Hunter x Hunter: The Truth is There

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As Kyoko finished up, Recette realized, Well, at least if she strips again, swimsuits are better than underwear..."

Once that was done, Recette checked her watch to see they had some time left before the Exam, but there was nothing in particular they needed to do. Recette suggested, "We should probably head back. This isn't exactly something you want to run too close to the clock with."


Some time later, about twenty minutes to the start of the Exam, Recette and Kyoko returned to the karaoke bar, asking for Wester's room and taking the elevator. On the trip down, Recette pulled badge 254 out, placing it on her breast, before handing badge 253 off to Kyoko.

Once the elevator reached the bottom, the two headed out, but no one was on their way up. The underground chamber was more full than before, the group of hunter prospects, each of them no doubt incredibly skilled, leering about, creating a rather tense aura. How many of them could have torn through those challenges Recette and Kyoko had to face. How many of them did? More than 250 of them arrived here before them without the help of teleportation...

Swallowing, Recette began to sweat a bit, reality of her situation sinking in as her hands trembled a bit.
As Kyoko finished up, Recette realized, Well, at least if she strips again, swimsuits are better than underwear..."

Once that was done, Recette checked her watch to see they had some time left before the Exam, but there was nothing in particular they needed to do. Recette suggested, "We should probably head back. This isn't exactly something you want to run too close to the clock with."


Some time later, about twenty minutes to the start of the Exam, Recette and Kyoko returned to the karaoke bar, asking for Wester's room and taking the elevator. On the trip down, Recette pulled badge 254 out, placing it on her breast, before handing badge 253 off to Kyoko.

Once the elevator reached the bottom, the two headed out, but no one was on their way up. The underground chamber was more full than before, the group of hunter prospects, each of them no doubt incredibly skilled, leering about, creating a rather tense aura. How many of them could have torn through those challenges Recette and Kyoko had to face. How many of them did? More than 250 of them arrived here before them without the help of teleportation...

Swallowing, Recette began to sweat a bit, reality of her situation sinking in as her hands trembled a bit.
On the way to the exam site, Kyoko takes a small amount of time to also switch her outerwear. With her sister's graphic T-shirt and skirt worse for wear, she swaps them out for yet another anime character she found recognizable.
For the bottoms, she opted for a purple circle skirt. Might this be the only form of fashion Kyoko was capable of?

Regardless there was not time to ponder this, as the hunter exam was imminent. Badges at the ready, Kyoko and Recette re-enter the exam site. Kyoko began to twinge with excitement. She had been waiting, practicing to defeat this exam almost from her very conception. Kyoko almost leaped into the air victoriously, but then she caught notice of Recette's hand, trembling. Still feeling a bit pumped, Kyoko takes hold of Recette's hand, trying to allow her own confidence to somehow transfer itself into Recette. "Want to get something to drink before we start?"

Though, a certain infamous newbie killer heard this remark. Feigning kindness, he rushes to the girl's aid. "I heard that someone might be a bit thirsty, would either of you two fine ladies care for a drink. I only have these boxes of extremely powerful laxatives apple juice, but you are free to take them."

Pretending to act surprised, "Are you two new here? It has been a while since I've seen applicants as young as you girls."
Hand joined with Kyoko's Recette took a deep breath...but it didn't seem to help a whole lot.

However, the appearance of a portly man in blue with brown hair, a bit of gray at the sideburns shaking a few boxes of juice took her attention. A bit gingerly, Recette took one of the juice boxes, but didn't move to take a drink. "J-just a bit nervous, I think," she admitted. Looking up at the badge on his chest, reading number 11, Recette managed to avoid flinching: this guy was probably something despite looking like a middle aged lump.

Though as far as appearances went, the gloomy Recette standing next to Kyoko and her boundless enthusiasm, the pair couldn't look much more like opposites.
Hand joined with Kyoko's Recette took a deep breath...but it didn't seem to help a whole lot.

However, the appearance of a portly man in blue with brown hair, a bit of gray at the sideburns shaking a few boxes of juice took her attention. A bit gingerly, Recette took one of the juice boxes, but didn't move to take a drink. "J-just a bit nervous, I think," she admitted. Looking up at the badge on his chest, reading number 11, Recette managed to avoid flinching: this guy was probably something despite looking like a middle aged lump.

