the streets approached. If one were new to Serenda they could find bedding easy enough and company to accommodate them for the evening. However, it was not on this one's mind. One of Liron's best started to keep with it. Trying to make this one give into temptation. "Please master, I'll do anything you ask."
"Then you'd do well as a reminder to Liron who's in charge here." The girl looked puzzled at first but soon looked to be in pain. Was it just this man's look that harmed her? The others ran in fear as the girl collapsed on the floor gripping her head and begging for the pain to stop. "Atone for your sins girl." In the next moment three of her four limbs seemed to be psychically cut off only leaving her left arm. "The hand of the devil, it watches you constantly, remember that." After he was done he signaled for some OOA healers to take the girl. She would be alright and have her dream, she lost enough weight for Liron.
Noe watched as the wind beasts were escorted in and the maid staff was yelled at, waiting for Liron to notice her. And notice her he did, as he put on the suave act as he offered her a book and a kiss on the hand. She replied harshly, wearing a deceiving smile on her face. "If you try it, you'll be smelling your own blood instead..."
She batted his hand away and snatched the book from his hands before making her way up the stairs, not waiting for him to tell her where her room was.

Until it was time for her meeting, she had nothing to do but read this makeshift bible the Order worshiped. Skimming through it, there were commandments outlined.

1.Love only the Gods

2.All races were created equal BUT demons and forbidden beasts deserve a higher place in society

3.Technology is evil and unnatural. Rarely should it be used

4.Do not worship false gods, this means any gods other than Arlon the humans and elves worship.

5.Women are to be modest.

6.Women are to be respected and recognized as the keys to the future of a utopia.

7.Violence is a necessary evil to punish sin and purify the world.

8.Magic can be used to heal the world as long as Lucia or the Gods will it, it is a gift for the Gods and meant to be used to kill or defend in their names.

A few stories littered the text, telling tales of problems gloriously solved by forbidden beasts and demons, while humans and elves worsened it with their accursed technology. Noe sighed as she read the text, finally tossing the book off to the side as she rested her head on the bed, absentmindedly running her hand along the burned portion of her stomach.
*Arcadia, Zigus's office*

Zigus thought about it for many minutes, almost half an hour. Speaking back and fourth with Raoul and thinking to himself.

"It pains me to do this but it is as he says for only one mission...I believe it is for the best we accept.."

"Prepare our troops so if something goes afoul they will be prepared. I assume they mean to find the next orb...Our informant in Serenda knows of it I believe....But as far as extracting the orb from Noe's body. They will be guarding her or perhaps already thinking of the same thing. If they get a chance they should attempt to extract it but...Noe was already quite powerful, giving her this orb....Killing her will not be simple. Lucia may be insane but she knows how important that orb is....She'll keep it safe. We cannot let her get all three..Even if means working with ALF scum for the time being..Just I do not recommend having Nacim with them...He hates them..Or perhaps I should say King Shine...The man who needs to answer us about the bomb..."

Zigus sighed. "One issue at a time, Raoul. But I do understand what you mean, regardless of who he is...Nacim has shown an intense hatred for the ALF....Let us attend to our guests as they are awaiting our response..."

Zigus and Raoul went into the conference room. Zigus then spoke up, "We have come to a decision..We will accept the terms of this...joint operation. So be it...The OOA cannot be allowed to gather all three. This world has seen far too many calamities..."

*Serenda,The Blue Amor*

Arabella was tending to Lucia and making sure she was well-groomed and looking her best. Lucia began to speak with her.

"So Arabella..Noe and the Wind Beasts are here...But from what you gather...They betrayed orders? They worked with the SDF once again to attack father..They should have used the chance to kill as many of the SDF as possible instead!!! Don't you think?"

Arabella as always did not show any emotion but she did not nod this time. She merely stared at Lucia.
"Regardless, it is my decision to make. I think the Gods have tragedy in mind for King Shine and Queen Sheena. Perhaps she can redeem herself by killing him, proving her devotion and love for the Gods over her worldly desires. Or she dies to Nacim and the Wind Beasts become ours to fully control. She has become too well loved by the people..They must remember that is a sin. She is not a God and does not deserve to be idolized by so many. Her bones can break, her blood can spill! She needs to know her place...If she succeeds then we will be rid of Shine at least and we will deal with her later. Either way is a victory for our cause! He escaped death once...But not this time!"

"Do not fear sister..Once we acquire all three of them...I will truly complete my transformation into a God! I will give you a permanent vessel. Noe has this one inside her. We can try to extract some of the knowledge within from her but eventually we will need to remove it from her in some way but that is for the future. We need not concern ourselves over it now, it will help make her even more worthy of serving us! We just need to know only the location of one of the orbs now...The other one is in the hands of those infernal Dark Beasts...Hmm but they too have a role to play in my rise to god-hood!! No one can stop us now Arabella..and certainly not him..Not that Lowe..Past deeds of kindness or not, we will ascend to higher beings!! So we need only rest for tonight.. Tomorrow we shall head back to Teros!"

Arabella offered only silence as usual. She did not seem too keen on Lucia's methods but ultimately was not one to go against her sister whom had done so much for her and constructed her new bodies for her. But they weren't the same as having a proper body, one she could talk with again instead of her sickly dying body she was trapped with.
There was very little for an OOA member to do around the Blue Amor. Liron always tried to coax most of the men into expanding his business in more ways than one. Luckily for that man, the robed fanatic that had stripped a girl of her ligaments, had not crossed his path and had no interest in him. It was his only true master that he wished to greet and he walked very calmly and quietly up the stairs that led to each room. One could hear the work horse in action behind many doors, but there was a singular golden door, knowing Liron it was more than likely just painted that way rather than giving any thought to his owners. There were also OOA elites there, dressed in the highest quality garments, two women dressed from head to toe in the white fabric. The only thing visible was their deep blue eyes, it was common for such high ranking OOA members to be as such, to guard their beauty as to not let others slip into temptation. The only one allowed to be seen was Lucia herself.

The dark dressed man did not wait for the guards to open the door. One must have been present several times as they did not even attempt as he seemed to shift through the material. A small crackling sound was heard as he did but not question of it was asked, speaking was also forbidden of the elite force unless it was to use magic against their enemy. Lucia seemed to had just gotten done with a mighty sermon as he entered. "Goddess Lucia, I came from Teros as soon as I felt a disturbance. Is everything alright?"

"Nothing I cannot handle. Mortals are below such beings as gods."
"Such truth is never spoken more clearly. However, I'd advise against taking mortals so lightly, even they can dethrone a-"
"None of that nonsense. I am a true goddess, and as such I will not make the same mistakes you did. The girl was merely another pawn under the SDF."
"Yet, I felt her actually exhausting energy. You cannot let the SDF see any sort of weakness. They are a rabble, but a powerful one. I wouldn't want to have to intervene."
"Is that a threat? Perhaps you need to learn your place you poor excuse for a god."
"And perhaps you should listen to the experience of one. Goddess Lucia, I only mean to keep you alive long enough to ascend you." Lucia wore a scowl most unpleasant to those that were her enemy. Although she soon dissolved it into an understanding frown.
"You have yet to be wrong Demigod. But remember that I make my own decisions, and when I say we eliminate the SDF then we will. When I say we praise magic and shun technology, we do. When I say cast your life to the great Goddess you cast it."
"Yes Goddess Lucia. However, I sense another disturbance, this one not as hostile as the other. What is with this other girl?"
"Some things I can keep to myself. We'll be leaving tomorrow for Teros; since you are here, watch her."
"Very well." He turned to leave but before he phased through the door he turned back to say one last thing. "And give my regards to your father." He then left and Lucia's scowl returned. Her anger built up in a light ball in her hand as she slammed a table near her. The thing bust in two and was charred in a straight line which continued across the floor and up the wall.
"Damn that Shinigami!"

-Arcadian Office

The decision was made and it was in the ALF's favor, although Atoshi still did not seem all too pleased. "Very well, you will have Kono as I said before, and just so I can make this worth my time, Camak will be joining you. I'll direct him to scout out the city until you get there. Let's go Aurora." Atoshi left, with no other confirmation from Zigus. His blood seemed to boil at the thought of aiding the SDF.

Once Aurora and Atoshi had returned to their previous dune they stood for a moment looking back at Arcadia. Something inside his eyes Aurora could feel a pain. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your problem with a mercenary group like them?"
"That is information I've not let anyone but the President hear, and I'd rather keep it that way." Aurora was not satisfied with that answer but she did not press it. The sand storm seemed to let up as the sun began to set over the desert.
"We should get going before it gets too cold." As Aurora turned she could hear the device in her pocket making noise. Pulling it out she lightened up as she saw the screen. The concert was starting and the orchestra played a most exquisite tune.

Aurora continued to watch as they walked back. With the beats from the orchestra pit there were also fire works made with short fuses to explode at a dangerous range right above the orchestral pit. However, the fireworks were trapped in odd bubbles. As the beat continued a small young girl with soft brown hair, a sparkling purple dress, and a warm face came out on stage. Her hands lifted to the fireworks going off as she danced on stage. She was creating force fields around the explosions of the fireworks as they went off keeping her orchestra protected and the audience as well. "Tonya I wish your father and I could be there."

"I see Atoshi made some friends." Edward was currently cuffed to the vehicle Camak was driving out over the dunes. "Not very talkative are ya."
"You'll shut up if you know what's good for you. The Commander, as he likes to be called, doesn't really care what we do to prisoners as long as we keep them alive." Edward smiled a bit as he turned his head back to watching the sand they rode over.
"Commander huh? Well they say old habits die hard." Before the Doctor could let out a forced laugh he was punched in the face.

