How angry can you get?

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*Jean sniggered at her.*

She is so obsessed with food, she is all kinds of crazy.

"Right, well it doesnt look like we are travelling anywhere for the time being, I need to have a look at that leg. Can you take the bandage off for me?"

I dont know much about what I am doing here, but maybe the wound needs some more whiskey or something.

*He walked around infront of her and got onto his knees.*
Nani hesitated, not really wanting to see the wound on her leg. She had the mentality of out of sight, out of mind, even when it wasn't smart. She glanced up at Jean nervously and squinted one eye. "You sure? We can always wait," she said quietly, reaching out and grabbing the first aid out of her pack with one hand and placing it on the bed beside her. With a defeated sigh, she looked down at her leg and began removing the bandages. Before they were even off, she could tell it didn't look right, which was extremely frightening. Once she could get a good clear view of it, her heart began to race. It was swelled up and very red, she could feel the heat in it as well. All very clear signs of infection. "If this is infected, I'll only last 3 more days before kicking the bucket," she said, regretting her blunt word choice after the words left her mouth.

"I need some antibiotics, fuck fuck fuck," Nani began to panic. She grabbed Jean's arm and rested her forehead against it for a moment, trying to calm down.
*Jean looked on in horror. Placing one hand on the back of Nani's head.*

Fuck this is bad, I have no idea what to do, we dont have anything that she needs.

"It looks infected to me, I am so sorry, I didnt do it right. Let me go and look for some medical supplies."

Shit if only Paris was here, he knows more about first aid than I do.

"Stay here and stay safe, I need to search the motel and look for the first aid box. I am so sorry I will try to fix this."

*Jean Picked up his sword and left the room, shutting the door behind him.*
Nani cocked her head at his words before he left the room. He was apologizing, but she wasn't sure why. He had done exactly what he was supposed to do, the fault wasn't with him, it was their situation and their lack of resources. Now that he was gone, though, she couldn't tell him that, all she could do was wait for him to return. Now that she was alone, she took the moment to break down and be a baby. Why did this happen to me, why does he have to deal with it? Why, Jesus Christ, she thought, laying back on the bed and covering her face with both hands, silently sobbing. She could feel a very sharp pain in her leg every few minutes now, but she tried as hard as she could to ignore it.

Come back, Jean. Please come back safe.
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*Jean ran back down the stairs into the car park. He payed close attention to his surroundings as he walked towards reception.*

If there was going to be medical supplies, they would be in the reception. I have to be quick and quiet.

*He opened the door slowly.*

The room was ransacked, a view over the counter allowed you to see the car park, papers and blood littered the floor. The chairs were turned over and very little was left on the desks, all the draws were open and as I feared, the hook below the first aid sign was empty.

*Jean rummaged through for about fifteen minutes.*

Already taken, this is bad, has someone looted and run ? I can't save Nani now, this is terrible it's all my fault. Perhaps someone took it into one of the rooms?

*He spent five minutes pacing trying to figure out what to do.*

Don't think about what could happen. Nani will be fine. You can still repay your debt.
After a while, Nani began to grow anxious. Okay, where the fuck is he? Why is he not here? Even if he was gone for a normal amount of time given his task, it was hard not to worry considering what had happened to her. As she couldn't just sit there and wait, she began thinking of ways to get out of the room and find him. She glanced down at her thigh and bit her lip for a moment before rolling herself off the bed and onto the floor. This caused quite a bit more pain than she had anticipated, but at this point the adrenaline kept her going. Grabbing ahold on the dresser, Nani lifted herself up, leaning heavily to support her left leg. "Aye, bitch, you've got this," she said quietly to herself, taking many deep breaths before continuing on to open the door while also leaning against it.