Though as far as appearances went, the gloomy Recette standing next to Kyoko and her boundless enthusiasm, the pair couldn't look much more like opposites.
Kyoko took the apple juice quite happily. She had no reason to expect ill will from this man, so she swiftly tore off the straw and stuck it into the covering. To this, Kyoko paused. Although there certainly attempts to hide the scent, Kyoko knew there was something wrong with the juice from the very moment that she unsealed it. Kyoko actually was thirsty, and was looking forward to the drink, so she held a slight bitterness towards this lump of a man. Regardless, it didn't seem like Recette wanted any part of this drink, and she still wanted to play along for information.

Playing it off as though she was simply distracted from taking a sip. "So mister, you look like you've been around for a while. Do you know anything about the major competition for this exam?"
Scratching his nose, the portly man man agreed, "You bet I've been around for a while: I'm coming up on forty attempts at the Exam."

Recette gagged on her spit, before blurting, " haven't you passed yet?"

The man admitted with a laugh, "Bad luck, mostly, but it is kind of my fault. I think I spend more time paying attention to other upcoming Hunters than training! But enough about me." Turning to look, he began gesturing around at several of the figures waiting or leering.

Passing by, a balding man in a vest and shorts scratched at his defined chin, his form somewhat muscular, a sturdy looking hammer hanging by his leg, badge on his vest. "That old guy, number 199, is Bann: he's a famous smithy from the West. He's picky though: you've already got to be made if you want one of his weapons."

Recette froze as he moved to a familiar looking man: huge and burly, his hair short and blonde, a badge and a red striped button up shirt, one button missing, over his torso. "That's Laowa 'The Man', number 307, a mob bodyguard, some say hitman." Recette's eye twitched as he made eye contact, a glare coming to his face. It turned out 'the man' from the bus was, well, 'The Man'.

"And then there's those show offs," he sighed, gesturing to the only table in the otherwise plain underground room. Sitting at the table surrounded by a few men in suits was a woman, a dark feathered scarf over the shoulders of her pinstripe suit, reading a book casually, sunglasses resting on her forehead among her black bangs. "That's Sybil Kurda, number 210, one of the youngest and most successful CEO's in the world. She probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for her men with her, numbers 211 to 214, but it's technically not against the rules if they all made it." Recette grimaced: bending the rules sounded just like a sneaky CEO now, didn't it?

"Oh, where was...yeah, him!" The helpful man said, pointing at a man with long hair and reddish skin dressed in tan leathers, a bow over his back, eyes closed as he relaxed. "Number 43, Citali. Dunno if he's a terrorist or a freedom fighter, but he's here.

While the helper looked around for more, a cloaked man, seen once before on the runaway bus, badge 128 on his hood stopped nearby, giving a quick wave to Kyoko, before moving on.

"Oh yeah, 96, there?" Recette's heart skipped a beat when she saw something strangely familiar. I was a girl with longish hair, a skirt, and a short sleeved shirt depicting a design Recette couldn't really make out at this distance. However, on closer look, she was a bit taller than Recette, had medium length light blue hair, some of it bunched up into a side ponytail. Her skirt was navy blue and went to her knees while her shirt was yellow. The man looked between her and Kyoko before wondering, "I don't know who she is. Would you, by chance?"

"By chance..." Recette muttered, before holding her juice box to the side as she pointed out, "We don't know you are yet, really."

He simply shrugged, "We never really got to introductions..." Taking a juice box separate from the ones he'd offered the girls, he took a deep sip from the straw before letting out a satisfied sigh of relief. "Now where was I?"
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Kyoko too laughed as the man admitted to having taken the exam so many times. His relatively low number likely has less to do with his strength, and more to do with experience. After all, this was only her first hunter exam, and Kyoko already noted several ways that she could have arrived on site faster. Though, Kyoko did take a mental note that people with low numbers were more likely to be skilled with tracking, traversal, and more likely to have previously attempted the exam. Regardless, Kyoko pays close attention to the man. Although he had proven himself to be dishonest, being able to share this kind of information was likely an ego thing. Kyoko put the pieces together fairly quickly that the reason this man has taken the exam such a large number of times was due to focusing all his efforts on making upcoming hunters fail. In fact, Kyoko had a preponderance of an idea that he would even be willing to deliberately sabotage his own attempt if it meant failing others. Kyoko would need to keep an eye on him so that he wouldn't be given such a chance.