"Told ya to shut up, trying to get something in on the radio."
Six hours passed after the decision was made.. The SDF members had time to rest up and Raoul was confronted. Raoul tried to bring up Nacim's true identity but Nacim called in an old uncle who backed him up and even had proof of prior ALF citizenship. Raoul wasn't stripped of his power immediately however as it the ruled the orders were a accident but Hanja had his scouts keeping an eye on Raoul just in case, waiting for him to slip up. Raoul insisted he wanted what was best for Shintaion and acted only to maximize their military might and eliminate weak-links. Trust in him was at an all-time low but he had ways of getting the people on his side, playing upon their fears to further his agenda.

*Arcadia Hospital*

Before they were to be briefed on the next mission, Lowe, Carla, Nacim and Lucette were visiting Alicia whom looked to be doing better now. They had the time as preparations weren't quite in place for them yet.

"H-hello...Oh...You missed it..Akio was here and he dropped some flowers by...But then they tried to catch him....He's nice..He'd never betray anyone...I don't know why they want him locked up..he has to be innocent!"

"Please..Just worry about getting better. Akio will be fine. I do agree with you, these wanted posters...They make him look more frighting and have these..horrific crimes on them...It doesn't make any sense...How could someone be wanted by all nations when he was so kind to us? They care more about catching him than Dark Bogan!!!"

Lucette countered,"Oh dear well it is quite the trifle. Yet a wanted poster would do little to catch a abomination. Count us blessed Lavion is not pressing charges or ending friendly relations with the SDF. Whether he is guilty or innocent..Few can say.. I do believe one thing he is quite the nice man or was when we met him. He'd have to be quite the actor to fool me! Worthy of an encore if it was all a ruse.."

"I think we're about done here but Lowe..I need to speak with you for a moment outside."

Lowe and Nacmi exited the hospital and Nacim began to speak to Lowe.

"I know of the situation between you and Carla...If you do not want to stay with this unit...Make your intentions clear now. We will have no more betrayal!"

"Nacim....It wasn't classified or really secret in the first place...But we're not leaving the SDF. We're not taking Roy's offer. I would not be content living like a King. Arcadia is my home! Duo and the Professor took me in and treated me like a son of theirs! I can't leave them with this horrific war waging on us! Carla must feel the same way after what Zigus did for her..Do you really think she'd betray the SDF? Forget her sister's death and just throw her honor away to live an easy life?! I know..my simple dream of one day being an airship pilot....Really may never happen and even if it does..It's so hostile now they'd just shoot it down..I still...Have to hold onto some dream, Commander. Restoring this world...And living with her in it...That's what I want."

"No. I just need to be sure...I know how hard it can get...There once was a man like you Lowe, a real nice guy..Met a woman he loved unconditionally..A strong and smart one...They were blessed with several healthy children but...the war came....Took everything but one daughter from him.. Once the ALF took power, they went from equals to slaves...He worked day in and out for nothing.. They sold his daughter to a rotten bastard and....After that all he had was his hatred for the ALF. He lost it all. The only thing left of him...Is a vengeful apparition that wishes for the destruction and deaths of all ALF leaders. For his dream of happiness, of living in a world of racial equality, where no one is in chains? Where no one is oppressed? It faded...Only Shintaion and Lavion live up to it..."

"....You're saying my situation is like the ones this man faced? Hopeless? I'll lose everything? I don't understand Commander...One second you speak of how you want me to stay with the SDF..The next you say...It might not end well...."

Nacim shook his head..."I just mean to give you the whole truth Lowe. It is a worthy cause but I want you to know the risks. That is all.. That way you do not take losses badly.. We don't need any more traitors Could you really bring yourself to fight against Carla if she betrayed us? Were does your loyalty lie?"

Lowe sighed but looked a little agitated. "With all due respect Commander, what kind of question is that?! I get it but I am sick of people talking in riddles like this! You say the whole truth but..Tell me, just who is this man? Is it you? You know far more than you let on..."

"Nacim,the rebel leader. The Terror of the Skies, hated and feared by the ALF! That is who I am. That is all you need to know. Even if I did tell you anything more..It would do little..The man Raoul accused me of being is long dead..We proved that. Now let's get the others and move on..."

Before he could turn around he noticed Carla was already there. "Commander. Next time you wish to talk to me, do so directly. I do not intend to leave the SDF. Nor will the bond me and Lowe share interfere in our work. The mission will always be priority number one."

"Heh. I should have heard you were there...None the less Sivon, I am not upset and forgive me.Raoul's actions have...Stirred up paranoia among the top leaders.. I merely wanted to know you'll be loyal to us and I have confirmed that. There is no further need to speak on that subject.Follow me and we will receive our briefing with the others."

*Arcadia, Field Marshall Hanja's office*

"SDF 4th unit. You did all you could, do not regret or dwell upon what we lost...We must proceed. We have good news in the form of an opportunity to take Lucia out. You are to head to Serenda, infiltrate the casino resort known as the Blue Amor...Then you will attempt to assassinate Lucia!!! The secondary goal is to get our informant out of there alive as they have vital information we need to combat the OOA and learn the location of another orb....Lastly, capture or killing of Noe. If we could get that orb back it would take it out of their hands but if you can't do it...Do not fret, it must have had quite an effect on her. She will not die or be captured easily. Focus on Lucia and the informant above all else. Finally, you will receive....ALF assistance..Just do not disclose any secrets or anything they should not know...It pains us to do it but....

"The OOA cannot be allowed to gather all three orbs..We don't know what would happen if they did but...It would secure them the victory in this war is the general agreement. You will find a carriage near the outskirts of Arcadia that will take you there, I believe the ALF help is already there...Pose as travelers and you can easily get into the Blue Amor with the funding we're providing. There will be a celebration there that Lucia will attend. Kill her before she leaves and rescue the informant. The informant is a water beast and will know to come with you when you approach them. That..Is all. "

With that the members of the unit prepared their disguises with Lucia providing some ideas.

"Oh-la-la! Carla...You would make a fine belly-dancer with your figure! Ohohoh....But perhaps you only want Lowe to gawk at you, am I right? Hmm..Couldn't be as bad as being forced to wear dirty old rags!! Oooh...I still shudder at the thought of such cloth on my skin!"

Carla scorned at Lucette,"No..You wear it if you like it so much. And it won't be my fault if they pierce through your exposed naval. We need generic, bland and unappealing attire. We do not want to be the center of attention on such a mission. Posing as a dancer who afford to get into a party but cannot afford a decent pair of pants is suicide!"

Lucette laughed,."Hold it this instant, Carla! I was merely joking. You need to live a little my friend! Joke with people more, laugh more, smile more. Maybe even show some public affection to Lowe for once if you are in fact courting him.. This world is miserable but you need not hold everything in."

"...Just find something and get on the carriage, there is no time for little games, Lucette! We may never get another chance like this again, we must take this seriously." Carla was not amused at all and took charge of the situation.

*Serenda,The Blue Amor*

Just as Hanja said, Lirion was throwing a celebration in honor of Lucia's victory and claiming of the orb. It was going to be most grand but heavily guarded banquet. Before Lucia was going to attend it however, she decided to pay Noe a visit, barging into her room with little notice.

"Dear Noe...You have done well. You have proven yourself worthy to join the OOA. I can also begin the healing process for your..condition....But I must give it in doses over time...Otherwise it could be too much for your delicate body..Small miracles for a greater effect you see..Now...How are you feeling since you took that orb? Anything you notice different about yourself? Any..Visions? I merely fear the orb could effect your sanity. I would never wish that upon you...For I am a loving Goddess and you are a great warrior. It would be an honor if you would attend our celebration, you are the one responsible for it all! It will also help you get to know them...Those who will be your comrades for the rest of your life with the great Order!"

She awaited a response, ready to heal Noe.
*April Fool's Post!!!*

Raoul ran towards the SDF looking disgruntled.

"Wait!!! Before you go...May I suggest? Things..Things that will make the SDF superior, NO! All of us...Everything! What ICSYL needs...How you must revamp it!!!"


There isn't enough. There needs to be more epic drama. Because drama is dramatic and....Some people like..Drama?? Really? Maybbeeee Shakesphere drama but....Just go watch a Soap Opera instead..OR THIS!

Lucia was on stage with Arabella and Idris of the ALF, still wearing that absurd skin-tight jumpsuit.

"Welcome to Lucia's Sinned and the Sinners! With me is Idris and she is trying to find the age old question...Something even the Gods can't quite seem to figure out...Who is the baby's daddy? Goddess Lucia will decide and you will listen or DIE! Now we have with us....A man from another planet who reminds us oddly of Goku and Superman...Say hello to.....Reverse!!! Is he ready to be a Dad, does his biology even make him a possible father?!"

She walked around the stage and had Arabella escort her holding a mic,she walked right up to Reverse.

"Oh no...This can't be...REVERSEEEE!!!"

The audience blankly stared at him as he kept shouting reverse.

"....Fuck!!She's never going to shut up about that damn thing!!GET OUT OUTTA HERE!!!!" The time manipulating alien departed as a UFO beamed him up.

"And they wonder why we don't allow aliens in this RP...Because they're not professionals...They throw tantrums and rage...So unbecoming...NEXT! He's The Devil Beast himself, hot-blooded and regarded as quite the stud in the Underworld, Roy Sivon!!!!"

"I will be one of many..I will prove..I AM NOT THE FATHER! Listen to me and listen to me well, my soul will roar and you will see the child cower for it is not mine!!! I DO NOT FATHER CHILDERN TO PSYCHO PYRO WHORE ZOMBIES!!!! I had hoped I'd never have to say such a thing..."

