Hunter x Hunter: The Truth is There

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Room 1

Yassi had a look of triumph on his face as he swaggered his way behind Kyoko. "So easy, so easy~"

Room 2a

Th-this kinda stuff again... Recette sighed inwardly. Luckily it seemed pretty easy. Recette had a toy kind of like it when she was a toddler, in fact.

"This shouldn't be too hard!" Recette offered, thoguh she was hesitant to cross the border until she was sure Angel was prepared. "Ready?" she asked.

Room 3

Citali was quiet for a moment, before wondering, "Then...if no one's speaking, I imagine it's my choice?"

"That would be the case," Olkio noted.

Wordlessly, Citali stepped around the three, occasionally seeming to take note of them, but it was hard to be sure due to his blindfold. Finally, he pointed a finger at Ange. "You're the special agent girl? Come along then."

Room 4

Helen had a coy smile. "Hmm? Why are you asking? You get to choose, right?" Plodding along towards the door, she noted, "If you have power then you gotta use it, right? That's natural, isn't it?"

As she entered, she wondered, "But what do you know about Kyoko-chan that I wouldn't? Cept what you think about her, I guess."
Room 1:

Kyoko looks over the scene. The very first observation she makes is the most obvious, "This looks too easy to be true. Before we cross the barrier, do you have any sort of way to see what sort of traps are in the room? I can see there are panels on the wall that look like they open."

Room 2:

Angel adamantly disagrees, "Actually, this challenge looks fairly difficult. They have infrared lasers all over the room. It looks like a scene from Objective Impossible... I'm not sure why they are there, but I'd have to assume they are up to no good."

Room 3:

Ange is relieved that the reputation she developed during the exam actually ended up counting for something. It isn't often being outed as a secret agent ends up being a good thing. Walking into the room, Ange doesn't bother to read the message. Just from a quick survey of the room, she already understood what she needed to do in order to clear the objective. Looking to her partner, "Do you have a long piece of cloth?"

Room 4:

Kira takes hold of Helen's hand. I don't think I know anything special, I just noticed that she seems pretty special to you. It would probably be more interesting than talking about me anyway. I wanted to know what sort of relationship you two had. It looks like Kyoko trusts you, and you two are pretty cute together. Kira walks straight forward towards the shapes. She triggers the machine gun traps, but the weapon spread on the weapons are too great, allowing Kira's luck to make the bullets dance around her. Casually placing each of the shapes into their proper sockets, Kira seems like she is waiting for a response from Helen.
Room 1

"Huh?" Yassi blurted, a foot stepping through the barrier. 59...58...

Room 2

Recette blinked. "Eh?" Straining her eyes through the barrier, she was pretty sure that "There isn't anything like that in there. Is there?"

Room 3

Following along Citali wasted no time in undoing his blindfold, handing it to Ange, his eyes squinted closed. "Will this suffice?"

Room 4

Bullets firmly embedded into the wall, Helen started to relax a bit. The tripwire was well within her sight, but Kira's unflappable demeanor kept Helen from acting, and the bullets felw wide. Helen hadn't paid much attention to most other applicants, so this was new to her.

Regaining her composure, Helen bopped around the room, slipping through the tripwires, kicking or tossing the remaining plastic blocks to Kira so that she might deposit them in the wheel. She spoke, "Kyoko-chan's cute and strong, but she seems kind of...lost somehow. I think she'll get along with my family. A lot of them were lost too when I found them..." Shooting the last one over, Helen stopped, a bit conciously, as if she was about to say something she'd rather have not.
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Room 1

"Huh?" Yassi blurted, a foot stepping through the barrier. 59...58...

Room 2

Recette blinked. "Eh?" Straining her eyes through the barrier, she was pretty sure that "There isn't anything like that in there. Is there?"

Room 3

Following along Citali wasted no time in undoing his blindfold, handing it to Ange, his eyes squinted closed. "Will this suffice?" As he reached to hand it over to Ange, his foot came up to one of the trip wires, lightly brushing against it before he backed off. Head inclined down, he asked, "What was that?"

