Hunter x Hunter: The Truth is There

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Recette gave a small laugh. "How could I believe you now?"

Taking a moment to step out, she returned with some extra blankets: the room was heated, but the desert nights were still chilly. Kicking off her shoes, she hit the lights, not even bothering to remove any more of her clothing as she bundled up in the extra blankets, joining Kyoko on the bed before gathering herself up into a roll.

Pleased with the plushness of the bed, she felt some relief as her body began to prepare for the night of rest. Glancing over to Kyoko, she offered, "L-let's give it our best tomorrow, alright? I won't hold you back I promise."
Recette gave a small laugh. "How could I believe you now?"

Taking a moment to step out, she returned with some extra blankets: the room was heated, but the desert nights were still chilly. Kicking off her shoes, she hit the lights, not even bothering to remove any more of her clothing as she bundled up in the extra blankets, joining Kyoko on the bed before gathering herself up into a roll.

Pleased with the plushness of the bed, she felt some relief as her body began to prepare for the night of rest. Glancing over to Kyoko, she offered, "L-let's give it our best tomorrow, alright? I won't hold you back I promise."
As Kyoko expected, she would have no choice but to sleep with Recette tonight. Not that she was begrudging it, but instead aware that she is imposing upon Recette. While Recette is out getting additional blankets, she takes off the jacket Recette had lended her. Although the night was cold, between the warmth of the sheets and the heater the jacket would be a bit much for Kyoko. Placing herself underneath the covers that were already in place. Laying underneath them comfortably, she enjoys the feeling of the soft fabric pressed against her skin, as well as the support offered by the bed. It had been ages since she slept in a place like this.

Though, Kyoko felt most comfortable as Recette returned to the room. For of all the comforts of the world that were foreign to Kyoko, none quiet compared to the companionship of a friend. Kyoko lulls herself into sleep, "Even if you did, I'd want to stay with you." And then Kyoko was asleep.
Relieved and satisfied, yet exhausted, Recette merely smiled at Kyoko, before letting her eyes clothes. Consciousness fading, she wasn't long for the dreaming world, too tired to bring up one of many potential anxieties regarding the Exam...


As the sun began to crest the horizon, light filtering into the hotel window, Recette, not usually a morning riser, found herself awakening. As her thoughts began to form, one began to echo, thundering to the top of her mind and resounding loudly.

The Hunter Exam.

Not sure what time it was, Recette grunted as she struggled against her sheets, slipping and tumbling off the bed, landing on the ground with a thump. As she steadily unraveled herself, she called, more to the gods than any one in particular, "Oh man I hope it's not too late." He tone started loud but quieted as she remembered Kyoko, who may or may not have been sleeping.
Relieved and satisfied, yet exhausted, Recette merely smiled at Kyoko, before letting her eyes clothes. Consciousness fading, she wasn't long for the dreaming world, too tired to bring up one of many potential anxieties regarding the Exam...


As the sun began to crest the horizon, light filtering into the hotel window, Recette, not usually a morning riser, found herself awakening. As her thoughts began to form, one began to echo, thundering to the top of her mind and resounding loudly.

The Hunter Exam.

Not sure what time it was, Recette grunted as she struggled against her sheets, slipping and tumbling off the bed, landing on the ground with a thump. As she steadily unraveled herself, she called, more to the gods than any one in particular, "Oh man I hope it's not too late." He tone started loud but quieted as she remembered Kyoko, who may or may not have been sleeping.
Kyoko, who had been relying on Recette to wake up in a timely fashion, was still perfectly asleep. Though, at some point in the night, it appears Kyoko had taken ahold of Recette's arm. Though, due to Recette's plunge, the only hints remaining that this was the case were Kyoko's hands being uncomfortably outstreched in Recette's direction. Fortunately, her grasp was not strong, so she did not fall with Recette. Instead, Kyoko laid peacefully underneath her covers.
Finally free of her blankets, Recette stood, brushing herself off as she looked around, finding a clock on the wall, reading 8:17 AM. Letting out a sigh of relief, she was glad they hadn't missed anything, but on the other hand...

Now that she was up and about, she was feeling rather sore. That gauntlet in the valley beyond Charti Heights...

