I Want to Face...

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"Oh," Wyn stated as he thought back on the web of lies he'd been creating over the last few months. He never really thought much about the school he came from. Knowing that other kids came from similar schools before, Wyn tried his best to keep things vague. "You know, the same. School's school. Names and faces change, but things stay the same." Wyn knew that lying wasn't the best thing to do and eventually he'd be cornered in a lie. Maybe Wyn would tell Oliver the truth...eventually. His mind got quiet as he tried his best to listen to the conversation. It appeared that a lot of history was between the other three and despite the strange atmosphere.

Leaning on his elbow, Wyn watched the other three with quiet eyes. There was something he wanted to ask, but he knew that there were things that shouldn't be asked. Wyn looked to Oliver as if to ask what happened between you three? Wyn couldn't help but wonder. "So you've all lived here since you were little?" Wyn asked now turning towards Tess and David. He wondered what it was like growing up in one spot. He somewhat understood high school by pop culture, tv shows, media, books, and the little he's learned from Oliver.

Wyn unconsciously moved closer to Oliver on the bench. He felt somewhat uncomfortable and wanted to return to something familiar and not about himself. Oliver was a familiar aura, yet there was something off about him. Wyn couldn't help but notice that Oliver was in a strange limbo. It was obvious that Oliver was happy and he was enjoying the conversation, but Wyn knew something was off.
"Yeah, we all did, the four of us didn't really start to hang out until the second year of high school though, like all together," Tess said, there was nothing incorrect about what she had said, except that she had said four. And that wasn't wrong either, but it implied that someone was missing now and Oliver hated it. Hopefully, Wyn wouldn't pick up on it.

"Oliver was totally too 'fuck the system' to hang out with us at first though," Davíd continued on with the conversation. Oliver bit his cheek to stop himself from getting angry and telling him to stop, and hastily glanced over at Wyn, because the topic was starting to get to a point Oliver couldn't really control. Maybe it was a bad idea to hang out all together. Wyn was his friend, and it was nice to talk to Davíd and Tess again, but it would have been better if there had been no chance of mentions of Alex, no implications of him. It wasn't like he wanted to forget him, and he really couldn't, but he didn't want Wyn to know about him, Wyn was supposed to be a blank slate, someone who didn't know what had happened and didn't change anything because of it, "But he totally softened up to us later."

"Mostly thanks to Alex though," Tess said, smiled for a second then stopped and a very uncomfortable silence spread in the group. The three past friends all looked sad for a moment. Oliver was panicking internally, trying to think of something to say. Anything for them not to linger, not that they hadn't already.

"But uh, yeah, I guess the upside to being in the same place is that you get to stick with people," Oliver tried desperately, "I bet like going to load of different schools and stuff would get kind of tiring?"
Wyn picked up on the small nuances that Oliver probably wanted him not to notice. When Alex was brought up, Wyn couldn't help but wonder what happened to the supposed 4th person. Did he move? Did he leave the group for someone else? From what Wyn could pick up, it wasn't a bad leaving. The other three seemed to share a solemn quiet when Alex was named which made Wyn wonder what happened. He also couldn't help but focus in on Tess's comment about Oliver and Alex being close. Were they more than friends? What was their relationship? There were so many questions that Wyn wanted to ask, but knew that he couldn't.

The conversation changed when Oliver asked about Wyn's childhood. Wyn knew that theoretically, he wouldn't have many friends since he moved a lot, but that wasn't true. "Yeah, it was mostly just me and Dad," Wyn stated calmly despite knowing it was a blatant lie. He grew up, lived, and shared the best moments of his life with Megyn and Hunter. When he thought about it, his childhood friends were actually probably more similar than not to Oliver, Tess, and David...and Alex. Thinking back to his friends, Wyn wondered what was happening with them. They were somewhere in the midwest from what he could remember. The season was in full swing and they'd be putting on one or two shows a day if not more. Then packing up the tent and moving to the next place. Wyn also remembered the animals that he grew up with. They were just as much friends as the humans. Wyn remembered Elsa and Ilan the two camels who he often walked and helped care for.