As the portly man begins to point out people from the crowd, Kyoko takes mental notes about each of them that extends far beyond the facts that are being told. Factors such as how they walk, hand dominance, walking gait, weapon, wingspan, breast size, and a number of other details. Kyoko was particularly happy to see the man that she teased had made it this far. She waves towards him as though he was a friend alongside 128. The biggest reaction was most certainly that of the stylish number 96. Kyoko couldn't really commend the colors and designs, but it felt nice to see that she wasn't the only one who saw the advantages that this combination of clothing provided. Although Kyoko had no indication nor confirmation, she could tell that she would be running into her again.
The man continued on to list a few more hunters of note.

Ange Smith: Number 101. Age 26. An ex-special ops agent. Although physically above average compared to regular folk, by hunter standards her physical prowess is somewhat below average. Her true strength lies in her resourcefulness. Her survival and tracking skills are also nothing to sneeze at. If you fight her, keep the fight nearby or she'll pull out her sniper rifle.

Matheus Diaz: Number 215. Age 23. Currently a famous boxer. He took his place as number one boxer in the world due to his insane punching speed, dash speed, and his ability to read the body movements of his opponents. Ever since learning that there exists an underground league in which hunters compete at levels far beyond that which is broadcasted, he has redoubled his training to take on the hunter exam. This is his third attempt.

Kira Miraku: Number 4. Age 26. A ruthless gambler who many claim is favored by the gods. Although she is certainly strong in terms of her kinetic vision, and possesses a deceiving amount of strength, what is truly terrifying about Kira is her sheer unpredictability. Despite making reckless choices seemingly at random, events that she couldn't possibly know about seem to conspire to make those choices correct. Her most recent example was purchasing a plane ticket and walking into the exam site shortly after the announcement after she got lost trying to find her hotel room. She actually had no intention to take the exam this year, but after finding the exam site she figured that it would make for a good vacation.

The Anomaly: Number 1. Age unknown. Little is known about The Anomaly's identity; however, she is this year's favorite to win. She one upped Kira by arriving at the exam site not only before the announcement, but also before the exam staff. People call her The Anomaly due to her nearly supernatural behavior. Despite never speaking a single word, she can communicate with others simply by looking at them. She is completely unsuited to be a hunter in terms of physical ability, but whenever this becomes an obstacle, she manages to get someone to help her merely by touching them. Sometimes just her gaze has the power to stop someone in their tracks. She does not fight, nor carry any weapons, but this has never prevented her from accomplishing any task.
While Kyoko seemed as unflappable as ever, Recette's shoulders slumped and slumped with each name the introduction the man gave, getting way too into it. What little of her confidence that had resurfaced had now been quashed down once again. Bopping the juice box to her head, she moped, "What am I going to do against all these weirdos?"

The man sighed, "Well, you have to excel in a number of things to become a Hunter: some people are missing skills or smarts. They change the Examiners every year which changes the tasks."

Recette's eye twitched as she muttered, "I get that you're trying to help bu who are you!?"

"Oh, my name's Tonpa!" he finally said. Looking around as the noise level steadily increased, he noticed, "We're probably starting soon; everyone's getting antsy..." Lifting his drink, he went to take another sip.
While Kyoko seemed as unflappable as ever, Recette's shoulders slumped and slumped with each name the introduction the man gave, getting way too into it. What little of her confidence that had resurfaced had now been quashed down once again. Bopping the juice box to her head, she moped, "What am I going to do against all these weirdos?"

The man sighed, "Well, you have to excel in a number of things to become a Hunter: some people are missing skills or smarts. They change the Examiners every year which changes the tasks."

Recette's eye twitched as she muttered, "I get that you're trying to help bu who are you!?"