Stretching a bit, Recette went over to Kyoko's side of the bed, grabbing the sheets and ripping them off, greeting, "Morning Kyoko!" As she began to stir, still shirtless, Recette went back a bit, grabbing her own suit coat and Kyoko's shirt: wrinkled but dry. Putting on her own coat and pistol holster, she left Kyoko's shirt on the end of the bed as she said, "Well, we've got a bit of time left before the Exam..."
Finally free of her blankets, Recette stood, brushing herself off as she looked around, finding a clock on the wall, reading 8:17 AM. Letting out a sigh of relief, she was glad they hadn't missed anything, but on the other hand...

Now that she was up and about, she was feeling rather sore. That gauntlet in the valley beyond Charti Heights...

Stretching a bit, Recette went over to Kyoko's side of the bed, grabbing the sheets and ripping them off, greeting, "Morning Kyoko!" As she began to stir, still shirtless, Recette went back a bit, grabbing her own suit coat and Kyoko's shirt: wrinkled but dry. Putting on her own coat and pistol holster, she left Kyoko's shirt on the end of the bed as she said, "Well, we've got a bit of time left before the Exam..."
Arising from her slumber, Kyoko awakes with a level of alertness that would be expected of a morning person despite having slept in. Kyoko didn't expect Recette to rip the covers off her so quickly, slightly surprised to wake to a rush of cool air all over her body. Moving from a laying position to sitting on her ankles, Kyoko notices that Recette looks ready to go. Kyoko's shirt lies at the end of the bed, clearly worn out from her treatment of it. Looking back on her choices, Kyoko thought jumping in without changing might not have been the best way to take care of her sister's gift. Granted it made sense at the time since she had already soiled it with sweat and she didn't bother with wrapping a towel around herself, but now her only option for clothing was worse for wear.

Crawling over to her shirt, she slides it on. Kyoko's skirt still lays in front of the bathroom, but she doesn't bother to go after it right away. Instead, she turns to Recette. It seems Kyoko's enthusiasm has already kicked into gear, "Thinking about using the time for a little shopping?"
"In juuuust a minute," Recette said, hopping over to where the rest of Kyoko's clothing lie. Snapping it up, she threw it around Kyoko's waist before stepping back, saying, "Let's go then!"

Heading out the door, briefcase in hand once again, she led the way to the outside, dropping the keys off with the receptionist with a smile as she passed.

Getting back outside in the morning desert air: currently at a decent temperature, Recette looked around, hoping, "They better have some place open...and we need food too!" Thinking back as she started forward, Recette wondered, "Er, assuming your offer to pay for my suit is still open...I think I said I'll pay you back! But does that count as 'gear'?"
"In juuuust a minute," Recette said, hopping over to where the rest of Kyoko's clothing lie. Snapping it up, she threw it around Kyoko's waist before stepping back, saying, "Let's go then!"

Heading out the door, briefcase in hand once again, she led the way to the outside, dropping the keys off with the receptionist with a smile as she passed.

Getting back outside in the morning desert air: currently at a decent temperature, Recette looked around, hoping, "They better have some place open...and we need food too!" Thinking back as she started forward, Recette wondered, "Er, assuming your offer to pay for my suit is still open...I think I said I'll pay you back! But does that count as 'gear'?"
Once again, Kyoko found herself a bit flustered that Recette could so casually dress her. That was something that Kyoko viewed as a slightly intimate activity, so she didn't quite know how to react to it. More than anything else, Kyoko didn't understand why she was so tolerant of it when Recette did it. If it were anyone else, she'd probably send them through the wall, but with her it was merely a sense of vulnerability. It wasn't even something she could really admit to disliking, though also not something she was ready to admit to wanting.

Though, not one to let anything get in the way of excitement and adventure, Kyoko darts out the door with Recette. Waiting outside for Recette to finish paying for the room, Kyoko cheerfully receives Recette as she comes through the door. Soon the two are off to explore the desert city. One of the first comments to arise is the need for food and clothing, as well as Kyoko's ability to pay. "Getting a bite to eat sounds nice. Oh, and don't worry about the suit thing. Gear includes clothing, even if I'm not the one wearing it. I can cover us both so long as you don't mind the lab people having visibility over the expenditure."
Recette's lips furrowed in thought at Kyoko's little tidbit. "W-well, what's the worst that could happen from that?"