Coming back to the conversation at hand, Wyn added, "We moved a lot so we didn't stay in one place for long. There was always something for me to get into when we moved so it wasn't that lonely." More lies added to the pile of intertwined falsehoods.
"I could never move that much," Tess said with a small smile, she wasn't questioning Wyn for not feeling lonely or unhappy about moving so much, clearly, just stating the fact that it would be a little much for her.

"That's because you're the pure embodiment of stress," Davíd laughed and Tess scowled at him, though it was a joking and technically friendly scowl. Mentions of Alex seemed forgotten for the moment. At least of Davíd and Tess. But not really for Oliver. Of course, if Oliver was thinking about him as the conversation continued normally, asking Wyn a little more about his past and talking about school and what teachers they liked and disliked and even mentions of family, he couldn't really know if the other's were thinking about Alex too. Maybe after the reminder, he was a nagging thought in the back of Davíd and Tess' heads too, maybe Wyn had taken note of the name and was wondering who he was.

He didn't come up in conversation more though, and soon enough they had eaten their pizza and were on their way out of the restaurant. They lingered outside though, Davíd and Tess would be on their way opposite of the way Oliver and Wyn would go, but since everyone had had a good time, or so it seemed at least, the three friends and Wyn, who at this point maybe was becoming a fourth, didn't seem to want to let go of the moment without a proper goodbye.

"It was nice to see you again," Davíd said to Oliver specifically, "You should really stop moping in your room and come hang out with us more," he was taking a joking approach to it that Oliver could both appreciate and kind of didn't like.
"I guess," he said with a shrug and Davíd seemed to like the response good enough, it was better than a stark no, and honestly Oliver had missed his friends even if it hurt to hang out with them without Alex.

Tess turned to Wyn instead, "Yeah, and it was really nice to get to know you, Wyn, you should try to drag Oliver to our lunch table sometimes so we get to hang out with you more, it'll be fun,"
"Nice to see you too," Wyn replied in a sweet tone. He really enjoyed spending time with Tess and David. The four of them together reminded him of the friends he had before he moved in with his Aunt. They talked so freely and openly that it made Wyn sad to see them go. "I'll do my best," Wyn replied to Tess. There was a bright smile on his face that he didn't normally wear. It was different from his usual reserved smile. Wyn turned to Oliver and asked, "We should go home now?"

They spent most of the afternoon with Tess and David, but there was still time to do something else. The sun hovered low and colored the sky in a warm hue. Looking up at the sky, Wyn knew that sunset would be especially beautiful. Part of him wanted to find a nice spot and just watch the sunset. Lauren knew that he'd be out with friends tonight and probably wouldn't mind if he stayed out later than expected. It's not like he was a child and needed to be monitored every moment...that was debatable at times, but Wyn liked to view himself as an adult.

As the sun set slowly over the horizon, Wyn decided to take a chance. He had a really nice day and didn't want it to end. Grabbing Oliver's hand, Wyn started to run towards a clearing that he found a few days ago. "Follow me," he stated as he smiled back towards Oliver. His baggy pullover bounced slightly in correspondence with Wyn's gait. The two boys ran for about three blocks before turning down a small alley way that most people would miss if they weren't looking for it. Slowing slightly, Wyn turned to Oliver and said, "Almost there." The two continued down the alley until they got to a small space where several fire escapes converged.

"Don't worry, no one lives in these buildings. They're up for sale." Wyn let go of Oliver's hand and looked up. There was an older fire escape that probably needed to be updated that Wyn moved towards. He jumped high and grabbed the bottom platform. There were several metal bars welded onto the platform. Wyn squeezed through the bars and sat on the platform for a second. He took off his shirt and placed it folded beside him. Then he put his upper body through the bars and allowed his legs to hook on the outside of the bar so that his legs wrapped around the bars and his hips were connected to the platform. Wyn's upper body hung down low enough for Oliver to grab his hands. "Grab my hands and climb up. Don't worry, I won't drop you." Wyn reached out for Oliver's hands, his back muscles stretching and protruding beneath his skin.

