Hotel Vacation

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Hehe I see," Joanna nodded. "It's no fun having cabin fever," she added as she sipped her drink. "So..." she said softly, trying to find another topic to talk about.
"You wanna dance?" He asked her, as an upbeat song camer on the radio.
The girl paced herself not finding many victims that seem like they'd be fun to play with or even to just talk to. Tired of looking he decided to just lay back and just live out her vacation;letting what ever happen happen. She walked along the beach looking out at the horizon. It was beautiful and she knew nothing could ever compare. The girl laid down with her eyes closed, listening to nature at its best.
Angelina wandered along the street - she had checked into the hotel, but everyone was either out, or in their rooms sleeping, so she was mainly alone. She headed down to the beach, and sighed. Why couldn't she just find someone to have some fun with this holiday?

She was in truth, sort of a slut. She enjoyed brief flings with people, and then letting them go. But her last one had ended so she was looking for someone else.