"Next is...The merc with swag, the man with more women and diseases than this world has problems..Liron Cairrro!"

"Hey Lucia my fine Goddess...If you're not doing anything after the show....Ahaaha!" Liron was still surrounded by his women even as he sat.

"Now..We have here...A mysterious entity and Final boss of ICSYL 2....Shinigami!!!"

"I had no such relations with that woman."

"Oh bullshit! I saw you there bro, you put on your sunglasses so you thought no one would catch you looking at dat ass! No man, beast, child, woman nor GOD can resist it! I saw you! I SAW YOU!"

"You...stalk me? That is in violation of the ancient bro code."

"Well...Yeah...I mean...You like death, I like death..I had my eyes on Idris until she opened her mouth and ruined it for me! And you...You went the extra mile......I longed for your darkness...But you never came my way...I was just...A sub-villain to you...I'm more than that, Shini...Wanna find out what I can do? Are you content being alone...In the black? Ahahah...Or perhaps a fellow creature of the night like you would...."

"No. I have no such desires, Bogan. Find someone else to lust after please."

".....I...just want to fuck something that doesn't have mental issues or turns into a raging beast once every month, is it THAT unreasonable TO ASK FOR?!!! I mean shesh, you thought I'm bad? You haven't seen Idris in the time of the month!!!And remember..It is scientific fact that their periods attract BEARS! BEARS is the last thing we want to deal with in a world at war!!!"

"Ok, Daddy please stop, this is seriously gross and hurtful! I DO NOT ATTRACT BEARS! Last but not least...The Black Shadow, the abomination and my Dad....Dark Bogan...Daddy, please tell me it wasn't you..."

"AHAHAHA! I could really care less!!! I have fathered more than even Liron over there but none among you can force me to take care of them!! Even if I am, you all lose. Look at how primitive this is..watching this shit!!! Who wins? Not a soul!! Not the woman who passed herself around, not the men who couldn't just keep it to themselves.. AAHAHAHAH! It is a freak show!!All of you are humiliated but me? It's just another day as the world turns to shit! Heheheh you know you're real pretty, you can be the new Lena....I always wanted to keep it in the family...You're looking even better than mother Mia....her pale white skin....Her voice when she-"

"Ok Ok Daddy, I get it! I get it! Stop being creepy and let me continue with the show!!!Can we at least try to be like a normal family for once?!! Allright...Idris, what can you tell us about these men?"

"The baby. The baby..The baby. The baby, the baby, the baby, the baby, the baby, the baby, the baby!" Idris coddled a baby made of fire, much to the annoyance of all the men.


"AAHAHAH! Roy, you fool!! That is the burden of Idris!!! One of you poor fools will live a hopeless forced marriage. You will scream everyday as you deal with Idris!! You are all damned!!!!And you...Pretty boy, don't you think you're any different. Bet you could pass as a woman if you needed to."

"Disgusting! Can we please get on with it?"

"Ok..We have the magical test results....And.....Liron you are not the father... Roy, you are not the father!!"

"Ah great! So...Do you want to see me after this, my sweet bosom buddy? I have an opening in my schedule..."

"Oh, did you mean you got sick of using your right hand?" Her words stabbed and killed Liron.

Roy roared in triumph and jumped and even did a war dance in celebration. "YES! YES! YES! I AM THE ULTIMATE DARK BEAST! I CAN TAKE ON ANYONE! AND NOW I DON"T HAVE TO LIVE WITH A PSYCHO BITCH-"

"...Indoor voices Roy, indoor voices!!"

"I DON"T CARE! I AM A FREE MAN NOW! You have no power over me!!!Fare welll!!!!ANCHOR JEEEET!" Roy created a jet of anchors and flew off into the sunset.

"Daddy....I'm sorry...You're the father..."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Fuck me! oh..Not you Idris, we don't need another one and it still isn't mine, you bonked a fire spirit or something no kid of mine looks like that! I demand a re-trial! A retrial I tells ya!!....Oh no...Don't let her talk.Be a good little girl and duct-tape her mouth for me!! This is a fate worse than death..This is despair that I wish upon everyone but now it is my curse...The only escape...Is death...HANJA! COME AND KILL ME NOW!"

"Nope dot jpg! That would be too easy..Instead you will be damned to an eternity of suffering...The baby..The baby...The baby...The baby.."

"The baby..The baby..The baby..."

"The baby..The baby..The baby...The baby.."

Dark Bogan began to cry out in horror as they all swarmed him and the audience joined in, all chanting of the baby."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Get away form me..away from me...NOOOOOO! NOOOO!!! I heard of baby-mama drama but this is some serious bullshit!"

Dark Bogan ran into a cab that was being driven by Noe. "Where to?"

"Anywhere..Anywhere but here..I just can't escape it..."

Noe's face turned sinister. "Darky..I know you want to hear about it... Or is it...THE BABY?!!! Are you prepared to handle the baby? Don't be such a big....BABY!"

"NO! This is fucking insane!! Even you? It is assimilating everyone!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I've had enough..There's only one answer!!FUCK THE WORLDDDDDD!!!I AM DOING IT!"

He released a huge amount of dark energy and blew up the entire planet. As he drifted alone in what remained of the planet, he heard a familiar voice.

"Dark Bogan....I think the only solution to this crisis is...REV-...The baby.."

Dark Bogan impaled Reverse brutally with his claws and yelled,"You manics, you blew it all to hell!!! Oh wait..That was me..Well...Time to head to another planet. Ahaha!!! I don't think the world is ready for..DARK BOGAN IN SPACE!"



The story of ICSYL is filled with characters with hard-lives, tragic back-stories and things that are just too serious and too harsh and too mean. There is not enough light-hearted-ness to it. It is too intimidating. Not enough incest and pointless sex that contributes nothing!

This summer, the SDF is in ruins, everyone is panicking and the world seems to be falling apart but...Just when it is darkest...We meet someone special who changes our lives...

Enter Browe, Lowe's misfit Dark Beast cousin who looks almost exactly like him!!Worlds will collide...
"Cousin Browe? But...Why are you dressed like that? Are you some kind of..."

"Ja mon, I be a witch doctah!"

"Oh dear me...Is there no originality anymore? Is the writer really stooping so low? At least time-travelling Goku/Superman over there was good for a laugh..This I do find truly offensive and in poor taste..What will our Jamaican readers think?!!! Perish the thought!!!"

Browe began to cry. "No mon, I'm not like that mon...I just want to be...loved..."

A man who just wants to be loved..Ostracized by his peers..

*Cut to Brow in the Underworld being pecked by several Ostrichs*

"No mon, I dun't feel allright! This isn't funny!"

All of his failures...And all of his triumphs.

Liron yelled into Browe's ears, "Your voodoo bullshit resulted in some..SHRINKAGE!! FIX IT NOW YOU IDIOT!"

"Browe....I....I think I don't want to wage war anymore....I think I want to settle down..With a charming, shirtless, short and kind of gross little Witch Doctor man.....Set your bones down, Browe.."

"Lucia...I think it's time mon..I stick a bone in it!!!You're done!

"Welll well well...I guess you could say...LOOK AT IT GO!"



In a random bar in Arcadia, Lowe was to meet with Carla was seemingly nowhere to be found. Roy was watching still though.

A voice called out. "Lowe.."
Carla cut a hole through the ceiling of the bar and gazed at Lowe. "Lowe.....You know my feelings for you..but if you've been with another girl..I'll have to cut her!!!WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS JAGELAA?"

"Uhhhhh...It's...A pet I was getting for you...""Oh...My bad...Sorry about the whole yandere thing, I promise it won't be an issue....." She burst open a hole through the ceiling and jumped down, tossing away her bayonet.

"Carla..I brought you this...A baby Jaguar...." He handed the pet to Carla and soon it turned invisible. Only its amazing sunglasses could be seen now.

"Lowe....Thank you....I...I....Love it! And you..."

"Carla.....You are glorious. You are pretty. My poetry is....Not too witty....I like it when I am with you and you pet your...kitty...In the words of great poet, heeeeey sexy lady!"

"Yo Dawg, what he means to say is...That pussy is the BOMB!" Reverse made his appearance, he was a time-travelling alien with ordinary blue mystical magician magnificent robes that were standard despite the name. He had an unbreakable hammer that would grow five times its normal size so he could over-compensate.

"Did you just say that out loud to my little girl? It's bad enough Lowe is creeping on her but then you and go and talk about my little girl's hoo-hah! Someone is going to get an anchor straight through their skulll and maybe their balls!!! EXPLAIN! What makes you think you can get away with that?!!!! ANSWER ME!!"

"I'm an alien and I meant the cat Mr, I swear!!!...And I am-Fuck it, REVERSEEE!!"

Everyone just stared at him blankly as nothing happened.

Roy yelled,"Boy, magic sucks! Get your ass in gear for the pain it is about to experience! It is going to be out of this world!!!"

"Eeeeeek!!! Uhh, instant heal, uhh shield! REVERSE!!!!! FUCK!!! Someone get this psycho off me!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Reverse screamed like a girl as Roy chased him all over Arcadia.

"Tehehe..Father is great at protecting me..."

Lowe looked filled with regret as he confessed to Carla. "Carla...I've had to do something.....I....wanted to be strong like you..so I could always be with you so....I became....."


Carla's jaw dropped as Lowe summoned a giant Raptor and rode it. "Oh my Arlon..Lowe this is amazing!!! Oh we can win the war now!!!"

"STOP!!! It's a trick, Lowe!!! She only wants you for your dinosaurs my good friend!!!"

