I Want to Face...

Lauren was worried about Wyn. While he seemed like he was doing better, he was coming home late and being secretive. She wasn't used to Wyn being so secretive about his life. They used to talk more, but now they exchanged a few words before going their own way. Lauren was worried about him. She didn't want to be the hovering type, so she let things slide. Still, she was worried about him. The next day Lauren shared this information with her co-worker who gave her a few ideas.

Wyn woke up right on time to run out the door and make it to school on time. He normally didn't oversleep, but last night he had the best dream ever and didn't want to wake up. Rushing into the building, he found his way to his locker and immediately smiled. Wyn was a bit discheveled. His usual combed hair was sticking up all over the place even under his beanie. Wyn's dark jeans were wrinkled like they were just grabbed out of the dryer and his sweatshirt looked similar. "Hi Oliver," Wyn said in a peppy voice. Despite his appearance, Wyn sounded really happy and excited to be there. "I slept through my alarm and Lauren already left for work, sorry. We're going to be late for class," Wyn stated. He was speaking fast and his mind seemed to rush around quite a bit. Looking at his phone quickly, Wyn saw a message pop up. It took less than a minute to read, but he stared at his phone for a moment longer before shoving it in his pocket.

"We should get to class if we don't want to be written up," Wyn stated as he grabbed Oliver's hand and walked down the hallway. Normally, Wyn wouldn't blatently show signs of affection, but holding Oliver's hand seemed to ground him a bit. Oliver was something tangible that Wyn needed especially after the last few months of grasping for something that seemed to slip through his fingers.

Wyn dropped Oliver off at his class before heading to his own. They had gym together in about two hours and Wyn was really looking forward to it. Sitting on the edge of his seat in the class before gym, Wyn watched the clock on the wall. The moment the bell rang, Wyn was out of there. Making his way to the gym doors, Wyn scanned the crowd for Oliver. As he waited by the door a teacher called out, "Don't forget, today is the fitness test. Change and then find a partner."
Wyn looked cute that morning Oliver decided upon seeing him, though definitely kind of disheveled, it wasn't that surprising seeing as he was late, apparently. Oliver often lived by his own rules when it came to coming it time so he hadn't really been paying all that much attention. Wyn grabbing his hand as they hurried of to their classes together was a little unexpected but Oliver was definitely not one to complain. He wasn't going to assume it meant they'd be all open and out at school or anywhere at all really. They probably needed to have a conversation about that, but this was all still fresh and new and with Olivers hesitance of being in a new relationship after his old one he also seemed to be a little more okay with doing things a little slower.

Though he didn't much like the slow pace he felt his first classes went by without Wyn. Then there was PE, which he hated more often than liked but he shared it with Wyn so obviously he was going. There was a fatal flaw in his plan though-- fitness tests tended to be the kind of thing he skipped if he could, and he was reminded of the fact that that was what they were doing when already having spotted Wyn and passed their teacher. So he couldn't really back out now.

He made it up to Wyn and smiled, now that they were people around he opted to not do anything drastically affectionate and just said a casual, "hey," before holding up the door for him so that they could go get changed for the lesson. He continued to talk as they went inside, as he would have done even if they hadn't kissed the other night and decided they were dating now, "Do you wanna partner up? I can't promise i'll be able to keep up with you in any way at all though," he figured the only way this would be bearable was if he could at least have fun with Wyn, but Wyn was actually athletic, and maybe he wanted to take things more seriously.

Oliver gave him a bit of a sheepish smile and said, "and it'll be kinda a habit since we were parters in world history?" before tugging off his hoodie and T-shirt to reveal his kind of lanky and pale frame, he wasn't really a modest person so he didn't care much about changing, even with Wyn there, but he supposed that one of the reasons he didn't like PE was because he was forced into PE clothes which he looked out of place in and once or twice someone had dared getting nosy about the cigarette burn scars on his arms, which admittedly made him feel a little self-conscious. Now he generally solved that last one by putting on his hoodie and potentially overheating.
Wyn headed into the locker room and rushed to his designated locker. He avoided eye contact with everyone and preferred to change quickly so no one noticed. To be blunt, Wyn knew that people noticed how conservative he seemed. Wyn changed into his gym clothes quickly to avoid drawing glances. Then he threw on a pull over that hid most of his features. Looking towards Oliver, Wyn watched how nonchalant Oliver was about changing. It was almost amusing to watch as he noticed how pale and unfit Oliver appeared without his shirt on. Wyn noticed some blemishes on Oliver's arms, but chose to ignore them for now.

"I'd love to partner up with you," Wyn stated as he lower his voice and added, "I don't plan on making a special. I usually plan on doing everything average and not showing off. Whenever people start dropping off I'll do the same." With a soft smile, Wyn turned back to his locker and shoved his school stuff into it. Before Wyn was able to lock the locker, his phone buzzed. Wyn was tempted to take a glance at who texted him, but a teacher appeared in the doorway and announced that the locker room needed to be cleared out. Wyn closed his locker door and followed the crowd out to the open gymnasium space.