After tempting fate, the two managed to snag a quick meal a bit more filling than the skewers, before getting directions to the market district proper. While it was still early, there were a number of stalls and storefronts open, various folk mulling about before the temperature began to truly rise.

It took a bit of searching, but finally Recette found a clothing store within her needs, possessing more formal attire. As she headed indoors, she asked Kyoko, "Are you thinking of getting new clothes? N-not that you have to get them here." Looking around at the racks, largely stocked for men's wear, but nothing particularly expensive compared to higher end stores in larger cities. Moving to the female sections, Recette wondered if this kind of stuff would fit Kyoko. Recette's eyes glinted for a moment as she considered future possibilities regarding employ, but she didn't want to get her hopes up...
Recette's lips furrowed in thought at Kyoko's little tidbit. "W-well, what's the worst that could happen from that?"

After tempting fate, the two managed to snag a quick meal a bit more filling than the skewers, before getting directions to the market district proper. While it was still early, there were a number of stalls and storefronts open, various folk mulling about before the temperature began to truly rise.

It took a bit of searching, but finally Recette found a clothing store within her needs, possessing more formal attire. As she headed indoors, she asked Kyoko, "Are you thinking of getting new clothes? N-not that you have to get them here." Looking around at the racks, largely stocked for men's wear, but nothing particularly expensive compared to higher end stores in larger cities. Moving to the female sections, Recette wondered if this kind of stuff would fit Kyoko. Recette's eyes glinted for a moment as she considered future possibilities regarding employ, but she didn't want to get her hopes up...
Kyoko giggled in response to Recette's lack of concern with the overwatch. "It isn't anything too bad, but depending on what it is you are trying to buy, it could be embarrassing."

After that comment, Kyoko continued to follow about Recette. It was an interesting experience for her, mostly because she was used to leading rather than following. Now old habits die hard, so of course Kyoko would immediately dash towards the stores as soon as they came into sight, but for most of the trip she would simply keep pace with Recette. They had breakfast together, in which both of them had quite an appetite. Sensible for people who are going to need a lot of energy.

As they began looking for Recette, they chose a rather upscale looking store. Not that Kyoko was aware, as she had yet to learn there was even such a hierarchy of clothing. Her only exposure to fashion of any kind was the influence from her sister. The relevant consequence being an aversion to most formal wear. Though, even if it was fashionable, a girl would be hard pressed to make Kyoko go out in anything that would impend her fighting ability.

Disinterested in her surroundings, Kyoko primarily watches Recette. Her reactions seemed much more interesting than anything around the store. "I'm getting new clothes, but I think I'll look around to something I'm more used to wearing. For right now, I just want to see how you want to dress for the hunter exams."
Recette bopped the bottom of her fist against her palm in realization after Kyoko's expressed curiosity. "Right, I'll be doing more than just looking nice, I also need to think about function..." Remembering the thing that had caused her the most anguish, she looked over shoes, finding a pair of heels that were shorter and wider than the pink ones she'd abandoned to the confines of her suitcase: much more useful! She'd probably still keep her other shoes just in case though.

Recette noted, "They don't have a lot of colors here. I liked the pink since it stood out more though..." Trying to think about function, she looked at skirts, before realizing a simple substitution she could enact to make several things easier on her.

Grabbing a few things, she hopped away to the changing room, returning some minutes later. Her glasses were back over eyes, and she wore an open black suit coat over her white dress shirt, her pistol no doubt still holstered underneath. However, instead of a skirt, she now wore sleek slacks, though the skin between the top of her shoes and the sleeves of her slacks was uncovered. Examining herself, she asked, "What do you think? It should be a bit easier to move in...though maybe I should get white instead, not that it'll matter much: it'll be hot no matter what..."
Recette bopped the bottom of her fist against her palm in realization after Kyoko's expressed curiosity. "Right, I'll be doing more than just looking nice, I also need to think about function..." Remembering the thing that had caused her the most anguish, she looked over shoes, finding a pair of heels that were shorter and wider than the pink ones she'd abandoned to the confines of her suitcase: much more useful! She'd probably still keep her other shoes just in case though.

Recette noted, "They don't have a lot of colors here. I liked the pink since it stood out more though..." Trying to think about function, she looked at skirts, before realizing a simple substitution she could enact to make several things easier on her.