"NO! Come with me, Carla! We will take the fight to the ALF and the OOA!!!"

Carla jumped onto the Raptor and they rode off to fight the ALF!!! The raptor quickly clawed an unlucky ALF grunt. Lowe then nodded at Carla to take the reins while he summoned a stegosaurus and a Pterodactyl.

Noe and the wind Beasts emerged. "Dinosaurs...Dinosaurs?!!! Everybody get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur! I SAID WALK THE DINOSAUR!" She dove onto a Pterodactly in her berserk rage and rode it, nearly crashing into another Wind Beast.

"Dinosaurs? They brought Dinosaurs?????!! They...don't even exist in the ICSYL world!!! This does not bode well but we will not surrender!!!!! Call in...ROBOTS!!!"

Colonel Rigs eyed Atoshi,"If you bite a dinosaur, will it become a vampire dinosaur?"

".....No...Rigs. I do not get paid enough for this. I draw the line at Dinosaurs..What kind of GM approved such an overpowered character?!!!!"
Atoshi questioned.

Reverse passed by the scene, "Hey I resent that remark!! As a matter of fact....If you need help...Instant Hh-"

Reverse was suddenly pulled by Roy's anchors, Roy was now riding a giant T-Rex. The anchors began to drag Reverse's body on the ground. "The Sivons, Meet the Sivons, we're a post-apocalyptic family, from the town of the Underworld, you're about to get crucified by me!!!"

"Oh my god..It's not a raptor its size is huge it's completely different from one!"

"This is no raptor boy..NO RAPTOR!!!!" Roy smashed an anchor into Reverse's face for the lulz.

Noe commanded her mount to swoop down and grab Rigs. "You like dinosaurs?I do...Maybe this one will EAT you right uppppp and not in that way, I mean the deathy way!"
"Ah come on!!! It's been like a year since I was in the RP! GIVE ME A BREAAAAAAAK!HAMMMMMEEEEER!!"

ALF Robots that looked oddly like Gundams began fighting some of the Dinosaurs.

Raoul hovered his finger above an aura missile with Zigus watching him, he pressed it. "Oops, the missile slipped! Didn't want to hit Lavion territory! My bad! Just wanted to hit Colt! SORRY GUYS!!! Don't go to war with us please!"

Zigus face-palmed."Are you serious right now? Ohh...I can't believe this shit....Raoul you are FIRED! Oh...May Arlon have mercy on us! The damage control...Will be beyond compare!"

Misae Nerys was outraged that Aysu was mostly destroyed due to a missile slipping. She marched down to Arcadia and joined in the fight, "Listen, I don't know which of you bastards had the nerve to fire a missile at us but now this is personal! I am The White Serpent of Lavion! I AM-STOP IGNORING ME!!!Pay attention to me someone!!! This Labys will do all of the talking for me instead!!!Wait..Oh no.."

The Hymns followed her from Lavion and waved to her and one put away a newspaper and began to shriek out violently.

"Arabella!!! Call upon them...THE BEAR-RIDERS OF Aeagle!!!!TALLY HO!!!!" Lucia summoned many OOA soldiers who rode upon bears, they quickly did battle with the dinosaurs, robots and Gandhi who traveled to the dimension through a hole created by Reverse.

""HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Reverse cried out as his pathetic carcass was dragged across the insane battlefield.

"TOO MANY VILLAINS AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! FUCCCCCCK! How am I going to beat the combined forces of Gandhi, Giant Death Robots, Combat Bears, Psycho Dark Beasts, Dinosaurs, OOA and ALF, Lavion??!!!" He continued crying out as Gandhi poured Oil onto him while Roy dragged his body and then began to laugh evilly as he fired off a machine gun into the battle at random.

The multi-way battle continued and raged and raged and raged. Bears fighting Dinosaurs and Robots and everything else....With Gandhi in the middle of it all! It was anarchy in Arcadia!

Roy yelled,"My Ambiton...IS TO CATCH THEM ALL! Evolution dictates that if we cross-bred Dinosaurs and Bears and add robotic parts and then combine the pure malice and evil within Gandhi..You get the Ultimate Mount!!! Oh and have a Hymn carry it to give it wings!!YES!""Oh my...This is truly oh-so hard to follow..The plot holes...The jarring amount of sounds...All the blood...It will be quite a mess..Good thing I cannot be arsed to clean it up..." She sipped some tea while just watching the carnage unfold.

"Well...That escalated quickly..Now THIS is hard to follow....This...Is too many things happening at once..This shit is out of control. I'm sorry Carla...I'm sorry I ruined our date...I didn't think...We'd start a whole new and more dangerous war..I just wanted to summon a few dinosaurs....I didn't think it'd get this..chaotic..."

"It's ok..It was bound to happen....This whole thing..Bear mounts included...It was..Destiny..But we can overcome it..Just maybe cut back on summoning things, I think it's beginning to lag up Arcadia.."

"Oh really Carla? you think you're the hardest mother on the block? I THINK NOTT!!! Dinomancer..Meet TiTi MASTER!!! Control boobs...Control the WORRLD!!!BEHOLD MY POWER!!!!GIVEN TO ME BY LADY LUCIAAAAA!!Now..you be unable to calm your TITS!!!!Bwahahah! Who cares if your size dwarfs mine, I don't care anymore!! You have no control over those sweater-puppies any longer!!!Call me the pound because I will lock them up TIGHT! Fwahhahaha! If I can't have them, NO ONE WILL! NO ONE WILL LOVE YOU WITHOUT VA-VA-VOOMS!!! NO ANIME OR VIDEO GAMES WILL SELL WITHOUT HUGE BREASTS EVERYWHERE!!!EVERYTHING WILL CEASE TO BE!" Sienna yelled out.

Dark Bogan chimed in,"Oh no you didn't...Come on now, SDF, ALF, OOA, Bears, dinosaurs, time-travelling Goku Elder Scroll Superman Wanna-Bes, we must join forces in this final battle to decide the fate of the world! Ahaha...Mmmm...I'd unite with you girls any day if you know what I mean aahahah! AAHAHH!"

The Professor cried out to Carla,"You have to end this now, Carla!!!She's.....About to give us permanent reduction!!!!!HURRY! The fate of all breasts depend upon you, you must stack up against the competition you must rack up a game-winning play..You must KNOCKHER out..Ahaha! Don't let her win or else none of us will ever be too TOP-heavy! Oh fuck me...The puns....Just do something epic, dammit!There will be no tits to calm if you fail!!!No pressure, nope!"

Carla began to dance by herself as no one paid attention.


Everyone joined in and began dancing, even the dinosaurs! Reverse was still caught in Roy's anchors but tried to dance still. However it soon ended and everyone stared at one another.

"It's NO USE! Ahaha! I am no longer a mere loli, I am your nemesis!!!!You can call me flat all you like..But not as flat as your CORSPE WILL BE once I am done with you!!! uhh...That sounded more badasss in my head...oh, Pulse..Flat like a pulse of a dead person! Heheheheh!""Sienna! It seems you and I are destined...To go to hell? Who writes this???! No, I am not dying here!!!"

"I DO NOT DIE! LOLIS NEVER DIE! WE MULTI-PLY!!!" She flew at Carla while dual-wielding chainsaws. Carla kicked her in the face in response to it.

"Carla...Your attempts at defeating me have been for nothing....Don't you realize? Basketball... is..ETERNAL!" Sienna flew into the sky to attempt to before a Chaos Dunk!
"Oh to hell with this, I don't think that harlem shake meme is funny either! So...Instead... I'm going back to the B-Ball Dimension!TAKE THIS! I CAN FEEL IT ALL!!! AS I release my eye-patch, the power of all balls courses through me! I WILL safe the future...CHAOS DUNK!!!"

Carla flew into orbit with a basketball, came back down and created a huge explosion equal to several aura bombs and nukes all put together. Little remained of the planet..Few survived...Yet she was joined by many, including Lowe and the dinosaurs.. She had beaten Sienna to it.

"C-Carla...You win..For now.....Ugghhhhhh...I should have...welcomed you to the...slam..." Sienna collapsed.

"The war...Is over...It will be a long road. It will not be easy but ICSYL doesn't need to change, it's fine just the way it is..It's like Father always told me...Our creed..Our way of life..If you can't slam with the best then..JAM WITH THE REST!!!!"
She dunked the ball right over Raoul, much to his outrage.
Noe stared at Lucia's hand for several moments before offering her hand forward. Being healed of this was what she wanted, what she needed...It was the reason she had betrayed the SDF, and even something temporary was a godsend for her. She wasn't keen on being shown off like some kind of possession, but if that's what it took to get what she wanted, she would just have to deal. Putting her pride aside, she knelt to the ground and closed her eyes, arm outstretched towards Lucia. Listening to her words, she heard mention of her psychological health and visions.

"Lu...Lady Lucia...My mental health...? And visions...." Truthfully, she had seen visions, horrifying visions, but it was hard to piece them together, so she held back on that information. The orb pulsed once, prompting Noe to place her hand on her stomach once more, feeling the burnt area of her body. How much longer would she have to endure this...?
*Serenda,The Blue Amor*

"I see...Well do not worry regardless of how you feel..It will all be ok....Allow me to show you my power! Receive it Noe...This divine power!!!!!"
She finally began to heal Noe as her energy transferred to Noe and coursed through her. How effective it would be was yet to be seen yet Lucia was not lying, it was the best healing she was capable of and it did succeed in healing her wounds easily.