"Oh, my name's Tonpa!" he finally said. Looking around as the noise level steadily increased, he noticed, "We're probably starting soon; everyone's getting antsy..." Lifting his drink, he went to take another sip.
Kyoko looks over the rest of the hunters Tonpa introduces with interest. It seemed like each of them had their own unique skills, but none impressed her more than The Anomaly. Although she seemed cold and disinterested in her surroundings, The Anomaly actually reminded Kyoko of her sister to a degree. Plus, Kyoko could tell that this was someone that she actually would not be able to defeat in a fair fight. Kyoko didn't know how to feel about encountering someone more powerful than herself, but ultimately Kyoko wasn't the type to worry about such things. Rather, Kyoko just remembered how thirsty she was. Tonpa's juicebox was right there, and it had actual apple juice in it. Since he gave us this fake apple juice he probably wouldn't mind.

Kyoko darts in to take a big sip out of Tonpa's juicebox. The result was a rather hilarious expression coming across Tonpa's face. It was as if Kyoko singlehandedly destroyed his entire sense of reality as he wondered for a few moments if this was something that was actually happening. He wasn't a lolicon having some sort of sexual hallucination right? As he stood dumbfounded, he pinched his arm. On confirming this was actually happening, Tonpa cries out in shock and mild irritation, "Why would you even do that? I gave you a perfectly good box of apple juice, and you drink the one I was just in the middle of drinking? Did anyone teach you any manners at all?"
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Grabbing Kyoko by the shoulders, Recette suggested, "Probably not." Hoping not to offend, one hand gave Kyoko a light pat on the head before Recette moved to guide her away, wishing to Tonpa, "Good luck then!"

Looking down at Kyoko once they were separated, she wondered, "What was that about anyway?"

Unfortunately, Kyoko wouldn't be able to answer immediately. A high pitched noise resounded through the chamber. Voices were silenced and heads turned, some narrowing straight to the source, while others looked around a bit more aimless.

"Now that more than a few of you have noticed..." came a voice from above. Recette looked up, eyes widening as she saw a figure on the dark ceiling, somehow suspended in the air, feet against the stone. He had no shirt over his dark skinned torso, spectacles over his eyes, short crimson hair, and white shorts, a black clarinet in hand. Falling, he flipped in midair before landing, holding his instrument to the side as he adjusted his spectacles, concluding, "Registration's up! We're capped out at 337 applicants. I expected more, to be honest."

Waving his hand, he beckoned, "Right this way ladies and gents."

Swallowing, Recette made sure she had everything in hand: briefcase, pistol, Kyoko... Trying to calm her nerves Recette popped the straw into her juice box before muttering, "I think I made a mistake..."
Grabbing Kyoko by the shoulders, Recette suggested, "Probably not." Hoping not to offend, one hand gave Kyoko a light pat on the head before Recette moved to guide her away, wishing to Tonpa, "Good luck then!"

Looking down at Kyoko once they were separated, she wondered, "What was that about anyway?"

Unfortunately, Kyoko wouldn't be able to answer immediately. A high pitched noise resounded through the chamber. Voices were silenced and heads turned, some narrowing straight to the source, while others looked around a bit more aimless.

"Now that more than a few of you have noticed..." came a voice from above. Recette looked up, eyes widening as she saw a figure on the dark ceiling, somehow suspended in the air, feet against the stone. He had no shirt over his dark skinned torso, spectacles over his eyes, short crimson hair, and white shorts, a black clarinet in hand. Falling, he flipped in midair before landing, holding his instrument to the side as he adjusted his spectacles, concluding, "Registration's up! We're capped out at 337 applicants. I expected more, to be honest."

Waving his hand, he beckoned, "Right this way ladies and gents."

Swallowing, Recette made sure she had everything in hand: briefcase, pistol, Kyoko... Trying to calm her nerves Recette popped the straw into her juice box before muttering, "I think I made a mistake..."
Unfortunately for Recette, her check for Kyoko ended up being a failure. Despite having just recently been scolded, she had already grown curious of the people that she had been introduced to. Kyoko fortunately wasn't out of sight nor heading in the wrong direction, but it was clear that she was moving directly towards The Anomaly despite having just been warned about the dangers of being near her. The danger of being near her was made even more obvious due to the fact that in a room crowded with people in a disorganized mess, The Anomaly alone had a good 3 feet of clearance on all sides of her.
Letting out a whine, Recette moved over to Kyoko, grasping her shoulders and guiding her path away from number one. "Kyoko she's dangerous..."