Once Oliver grabbed onto Wyn's hands, Wyn pulled him up with ease so that Oliver could grab a hold of the bars. Wyn then gave Oliver an extra boost by supporting his foot. Once Oliver was on the platform, Wyn climbed back up and wiped his hands on his jeans. Then he put his shirt back on and smiled to Oliver, "Not that hard right." They continued up the fire escape until they reached the top of the building. As they reached the roof of the building, the sun was disappearing over the horizon and illuminated the sky in beautiful pinks, purples, and oranges. The sight was breathtaking. Wyn moved to the edge of the roof and took a seat hoping that Oliver would join him.
As they all said goodbye, Oliver honestly thought that wound mean the end of a pretty decent evening, it had been a little weird with the mention of Alex and all, but it had also been good. It was nice to hang out with old friend and it was nice to hang out with Wyn. He was just about to say goodbye, but seemingly Wyn had other plans, and Oliver had no choice but to follow him as he grabbed his arm and started to run. Seeing this kind of energy from Wyn, who always seemed so shy and drawn back was great. It was kind of like watching him in the gym, only this time Oliver was somehow part of it. So despite his godawful cardio he did his best to keep up with Wyn, because he didn't want to stop.

They reached a building with an old fire escape and Wyn of course got up with ease. Oliver, still catching his breath, was about to mention that there was n way he was getting up there when Wyn suddenly found a way. And that way was with his help. Oliver grabbed a hold of him and let himself get pulled up, helping as best as he could but it seemed almost easy for Wyn to do it and soon enough Oliver was up there with him. He let out a chuckle at Wyn's comment, never had he known someone who could just help you climb up something like that and call it easy. Wyn really was cool sometimes.

They went up all the way to the roof where you could see the sun set beautiful over the town. Oliver stood there for a while, finally getting to catch his properly as he just kind of looked at the sky and the town. And at Wyn who had gone to sit at the edge. He kind of added to the beauty of it, because he was pretty and because Oliver wouldn't be standing there without him, he'd be home either in bed moping or doing a million times at once to try to ignore the sadness he felt. But instead he was there with someone who he had a whole jumbled up confused mix of feelings for, but he at least knew was nice and made him happy.

He took the last couple of steps up to Wyn and sat down next to him, shoulders touching, " would have complained about you forcing me to run for like three blocks, but I think it was kind of worth it," he joked, tone kind of soft and gaze still fixated on the view, "this is kind of... wow,"
"Yeah, I found this place when I was wandering around at night. It seemed like a cool space. Especially since it's not being used by anyone," Wyn replied with a relaxed tone. He leaned back on his arms and let his body sink into the comfort of the position. Wyn loved watching sunsets. The different hues made the world come alive in a way that neither day nor night could do. In those small moments, Wyn embraced being human and having the ability to enjoy and appreciate such beauty.

Glancing over to Oliver, Wyn wondered what was happening with their relationship. He knew that Oliver was still getting over Alex...something Wyn was still trying to understand. Wyn knew that he had only part of the story of Alex and Oliver and was very hesitant about stepping out of place. It was obvious that something major happened and that it wasn't really his place to inquire or prod. When Oliver was ready to tell Wyn, he'd tell Wyn.

As he looked at Oliver in this specific light, Wyn felt like everything was right. Turning to face Oliver now, Wyn leaned in close and made a serious face. There was concern in his eyes, but also a gentleness that showed a part of Wyn's soul that he didn't often express. After their first kiss, Wyn was hesitant about showing or voicing his wants. Despite this caution, Wyn wanted to share something with Oliver, something special. There was a small part of him that was slowly opening up and welcoming in new people. Wyn didn't like being so alone despite what it seemed and now that he was finally speaking from his heart, Wyn was terrified.