"There you are.. Dear Noe. This is the start of your treatment. I trust you are feeling better.. My power cannot be bested by any mortal on this planet! I will begin to heal you at appropriate times as too much of my power can be.. overwhelming. Now then freshen up and you will be honored. It is a time of celebration!! This is one step closer to saving our world, Noe and it is all thanks to you! I expect to see you soon! You are the guest of honor after all!"

Lucia then left Noe's room not sure if Noe told her the full truth but she did not truly care regardless. The orb was going to have ill-effects but the healing could temporarily make those subside as well, long enough for the celebration to be normal at least with any luck...

The SDF boarded the carriage and were all donning their new disguises The plan was to enter apart from each other so as not to be seen as one huge group. The hardest part though was to be getting Carla inside. Dark Beasts did stand out yet as luck or misfortune had it. There were other Dark Beasts also attending the celebration or so they had been told.

Lowe and Carla were the first to enter. Lowe was dressed like a travelling merchant dressed in light stripped green and white attire that was standard for merchants who crossed through Arcadia. He looked like a more refined yet still experienced travelling merchant. "Ah! What a fine casino and resort!! May I inquire as to the entrance fee for me and my little wife?"

"Oh? I could have sworn..I felt the baby kick, Kauf!I think she...likes this place." Carla smiled. Her disguise was even stranger. She was posing as a pregnant woman. She wore a rather baggy gown and filled it to appear more chunky. She carried with her a fan and constantly was using to fan herself off. She was not wearing her trademark eye-patch and instead was wearing glasses. She looked as harmless and weak as a dark beast could be.

Liron was acting like a bouncer, making sure no trouble-makers or shady people got in. He and his entourage of women were doing well thus far in keeping out shady people. "Listen here, Mr.Merchant. You can go in but you better respect the Goddess Lucia, she is the supreme ruler here!!! We are honoring her with a special celebration but...Slots are still open. Money for the Blue Amor...Is funds for the OOA! So, come on in! Just do not disrespect the beliefs of the Order!! Do not try to touch Lady Lucia and Enjoy yourselves and congratulations on the baby!" He said after patting down Lowe and having some of his women pat down Carla.

"Thank you Sir." "Indeed. We will respect the laws and rules. I for one cannot wait to hit the slots..and to try the food! Ah, away we go!" The two thanked Liron and headed off to blend in with the others for a little bit until they had a chance to kill Lucia. Lowe went to play the slots while Carla went with him. She looked all around and saw no sign of Lucia just yet.

"Urgh...The merchant is fine I am sure he will bring in much money! But did he have to bring his wife? Pregnant women have a stink worse than cattle!! She better not give birth in my casino, I am not cleaning up that disgusting rancid mess pool!!! How can a miracle be so disgusting? Oooh..makes me shiver just thinking about it....So revolting, even worse since she is one of those savage dark beasts who could love one of t-" One of his women prodded him to stop as the next person trying to find the casino was a Dark Beast.

*A few moments later*

Lucette entered The Blue Amor. She disguised as a tourist from Lavion. She was dressed in a white and pink dress complete with a classy lady-like hat and a parasol. She folded up the parasol as she entered. It was nothing overly fancy by Lavion standards and certainly not like the rags she hated so.

"What a looker! What brings you to the Blue Amor, honey buns?"
Liron "greeted" her and then grinned as he was about to pat her down.

Lucette struggled to maintain character, she slapped Liron. "You need to keep your hands to yourself! Just because I'm from Lavion does not mean we want grubby men putting their hands all over us! Who is in charge here? I demand to speak with them! I even read the book. The Order would not allow women to be treated this way!!"

"Urgh..Fine just come on in...You're a real heart-breaker...Haven't seen anyone as pretty as you here. I'll let you in but just keep this between us...And maybe see me after the celebration in private if you'd like..."

Lucette laughed in his face as she passed by Liron and his women. It seemed that perhaps she wasn't out of character just that her role was very similar to who she was most of the time!

"Playing hard to get...I hate when women think they can win..Ahaha...In this world, you need to take control. You need to see what you want, grab what you want and make it YOURS. That is what men can do and what women cannot. Let that be a lesson to you ladies. Just watch me...I'll have her just where I want her by the end the time the Great Goddess departs from the casino!"

Finally. After about an hour or so, it was Nacim's turn to enter. His disguise was that of a lone priest of Arlon. He was dressed in a red robe and wore a had that had the symbol of Arlon on it, a symbol that portrayed Arlon with open arms. He carried with him a book and stared at Liron.

"Ah...A holy man...Here to see the great Goddess Lucia and pay tribute to her eh? I guess word travels fast. Come on in...I trust you know of the good book of the Order. Obey it and all will be well."

"May arlon walkm with you..." Was all Nacim said. Perhaps this was easy to him, making another identity for himself wasn't hard after he became Nacim. He was the one who helped the others pick out disguises and supplied them with some interesting devices to help in the mission.

Liron yawned. "Godamned Dark Beasts....So she's going to work with them, huh? That's why some of them are here....To size her up...To build relations..Bah! My job is done..All we do now is start the celebration! Oh I'm going to start drinking early today.. Ahaha..Come along, girls! It's time! Let's close this up here, we've let enough people in!!!"

He made his way to a stage located in the center of the casino. He grabbed a microphone and began to make a speech, "Welcome! Order Faithful, locals and even travelers! Today is a special occasion.. Our world is in peril....But today we celebrate a victory! For The Goddess Lucia, the last justice in this world...Has triumphed! We have taken an orb from those SDF heathens! An orb of knowledge...And now it can be put to used to save our world, to heal the weak and sick, to shelter the homeless...We are all gathered here to celebrate it...Our love for the Goddess unites us!! So come, join in this celebration!!! And now..The Great Goddess herself will speak!"

Lucia was not at all pleased with the celebration and the party-like atmosphere of it when she wanted a private classy banquet. She thought opening it to the public was foolish but Liron insisted it would bring in money and his speech there was at least true to her beliefs and ambitions. "Thank you all for attending! It is I, the Great Goddess Lucia Aeagle! It is my belief that this world needs to be changed to survive....We must eliminate sin... Unnecessary technology that destroyed our world must be demolished or sealed away forever more! The ALF and SDF heathens who oppose us must be killed in the name of Arlon and in the name of Lucia! To spill blood is a horrible thing but something we must do! The fate of our world is at stake!!Take up arms but for now..Rest..And for those of you who do not believe...Accept the knowledge of the Order!! Let us into your lives and they will be touched..You will be healed...You will be free..And you will be happy with love only for the Gods!!!"

OOA soldiers began handing out copies of The Book of Aegle.

"You may enjoy this day..Celebrate.. Eat drink..And even gamble...For the funds all go to the Order!!!It goes to a righteous cause...And we owe this victory to one among us...Dear Noe...Whose love for the Goddess is so intense and true...Pure maidens will guide us to the next era, not brutes with a million aura weapons! Not SDF tools, slaves to a weak leader!! No, we are great, we are the Order of Aeagle! We will make this world a utopia!!! I will return and introduce you all to her! But for now..Enjoy it, enjoy it all....For you stand in the company of a God! You are all blessed this day!" With that said, she left with Arabella to go back up to the rooms.

Liron commanded a band to begin playing music to set the mood that he picked out. He then said, "The dinning section is now open, the finest restaurants you'll find on the continent!!!"

"I have had enough of her speeches. Where is the informant? Water Beast they said...Why couldn't they tell us more?It can't be..That man watching us?? Is that how we knew all of this?"Nacim questioned as he looked around the casino area, he caught sight of the others but did not approach them just yet. They had to maintain the act.

Liron then looked around and headed to a gambling table to play some cards. "Ahahha...Who the hell are you? I don't remember letting you in here!!" Liron looked upset as he saw a thunder-beast take his opponent's seat.

"The Name's Stray. A mechanic from down the way. I just want to play is all, is that a crime? Or are you just mad since your girls looked over at me with some interest in their eyes? Now c'mon let's do this!" Akio spoke. He was there too! His disguise had him wearing an odd pair of goggles, a rusty metal helmet for a hat and rather large and silly looking brown gloves. His reason for being there was a mystery to all but him and the SDF did not see him just yet but perhaps they could recognize him.

The dealers began to hand out cards.

"You son of a bitch!!!! Make like a stray cat and get the hell out of my casino!!!!! I don't want you here!!! If I beat you, you get the hell out!!!!" Liron yelled and grabbed his cards.

"Well better to be free like a wild cat than to look and smell like bloated old seafood! No hard feelings old man! You see if I win..I want you to respect me...And this hand of mine demands respect, Royal Flush!"

Liron was outraged as he smashed his cards onto the table and walked off. "Why didn't you rig the game? He's not getting any of my money!! Enough of this...I'll go elsewhere, to mingle with real people, not animals!"

Akio laughed. "You gots to relax man. We're all here to have fun. I know the world is harsh. Everyone serves another. The girls serve you and you serve Goddess Lucia. You're no diffrent in that sense. It's just your life so don't take it out on me..We all got our demons and dilemmas in life to face."