Room 4

Bullets firmly embedded into the wall, Helen started to relax a bit. The tripwire was well within her sight, but Kira's unflappable demeanor kept Helenw from acting, and the bullets felw wide. Helen hadn't paid much attention to most other applicants, so this was new to her.

Regaining her composure, Helen bopped around the room, slipping through the tripwires, kicking or tossing the remaining plastic blocks to Kira so that she might deposit them in the wheel. She spoke, "Kyoko-chan's cute and strong, but she seems kind of...lost somehow. I think she'll get along with my family. A lot of them were lost too when I found them..." Shooting the last one over, Helen stopped, a bit conciously, as if she was about to say something she'd rather have not.
Room 1

Seeing that Yassi did a dunderheaded move, Kyoko took to work gathering the shapes. Rather than take her time shifting through the traps, she pulled out her sharpwire shooter, and began to take out the sentries that were firing at her. When Kyoko sees that she won't be able to keep up with the rate of automatic fire, she shifts into rage mode, suddenly jumping with force into the ceiling, then rebounding towards the final sentry, smashing the industrial grade turret in just a moment. Looking irritatedly back at Yassi, she starts gathering the shapes scattered across the floor, placing them into the toy. It seemed she misjudged Yassi's skill.

Room 2

Angel shrugs, "If you doubt me, you could always just throw something in there and see what sort of traps it springs. The worst case scenario would be something that detonates the room."

Room 3

Grabbing hold of the blindfold, Ange lashes it out like a whip across the barrier, starting the timer. As she does so, the machine guns reveal themselves, shooting at the cloth, but missing their mark due to the small profile of the cloth and the high speed of the cloth. While the sentries are shooting, Ange commands, "Shoot those down."

Room 4

With the room all but cleared, Kira places the shapes in at a leisurely speed. "So you have that sort of impression about her? It is funny, I had a different take. When I see Kyoko, the first thing that I think is that she seems to be enjoying herself. You can tell that she has something big at stake with this hunter exam since she always takes the phases so seriously, but you see a different side of her outside of the tests. It is almost like someone watching their first sunset. I can't really get a read on her."
Room 1

Yassi flinched at Kyoko's fury, but aside from turning away awkwardly, he did little to help. Kyoko pretty much had it in the bag anyway.

Room 2

Pouting at Angel, Recette huffed, "Well, the burden of proof lies with you. Besides, I'm not sacrificing my briefcase." Trying not to get to proud about herself for her cunning, she said, "If you're so sure, then you can just do the thing you did-"

Wait. Recette stopped herself. Angel could take control of her, but...what was there a rule saying they both had to survive the room? Recette paused on that.

Room 3

Whipping out his bow, Citali knocked an arrow, loosing it quickly. Before it hit home, he already had another one, pulling back the drawstring. Firing the second arrow, it was moments before the two turrets were down, the metal tipped arrows piercing the more delicate parts of the machinery. As there were more to deal with, he kept it up, warning Ange, "Keep your steps loud and don't fall into my arrow's path if you're going to move."

Room 4

"Hmm, maybe," Helen said, a bit dismissively. As Kira finished, the challenge being completed. Hopping over, she seemed to pay the room behind her no mind, focusing on what was to come next.
Room 1

Yassi flinched at Kyoko's fury, but aside from turning away awkwardly, he did little to help. Kyoko pretty much had it in the bag anyway.

Room 2

Pouting at Angel, Recette huffed, "Well, the burden of proof lies with you. Besides, I'm not sacrificing my briefcase." Trying not to get to proud about herself for her cunning, she said, "If you're so sure, then you can just do the thing you did-"

Wait. Recette stopped herself. Angel could take control of her, but...what was there a rule saying they both had to survive the room? Recette paused on that.