A million and ten different thoughts ran through his head, but Wyn couldn't focus on any one of them. He knew that every doubt in his mind was pulling at his conscious, begging him to run and hide. This moment seemed so perfect though. Wyn wanted something perfect for once even if it was only a moment. From his performances he knew that a perfect moment was enough to satisfy even the harshest performer. A perfect setting to share a kiss with someone important. Reaching up to place a gentle hand on Oliver's face, Wyn stated bluntly, "I'd really like to kiss you right now." He couldn't believe that he was actually doing it. He was actually asking Oliver to share something with him. "But I won't if you don't want me to," added to ensure that he wasn't forcing Oliver into anything.
Oliver's heart skipped a beat when Wyn's hand touched his face. It was so gentle and just like the times he had held it it felt so right and comfortable and safe. Oliver looked into Wyn's eyes for a moment and then the other dropped the bomb. He wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss him. Oliver wanted to kiss him too. The moment would be perfect, the sun was setting and it was just the two of them, no one else, he could put what was actually happening in life aside for moment. Well, maybe not completely. If he had been able to put it aside completely he probably wouldn't hesitate but he did. He knew that them kissing, and it being a mutual thing and it being the second time it happened, would mean it meant something and they'd have to deal with it. But maybe it was worth it?

Rather than to verbally confirm that Wyn could kiss him Oliver just leaned in and once again pressed his lips against his. It was still a sweet and chaste one but he allowed his lips to linger a little longer. When he pulled back he allowed his face to still stay close to Wyn's, inspecting it under a soft gaze. He was really pretty in the golden glow of the sunset.

Once again he felt a little guilty, but it wasn't as bad as last time. And the kiss hadn't been as impulsive, he had made a conscious decision to do it and he couldn't blame his almost-mania for his action. He just wanted to kiss Wyn. He had to face that he liked him. That didn't mean he didn't still love Alex, but Alex was gone. And on top of the guilt it had definitely felt nice, especially because he knew Wyn had wanted it and specifically asked for it.

"I'm sorry I asked you to forget last time," he said gently, it had been a dumb thing to do but he hadn't wanted to ruin things and he had wanted to forget as well, "t's not that I don't like you, you know, things are just... complicated,?"
Wyn wasn't sure what to expect, but when Oliver leaned in and kissed him everything seemed perfect. Lingering for a moment, Wyn's heart sped up and a shiver went through his body. This was their first real kiss, one that both mutually agreed to. For a moment in time, Wyn felt right. All of his problems, all of the world melted away and there was only Oliver. The moment came and went though as Oliver pulled away after the short kiss. Wyn wanted to say something or pull Oliver back in, but knew that wasn't a great idea.

Looking back into Oliver's eyes, Wyn saw something. It wasn't remorse like the last time, rather it was something less serious...maybe guilt. Wyn couldn't help but wonder what was going through Oliver's mind because everything seemed perfect to him, yet there were things that Oliver was hesitant about. The thought that being with Oliver could make Oliver uncomfortable was unsettling. As far as Wyn could tell, Oliver was into him and he into Oliver. There was a mutual affection for each other that Wyn never had for anyone before.

Oliver's silver hair glowed as the sun set. The sky went from a deep red hue to purple and eventually a deep navy. Wyn could barely see the outline of Oliver's face, but his eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness. "I understand," Wyn stated as he turned to face the city. His voice was soft and gentle as he thought about what Oliver could possibly be going through. Despite their age, Wyn knew that a lot could happen. Wyn wanted to know why Oliver was so hesitant and closed off. Looking out on the dark buildings, Wyn felt guilty himself. He wanted Oliver and he wanted to know Oliver's story, yet he was privy to tell his own. "Complicated is a good word," Wyn agreed as he thought about his own complications: his parent's deaths, his childhood in a circus, his suicide attempt... There was a lot that Wyn was hiding as well, so who was he to ask for information.
"Yeah, but I don't like it," Oliver agreed. Complicated was the best way to describe things. It was the best way to describe Oliver's feelings for Wyn and Alex, it was probably also the best way to describe the parts of Wyn's life that he didn't want to talk about. Oliver wondered if things would be less complicated if they just told each other everything, but at the same time things felt too complicated to just reveal. He wasn't sure how talking about how his ex boyfriend killed himself and how he wasn't completely over him would make Wyn feel. And Wyn had his own things going on, he was clearly in a vulnerable position as well. Telling felt like it would hurt the both of them

Oliver let out a small sigh and turned his gaze from Wyn back to the sunset again. He also reached for one of his hands, holding it gently in his own. It felt different than the kissing because he didn't really feel all that guilty about it. He'd hold hands with any friend if the situation called for it. But holding Wyn's hand was also different from holding a friend's hand. He didn't know what any of this all meant now though. They had kissed again, it had been mutual, it meant something to the both of them. But a kiss wasn't the same as labeling their relationship properly.