Liron ignored Akio as he stormed off.
Noe could feel the wound inflicted by the orb healing up quickly from Lucia's power. As much as it pained her to admit it, it was truly impressive. However, she had no intention of being shown off like a show pony in the grand hall, and so she searched her room. A jump from the window ran the risk of drawing attention to her escaping, so to speak. She noticed a change of clothes lain out on the bed, a conservative robe, leaving much to the imagination. It was a royal blue, with some yellows thrown in to bring out the primary color. She changed into it quickly, slowly walking down the steps before rushing out the door, putting as much ground between her and the casino as possible before gazing around Serenda. She needed somewhere away from all the noise, somewhere she could be by herself...so to speak. After a few moments, she noticed a prominent hill in the distance, near the outskirts. She pulled the hood over her face and walked there at once. It took her about ten minutes to make it there at a steady pace. Once she finally arrived, she knelt in the grass, gazing at the sunset.
Madesi had been following SDF orders for now. Under her mercenary work she had done before hand, this wasn't all too different. There was a quick change of command and then new orders. This time, however, it was feeling a little too familiar. The voices in her head had been conversing, and Feera resting. She thought it best not to let the rest know of her psychotic tendencies as to not have them rely on those powers in combat. Quite away down from the Blue Amor was just a slum pit of a pub that the second group was stationed at. This included Madesi, Camak, Kono, and their communications officer. If anything were to go wrong it was to be reported to Zigus immediately. Whilst sitting there not much had happened, thirty minutes had passed since the first group left and it was soon time for them to get up and get in. None of them were wearing any formal wear, as their purpose was purely setup for the primary group. Camak ran over the plan once more.
"Alright, we'll be ready soon. Once more, we need the orb, kill Lucia only if it is possible. Aura Brain," he addressed Kono, however he seemed not to have any reaction to his words, "you'll be on lookout. If the wind shifts, let us know. Whatever your name is, I want you on path clearing. Assassinate anyone that refuses us entry. We have to get to the power room in less than ten minutes. And as for myself, well that's easy, I'll be the smooth talker getting us through the check points." Madesi was hardly in agreement with what was a terrible plan but at least her part was something she was good at. Knowing how good Camak was at pleasing social etiquette there would be more than enough use for her. The clock on the wall tolled and it was time to get going. Their plan was in motion, and only fate could decide what was to come of it.

The small hill overlooking most of Serenda was fairly peaceful. The sounds coming from the Blue Amor were distant but not silent. Here Noe sat, trying to get comfortable as the dew settled in for the night thinking to herself and her other selves. Although they weren't entirely alone, it only took a brief moment for the apparition-like messenger to find her. The transport was silent and the grass shifted slightly giving Noe a clue to his arrival. She was hostile at first, ready to pounce upon him, but he wore an emblem of the OOA on him, forcing her to at least withhold death for a moment. "Lucia certainly thinks highly of you. Personally I don't see it, if you can't kill a man so carelessly sneaking up on you like this how will you ever benefit her?" It looked as if her rage consumed her as she lunged at him, but she was easily dealt with being swept off her feet and smashed into the dewy grass. "Not that you could kill me anyway, but what advantage did you expect from that attack? Each and every single one of your currents is fluctuating asynchronously. You could barely put a dent in the lower forces of the OOA standard militia. However, there does seem to be some merit to Lucia's belief." He approached Noe his dark eyes seemed to gleam under his hood. "I am the Grand Magistrate of the OOA, Shinigami and I am the only user of Aural energy left." He took a step back from her and looked out over the city. "Aura is all around us whether we like it or not, technology is merely another way to control it. I don't believe the same as Lucia as you might have guessed, however, that is not to say we are enemies. There is plenty of potential behind her as well but very little time on her hands. So how about it Noe? A pseudo-prophet, destined to actually become one, seem interesting? How would you like to learn the ins and outs…" He stopped for a moment and gathered his thoughts. As he did each and every dewdrop rose up out of the field and floated in mid air encircling him and moving in patterns easily seeable. The dew traveled upward above them and swirled like a newly forming cloud until it was finally released and it rained on them. "…of controlling Aural energy."
Noe was easily repelled as she lashed out at the stranger, some of the moisture from the grass wetting her face. The man began musing to himself about the situation before gathering the dew and manipulating it before letting it fall like rain.

"What do I want with some household magic trick?! I don't want to be a fuckin' weather machine, thank you very much. But more importantly...Who the hell are you, how did you find me, and what the hell do you want with me? Did Lucia send you because I wasn't a good girl and I left the ceremony or something?"

She rubbed her leg as she shifted her weight, bringing herself to her feet.
"I'm not some kind of fucking trophy, and I won't be treated like one...Not by Lucia and not by you..."

She took a step back and got ready to deliver a kick to Shinigami's gut. There was no rest for the wicked, and this proved it more than anything. But was she wicked...It wasn't her that was the problem, it was every other "her"...
She was brash, angry, and altogether unstable. This was going to be rough material, but none was so deserving of a break. And there was none more satisfying to give this gift unto than her. "Good, good. I wouldn't have you be second to anyone, even myself. Aura is about the raw immaterial that makes up this world, not the set in stone ways that society has passed down. To me you are no trophy to be won, rather another vessel with which aura has yet another keen link to." Shinigami moved forward to her again, this time looking slightly less menacing. His hand was held forward and his palm was scarred, this soon emitted a wave of energy which left Noe untouched but shot the water off of her entire being. The dew slowly misted upon the ground behind her. "Now, if you mean to disappoint me, then go off have your fun while you can. I know that you've been with the SDF prior to this and it won't be long before they do something stupid. But if you seek something greater, something that will truly heal you and give you at least one sense of unity, then I inquire you to seek me out upon getting back to Teros. Lucia will be bothered if I stick around too long. Good bye Noe, and maybe we might meet again." The wind wisped by and in a blink of an eye he was gone. Where to? Probably back to Teros, but the Grand Magistrate would not have to wait long.

There was plenty to see in Kenelm during the evening, although not much for prisoners of war. Despite being taken into the depths of the prisons of the city, Edward felt quite relaxed. The room was rather nice compared to some he saw on the way down, the walls were an off white that wasn't completely off putting, and the tone of the humming lights were not a nuisance but a meditative drone. As he was getting 'settled in' the guards approached his cell led by none other than the cause of his latest predicament, Atoshi. "This one." He had signaled the guards to unlock his door, the red light above switched over to a bright green and Edward got up in response.
"You know it isn't the first time I have been captured. I know not to run, so perhaps we can talk alone?"

"I'd expect as much and I completely agree. You may leave us." The guards saluted and proceeded to take back their posts. Atoshi began to walk Edward up the levels they had descended.
"So why capture me eh? You know that I'm not a normal merc."

"And that is why I am interested. The president has unwittingly done something that my damage the image of the ALF." Edward half expected what he was talking about.
"So what? You want me to go around killing everyone involved with that mission? I may have you pay extra for every life."

"Nothing so crude. I opposed the idea for the record, but he was rather insistent that we end the stalemate in Shintaion. I, regrettably, gave in and signed the go ahead. What was released was beyond what anyone ever thought was possible."
"Dark Bogan…"
"Yes…the creature supposedly responsible for the original need of the combination of magic and technology."
"So what do you need me for?"
"We need someone expendable of course. But in all seriousness, we cannot let another of the ancient artifacts be attained by the OOA." They entered an elevator that was connected to the surface, but they descended even further into the underground. Soon enough they hit the bottom level and it was far more gloomy than the rest of the building; in fact there was no building left down here. They had entered a cave system from the elevator probably thousands of feet beneath the surface. They turned a few of the twists and turns but it wasn't hard to feel the powers coming from the room ahead. High powers that empowered one's soul was flowing out from the cave ahead. They stepped in to a room lit up by several flood lights as every bit of dust was illuminated that slowly trickled down over the pedestal in the middle.
"An orb, why show it to me?"

"You are the one of the few who can appreciate its worth. But what I want to know is can it be used?"
"I would not tell you even if I knew."
"It is a shame then. You and I both know of the ancient texts underneath Colt. Perhaps you must have forgotten about a certain page in history." Edward seemed to be forced into a corner mentally. Atoshi was a devious student under the teachings of the Alliance and always found a way to get his. The knowledge he had possessed over many years was almost supernatural. Yet, this was one bit of knowledge he should have kept to himself.
"You told Kenelm."

"I did, but our president seemed to think he could control the darkness that dwelled within. Ambitious as he may be, he often mistakes his forces' strength for his own. Even then he overestimates us in comparison to the old ways. But what happened no longer matters; it is what is to happen that really does. It took something more than the alliance of two races to even seal the creature, and now we don't even have that. We must kill it, before the OOA might manipulate it."
"It is rare enough for someone to be able to absorb one orb's power, but if you are saying what I think you are, it is outright impossible to-"
"Not impossible Edward. My scout, who ever so keenly gave you that black eye of yours, has informed me of someone who is as insane and stable as we need them. She'll be excellent."
"No you can't. She's barely stable as it is."
"And if we don't, the world is massacred by a far more unpleasant force. So tell me Edward, will you help us or let the world be consumed in a far greater disaster than the Aural Detonation ten years ago on Shrivisk?"
*Serenda,The Blue Amor*

Lowe won a minor four gold price for getting all OOA symbols on the slots.
"Mevira-Levira my dear!!!Our child shall be blessed, we can use this to put towards a fund for her! Oh thank the Goddess Lucia!!!"

Carla jumped for joy and ran at Lowe to embrace him. "YES! Oh Kauf this is amazing!Our baby...She must be quite happy to know...I know I am!!!"

"Still no sign of the water beast we are supposed to meet with....Is it really him? Was in fact letting us in, not fooled by our disguises? We need to figure this out quickly.Time is running low..."

"If I hear anymore talk of this baby I will punt an INFANT out of the top floor window!"
Liron muttered under his breathe as he passed by the slots looking disgruntled as he tried to find someway to regain his pride.

"This Noe...Where is she? We should move on with this damn celebration! Get all of the OOA big-wigs out of my hair and then...Then I can make these guests mine! They won't mock me, they won't waste my time with ramblings about a child that should not even be brought into this shitsack of a world!!!!"