Ahead, the man in charge seemed to be heading for a narrow passage, the walls forming a perfect square from their tan and yellow sandstone. He began to speed up, explaining, "The 293rd​ Hunter Exam begins now. You can call me Bass. Not that you'll be seeing much more of me." His words were loud and clear as they echoed behind, displaying a mastery of acoustics, but Bass simply got faster and faster, the group hurriedly keeping after him. The countless bodies moving meant that there was and increase in heat, a few started falling, having been jostled aside by the tougher competitors, such as Laowa.

A long staircase eventually greeting them, Bass not even slowing. Towards the back, Recette seemed fine as she ascended the steps: that sauna seemed to ensure she didn't have to worry about sore muscles from all the effort yesterday. Her heart swelled: maybe she could do this after all!

At the top of the stairwell was light. Breaking free, Recette almost gagged as she took a breath of hot air. Following hte crowd, she joined the crowd as everyone was filtered onto a path of desert sand. The sun beamed down, and already Examinees were changing up their outfits for the heat. Two large doors were wide open from the mouth they came from, and the buildings of Rindo were not far behind them, but ahead all that could be seen was endless dunes.

At the center, Bass began, "Alright, welcome to the Occa Desert: the setting for the First Phase. Looks a little boring, but I assure you, some of you won't make it to the end, if you survive in the first place. Hope you boned up on your maps! You're all going to need to find the 'apex' of the Occa Desert." Turning, he finished, "Better hurry: you have five hours, and the edge of the desert is more than a few days away."

Twirling his clarinet, Bass said, "Of course, you could try to follow me...good luck!" Casually, Bass began to walk, hands slipped into his pockets.

While he moved, a few followed slowly. Others bolted off in the direction he was going, while some consulted materials, be it maps or phones. Recette simply stared for a moment.

Blinking as a gust of wind blew some sand into her eyes, some of it sticking to her sweaty skin, she turned to Kyoko, asking, "Hey...there isn't an interview at all, is there?"
Letting out a whine, Recette moved over to Kyoko, grasping her shoulders and guiding her path away from number one. "Kyoko she's dangerous..."

Ahead, the man in charge seemed to be heading for a narrow passage, the walls forming a perfect square from their tan and yellow sandstone. He began to speed up, explaining, "The 293rd​ Hunter Exam begins now. You can call me Bass. Not that you'll be seeing much more of me." His words were loud and clear as they echoed behind, displaying a mastery of acoustics, but Bass simply got faster and faster, the group hurriedly keeping after him. The countless bodies moving meant that there was and increase in heat, a few started falling, having been jostled aside by the tougher competitors, such as Laowa.

A long staircase eventually greeting them, Bass not even slowing. Towards the back, Recette seemed fine as she ascended the steps: that sauna seemed to ensure she didn't have to worry about sore muscles from all the effort yesterday. Her heart swelled: maybe she could do this after all!

At the top of the stairwell was light. Breaking free, Recette almost gagged as she took a breath of hot air. Following hte crowd, she joined the crowd as everyone was filtered onto a path of desert sand. The sun beamed down, and already Examinees were changing up their outfits for the heat. Two large doors were wide open from the mouth they came from, and the buildings of Rindo were not far behind them, but ahead all that could be seen was endless dunes.

At the center, Bass began, "Alright, welcome to the Occa Desert: the setting for the First Phase. Looks a little boring, but I assure you, some of you won't make it to the end, if you survive in the first place. Hope you boned up on your maps! You're all going to need to find the 'apex' of the Occa Desert." Turning, he finished, "Better hurry: you have five hours, and the edge of the desert is more than a few days away."

Twirling his clarinet, Bass said, "Of course, you could try to follow me...good luck!" Casually, Bass began to walk, hands slipped into his pockets.

While he moved, a few followed slowly. Others bolted off in the direction he was going, while some consulted materials, be it maps or phones. Recette simply stared for a moment.

