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Eden stared coldly at the vampire. "The name's Eden Ward. I may be only nineteen, but I've killed more of your kind in the last year than you have brain cells." She revealed the gun in her other hand, pointed directly at his crotch. "How about we lower the guns, and discuss this civilly, or I just blow your balls off right now, and cut off your head while you're writhing in pain?" She sweetly suggested with a smirk.

Jun snickered a bit "So naughty, I mean a guys balls are precious man-Woman. And your the same age as me!" He Puts his gun in his holster lifting up his shirt to get to it and yawns. This was eventful. "So why would a pretty girl like you be a hunter? Oh yeah im jun by the way currently 19."
Eden lowered her gun, and slid it into her jeans pocket, but she kept a hold of her switchblade just in case. "I've always been a hunter, so was my mum, and my grandmother, and her mother before her." She shrugged. "Now, are you going to let me kill you quietly and easily, so I can get back to killing more of you? Or are you going to put up a fight like the last lot did?" She asked wearily.
Jun looks surprised, He has been waiting for this chance since the day he left the vampires and he blurted it out, "Uh how about no, Buttttt could i be your partner????" He had a serious look on his face showing he wasn't joking. he held his gun up to his head "Ill end it now if not ill have nothing left, I already left those bastards."
Eden's eyebrows rose. "You really think I'll be partners with a vamp? I make my living killing you lot, and now you want to be partners with me?" She questioned, regarding him carefully. "Give me a while to think about it." She reluctantly acquiesced. A vampire on her side would make her hunts easier, and besides, she could use the company. "If I do decide to take you, I'll be waiting by the road sign just on the edge of town at 6pm today. If you're serious, I'll be there, but if you don't show by ten past, I'll be gone. Understand?"
"yup" Jun shakes his head vigorously, "But i have to pick up some stuff for hunting purposes hopefully i get to kill the shit out of stuff!" Jun walks away heading to an ally.
Eden watched him go, and only once he was out of sight and earshot, did she turn and walk back to her car. She put her switchblade back into her jeans and pocketed her gun. She got into the car, and let out a breath. A vampire. Wanted to be her partner. Whoa. This would be difficult, especially considering Eden's biggest secret which she had to keep a secret at all costs, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have some extra help sometimes.

She sat back in her seat, and closed her eyes as she visualised her happy place - keeping all other senses on full alert of course.
After 6:00 came and jun grabbed all his stuff he went to the sign right outside town and waited for the woman to come. I hope she comes.... He sits on the ground with 3 guns and iron knife and a bunch of bullets. Jun looks at the time 6:00 Right on schedule...
Eden drove towards the sign, and she spotted Jun sitting by it. She smiled, despite herself, and she slowed the car by the kerb next to him. "Come on, get in." She opened the passenger side door. "I've got a case in London, and I need to catch a flight there, so hurry up."
Jun gets in folding his umbrella his gold eyes shining "You know i wasn't lying about you being pretty.." Jun buckles his set belt and turns on the radio "lets go then"
Eden continued driving, but she glanced at Jun beside her. "So, how old are you really? You physically look 19, but I'm not stupid, I know you're way older."
"Actually i really am 19" He laughs a bit, "I'm not some old geyser who is like 341" He then takes out a small bottle and takes a sip out of it "Ya know not everyone is nice to a vampire thanks for trusting me.
"So you're only a baby vamp?" Eden grinned. "Well, you're brave for trusting a hunter like me. You never know, I could turn around and slice off your head at any time." She pointed out as they sped down the road.
"yes I know but to contrary belief im actually quite strong" He moves his finger from side to side and takes another sip out of the bottle leaving it 3 quarters full and closes it up.
"I could still bring you down easily." Eden shot back. "But if you earn my trust, then eventually I may tell you a secret. A big one." She paused the car at a traffic light, and ran a hand through her short brown hair. "So, where are you from originally? I'm from a place called Bradford, in Yorkshire - hence the British accent."
"That I dont really remember" He laughs nervously looking out the car window "I dont remember anything from the past 15 years of my life....... but ya know new things new memories" He looks out the window a sadness engraved in his eyes.
"I can't imagine not knowing myself for fifteen years. Not knowing my family..." Eden shook her head, and started driving again. "Well, from your accent, I'd assume you're definitely American, but I don't know where exactly."
"Well im fine with it i have me myself and *sighs* I" He makes a fake smile that is somewhat convincing and stares back out at the car window. "I have a bunch of money so dont worry about paying for my stuff" He holds out a wad of cash made up of 100 dollar bills "Dont quite remember where i got it Maybe I was a male stripper" He begins laughing.
"Or maybe you have loads of rich friends?" Eden grinned and flicked on the radio. One of her favourite songs came on, and she sang along to it, "Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done..."
Jun looks at her and sees the smile on her face Thats a real smile, I cant do that anymore..... Hes starts singing along also he cant quite catch it but it seems like he knew this song word for word.....
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