From the exit, a wind beast messenger flew in."Liron, we've captured her finally! Shall we start the electrocution to make her talk?"

"No..I want to be there...I will punish her myself.. She will regret making my err, the OOA's rule over Serenda hell!! Now go back!! I have a celebration to host!! Have one of your people fetch Noe, I need her! As for our little friend...Don't kill her or harm her. I need to break her in first!!" The Wind Beast nodded but looked a little puzzled at the same time as he flew off.

Akio continued to win at most of the card games until it seemed he had no more challengers. He then was shocked as Lucette approached him. "Heh. What's a pretty lil' thing like you doing here? Want to go?"

"What else? Looking for thrills. Lavion isn't like this..It's more tame, more safe...Sometimes you want something more...Wild...Hehehe.."

"Well this Stray might give you a foul disease...A lady such as yourself does not need to hang around this lout! No..come with me instead of this uneducated buffoon! He thinks more of undressing you with his eyes than of anything intelligent! A primal beast!! I on the other hand..Am a gentlemen of the highest caliber. I don't need to dream about women, I take them as they come!"

Lucette ignored Liron much to his anger. "Pops. Bug off would ya please? You are cramping my style!! You're old enough to be her Dad, love can transcend but face it she's not into you. Ya gotta respect her feelings."

Liron exploded with anger as he stormed off once again. "They...will regret treating me like this....Oooh...I want to drown him in a pool of his own blood!!! Ooooh....Where is my escort when I NEED THEM MOST?!!!!" He kicked a slot machine and ran off as his women scrambled to calm him down.

With Liron gone,Lucette moved closer to Akio and whispered to him, "What in Arlon's name are doing here, Akio? You are drawing too much attention to yourself!"
"Heh you're one to talk, you got him really interested in you. But my mission here is simple...A family reunion of sorts. I need to get someone out of here. I can tell ya more later. I bet you got a mission too. Just do me a favor don't blow my cover.." Lucette nodded in response.

"This...Where is the informant? Time is running out....We need to proceed soon..."
He then saw Liron pass by him angrily.

"Where are my escorts?!!! This is unbearable..These people...I can't stand them!" Liron yelled as he ran by the dinning area.

"...Is he really the one? I must investigate this further..."
Before he could follow Liron however he noticed Sheena was coming and quickly escaped her sight.

"Throwing a celebration when the world is in peril like this...It isn't right...What a waste of food when people are starving out there!A casino ran by such a repulsive man....I wish Lady Lucia would just close this place down..." Sheena sighed as she thought to herself.

Nacim waited for her to pass by and then made his way past her. ".....She may not turn me in but I cannot afford to take any chances...I must continue and see what this Liron does or who these escorts are..."

*Outside of the Blue Amor*

Sienna was the one sent to find Noe after she seemingly disappeared. With her having the orb within her, Lucia did not want to take any chances of her being captured.

"Noe! Noe, I found you finally!!! Uhhh..S-s-sorry but they want you there, please come with me if you're done out here..." She was blissfully unaware of who Shinigami was and didn't seem to react to him much at all even after he disappeared. She was focused on getting Noe back into the Blue Amor so the next stage of the ceremony could begin.
Sienna found Noe at the top of the hill, breaking her train of thought as she requested her presence back at the casino. For a moment, she considered asking the wind beast how she'd found her, but before she could, she realized the obvious answer. She was a wind beast, duh. Noe took a look around, but Shinigami had finished into the air, leaving nothing to show that he'd been there to begin with. It seemed like she just couldn't get a break, and she was doomed to be shown around like she was a puppy at this point. Sighing, she nodded and followed Sienna back to the city, collecting herself along the way.
*Serenda,The Blue Amor*

Liron yelled angrily,"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE??? She needs to be kept on a tighter leash so we can-OH, there she is..Well, call Lucia then and we'll present her to everyone!" He quieted down as he saw Noe being led back into the casino by Sienna.

A few moments later, Lucia went up on the stage again with Noe and began to make a speech. This was the perfect opportunity for the SDF to strike seeing as the power could be shut off any moment now...

"Welcome once more...This is a very special devotee of the Order, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Noe L-"

The power was cut off in that moment! Now the SDF began to strike! First Carla tossed her disguise off, revealing a stash of weapons! A ton of grenades and an energy neutralizing grenade, similar to the device used against Dark Bogan. She hurled the neutralizer towards the stage and then quickly formed a sniper rifle. She fired off five shots straight at Lucia's head.

Screams were heard, people began to panic and stampede for the exit.

"You...COWARDS!!!I AM A GOD! You cannot ki--" One shot grazed her cheek as Arabella shoved her out of the way. It seared her flesh and made her feel more than an ounce of pain! Her barrier was neutralized by the experimental grenade.

Arabella then began to attempt to escort Lucia out of the building. She soon found their path was blocked as Lowe built up an earth wall! Lucia used some of her energy to create a light around herself,"Dear Noe..Assist in my escape...I shall return for you once they are dealt with....Kill as many as you can!! And where are those Wind-Beasts??? Arabella, find them and order them to protect me as well!!! They continue to disappoint me! All must offer their flesh to shield the Goddess of Life!!"

"This is horrible!! Everyone who is not OOA, GET OUTT! Those SDF dogs did this!!!!! Heathens! Sinners!" He then tried to run himself but found his path was blocked by Nacim.

"Are you our contact? Tell me....If not...." Nacim threatened Liron as he held his naginata up against his throat.

"Raoul...Of course this plan involved him...Only he would stoop so low teaming up with the ALF was bad enough and now this....I rather just get the information and leave him to his fate.."Nacim thought.

"Oh..Oh no!!! I..I...Ladies...Yes...I am... But the plan is...We need to capture her if we can...Raoul says I can get a little bonus if I help!!!! Follow..My lead..." Liron remarked as Nacim let him go. He then ran towards Noe, whom was now at the dinning area.

To make matters more chaotic, Carla tossed off more grenades throughout the casino. A good deal of it would be damaged now.

Lucia thought she found an opening but was greeted by Lucette. Lucette's seemingly ordinary parsol launched itself off like a missile! Arabella was hit by it directly, blowing her body to pieces but once again, it was just a construct and she would be back! Lucette then created a cannon of light energy and began to charge it.

"Never enter enemy-lines without a few improvised weapons..But tell me, Lucia..What is the source of your power? The bloodline from that grotesque monster or something else? If you are truly a Goddess then why don't you heal that little shot Carla gave you? Her aim was beautiful! It is so unprofessional of a Goddess to show weakness...To bleed, to die...To show fear...Now if you may answer me a few questions... where do the Gods go when they die?"

"You...KNOW NOTHING of my power!!!! Out of my way, you simple harlot!! You will not stop me!! I fear nothing...I am will control this world....I will purify it and return beauty to it...I will feed this planet the blood of all the WICKED! Your light energy cannot penetrate my defenses!!!I am a pure perfect being...It will not burn my flesh..No...It will mend it instead..." Lucia raged as she formed her staff of light energy and glared at Lucette.

Lucette fired off a beam from her cannon of pure light energy, however it missed Lucette but then the beam turned around and collapsed the entrance of the casino. "I am afraid that it is not always about you, Lucy..Do not call me a harlot, for my father was a hero..Yours is...Oh my...The opposite. The fruit does not fall far from the tree I see.. You claim to be a Goddess but you are trapped like a common rodent. Try to die with some honor, Lucy...It would sadden me to see a light beast die like vermin!"

"You..SILEEENCE!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Lucia lashed out violently, slamming her staff on the ground and creating a ground-based shock-wave of light energy, Lucette jumped over it but it struck several OOA members trying to protect her from behind.

While this was unfolding, Lowe was moving in as well and Carla was setting up for the perfect shot once again.. They just had to take Arabella out again and then she would attempt it.

Closer to the dinning room Liron ran into Noe finally. Some backup-generators tried to come on as lights began to flicker on and off but it was not too reliable.

"I am sorry if we got off on the wrong foot..You are so beautiful and strong, you have uhh...nice muscles in the chest region? AGH JUST LISTEN!! I need your assistance!!!!!PROTECT ME!!! They're coming for me!!! The SDF are targeting me!!! Wait...Who is touching me, is it one of you girls? Now is not the ti-" He was surprised as he felt Akio tap his shoulder.

Akio punched Liron clean in the face, knocking him back. His women scrambled and did not help him. "Pops, you need to think with your brain more instead of...Downstairs making all of the decisions for you. You need to tell me where your prisoner is...That's all I want.."

"I WILL NOT! She has knowledge of an orb!!!!! I do not care who you are...My lovely flower of battle, Noe! Join me!!!!We will defeat this man together!! This is it..My legendary sword...The Roaring Neptune!!!!!" He pulled out a one-handed sword that was decorated with many sapphires. He ran at Akio with it.

Akio punched the sword and it broke,"They just don't make em like they used to...Now will you tell me what I want or do I have to seriously hurt you first Pops?"

"A-a-aaaaaaaaaah!!Sorry honey, I'll help you take a nice cold shower after this but you gotta pay for any damage to your lovely face out of your own pocket! It's up to you, Noe!!!Save me!!!" Liron panicked and he knocked one of his women down and kicked her towards Akio as he ran off to help him escape, he hid near Noe like a frightened child. Only two of his women remained following him now and they struggled to hold back their laughter.

Despite how it was rather dark now, Akio could recognize he was facing off against Noe. He helped the woman up and then spoke to Noe, "So you betrayed those SDF guys huh? That I can't understand..I don't want to fight you despite all of that but if you're getting in my way then...No avoiding it!!!!" He prepared to fight Noe as he eyed the surroundings in the dinning area and noticed the kitchen was now empty as well.