Room 3

Whipping out his bow, Citali knocked an arrow, loosing it quickly. Before it hit home, he already had another one, pulling back the drawstring. Firing the second arrow, it was moments before the two turrets were down, the metal tipped arrows piercing the more delicate parts of the machinery. As there were more to deal with, he kept it up, warning Ange, "Keep your steps loud and don't fall into my arrow's path if you're going to move."

Room 4

"Hmm, maybe," Helen said, a bit dismissively. As Kira finished, the challenge being completed. Hopping over, she seemed to pay the room behind her no mind, focusing on what was to come next.
Room 1

Kyoko quickly finishes the task, and walks out before Yassi. She would definitely avoid picking him for the next round of challenges.

Room 2

Angel sighs, "If what you meant was controlling you to set off the alarms, then I'm going to remind you that I'm not about to kill you off just to prove a point. If you insist though..." Angel once again causes Recette to lose volition of her body. Angel makes Recette unload a single bullet from her gun, taking hold of it in her hand. She then restores control to Recette, throwing out the bullet into one of the beams. Angel calls out, "Be ready for anything." At this moment, the sentries pop out of the wall, loosing their fire at the poor bullet.

Angel comments, "And now we know what we are up against. But the timer has started as well." Angel jumps out into the room, dancing around the infrared lasers as if she could see them. "I'm going to stealth my way to clearing this challenge. If you think you can help, do whatever you can."

Room 3

Ange pays Citali heed, but also pulls out her sniper rifle to join the effort in taking out the turrets. Keeping out of Citali's line of fire proves simple enough, but dealing with the turrets proves more difficult. She was able to take out another 3 before the retreated back into the wall due to nothing triggering the traps. Between the two of them, there was only one turret left to disable. With just the one remaining, Ange stepped forward, deliberately into the trap, and manages to prefire her snipe rifle at just the right moment to destroy the sentry in the .01 seconds it uses to deploy.
Room 2

Recette shuddered. She was actually thinking Angel could take control of Recette and get through the task that way, but if she was just going to do it herself then more power to her. It wasn't that Recette didn't want to do anything: more that she really couldn't...

Room 3


After a moment, Citali asked, "Now what? Was that all of them?" Alas, as the blocks hadn't moved, he had no idea of their existence.
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Room 2

Angel eventually collects all the pieces and assembles them into their positions all on her own. Although it would have been easy for her to berate Recette for her complete lack of contribution, Angel doesn't speak a word about this. Instead, she brings up a completely different topic. Passionlessly, "I don't know why, but it frustrates me that we don't get along. Did I ever do something to lose your trust, or earn your contempt?"

Room 3

Ange relays responsively, "All targets neutralized. All that remains is to gather the pieces and complete the objective." Ange collects the children's toys and assembles them into the machine with ease. Without the turrets, the task was literally child's play. Moving on without another word to Citali, Ange enters into the next waiting room.
Room 3

"I must say, I'm glad this is a two person exercise," Citali admitted. Given that Ange wasn't moving much consdiering the time limit, the task beyond the turrents was not the most difficult it seemed...

Room 2

Looking a bit downcast, Recette awkwardly fidgited as she entered, the room disarmed. She responded meekly, "'s not like it's just one thing that you did, or anything..."

Recette let herself think about it for a few moments, trying to articulate it, before she explained, "I know you won't take control of me, but the fact that you could doesn't help."

The floodgates were open. " am I supposed to feel? You're just so much stronger than me. Kyoko is too, but..." Recette stopped. She had thought she knew what she was going to say, but it came out wrong...yet right... Whay was she so awkward around Angel but not Kyoko?

"...I guess it's just...we're all rivals. If it was me against you I know it wouldn't work, and with Kyoko...I've managed it before, barely. Here, actually." Clutching her head, she babbled, "You're all supposed to be my rivals but I don't even know how I got this far at this point..."

Recette wasn't liking the ways her mind was going. Was she more afraid of Angel or Helen because she knew they wouldn't as easily have her back? But didn't that just mean Kyoko was just a safety net to her?