"If things weren't complicated they'd be easier," Oliver, stating the obvious, but still, it was nice to talk about it, even if they weren't going into details."I get that life isn't supposed to be easy all the time, but it's frustrating that it's complicated all the time too... I guess if things hadn't ben complicated though, I might have just asked you out because you're cute ages ago," he admitted, it was true, he knew himself, he knew who he had been before Alex. He hadn't had all that many serious relationships, they were still all young after all, but he was the type of person to get into something without thinking it through, "I think I like this, it feels more special,"
"Ain't that the truth," Wyn replied as he gazed into the distance. He wondered what his life would be like if it wasn't so complicated. He would still be on the road with his parents and living the life he had before. Everything would be simple in that he wouldn't have had to go through his parent's death, to public school, or a psychiatrist...He wouldn't have had to spend a week in a hospital after his suicide attempt. The more he thought about the complication of his life, the more Wyn felt the weight of the world bearing down. There were many secrets that Wyn was hiding and so many he wanted to tell. Keeping secrets was a burden that he wasn't really equipped to carry.

As Oliver continued to talk about complication, Wyn caught the tail end of the statement. Turning quickly to look at Oliver, Wyn blushed hard. He never thought that Oliver would ever ask him out. It was something that Wyn never really thought about. Things happened so quickly that he never really thought about properly asking Oliver out. Absentmindedly, Wyn stated in a soft voice, "What if I asked you?" The comment wasn't for anyone else but him, but he realized it was audible enough for Oliver to hear. Feeling embarrassed, Wyn recovered rather clumsily, "I didn't mean...well, shit...I know we aren't exactly..." His mind was racing as he thought about what was happening and everything came back to the fact that he fucked up with that last comment.

"It's getting late, maybe we should get going," Wyn suggested as he felt the burn on his cheeks. He was somewhat grateful that it was darker out because he knew his face was bright red. It burned through his skin and he wanted to hide his face.
Oliver could barely believe his ears when Wyn suggested another scenario. It was a quiet one, and clearly not meant for Oliver to hear, seeing as he tried to talk himself out of it just as quickly as Oliver had taken back their first kiss. But Oliver had heard, and he couldn't ignore it. He made no effort to move from where they were sitting and just stared at Wyn for a moment, his own cheeks probably flushed pink to match Wyn's-

What if Wyn asked him? It was almost hard to know, yet suddenly there was a need for an answer. He couldn't just let him say that, intentional or not and ignore it. He knew he maybe wouldn't ask Wyn out properly, not for a while at least. He had impulsively kissed him, and he had not so impulsively kissed him, and he was holding his hand, but asking someone out was different. It would be a conscious decision by him, and he wasn't sure he could do that. But if Wyn asked things were different.

"If you asked me I'd probably say yes," Oliver said completely ignoring the part about leaving. He didn't want to leave. Not now. He looked at Wyn, nervously waiting for a reaction to that one. Oliver was confident sure, and a little arrogant at times, but that didn't mean he didn't at all worry about Wyn maybe taking what he said back, especially if it was just a random thought he had let spill. Maybe he hadn't meant it at all, maybe thing were just too complicated for them to even try to together.
Oliver's answer stopped Wyn cold. He couldn't think straight nor could he think about what to do next. He never considered Oliver actually taking him up on an offer like that. Nevertheless, Wyn was overjoyed. There was so much going on through his mind that it was almost impossible to say anything more. Turning to look at Oliver, Wyn swallowed hard and in a small audible voice, he replied, "You would?" His tone was almost that of disbelief as he felt his hand tremble slightly.

Wyn was standing just a bit aways from Oliver. The night was creeping in and the visibility waned. Wyn's eyes were slowly adjusting to the growing darkness, so he couldn't completely make out Oliver's facial features. Wyn wondered if Oliver could see his face and what it could potentially look like. Feeling his heart flutter for a moment, Wyn wondered if it was alright to even ask. He knew that Oliver had baggage and he had baggage. Was it a good idea to even try?