Blinking as a gust of wind blew some sand into her eyes, some of it sticking to her sweaty skin, she turned to Kyoko, asking, "Hey...there isn't an interview at all, is there?"
jsjfjeiierngergnregneknsekng fjdjjrkksfo, fidnvne owjfke skjfnv gfvrisv sjfdfoovl qourbg; akskfek, srjgj, icicisk, lwoigeo, auzybc, wkmruc.

Kyoko felt a bit frustrated as Recette pulled her away from The Anomaly. Even though she knew that someone like that was probably the only person in this entire exam who could be the cause of her failure, she couldn't help but want to be able to go to her side. As the conditions became more hot and sticky, Kyoko yearned more and more to meet The Anomaly. The reason Kyoko felt so strongly was split among several reasons. First, The Anomaly was something of an unknown to Kyoko. Although it was interesting to learn that she never fights, that wasn't truly representative of actual information, and Kyoko theorized that it was likely due to the fact people were scared to approach her. Secondly, Kyoko thought that The Anomaly appeared to be a young entrant just like her and Recette. Although Recette was an excellent friend to Kyoko, this didn't mean that Kyoko was not interested in making even more friends. Even if it was just a chance, Kyoko wanted to be able to take it. Thirdly, The Anomaly reminded Kyoko of her sister, which she had a natural inclination to protect. Even if it is playing right into her hands and allowing a strong player to advance, Kyoko knew that someone as frail as The Anomaly wouldn't be able to cross the desert alone. Even if she chose not to help, The Anomaly would just find someone else to rely on.

For all of these reasons, Kyoko looked longingly in the direction of The Anomaly, thinking of nothing else. At least, up until Recette began to speak. Non-chalantly, "What is an interview?"
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Recette's eyes glazed over. Some choice words echoed in her mind from one she trusted.

"Of course there should be an interview, Recette. I mean, Hunters are some of the most important people around: they can't just let anyone become one, no matter how good they are. Lots of nuts out there, you know?"

"Hnnn," Recette grunted, before shaking her head vigorously. Ripping off her suit coat, she gave it a look, before tying the sleeves around her head like a headband, the rest draped over her neck and shoulders to protect against the sun. With a sigh, she admitted, "Well, appearances are one thing I don't need to worry about anymore..."

Looking in the direction Kyoko was watching as the crowd began to thin, more and more of those with some idea heading out, Recette saw the Anomaly. Recette pouted, "Why are you so focused on her? The further away we get the better chance we have of passing, and we both need to pass."
Recette's eyes glazed over. Some choice words echoed in her mind from one she trusted.

"Of course there should be an interview, Recette. I mean, Hunters are some of the most important people around: they can't just let anyone become one, no matter how good they are. Lots of nuts out there, you know?"

"Hnnn," Recette grunted, before shaking her head vigorously. Ripping off her suit coat, she gave it a look, before tying the sleeves around her head like a headband, the rest draped over her neck and shoulders to protect against the sun. With a sigh, she admitted, "Well, appearances are one thing I don't need to worry about anymore..."

Looking in the direction Kyoko was watching as the crowd began to thin, more and more of those with some idea heading out, Recette saw the Anomaly. Recette pouted, "Why are you so focused on her? The further away we get the better chance we have of passing, and we both need to pass."
Kyoko looks over Recette, observing that in response to hearing that there would be no interview she chose to completely alter her appearance for the challenge. Kyoko could only remain in the dark about the large number of things that she never got to become exposed to due to living and training alone in isolation. Regardless, it seemed Recette was some combination of relieved and disappointed. From what Kyoko could gather, Recette was disappointed that she wouldn't be rewarded for her appearance, but simultaneously happy that she didn't have to maintain it. This second part was something Kyoko could empathize with, as the heat was already miserable enough as it was. If it wasn't for the harsh sunlight, Kyoko would have certainly taken anything and everything off just to avoid trapping heat.