But with Kyoko...

"I guess I'm just being selfish. I mean, Kyoko's way stronger than me. Everyone left here is. But with Kyoko, part of me sometimes thinks she might...need me, in some ways."

After so much ranting, Recette finally had a satisfactory answer for Angel, asking, "Have I done anything to earn your trust?"
Initially, Angel seemed quite surprised by Recette's sudden outburst of emotion. This probably was the most communication she had with Recette throughout this entire hunter exam. It would be more accurate to say that this was the first time communication took place in good faith. Angel's past as The Anomaly naturally came with it a familiarity with being feared, held at a distance. Angel spoke without thinking first, "I'm happy, that you didn't think I was a freak."

Collecting herself, Angel developed a proper response to Recette's feelings. "Recette, there are many things more powerful than me. In fact, usually when I see someone powerful, the first thing I ask myself is, 'what sorts of sacrifices did they have to make to obtain that?'" Angel looks towards Recette with a sharp passion in her eyes, "When I look at you, I see an ordinary girl undergoing an extraordinary struggle. You have something that nobody else here has. Most hunters make it this far because they gave up something precious to get here. Childhood, a normal life, money, loved ones, eyesight, humanity... Everyone but you lost at least one these as the price of power. You got here because you don't want to lose something. And when people see that in you, they empathize with you, envy you, want to protect you, want to know that someone won't have to suffer like they did. Even if you aren't powerful, you represent something that everyone wants to succeed. That is what you provide to Kyoko. And that is what you've done to earn my trust."
Recette tried, but she couldn't help but blush a bit. Scratching her head, she didn't comment further, instead taking a breath.

"I'm glad you feel that way but... I mean, you trust me, so it's not that I can't trust you, it's just that I can't trust that you can trust me."


"Er, I mean like, I'm not really reliable at times like these. I haven't really shown that I can, er, bring anything to the table that you can't." Smiling, Recette figured, "I think you're wrong to trust me at the moment, but maybe someday I can prove myself wrong."
Angel starts walking towards the door, seemingly not about to respond to Recette's final comments. But as the door starts to close, Angel looks over her shoulder and smiles, "I guess you will just have to fake it till you make it."
Recette couldn't help but smile as she made to follow Angel. A part of her was amazed though.

So she can tell jokes!

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3
Jax Spencer
Jack Guy

Room 4
Santiago Lopez
Hondo Daemon

Room 1

Kyoko seems ecstatic when she sees that Helen and Recette were both in the same room. Kyoko didn't have a strong attachment to Kira, but she definitely didn't dislike her. Anyone she paired with her would likely result in an easy and fun challenge. However, it looked like it would be Kira who chooses this time around.

Room 2

Angel's good mood quickly turned sour when she entered the room with Sybil already there waiting for her. Just the thought of being forced to pair up with her made her stomach churn. But, Angel needed to ensure she had an insurance plan for her partner, even if that person happened to be Sybil, which is what led her to enter the room in enhanced Zetsu. Touching both Oliko and Sybil, Angel gets surprised out of enhanced zetsu when she notices Olkio look right in her direction. He clearly didn't know she was there, but that sort of reaction... Did he... Angel noted that she would need to ascertain this information later, and instead acted naturally to avoid revealing her manipulation.
Room 1

Coming out into the next room, Recette froze, disoriented. Angel was gone. On the plus side, she recognized everyone here!

Her smile was largely directed at Kyoko, but she waved a hand, greeting, "Yo!" Glancing at her ring, she realized it wasn't lit up, but Kira's was.

Room 2

As the room finally filled out, the ring of the decide blinking to life, Yassi glanced down to see the change. A grin formed on his protruding jaw, and he couldn't help but repeat, "Easy, easy~"

Shifty eyes gazing around, Yassi's eyes hit The Anomaly, lingering for a moment before turning to Sybil, who was doing that thing where you have your arms crossed and aren't looking towards anyone else. Or maybe she was just avoiding...Yassi didn't care.