"Jean?" She called out, hoping he'd hear her. "Are you okay? If you need help I'll come find you!" The pain was excruciating and she feared she would further irritate her wound, but it was better than lying there dying while Jean's safety was questionable. Slowly but surely, she made her way out the door and down the hallway, relying on the walls to keep her upright. She stopped at the stairs, though, and rolled her eyes. "I completely forgot about you," she muttered angrily, clumsily seating herself on the top step while allowing her left leg to stretch out.
*Jean rushed out of the reception and headed back towards the room.*

If it isn't in one of the rooms, what is going to happen? She said she had three days and she would be dead? Dying like that when we live in a world full of flesh eating crazies, I cant accept that.

*He reached the bottom of the stairs and looked up.*

"Jesus Nani what are you doing! Wait there."

*He ran up the stairs two at a time, leaving his sword at the top he scooped Nani up. Heading quickly back into the room and placing her back on the bed.*

"The first aid isn't in the reception, I need to sweep the rooms and see if someone left it. Please don't leave the room it isn't safe, I wont be long so don't make your wound worse."

What is she thinking, what if she had been attacked again. Don't go suicidal on me when I am just..... now is not the time Jean, focus.
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As she was dumped back on the bed, Nani sighed and squinted her left eye, clearly annoyed. All she wanted to do was help in this moment, yet she was now sort of an invalid. Since it was obvious that she wasn't going to be able to do anything worthwhile, she laid back on the bed and rested her eyes. The knowledge that she very well could be days from death kept her from getting any real sleep, as she felt more helpless now than ever before. She began to mumble very quietly. "If there is any sort of God out there, please ensure that Jean is able to find this medicine. I'd really like to get better and not die. If you are indeed God and you are indeed listening to me, then you know what I need to do and you know why I can't die yet. Just help me out of this, man, it's kind of important."

Her mind was now alive with memories of the last time she'd seen Layla. Behind her eyelids she could see her old friend very clearly, could see her facial expression and hear her voice. It was only at this point that Nani realized her teeth were chattering and her skin felt very hot. Jesus Christ, now I have a fever. I knew you didn't give a shit about me, she thought, her thoughts aimed at the 'God' she'd been speaking with earlier.
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*Jean sighed as he lay her back on the bed, staring right at Nani with a vacant look in his eyes.*

What am I going to do? Nani will be safe in here, but I just know there is going to be trouble clearing the rooms. I need to do something but what am I supposed to do. What if I cant find first aid, I wont be able to help her. Dammit where the hell is Paris when you need him. This is so fucked up. There has got to be thirty rooms here, who knows what kind of dangers there will be.

*He snapped out of his gaze.*

"Nani, I need to go back out to look, can you stay in here for me?"
Nani opened her eyes and reached her arms out to him, grabbing his left arm. Her whole body was shaking from the fever. "I'm sorry I can't help, I really am. Be careful," she said sadly, giving his arm a hard squeeze before letting go. "I know you'll find the medicine, it's got to be around here, just be careful. If you died now, well.. That would just suck big hairy balls," she said, grinning at him afterwards. At this point she knew Jean was her only shot, so she accepted that he had to go, even if she was still nervous about it. Her cheeks were darkly flushed from her rising temperature and she was beginning to hallucinate again, which didn't help anything.

"Thank you for this, you are very brave." She then closed her eyes again, letting the hallucinations take over. If anything, an altered state of mind would make time go by quicker. She reached into her pack and pulled out her ratty blanket, smoothing it over herself and curling up into a ball.
She is hallucinating, I shouldn't be wasting time here.

*He places his hand on her forehead, then goes to the bathroom and wets a dirty hand towel before returning to Nani.*

"Here, keep this on your forehead, I will be back soon."

*He shut the door behind him and picked up his sword.*

I will search all the rooms with closed doors first, then come back and sweep the open doors, if I leave the doors shut after I search them I will know which ones I have seen and also if anyone else leaves or enters them.
The sound of the door closing jarred Nani back to reality and her eyes fluttered open, looking around the now empty room. For someone who had once enjoyed being alone so much, it now bugged her severely. As she laid there and tried to pass the time, an amusing thought occurred to her. I'm not hungry at all right now, I must truly be sick, she thought. A cold chill swept over her body, causing her to shiver violently and curl up tighter in the blanket. "Come on, Jean. Hurry," she said quietly to herself.