Licking his lips hesitantly, Wyn asked in a hesitant voice, "Do you want to go on a date?" It was a strange question because they already 'dates' already, but weren't classified as such. Going on a proper date was something that Wyn wasn't used to. He never went on or took anyone on a proper date and he didn't know where to start. Despite this, Wyn wanted so badly to have Oliver all to himself. Standing completely still, holding his breath, Wyn waited for Oliver's response.
Somehow Oliver hadn't really expected Wyn to actually ask him, so he just nodded when Wyn asked for confirmation and then watched in silence, kind of half waiting for him to maybe just take it back. He looked hesitant, though it was hard to see now that it was getting dark. Oliver wouldn't blame him for taking it back, not after the whole asking him not to bring up their first kiss again thing. Oliver didn't even know himself how he would feel about all of this in the morning. But as it turn out Wyn did ask him.

Despite that Oliver already had confirmed he was planning on saying yes though, he hesitated for a moment. Saying he was going to say yes and actually doing it really were two different things. But in a way it was a good thing that he had just sad he would say yes, he had to hold himself accountable so in a way he couldn't say no. And he didn't actually want to say no it was just that he felt like he should say no.

"...Yeah, that'd be great," he finally said and when he did he he felt a smile appear on his face. He didn't think he regretted saying that, maybe later but not right now, because the idea of going on a proper date with Wyn was really good and he felt kind of excited about the whole thing. So much so that he decided to close the distance between them. Not in a kiss this time though, but in a fairly tight hug. Clearly a hug wasn't as big of a deal as a kiss, but Oliver just wanted to do it. Wanted to be close for a moment. Hugging felt as right as holding Wyn's hand, only it was more of it.

He let him go after a moment or two and still smiling he suggested, "I'll walk you home?" it was dark out so they really should get going but he didn't want to part way from Wyn just quite yet, and they lived in the same direction anyways (not that Oliver had actually been over to Wyn's house), so it just made sense.
Wyn was actually really shocked when Oliver actually agreed to date him. It felt so magical, yet so strange to actually hear those words. At the moment, Wyn was on cloud nine. He was way past happy and beyond excited. As Oliver came in for a tight embrace, Wyn relaxed into him and returned the hug. It'd been a long time since he had a good hug like this and it not be over something sad. Unknowingly, Wyn started to cry. It felt so nice to be genuinely held by someone who cared that Wyn's feeling just overflowed.

When Oliver let go, Wyn wiped his eyes and smiled back. His heart was so happy that it screamed loud and clear in his ears. "Yeah, we probably should. It's late," Wyn agreed as he made his way to the fire escape. He'd still have to help Oliver back down to solid ground, but going down was usually easier than getting up. As he hooked his legs around the bars to hang down so Oliver could climb down, Wyn instructed, "You'll have to climb over the railing and find my hands so I can lower you down. I'll help you as much as I can." Wyn had his back to Oliver so he couldn't see what was happening, but he could feel Oliver's movements through the iron fire escape. It was obvious that Oliver was being cautious. Despite this, Wyn felt Oliver slip slightly. Reacting quickly, Wyn caught Oliver's right foot and helped him lower down to the ground. Wyn supported most of Oliver's weight to ensure that Oliver got down safely. Once Olive was down, Wyn unhooked his knees and jumped down the the ground.

"Wasn't so bad was it?" Wyn stated with a smile. He had a feeling that Oliver had other opinions on that matter. Wyn wanted to keep things light since stress always followed heavy conversations. The night air was cool to breathe in and filled Wyn's lungs. The feeling of a nice walk at night was refreshing, but also being near Oliver helped.
Wyn was crying, but he seemed happy and he agreed that they should be going. Oliver didn't really want to go even though he had suggested it. Up there on the roof it had just been the two of them and he had been able to put all the things going on in life aside for a moment. When he was home he would have to face this. Face that he technically was dating someone who wasn't Alex now. But maybe it was alright, because it was Wyn. He didn't want to feel bad about Wyn.