"You," Yassi decided, pointing at Olkio. The two turned, heading through the door, leaving Angel stuck with Sybil, who exhaled audibly.
Room 1

Kira, seeing that she once again ended up with the power of choice, smiled as she finally got a chance to do something she had been looking forward to doing since the very early phases. Pointing out Recette out of the group, Kira declares, "I'm picking you for this round."

Room 2

Angel's face immediately contorts into a scowl when she sees that she got singled out with Sybil. To make matters worse, she could have prevented this outcome if she had managed to touch Yassi while she remained undetected. However, Angel couldn't complain too much considering a pairing with Yassi could very well cost her the exam. Sybil was a lot of things, but she was at least competent. Besides, maybe she could make the most of this encounter. Controlling Sybil felt oddly satisfying.
Room 1 Group A

"...Hmm?" Recette blinked, before Kira's choice sank in. "Ah, ah? Well, I guess..."

Flashes of her fresh conversation with Angel coming to mind, Recette made towards the door along with Kira, giving a brief wave to Kyoko. Maybe next time...

Room 2 Group B

Dropping her sunglasses over her eyes, Sybil casually took her submachine gun from where it laid on her lower back, holding it as she turned to the door. Grip tight, she said, "You seem to dislike me more than I do you. I'd prefer if we kept things civil for the next five minutes, if you can manage."
Challenge 2
For the second challenge, the groups find a set up similar to the last room. The shape of the room was the same, and it still had the entry sensor with a timer. However, this time instead of blocks assorted across the chamber, there were various robots with stalls, each selling different wares. In the middle of the room, there is a table with 5000 Zeni. Like this first entry sensor, this too had a message explaining the challenge. "To make the exit door open, you must find a way to obtain three articles of clothing from the robot vendors without stealing, then wear them by the time the timer reaches zero. These items must be worn for the duration of the phase. Each of these vendors is programmed with a unique personality, and may require different means of convincing into a good deal. You will have 15 minutes to complete this challenge once you break this barrier. Good luck

Room 1A (Recette, Kira)
Reading over the message, Kira looks over to Recette. "So, looks like this challenge is going to be mostly about negotiation. It reminds me of the last phase in a way. We should each take half, try to get one item on our own, and then pool whatever we have left in order to try to get one more item."

Room 1B (Kyoko, Helen)
Kyoko seemed quite happy to be paired with someone so capable and friendly. Clinging to Helen's arm, Kyoko called out, "Onee-chan!" Beaming with happiness, "I'm happy that I get to do a challenge with my big sis. My last challenge I got paired with Yassi, and it was terrible. If you ever see him, just run. He was just the worst. He ended up making me do all the work."

Room 2B (Angel, Sybil)
Angel rolls her eyes at Sybil's suggestion that she was incapable of remaining civil. Though, ultimately there wasn't a real reason to act civil with Sybil. At this point, she had the power to do whatever she wanted with her, and she would not make another mistake like she did with Yassi, so there was no chance that she'd get paired with her again this phase. Plus, it seemed like Sybil was under the impression that she had the power to control this situation. It might be fun to exploit that notion. "I think that we express our dislike of others in much different ways. Perhaps it has something to do with having a shred of human empathy."

Angel moves on to reach the room, and immediately scowls at the objective. While Angel would loath to admit it, this challenge was perfectly suited for Sybil. Unlike Angel who has relied primarily on nen use to manipulate people into doing what she liked, Sybil dealt with business matters all the time. Meanwhile, Angel could barely get someone to approach her, much less convince them into anything. Controlling Sybil would only hurt her chances since the robots weren't something she could manipulate with her ability. Coldly, "So, what is the plan?"
Room 1A

Recette nodded. "Sounds good!"

Taking up her half of the money, a part of her wondered if she would get to keep the change... Though ideally if she got through the Exam she wouldn't need to worry about that any more!