Regardless, Kyoko smiled in response and spoke cheerfully, "I don't think that it means appearances will not matter anymore. It is more like, we need to have a different kind of appearance to be successful as a hunter. It has to be something you can't buy, because if it was, then anyone could become a hunter. I think the appearance they are looking for is something you will naturally show when you encounter adversity." Transitioning to the next point in a more self reflective manner, "I can't really pin it on any one thing, but basically, she looks like someone I want to know. It isn't like I don't know there is a risk to talking with her, but I think that is the kind of risk you take with anyone. I think, it is the same kind of risk you took with me... I mean, if all you knew about me was how I treated my enemies and what I was capable of, you'd probably have avoided me just like The Anomaly. If we had never gotten to meet like this, there are already so many experiences that I'd never had, things that I would never want to give up now, and it has been such a short time. Looking at her, I just get the feeling that she must be lonely over there, and it makes me want to cheer her up." Blushing, "Plus, I know it isn't a good reason, but she reminds me of my little sis... I can't help but want to protect her. If I don't she'll just have someone else do it for her."
Recette winced as her heart was struck: she wasn't wrong...those bandits... Recette had almost managed to forget that scene straight out of a crime drama.

" if..." Recette muttered, before shaking her head. After a moment, she suggested, "Can't it wait? She'll probably make it through the Phase, but we're on the clock here! I checked the map a while ago: the northern edge is mountainous, but the point where the southern and western borders meet is pretty far, but it's closer than the edge. I'm pretty sure some of these guys are heading there. That might be the 'apex'...can you wait until after we get through this? We really should get moving!"
Recette winced as her heart was struck: she wasn't wrong...those bandits... Recette had almost managed to forget that scene straight out of a crime drama.

" if..." Recette muttered, before shaking her head. After a moment, she suggested, "Can't it wait? She'll probably make it through the Phase, but we're on the clock here! I checked the map a while ago: the northern edge is mountainous, but the point where the southern and western borders meet is pretty far, but it's closer than the edge. I'm pretty sure some of these guys are heading there. That might be the 'apex'...can you wait until after we get through this? We really should get moving!"
Kyoko nods enthusiastically, "Moving happens to be one of my core competencies." Kyoko speaks in such a goofy way and overconfident way that the sudden change in the sophistication gives it a humorous effect. Though, not one to laugh at her own jokes, Kyoko darts along the path. She was clearly holding back, as Kyoko's top run speed would be completely impossible for Recette to keep up with. Instead, Kyoko shows off her knowledge by running at exactly the pace Kyoko knew Recette could keep up with. Even in the short time they have been together, Kyoko learned a great number of things about Recette, and this was just one subtle way that she could support her. Though, Kyoko didn't know if Recette was able to talk while going this fast, or if she needed to concentrate on her breathing to keep the oxygen supply to her muscles. Not knowing which was the case, Kyoko decided to observe. Watching Recette's chest, she tries to discern exactly how able Recette is able to push herself to her limits.
In no mood to laugh, Recette bolted after Kyoko, the wind moving under her clothes and cooling her from her sweat. Luckily, Kyoko's pace was perfect once Recette found her groove in running on the desert sands. Quickly opening her briefcase a teeny bit, she pulled out a compass, guessing their approximate position from the entrance earlier, combining t with her memory of the map, and changing course accordingly to move towards the apex. By her count, if they could keep up this pace, they'd make it to the spot 46 miles away within the five hour limit, which didn't seem so insane after the challenges yesterday.


A crowd of two dozen shambled through the sands behind Bass, who whistled a catchy tune lazily. Too catchy: some of the Examinees no doubt had it lodged in their brains now.

After perhaps half an hour, Bass reached the top of a tall dune, the group being the only ones in sight, excluding a few dots on the horizon. Turning his head over his shoulder Bass sighed, "You guys are kinda annoying, you know, so I'm gonna step it up a bit." The Examinees braced themselves to run, but Bass put his clarinet up to is lips, playing a tune that echoed across the nearby sands. By chance or by hex, the wind picked up, kicking sand about, but the eagle eyed Examinees could see that Bass was fading from sight. In moments, he was gone, his tune still playing. But it began to fade. Frantically, the Examinees tried to follow the noise, but as they slipped over the dune, falling down its side, the sands became streaked with blood. For some, their last thoughts were of that catchy tune...


"Well, if it was going to be easy, I wouldn't have brought you all along."