As they got to the fire escape again, Oliver realized they now had to get down. Wyn seemed to know exactly what he was doing though so he just had to trust him. He was till being really cautious when he followed Wyn's instructions and climbed over the railing and tried to find Wyn's hands. And maybe it was just the fact that he was still being a little hesitant that caused him to slip a little. Hes heart suddenly raced as he thought he was about to fall-- a couple of weeks ago he would have probably accepted a fall and let it happen, but right in that moment it scared him. But Wyn grabbed a hold of his leg and soon he was safe on the ground. And just a little while later Wyn had joined him.

Oliver's heart was still calming down after the little slip but he still let of a soft chuckle at Wyn's joke, "Yeah, not bad at all," he said sarcastically but not in a bad-natured way. Wyn had made sure he was alright that was important. He started to walk in the general direction they both lived in and reached out for Wyn's hand, kind of needing it to calm down a little and as a joke added, "At least we know which one of is is not running away to join the circus anytime soon," without any idea of the fact the he was getting close to mentioning what Wyn's life actually had been at one point in time.
Wyn smiled at Oliver as he absentmindedly replied, "You probably wouldn't be that bad. Maybe not an aerialist, but you'd be helpful in some way." He thought back to the various workers who came and went with the seasons. Every now and then they'd get someone in for the long haul. Those were always fun because it meant that they were experienced and could teach the new comers. Wyn enjoyed those who stuck around solely because he wasn't too good with names and having workers who you got to know made you comfortable, especially if they were setting up your rigging and safety equipment.

Wyn breathed in deeply and held the cool air within his chest for a moment. It felt nice as he let it go. Looking at Oliver Wyn felt comfortable and happy. It was a strange feeling because he hadn't had that feeling in a while. For a while he thought this feeling was something that was only in memories. As Wyn examined Oliver he saw that Oliver was still a bit disheveled, probably from the slip before. He knew that feeling; the drop in your stomach and the catch of your breath. The first time was when his father pushed him off the flying trapeze platform when he was only a toddler. While this might seem cruel, it was part of learning how to fall. Once you get used to it falling becomes second nature and less scary. "It's better with a net below, I agree," Wyn agreed as he continued to walk.

They were nearing the place where they'd split, Oliver would go one way and Wyn the other way. They lived in the same direction, but on opposite sides of the main road. This road seemed to divide more affluent people with those who struggled financially. As they walked, Wyn felt conscious of his living situation. He knew that Oliver had some money and didn't want him to pity Wyn for not. "Well I'm this way," Wyn stated as he pointed in another direction away from both Oliver and Wyn's house. Wyn would take a round about way to his house, but it would ensure that Oliver wouldn't know where Wyn lived.
Oliver scoffed a little in a half amused way when Wyn insisted he'd be good for something at a circus. Really he had no cardio, was pretty week and not really one to commit to task he had to do, only ones he wanted to do. So he doubted he'd be much of use in that kind of scenario. Not that he knew what people other than the performers really did, he was pretty sure he had never gone to a circus in his life, possibly as a kid but if so he didn't remember. He figured Wyn probably liked that kind of stuff though, he had to since his main hobby and talent seemed to be something that was performed in a circus setting.

Oliver hummed in agreement about the net, that probably helped a lot. He couldn't ever imagine himself up in the aerial straps like Wyn was on the regular, and he had a mat underneath. He glanced over and tried to imagine Wyn in the context of a circus. It was a little weird because it was hard to imagine him now that way. You couldn't see all his muscle under his sweatshirt and he mostly just looked sweet and cute, but if he imagined him the way he had seen him up in the air at the gym, he could imagine him performing like that too.

It did't take then too long to get to the split of the street. Oliver didn't really think much of it or their most likely different living situations, he just knew it meant they'd have to let go of each other's hands and then he'd be home and their almost kind of magical moment would be over and he had no idea what things would be like after this. Saying they'd go on a real date at some point was a commitment Oliver wasn't sure he was actually ready for. He had just kind of gone with his gut and in the moment that had felt good. He might feel differently the moment Wyn wasn't there though. He knew he had to move on from Alex at some point, but it was hard and actually having Wyn there made it a little easier.