(short, whatever)
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Once inside the fire station, I let my eyes adjust to the light or lack there of and then began to admire the collection that surrounded me. T. had bartered skills for all sorts over the last few years, most of the remaining survivors had little to their name but T. was thriving now more than ever. You see it wasn't just cars that filled the garage, one workbench was piled high with guns, big guns to the point it looked as though it might topple under the weight, another area of large room was stocked full of boxes like a cargo bay for snacks, *eating wasn't a big deal for either of us, a bag of chips or some licorice laces would suit me fine, three meals a day*.

"So, T. as I'm sure you can tell I misplaced my truck..........and Jean, kinda."


"No, I did not say that. I promised you we would help you and we will, but well we are carrying some extra baggage right now and I'm not sure how to go about it"


"I get it alright but you know Jean ain't gonna partake willingly so I need some leverage here. I'm working on expanding our operation just need one more pair of hands, ok?"

T. stomped off to the back wall and started working on something, welding or some shit, it didn't matter, back to work meant I was in the clear.

"One last thing T. I need to borrow some stuff, hope that's ok?" I had already moved over to Eleanor, opened the passenger side door and started walking over to the workbench before I looked back to T. who sat still busy in work, a hand raised above a shoulder, flipping me off. I smiled,
"Love ya" I retorted ironically as I loaded three of the guns, one of the food boxes and a katana into the passenger seat, *knowing Jean I didn't hurt to have a spare*. T. always kept canteens of water and gas in the trunk so good on that front. I walked around the car admiring her beauty as I did, the driver side door clicked open and slammed shut behind me, keys in the ignition, I turned her on and she purred as she always did, I rolled down the window and held my hand out signaling my departure, T. didn't need to look and simply pulled the lever on the back wall next to the workstation and the front wall of the room opened up just enough for me to slowly edge out before it closed.
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I will sweep the top floor first. Basic human instinct is to get to higher ground when it comes to safety, so if someone did use the medical box in a room, the odds are it will be upstairs. It also means that I am most likely to encounter other survivors which are far more deadly than a few stray deads, saying that, I am pretty sure we would have seen or heard from them already given the gun shots earlier so hopefully it will be safe.

*Jean began to creep down the walkway, sweeping the first three rooms finding nothing but empty drawers and clean.... ish sheets. He paused as he arrived at the fourth door.*

A bloody hand smear near the handle, door closed, this doesn't look good.

*He steadied himself outside the door, Katana firmly gripped in both hands. After Inhaling twice, he put his foot to the door.*

The door swung open nicely, but doing that to all the shut doors is going to leave me with a very sore leg. Next time ill check if its open or not first. The room seems clear despite what its door might suggest, blood on the bed and some on the floor leading to the bathroom..... The door is closed, if someone was trying to give them self first aid they would probably do it in the bathroom, wouldn't they?

*He cautiously checked the room from the door, before bursting in to cover the blind spots. He searched the room before approaching the bathroom door.*

Its a small space, I don't want to get caught out here. If I open the door and quickly move towards the center of the room, I will have more space, and easier access to the door, always be aware of your surroundings Jean, rule number two.

*He steadied his right hand firmly around the hilt, and opened the bathroom door with his left before jumping backwards into the more open space.*

The door swung halfway open before it hit what used to be a human, it clambered through the doorway and threw itself towards me releasing a nasty screech. How long has it been in there, do they not die even without eating us?

*Jean had both hands steady in the center of the room, he waited for just the right moment to swing cleanly at its head. He sidestepped stumbling onto the bed slightly.*

The body slid along the floor and crumpled against the wall, the head hit the floor with a thud, still wearing the horrific face that is pulled as something runs at you for dinner.

*He regained his footing and nudged the door open with his sheathe.*

The bathroom was a cesspit, blood and guts lined the walls, A second body lay on the floor, torn to shreds so badly you would barely know it was human. No sign of any first aid, looks like it was just a bloodbath.