Wyn stuck close by Oliver as the class paired up. There seemed to be small groups of people already forming. One group was the show-off athletic kids, one was the extreme slackers, and then there was every one else. Wyn did his best to mesh in with the ordinary crowd. This was actually his first fitness test. At his last school, he was exempt from it due to his suicide attempt. He had the general idea of what this was. Wyn knew that he didn't want to stand out in any way, but he wasn't sure how to go about doing that.. The teacher announced that they would to the push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and rope climb today. Wyn took note of this and whispered to Oliver, "How many do most people do?"
Oliver felt happy hearing Wyn did want to pair up with him. Though maybe he would have done differently if he knew Oliver was a total slacker when it came to PE, as most other people seemed to know by now, though apparently he wasn't planning on going all out. Oliver doubted he could pretend to be as bad as he though and if anything he'd probably look good in comparison. But he was just happy to get to hang out with Wyn some, it'd make the class a little more bearable.

Soon enough they were out of the locker room, Wyn seemed to be keeping close to him and Oliver had no intentions of leaving him for any of the other groups that were forming. He groaned quietly at the mention of push ups, not sure what else he would expect from a fitness test. He just really didn't want to do this, and if it wasn't for Wyn being there he might have honestly just left at that point. Not that he was of that much help when it came to the question he asked, "Uh... Anywhere between one and a hundred, I really have no idea" Oliver confessed, wishing he could actually give Wyn something to go off, "I can do like five, I'm not even kidding, I'm the wrong guy to ask..." Still he took a moment to think a little about it and considered what he had seen people in class do before.

"Maybe do like twenty-five or thirty or something? That seems like a good number," Oliver was pretty sure he saw the kids who weren't on any type of sports team do between fifteen or twenty push ups maybe, though he genuinely wasn't sure. So maybe thirty was pushing above average, but even if it seemed like Wyn wanted to keep a low profile Oliver thought it'd still be better for Wyn if he got a better grade obviously. And maybe he wanted to see him fo push ups, but he supposed he could always ask to come with him to the gym, "How many can you do normally anyways?"
Wyn shrugged when Oliver asked him the question. "I don't know. Without stopping probably around 75. My ground warm up is usually three sets of 30 then pull ups and muscle ups. So 25 it is." Wyn watched as the gym teacher started to walk around. Wyn did exactly 25 before telling the teacher that he was done. Then it was Oliver's turn. Wyn felt a small smirk find its way to his lips. Oliver wasn't kidding when he said that he could only do about five push ups. It was something he never really saw before. Wyn softly encouraged Oliver to do his best as the teacher recorded Oliver's maximum. Then they went to sit up and pull ups. Again, Wyn stopped at 25 each time. It was obvious to anyone watching that he could easily do more than that, but the teacher didn't question. The last thing for the day was the rope climb.

Staring up at the rope, Wyn's eyes seemed to focus a little too much on the apparatus. When Oliver came up beside him, Wyn seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in. "So, rope climb is actually a thing," Wyn stated hoping his voice was a bit more jovial than what he was feeling. "I thought it was something only in movies," Wyn finished as he smiled to Oliver. The teacher was going through the groups of students and was calling Wyn and Oliver over.

"Wyn, you're up," the teacher said as he called Wyn over. For a moment, Wyn's eyes flashed to Oliver and there was something very sad reflected in them. Wyn wasn't thinking exactly as his hands grazed the 3-braided rope. Keeping his eyes looking up at the top of the rope, Wyn began to climb. Unlike other students, Wyn wrapped his lower leg and climbed up. When he was almost to the top Wyn stopped suddenly.

Wyn was transported back to the dream he had a week ago. In his mind, Wyn was all alone in the sky. The gym faded away and he was suddenly back in the spotlight in a big top. Wyn's breathing quickened as he remembered his mother's face as she asked him, "why did you abandon your family?" As clear as day, Wyn heard his mother's voice and the pain that accompanied it. He abandoned his family and just like she said he was left alone on a rope to fend for himself. Wyn stared up at his hands as they held onto the rope for dear life. There was only darkness in his peripheral vision. He was alone, surrounded by darkness.​
Wyn hung at the top of the rope for almost a minute. After ten seconds the teacher was yelling his name. After about 30 seconds, the entire gym was looking at Wyn. Despite several people calling his name, Wyn was unresponsive as the rope unraveled around his leg. The teacher was halfway up when he felt his own arms start to tremble. "WYN! Son, please come down," the teacher asked as he climbed higher and higher. The ropes weren't close enough for the teacher to physically touch Wyn on the other rope. That's when Oliver's voice seemed to cut through the commotion, "WYN!"

The sound of Oliver's voice snapped Wyn out of his daze. The sudden realization made Wyn lose his grip for a split second. He plummeted about 2 feet before regrabbing the rope. Through pure muscle memory, Wyn released his shoulders and swung through using the momentum. With a pull up, Wyn flung his body up and seemed to spin in the air which slowed his momentum before straddling-up and pinching the rope between his thighs so that he was in a sitting position. Feeling the rush and adrenaline, Wyn slowed his breathing and lowered himself down to the ground.