"I'll walk you the rest of the bit too, if you want?" Oliver tried, almost a little awkwardly, because he had a feeling Wyn maybe didn't want that, he seemed kind of secretive about that stuff, and if he had wanted it he would have probably asked. Still Oliver wanted him to know that the offer was there at least.
The thought of Oliver coming over and meeting Lauren was something that Wyn didn't need. He turned to Oliver and said with a fake smile, "No it's fine. I can manage on my own." He felt bad lying to Oliver, but at this point he'd dug himself into a hole that he couldn't easily get out of. There was only one way out, that Wyn could see, and that was digging deeper until he got to the other side. Wyn continued with the half smile, "I'll see you tomorrow at school okay?" There was something in his stomach that turned as he lied. It wasn't something that he liked to do, especially with people who he cared for.

Wyn waved goodbye to Oliver and headed in the opposite direction until he was sure that Oliver wasn't around. Then he turned and weaved through the streets until he got to his house. It took him an extra 45 minutes to get home, but it worked. Wyn had his headphones in as he walked. He listened to a variety of music from a suggested playlist on his music player. By the time he got home it was really late and only one light was on in the main room.

Wyn walked through the door, trying to keep quiet. Lauren was sitting in the arm chair asleep. Obviously she tried to stay up to wait for Wyn. Something in his heart sunk because he realized how much she cared and was trying. Wyn decied to grab a blanket and drape it over her as she slept. He took the cup of cold tea to the sink and washed it before heading to bed himself. As he made his way through the living room Wyn heard Lauren, "Hey, where were you? I was worried."

Wyn went back to Lauren and knelt down to talk to her face to face, "Sorry I was out late. I was with friends. It was nice." He flashed a soft smile before Lauren pulled him in tight. At first Wyn was caught off guard but then he relaxed into the embrace. She was worried and probably stressed over him all evening.

"That's fine. Just send me a quick text if you're going to be home late," Lauren stated as she let Wyn go and headed off to bed herself. Wyn went to bed and slept pretty soundly that night.
Oliver nodded and said a simple "see you," but lingered on the spot a little to watch Wyn leave. He had kind of wanted to walk Wyn home but he was sensing that maybe Wyn didn't want that. And that was alright. He knew they still kind of kept things from each other. They hadn't even properly discussed why they were both in group yet. He was more wondering what was actually going on in Wyn's life than he was upset about not being let in on it. He couldn't just stand there and dwell on it forever though so after a while he turned and walked the not too long bit to his own home.

It seemed that his parents were asleep but Octavia was still awake. Rather than her saying hello to him when he came up the stairs though she gave him a suspicious yet amused look and said, "Where have you been? You don't go out?" as she leaned on the door frame to her room. Oliver just rolled his eyes and went to open his own door but didn't go inside, "I was just hanging out with friends," he said, a little annoyed.
"What, like Wyn?" At the mention of Wyn Oliver felt his heart beat a little faster. He kind of wanted to tell her what had happened but they didn't have that kind of relationship anymore, and she was kind of a gossip. He didn't want a bunch of people knowing about this before he had even made sense of his own feelings.
"And Tess and Davíd," Oliver filled in. Octavia looked a little surprised at that, but then her expression softened a little and she said, "That's good,"
Oliver kind of hated it. Because he knew Octavia hated his ups and downs and her seeing concerned about him seemed insincere even of it wasn't. He looked at her for a second or two before just shrugging and going, "sure" and then went into the room closing the door behind him, isolating himself from the rest of the world

Only he couldn't do that completely anymore, because of Wyn. Thinking about him sent a rush of emotions through him, mostly he felt warm as he remembered their kisses and the hand holding and how pretty he had looked in the sunset. But as happy as he felt he also felt the guilt come creeping now more than when Wyn was there. He couldn't really sleep that night and by the end of it he was crying, he didn't really know about what he was just feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions at the same time and he didn't really know how else to let them out.

The next day though, he was fine, mostly just excited about seeing Wyn and he even made and effort to make it to school at a fairly early the next day so that he could wait for Wyn to arrive by his locker. He didn't know how they'd act around each other now that they were dating, it wasn't really a secret that Oliver was into guys so he didn't care about that pat. But he did kind of care about the fact that this was still new and rushing into it as he normally would have scared him a little, so he didn't want to push anything. At least not intentionally.