Though thinking about Kira, Recette couldn't help but imagine her finacial situation. Brushing that from her mind, she looked over to the barrier, before turning back to Kira, wondering, "Er...why did you pick me? I mean, to be fair I have a better chance at this task than I did at the last one, and...oh man I hope Kyoko and Helen do okay. But still, it's not like you knew..." Recette gave Kira a look, almost doubtful as she wondered, "R-right?"

Room 1B

"Ah, isn't that awful?" Helen noted as she moved on to the challenge.

Reading the placard, Helen looked at the money before muttering, "Do you think the robots give in to pain? Otherwise I'm not sure how much I can do..." After a moment, she sighed, resting one hand on the side of her face, muttering, "What to do..."

Room 2B

"The word you're looking for his sympathy. Sympathy is when you personally feel another's emotions. Empathy is being capable of understanding how another feels. For example, by that biting little remark, I can tell...nothing I didn't already know."

Moving on, the two looked over their challenge. Sybil had a haughty smile as she finished. At Angel's understandable hesitance, Sybil took up the money, heading for the barrier. "You stay right there." Sybil chortled, "I'm sure I'll get right along with these robots. We have the same range of feelings towards humans, don't we?"
Room 1A

Recette nodded. "Sounds good!"

Taking up her half of the money, a part of her wondered if she would get to keep the change... Though ideally if she got through the Exam she wouldn't need to worry about that any more!

Though thinking about Kira, Recette couldn't help but imagine her finacial situation. Brushing that from her mind, she looked over to the barrier, before turning back to Kira, wondering, "Er...why did you pick me? I mean, to be fair I have a better chance at this task than I did at the last one, and...oh man I hope Kyoko and Helen do okay. But still, it's not like you knew..." Recette gave Kira a look, almost doubtful as she wondered, "R-right?"

Room 1B

"Ah, isn't that awful?" Helen noted as she moved on to the challenge.

Reading the placard, Helen looked at the money before muttering, "Do you think the robots give in to pain? Otherwise I'm not sure how much I can do..." After a moment, she sighed, resting one hand on the side of her face, muttering, "What to do..."

Room 2B

"The word you're looking for his sympathy. Sympathy is when you personally feel another's emotions. Empathy is being capable of understanding how another feels. For example, by that biting little remark, I can tell...nothing I didn't already know."

Moving on, the two looked over their challenge. Sybil had a haughty smile as she finished. At Angel's understandable hesitance, Sybil took up the money, heading for the barrier. "You stay right there." Sybil chortled, "I'm sure I'll get right along with these robots. We have the same range of feelings towards humans, don't we?"
Room 1A

Kira gave Recette a sly smile, "Well, I couldn't say I picked you because I thought you'd be the most reliable partner. It ended up being the correct choice, but one way or another, I think things would have worked out anyway. I actually choose you because I wanted a chance to talk to you alone. If I didn't pick you now, I just felt like I'd never get another chance."

Looking at her half of the currency, Kira notices that one of the bills had a rare misprint. This sort of misprint sold to collectors for far greater than the face of the bill. Rather than 2500 zeni, she would be working with 7500 just on her own. Informing Recette that she didn't get a fair share of the funds, Kira gives Recette an extra 2000 zeni, leaving the 500 zeni misprinted bill (worth 5500) to herself.

Room 1B

Kyoko takes Helen's shoulder to stop her from crossing the barrier and starting the timer. Concerned, "Onee-chan, we need to avoid using violence at first. I can't do everything by myself, but I know how you can help. I need to know what each robot is selling at what price. I want you to take the left side of the room, and I'll take the right side. After we get an idea of who has the lowest prices and who has the most room to negotiate, then I'll focus our efforts on the few items we have a chance of getting."

Room 2B

Angel remains perfectly silent. Looking over the vendors wares, Angel intends to at least be useful in scouting the vendors and personalities. If she was going to deal with Sybil, it would be on her terms.
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