Grabbing a few things, she hopped away to the changing room, returning some minutes later. Her glasses were back over eyes, and she wore an open black suit coat over her white dress shirt, her pistol no doubt still holstered underneath. However, instead of a skirt, she now wore sleek slacks, though the skin between the top of her shoes and the sleeves of her slacks was uncovered. Examining herself, she asked, "What do you think? It should be a bit easier to move in...though maybe I should get white instead, not that it'll matter much: it'll be hot no matter what..."
Kyoko smiles, encouraged by the self confidence that Recette was clearly oozing in. Even without exposure to such concepts, Kyoko could recognize a careful consideration balancing stylistic and functional benefits. Kyoko wondered how much of this balance was due to a desire to dress a particular way, and how much might give her some sort of advantage in the hunter exam. Kyoko did learn something about using seduction as a tactic, but never really excelled in that area due to being too much of a child herself. Unless she happened to run into a lolicon, those tactics would forever remain closed off to her. Though Kyoko thought Recette could probably pull it off. After all, Recette is good-looking, confident, smart, fashionable, responsible, powerful, and socially aware. Making her opinion known, "You look beautiful as always. Plus, I think that you are going to prefer black in the end. If you need to get cooler you can always take the jacket off."
Recette scratched the back of her head, flushing a bit as she agreed, "That is true." Looking over herself once more, she confirmed, "I think I will get it!"

Recette made for the counter, before turning, saying, " can...thank you." Brushing her hair back a bit, she suggested, "And then we'll go get something for you!" Glancing around, Recette realized she was missing something, hopping over to the counter and looking over something before taking a chrome watch, adding, "And this too." Checking the time, she gawked, before shaking her head, realizing, "Of course it's not set yet.."
Recette scratched the back of her head, flushing a bit as she agreed, "That is true." Looking over herself once more, she confirmed, "I think I will get it!"

Recette made for the counter, before turning, saying, " can...thank you." Brushing her hair back a bit, she suggested, "And then we'll go get something for you!" Glancing around, Recette realized she was missing something, hopping over to the counter and looking over something before taking a chrome watch, adding, "And this too." Checking the time, she gawked, before shaking her head, realizing, "Of course it's not set yet.."
Kyoko seemed to having quite a good time watching over Recette's reactions. Though most would find it a bothersome exercise, Kyoko enjoyed watching people just to gain an insight into the way they think. It was particularly interesting watching Recette look herself over, as it revealed to Kyoko exactly what Recette values about herself and her clothing. Though honestly, she always looked fierce in her clothing, so no real thoroughness would even be required. Though, with the hunter exams, anything that can be done to up your game is generally worthwhile.

Kyoko took special note of the watch, making the observation that Recette would have such a resource should it become relevant. "I saw an interesting place when we were coming here. I think that it might be worthwhile checking it out." Recette can already tell that Kyoko is about ready to dart off after the place. If she wasn't ready, it would be pretty easy to lose track of Kyoko. And as Kyoko receives her card back, it is off to the races.
Attaching her watch to her wrist, Recette nodded, replying, "That sounds fine! Just lead the wa-"

By the time Recette's sentence had some to an end, Kyoko had her card returned, and was in the process of shooting towards the exit. "K-Kyoko!?" Recette cried as she rushed after her, only barely having a moment to grab her briefcase.

The cashier held up a slip of paper and a pen, asking to the empty a store, "S-sign please..."

Outside, Recette thankfully managed not to lose Kyoko, though she only reached her when they arrived at their destination. Regaining her breath, Recette insisted, "O-okay, we still have time...probably. I should set my watch already."
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Attaching her watch to her wrist, Recette nodded, replying, "That sounds fine! Just lead the wa-"

By the time Recette's sentence had some to an end, Kyoko had her card returned, and was in the process of shooting towards the exit. "K-Kyoko!?" Recette cried as she rushed after her, only barely having a moment to grab her briefcase.

The cashier held up a slip of paper and a pen, asking to the empty a store, "S-sign please..."

Outside, Recette thankfully managed not to lose Kyoko, though she only reached her when they arrived at their destination. Regaining her breath, Recette insisted, "O-okay, we still have time...probably. I should set my watch already."
Much to Recette's dismay, Kyoko runs into a store exclusively selling swimsuits. Kyoko can be found looking over the tops which are paired with matching skirted bottoms. She sets her eyes on a purple set that took her fancy.


