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Hunted Warriors

Sereth flinched slightly at one of the arrows and his ears drooped slightly, looking over at Seb in fear then back at Merik in slight disgust. He shook his head and half watched his partner in the background. That arrow looks dangerous, even for a Shifter... He's not planning to kill Seb is he...? He hasn't done anything wrong... Well, That's an understatement there.... But what's this guy got against him!? Sereth growled to himself, his tail swaying.
Merik walked passed sereth, headed straight at seb. but the closer he got, the more puzzled ge became, this was seb? it coudnt be. this wasnt theone who stole histribute earlier thatweek. perhaps he misheard the names during ghe conversation by the cafe wall. then if seb wasnt the one who robbed him, the one whos shoulder he damaged in the process. it must have been the other one, Aeden was it?

Merik approached seb. " I think we may have gotten offon the wrong foot. i mistook you for an.. associate, of yours. the one by the cafe, the posters?. my apoligies."
Seb turned around and looked at Merik. "Oh, It's nothing, Neither of us got hurt right?" He said with a smile on his face, Sereth quickly flew and landed by Seb cautiously. Seb looked up at Sereth and smiled, "Look who finally showed up buddy." Seb chuckled to Sereth, Sereth stayed quiet, looking at Aedan then at Merik in confusion.
Rielo being a nosy person and always wanted to be apart of a group he would follow behind Merik and walk directly up to the group his hands in his pockets, He scans anyone near him his purple eyes like robots as usual. He kind of zones out on why he was following him but decides to just say a simple " hello there " With a small smile his hands still placed in his pockets.
Seb smiled over at Rielo, "Hello my good sir~" He says politely. Sereth just merely glances over at him and went back to watching Merik closely.
He looks at seb and continues on with his smile to introduce himself " The names Rielo nice to meet ya "
Merik turned slowly. observing Reilo, He wasnt quite sure what to think of him yet, but if he had the guts to walk right up to a marksmen and and a draco-human, he might be useful. "hey." He stated bluntly. "look i'll make it simple. Seb here wants to overthrow the king. We all do, and he's starting up a team. So far he has a thief an, archer, and that dragon thing you see there. I haven't decided whether i'm going to join yet, it depends on what a friend of mine thinks. But if this team does come together, do you have any skills you could contribute?"

While waiting for a response from Reilo Merik pulled out his cell. Opening up a text adressed to Midori, he started to text. "hey, about those posters we were discussing earlier, I've been doing my research, and i think we should join the cause."

Merik looked back up at Reilo, "Well?"
" Hah i definatly have a talent and sure ill join your group " He pauses for a moment and then continues " i can materialize weapons "
" well just watch and call it what you want " He holds his hand out in front of him in the style of grappling a hilt of a katana he moves the hair from both of his eyes, Staring at his hand. A small beam of purple then emits from his eyes slowly constructing the shape of a katana into his hand the, the katana hardening and becoming sharp as he finishes and the purple beam returns to his eye's his hair falling back into place. He spins the katana in his hand the katana making a swoosh signaling that it was solid, he looks at Merik and says " i dont really know...id call it magic "
Midori heard the chime of her phone and let out a small sigh, pulling it from her pocket and opening the text. She rolled her eyes when she read it, currently in the town park and heading towards the meeting spot. She quickly texted back to Merik. "I decided to a while ago. Idiot." She then closed her phone and continued towards the meeting place, putting her hands in her pockets.
Merik was, for what may have been the first time in his life, impressed. He rarely saw such masterful use of the Psyche. "impressive," he said "But lemme show you something." He pulled an arrow from his quiver and set it on his bow. He raised his bow and shot the arrow off into the distance. after a solid 30 seconds the arrow reappeared, headed straight For Reilo. He flinched, but the arrow froze just inches from his face, and dropped to the ground. Reilo raised an eye. "I too, have a mental control over my inventory." Merik explained. "But there's no denying your mental capabilities surpass mine. while i can only guide weapons, you can create them. Maybe you do have your uses after all" Merik Smiled at Reilo.
Rielo smiles and nods at him then has a pondering look on his face " So...this guy were going to...ya know....how heavily guarded is he " he said with a puzzled look but still a small grin to his face
''Well he is the king so..." the vibrating of his phone stopped him. he looked at the message midori had left him. He smiled, sometimes she could be so snide, so blunt. "as i was saying, he's the king, he's the highest guarded man in the country. but from the looks of how things are going, sebs group just gained another marksmen, an assassin, and a... whatever you are." I don't know how we are going to pull this off, but i think we should start planning."
He chuckled at his remark of how he associated me with the group " Well yeah we should start planning and mapping out the inside of the establishment .maybe pick up on some of the routes he takes daily and what he does..you know to have a proper schedule on him." The katana that was once in his hand turns into a purple dust and returns into my eyes. putting his hands into his pockets and then looks at Merik and says " Whos the other marksmen?"
"you'll meet him soon enough, and you already know too much. You're either with us, or I can guide an arrow through your eye socket. It's up to you." Merik had a look of worry, midori texted over an hour ago, she should have been here ages ago. But shes a tough girl, she can take care of herself.
" Oh im in but i have one need...a place to stay " He takes his hands out his pocket and crosses his arms his grin dissapearing and turning into a more serious state " that would be my only need.. if not provided i will stay with the group..ill just smell alot heh"
A swish of wind came from above them and Midori suddenly landed behind Merik, a bit of wind flowing around her as she dusted some dirt from her dress. "Still haven't quite gotten the hang of flying... but at least I can land now." She quietly laughed to herself, her fedora gracefully falling and planting itself on her head perfectly.
Merik laughed quitely. "a place to sleep isn't easy to come by these days, you can stay with me I'm my bunker, but it won't be long before you'll need to face arden and Haradreil for a more permanent living space."
He turns to Midori. "well, look what the cat dragged in. I hope you were enjoying yourself. Anything new since we last met?"