Nacim began to move but before he could interfere and attempt to capture Noe, he ran right into Sheena who recognized him immediately.
The lights were out, the plan was in full swing. Her team had made it to the power room, the wires were still giving off a few sparks as she sheathed her wire cutter. It was time for team B to get out and establish the escape route. The guards that had been in the way lay strewn about the hallway knocked out or assassinated depending on how much resistance they offered. Camak had a car ready for them before they had entered. "C'mon let's go what's your face. We don't have forever." Madesi paid no mind to his insult, in fact she was getting slightly used to his attitude now. The get away vehicle he managed to acquire was a white van marked with the Blue Amor logo. It was almost creepy how this slightly rusted one looked but they were off. The squealing of the wheels around the back kicked up a bit of loose asphalt and left some long tire marks. "Alright piece of shit hold together. Can't be having any prisoners today."
The SDF's plan sprang into action as the lights shut off and the casino erupted into panic. Most of the maids took the opportunity to escape from Liron, but a few stayed nearby, if only out of fear for what would happen if they disobeyed him. Akio approached Noe and Liron, and after he was easily defeated, Liron hid behind Noe, forcing her to fight Akio in his place. In a show of annoyance, she slammed her elbow into his face, fully intent on breaking his nose. Whether or not it succeeded, she did not know because of the darkness. She could just barely make out Akio's outline, but it didn't help much when there were still many guests running around the casino in a panic. She felt around herself and felt tables, gauging her location. A loud clang shot out as she accidentally dropped silverware and a piece of fine china. Slyly, she reached to the table next to her, feeling around for the utensils. She grabbed a wine glass and threw it in the direction she believed Akio was in before flinging a steak knife at him as well. She had to find an area that she had an advantage in....

The president issued an order and had the message sent out to the facility Edward was now at. An ALF guard received the message and told Edward, "You have no choice in this matter any longer. You must interrogate a prisoner. You are to gather any knowledge of the orbs you can from her, this order comes straight from President Alva so it is of the highest authority. He knows you can get the knowledge from her that we cannot."

They then proceeded to lead Edward to the prisoner. She was an OOA devotee, a high ranking priestess of the Order captured during a pilgrimage to Serenda. She was rather young elven woman whom lacked in combat prowess but knew of Lucia's teachings and plans. She also knew much about the orbs as she was researched them for Lucia, mostly some vague details of their origins, abilities, effects on the wielder and vague details about where they could be found.

She looked deprived of food and water and in poor physical condition now. She spoke weakly but laughed despite it all,"Another one of you ALF heathens to torture me? I'll cut on my own tongue sooner than I'll speak to you! ALF DOGS! My body may die but I will transcend....Do whatever you want to me and it will not matter. You can't stop fate!"

Edward would have his work cut for him on this one.

*Serenda, The Blue Amor*

Sheena confronted Nacim, knowing it was him almost instantly as the lights flickerd giving her sight of his face. "Nacim...Or should I say Shine... This sort of attack...You could have killed so many innocents!! Who else are you working with here? It's not like the SDF....It's not like..You..."

"...Sheena...Do not try to guilt me, no matter what you say I cannot tell you..You also know of Lucia's atrocities, ones I experienced firsthand....I will not be surprised if she tries to get rid of you next...Or making your little niece a soldier for her cause. She's too young for war....Now...Step aside. You cannot stop us! If we kill her, you will be free!!!Our people will be free!"

Sheena began to charge up her energy as if expecting a fight. "..You speak as if it's that simple, I know what they did, I found evidence that does prove Lady Lucia did it all but.....I don't want her to hurt Sienna.. I don't want her to damn our people, Shine.. Even if she dies, her followers would take attempt to avenge her..And their targets would be Wind Beasts. I cannot betray the Order! Instead... I will negotiate a peace treaty...Then once our people have the choice we can move and finally we can expose Lu-"

"Wake up, Sheena! It's not that simple. After that attack on the Arcadia? All of the dead and their relatives? There is little chance of a peaceful solution, Sheena as ideal as that would be.. That is the reality of it! Now I do not have time to debate this with you.If you will not aid us, then I will not waste my time. Goodbye, Sheena. I do not wish to harm you, please do not chase after me. I have a mission and I will not wait years or rely on a faulty justice system to avenge MY people!" Nacim did find it hard to fly but none the less he flew past Sheena and closer towards the kitchen, hoping to watch Liron.

"Do not run from me, we need to solve this now Shine! Wait!-"

"A-a-auntie!!!! We need you, we need to get the power back on!!! Hurry, we've gathered by the elevators!!!" Sienna called out to Sheena.

Sheena sighed as she had little choice now. She reunited with Sienna and headed towards the elevators. A group of surviving OOA members gathered there. Sheena ordered them,"First, save Lady Lucia! Second priority, get the power back on! And lastly..Noe...We cannot afford to lose her now that she has the orb within her...Those are your orders! Now go, we have little time!"

Several OOA members including Wind-Beasts began to spread out, most heading to help Lucia and the rest heading to get the power back on. They would confront the other group soon if they caught them.

Liron scrambled as he hold his broken nose as if that would dull the pain, "OH YOU LITTLE-HOOCHIE! Listen you punk, you can take her for all I care!! You might wonder what side I am for? I serve the highest bidder, those who play a game of chance!!! I don't know what you want from me but good luck getting it NOW! AHAHAH!"

Liron ran in a panic. Akio was unable to pursue him since he was locked in combat with Noe.

Before Akio could react he could barley sense something coming at him, he managed to dodge the wine bottle but some of the glass shards cut into his knees and the wine spilled near his feet and he nearly tripped, ending up near the end of a table.

He tried to get up but then found the steak knife passing right by his neck, he ducked.

"Holy cow man! You could have killed someone! You know Pops is in the wrong so why protect him? We don't need to do this...."

He then tried to look around himself for a reliable way to strike back and fight Noe. He had issues seeing her so he used his energy to create a small flash of lightning. He caught a glimpse of Noe.

He then rose up and scoured the near-by table for something he could use against her. With all of the cover she had, his energy seemed a bit too risky or easy to mitigate he had to come up with something else. He also had to save it for the rescue. Noe was not his true nemesis. Liron was.

He struggled to find anything. He found only simple silverware, a woman's purse and a plate.. A plate with lobster on it! He broke off a piece and had a claw! It was rather tough and slightly larger than one would expect from the average lobster.

"Wow, catch of the day! was this thing a normal lobster or some kind of mean o'l monster?! Well either way, I sort of recognize you..Used to be with the SDF, what's up the OOA getup? I don't get it...It ain't polite to hit a lady but you tossed a knife at me...Not cool. But...I can repay the favor.."

"Well...Time to dig in!" He ran in her direction at a rather high speed and swung the lobster claw in her direction hoping to bludgeon her with it.

Meanwhile, Lucia and Lucette's confrontation raged on....

"I believe it is time we bid adieu!" Lucette began to overcharge her cannon and she tossed it off at Lucia, creating an explosion of light energy near her.

"Laughable. You accomplished nothing with such an attack you-"Lucia turned her head and noticed Carla had fired three beams straight for her head.

Arabella jumped right in and created a barrier to attempt to deflect the beams. It soon failed and the beams, although weaker ripped through her body, destroying it. But it slowed the beams down enough to where Lucia was able to dodge.

Two more of Arabella's constructs emerged from the shadows however and grabbed Lucette. "Any last words before you die, now? Will you continue to boast even as you lie there in a pool of your sinful blood? Your lust for yourself is your weakness!!!"

Lucette grinned even as Lucia moved in with her staff. Lowe was finally there to help! He smashed down a light fixture above Lucia, causing both Arabellas to rush to grab it, letting Lucette escape.

"I don't understand your motivation for all of this..Even if was to save your sister...Killing all these people...Trying to play God..It's gone too far! The one I knew is gone..You're just a deluded psychopath now!" Lowe shouted out, referring to how he briefly knew and met Lucia as a child A point in time where Bogan and Lena were trying to find a way to save Arabella from her condition.

"You...Your words mean nothing. You could never understand! I want to better the world, that is all! It is worth this meager sacrifice of blood and flesh, it is worth the fires of war!To have our world become a utopia..Many will suffer on the road to it but once we reach it, all will be right! I will not die here. You have all failed to kill me. None can kill a God!" Lucia attempted to teleport but once she did, she found Carla holding a bayonet of dark energy right at her neck, earth walls preventing Lucia from teleporting in the space they occupied.

Carla attempted to dig her bayonet into Lucia's neck causing her to bleed,"What sort of God bleeds?"
"HOW DARE YOU!!!You black devil!!!!Just die, you and your kind....DISGUST ME!" She stabbed Carla with her staff in response and pulled out the bayonet before it could go any deeper. As she tried to move in for the kill she soon realized it was not the real Carla, it was a fake created by Carla's eye. She quickly created a aura of light around herself. It shielded her fully from Carla's next beam of dark energy.

"This is not over!!! But I will not fall for your tricks. I will not waste my life here. You failed at killing me!" She began to slowly heal the wounds around her neck as she tried to find a way out. She then saw OOA members heading to support her and began to grin. "You see, members of the SDF. You are view, I am the leader, the master of legions! I am afraid you were not blessed by the Gods. It is YOUR fate to die here, not mine!!!"

The assassination part of the mission was not looking promising anymore. It was as she said, between the OOA and Arabella, Lucia had too many to protect her. Catching her away from her followers was neigh-impossible, killing her would require more who could focus their attention on her, Carla although extremely skilled and capable of killing almost any target was not enough in this case!
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