*He left the room quickly and moved onto the next, clearing the fifth and sixth before stopping again at the seventh.*

Another closed door, the sounds coming from the inside can only be one thing, a loud thud followed by a long monotonous groan. Just what I wanted, another unsafe room. I wanted to open it nicely this time, but it looks like I am going to be busy once this door opens.

*Jean braced himself and booted the door open.*

The lock busted but the door only opened slightly, A loud scream came from inside as another friendly fellow lunged towards me before I could even get into the room. No room to swing I can only jab.

*He plunged his sword into its chest to stop its advance, before re-enforcing his defense with his sheathe. His foot kicked it off of his sword backwards and he followed up with another stab, this time through the head. Jean stepped over the corpse and burst into the room.*

Nothing else running at me, and I very much doubt a survivor was on good terms with that thing. He sweeps his eyes from corner to corner looking around the room. Is that a bandage?

*He rushed over the the bed to examine the bandage.*

It is, there is a bandage here, could there be some medical gear in here?

*He was just starting to climb off the bed when he saw it.*

There it was, the unmistakable green hard plastic case, with the unmistakable red cross. Please don't be empty !

*He grabbed the half open case and looked inside. before shutting it and running back out the room, back to Nani.*

I cant believe it, this must be some kind of divine intervention, what are the chances. I have no idea if any of this is any good but it has got to be worth something.

"I found it ! The medical case from reception, and there is still stuff in it ! Will any of this help?"

*Jean Ran over to Nani's side and opened the case and showing it to her.*
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Upon hearing him walk back in, Nani perked up. He was by her side in a moment and was holding something out to her that was hard to recognize at first. As her vision focused on the object, a smile spread across her face. In the kit she could see a bottle of medicine accompanied by two wrapped syringes and one dirty, blood covered syringe. The bottle was a little less than half full, but she figured it would be enough to help. She reached out her left hand, which was shaking pretty badly from her temperature, and grabbed the bottle and syringe in one hand. "Flying fuck, I've never done this before, do you know how to do this?" She asked, looking up at Jean and biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. She'd seen it done in movies before the infection, but this was something she had no knowledge about.

As she waited for his reply, she removed the syringe from it's wrapper and opened the medicine. "Okay, I am clueless," she said, filling the syringe with the medicine. "Where do you inject it? Is it like in the movies? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW," she began to panic, as she wasn't a doctor and had damn near no medical knowledge.
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"That injection won't help a infected wound lass." a voice calm and slightly southern sounded from the doorway, now completely opened with a large man wearing full hunting camo and a number of weapons on his person now leaning against the doorframe. Both occupants of the room jump from reflex and grasping for their weapons.

" Now now I would hate to have to kill my two new guests in my safehouse. How did you get in? did i forget to lock a door again or did a barrier i set up get smashed and let the deadheads in?" the man already aiming his large handgun at the pretty young woman knowing that the male wouldn't risk losing her.
" I do have something that will disinfect the wound and high quality antibiotics, that in your hand right now is aneasthetic, if you gave yourself as much as you have in that needle right now it would mean coma and later death. But i am not the freelove hippy kind so i wont GIVE it to you.I WILL happily trade for it if you have anything that interests me." He pauses for a moment to think how he phrased that.
"Wait, don't worry when i say interests me, i don't mean what you might think, i mean actual supplies." The man lowers the handgun and assumes a more friendly posture.
"Names Zane, some of my people called me Big Z before they... nice to meet'ya"
The unexpected company caused Nani to drop the bottle and needle, which landed on the ground. She took a couple of deep breaths as he pointed the gun at her and lifted her hands into the air, as a way to say that she wasn't going to try anything. Her heart skipped a beat when he mentioned that he had the medicine she needed, now she was listening more intently instead of planning out how she was going to kill the fucker for pointing a gun at her. "Okay, okay. I've got a pack in the other room, it's got nearly everything I own in it. I'll be honest, I don't have much that would interest you, I fear," she said calmly pointing into the other room. "I have plenty of food, though, some first aid, uhhhh..." She glanced over at Jean, not sure what else to say. 'Big Z' seemed very confused as to whether he wanted to threaten them or be friendly, so she was maintaining a calm composure to level it out.
Paris reached the motel at the height of noon and peered in from the road to the shabby looking buildings, I would not risk leaving the car in a place like this and as firepower was no longer an issue I decided to pull into the parking lot and beep my horn, I pushed down on the wheel for a solid 10 seconds before, releasing and waiting for a curious Jean to pop out his head.....