Unaware that dressing rooms are mandatory, Kyoko starts taking off her shirt.
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Recette's gaze following Kyoko into the store, she opened her mouth to speak, but the rows of swimsuits finally became known to her as she entered the door. Shoulders slumping jaw going slack as her head tilted, Recette spoke with utter bafflement as she wondered, "How...we're in the middle of a desert!"

A young man dusting off some of the wares explained, "Well, Rindo City is known for its water, and it's a popular tourist destination. Many people who come don't know about it but decide they want to swim, so..." He trailed off as he followed Recette's gaze, curious as to her embarrassment, before finding himself stunned as Kyoko undressed.

Briefcase plopping to the ground, Recette rushed over, grabbing Kyoko's shirt and trying to force it back onto her body without stretching it. Recette explained, "Kyoko, this is probably a bad idea! I mean, if you want to swim before or after...or if we have to during the Exam it's not a terrible idea, but you can't just go around in one! It's...others, you'll get a sunburn! And the wind will dry your skin out!"
Recette's gaze following Kyoko into the store, she opened her mouth to speak, but the rows of swimsuits finally became known to her as she entered the door. Shoulders slumping jaw going slack as her head tilted, Recette spoke with utter bafflement as she wondered, "How...we're in the middle of a desert!"

A young man dusting off some of the wares explained, "Well, Rindo City is known for its water, and it's a popular tourist destination. Many people who come don't know about it but decide they want to swim, so..." He trailed off as he followed Recette's gaze, curious as to her embarrassment, before finding himself stunned as Kyoko undressed.

Briefcase plopping to the ground, Recette rushed over, grabbing Kyoko's shirt and trying to force it back onto her body without stretching it. Recette explained, "Kyoko, this is probably a bad idea! I mean, if you want to swim before or after...or if we have to during the Exam it's not a terrible idea, but you can't just go around in one! It's...others, you'll get a sunburn! And the wind will dry your skin out!"
Kyoko just looks dumbfoundedly at Recette as she starts planting her shirt back on her. Kyoko had a sneaking suspicion that this had to do with more of those social customs that she had yet to learn about. Regardless, the more confusing part was the fact that Recette had the idea that she intended to wear just a swimsuit in this kind of sun. Kyoko realizes that Recette was misunderstanding her intentions. "Recette, I just wanted to wear these underneath something. I was told that during hunter exams there are often drastic changes in location, so I wanted to have something for if the environment becomes more tropic or wet. Plus, these look super cute. I wanted to see how this feels underneath what I'm wearing to make sure it doesn't feel awkward."
Recette froze, staring for a moment before releasing her grip and backing off a bit. Nodding, she conceded, "Yeah, that's a good thought, but..." Reaching forwards and poking Kyoko on the forehead, she pointed out, "But the fact that I honestly considered you would do something like that says something."

Looking around, Recette briefly considered getting one herself, but instead pushed that thought out of her mind. Instead looking around for a baseline to set her watch, she said, "Well, it's your money, but you shouldn't change where anyone can see." Pointing towards some side areas, she added, "Those look like changing rooms."
Recette froze, staring for a moment before releasing her grip and backing off a bit. Nodding, she conceded, "Yeah, that's a good thought, but..." Reaching forwards and poking Kyoko on the forehead, she pointed out, "But the fact that I honestly considered you would do something like that says something."

Looking around, Recette briefly considered getting one herself, but instead pushed that thought out of her mind. Instead looking around for a baseline to set her watch, she said, "Well, it's your money, but you shouldn't change where anyone can see." Pointing towards some side areas, she added, "Those look like changing rooms."
Kyoko laughed softly in reaction to Recette's quip. Although she was technically being scolded, Kyoko knew that Recette wasn't actually upset by her behavior. Kyoko was not an average girl, and at no point did she ever want to form into a state of predictability just for the sake of normalcy. Bolting for the dressing rooms, Kyoko didn't want to delay any longer. It isn't but a good ten seconds later that Kyoko comes out of the dressing room, looking just about the same. The swimsuit is underneath her clothing, so it only makes sense.

Calling out to Recette, "These fit great. I think I'm going to just wear them out." Kyoko walks up to pay for her merchandise, and somehow succeeds without incident.
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