Sybil Kurda, sunglasses over her eyes, long black ponytail waving in the wind. Pulling her foot back from the edge, some sand fell down the pit dug into the sands, lined with rope to prevent it from filling, the cloth cover having fallen through, pierced by sharpened stone spikes, perfectly thick enough to catch and pool blood from the victim, the 213 badge knocked aside by a spike through the suited man's chest as he gagged in fear and agony.

Several bullets fired from Sybil's gun, putting the man out of his misery. As she holstered her weapon, number 211 began to move around the pit, stating, "13 is the unlucky one...we should get moving ma'am." Despite the knowledge of traps, Sybil had no hesitance in her step as they moved on.
In no mood to laugh, Recette bolted after Kyoko, the wind moving under her clothes and cooling her from her sweat. Luckily, Kyoko's pace was perfect once Recette found her groove in running on the desert sands. Quickly opening her briefcase a teeny bit, she pulled out a compass, guessing their approximate position from the entrance earlier, combining t with her memory of the map, and changing course accordingly to move towards the apex. By her count, if they could keep up this pace, they'd make it to the spot 46 miles away within the five hour limit, which didn't seem so insane after the challenges yesterday.


A crowd of two dozen shambled through the sands behind Bass, who whistled a catchy tune lazily. Too catchy: some of the Examinees no doubt had it lodged in their brains now.

After perhaps half an hour, Bass reached the top of a tall dune, the group being the only ones in sight, excluding a few dots on the horizon. Turning his head over his shoulder Bass sighed, "You guys are kinda annoying, you know, so I'm gonna step it up a bit." The Examinees braced themselves to run, but Bass put his clarinet up to is lips, playing a tune that echoed across the nearby sands. By chance or by hex, the wind picked up, kicking sand about, but the eagle eyed Examinees could see that Bass was fading from sight. In moments, he was gone, his tune still playing. But it began to fade. Frantically, the Examinees tried to follow the noise, but as they slipped over the dune, falling down its side, the sands became streaked with blood. For some, their last thoughts were of that catchy tune...


"Well, if it was going to be easy, I wouldn't have brought you all along."

Sybil Kurda, sunglasses over her eyes, long black ponytail waving in the wind. Pulling her foot back from the edge, some sand fell down the pit dug into the sands, lined with rope to prevent it from filling, the cloth cover having fallen through, pierced by sharpened stone spikes, perfectly thick enough to catch and pool blood from the victim, the 213 badge knocked aside by a spike through the suited man's chest as he gagged in fear and agony.

Several bullets fired from Sybil's gun, putting the man out of his misery. As she holstered her weapon, number 211 began to move around the pit, stating, "13 is the unlucky one...we should get moving ma'am." Despite the knowledge of traps, Sybil had no hesitance in her step as they moved on.
Hearing noises off in the distance, Kyoko confirms the ominous feeling that she had got from the area. From the very start, this challenge didn't seem hunter level from the get go. Even as a weedout challenge, simply running through a desert was not a challenge. Anyone able to get to the exam site can deal with heat and sand. With the poor visibility, danger in the form of traps and beasties could come upon them at any moments. Moving to Recette's side, Kyoko gives a verbal warning, "Recette, I'm worried that there might be more to this challenge than just running through a desert. I heard screams off in the distance. We need to keep our guard up."
Taking in Kyoko's warning, Recette nodded, lifting a thumb up. "I'll keep an eye open!"

As the pair crossed dune and valley, Recette's mind kept flashing back to that map. There had been some uncharted spots on it...maybe this place was weirder than they thought?

Crossing the side of one dune, Recette glanced up as something caught her eye: a glint of metal in the light of the rising sun. Several, in fact, as the wind blew the sand away, revealing more blades underneath. Recette raising her arm to point, mentioning, "Kyoko! ...You probably saw those, right?"

As she gave her warning, there was a sound, of snapping wood, some of the sand in the dune sinking in a squarish shape, as if something within collapsed. The sand on the dune shifted, causing a small sandslide, but as it flowed, the blades from before showed their form: they were embedded into half a dozen stone logs. As several ropes from underneath became taut, forming a path, the logs began to roll down the dune, both towards, in front, and behind of the two girls. Recette's pace became uneven as she staggered, the situation hitting her like she hoped those logs wouldn't.
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