"You guys had better not be dead, Jean? Nani? What the fuck are you doing, time to go?" I yelled through the open window. I would wait for several minutes then a decision had to be made, "Jean, the meter is running, hurry the fuck up you two".
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*Jeans head jerked towards the voice, his hand reaching for his sword and clutching his jacket. He looked down and then around until his eyes met it, before returning his gaze to the survivor.*

What the hell, when did he get there? Shit, where is my sword, I thought I had...... dahm. Not that it would help much in this situation. I let my guard down once I found the med kit, how stupid of me. I have put Nani in danger yet again.

*Jean eyed Nani as she raised her hands, and proceeded to do the same.*

Nani isn't being rash, this situation can be solved if this guy is willing to reason.

*Jean began to process the conversation once the initial shock wore off.*

This guy obviously knows first aid, and we desperately need his help if he is telling the truth. I cant help but feel a little uneasy about him, he thinks we care about connotations like that in a situation like this, but I guess he must have some kind of moral compass. He wants to trade? He sounds horribly like a friend of mine who has a habit of trading in favor of himself, the I take everything and you get nothing kind of trades.

"Uhh, we really don't have much supplies, as she said we have a small pack and I have....."

*Jean paused and eyed his katana.*

I suppose I have no choice, if we want any chance of swapping with this guy this is probably our most valuable asset. My family heirloom, it will mean nothing to him as far as sentiment, but as far as survival is concerned. If that doesn't interest him then we have nothing, and he will either kill us, kick us out, or leave us. All three options result in bad news.

*He moved his hand over to Nani's and squeezed it.*

"I, I have that katana just there, its a great way to deal with dead heads quietly so to not attract extra attention. Would that be worth anything to you?" He asked through his teeth.

*Jeans ears perked to the sound of a car pulling up outside.*

I never thought I would be so glad to hear that voice. Paris can help but I don't know what this newcomer will do.

"He is with us, can I call back to him?"
"Hmm...whoever is honking can wait i think this situation is tense enough for all of us introducing more people might resolve in uneeded death..... kick the sword over to me" Zane told the male of the room. Being in no position to argue he complied after several moments.
Picking up the blade and examining it carefully he came to a conclusion quickly.
"You dont know jack shit about careing for a blade do you? its dull as hell and nicked all over, no this ain't interestin me. Now lets see whats in the pack." he said and motioned to jean to show him wear the pack is, handing his blade back to him handle first.
A quick walk a door or two down and Zane was sifting gently and carefully through the pack as not to damage anything.
"Beans, Beans, Corn, Beans, .....conditioner?? are you shitting me? in a world of zombies your worried about your damn hair? AHH there we go, 2 cans of fruit cocktail and a box of nine millimeter. I'd say thats a fair trade , Two cans of fruit and whats left of a box of nines after you reload your magazines for my medical supplies?" he turned back to the man who was standing exetremly on edge, as if thinking about either trying to jump him or run.
"here" Zane said as he reached into his own messanger bag and pulled out a 16oz bottle of antiseptic and a tall bottle of colorless liquid.
"This unmarked bottle is a stuff called EverClear, its between 170 and 190 proof alchohol, meaning about 90 percent PURE alchohol.
a perfect disinfectant but it is NOT for drinking, its a bad idea for a million reasons." he said handing the bottles to jean and taking the cans of fruit and bullets into his own bag.
"Now if you want you can treat her, or you could let me do it. depends on how squimish you are... oh and if your interested i can teach you to take care of your blade correctly, that blade might cut ripe zombies easily but you go up against fresh you will be in for a bad time. i can make em sharp enough to shave with dry."
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