Hotel California

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Miss Chilandrra thought for a moment. She slowly stood up, and undid the hook-and-loop bonds that held her dress together at the side. She allowed it to drop to the floor, revealing a slim black bikini and her beautiful, tanned body. "I think I'll take a dip in the water." She looked back at Jack as she made her way to the pool. "Stay there or join me, the choice is yours, handsome." She winked at him before turning back and heading into the pool and sinking in deeper with each step.
Eli gets out of the water, grabs a towel and dries off.
she giggles a little and blushs "ill think about it" she smiles to him then asks for"166 please and thank you" she pulls out her walte. she then see the cat "hello there cat who cat is that" she asked looking back at the guy pulling 100£ out "will this be ok"
Eli walks to his room and accidently bumps into Raven, "Oh! Sorry!"
"ow no it was my falt" she looked at him and smiled then turned away to the guy
"No it was mine." Eli looks sorry, and he is, he felt sorry for not paying attention.
He gives her a slight nod then goes to his room.
The boy is patient during their interaction. "That will be fine." He then clicks his pen and makes a mark on the paper on the clipboard. "Alright then, If you'll just follow me, I'll show you to your room."
"Here, allow me." He takes the bags from her hands and carries them for her. "I'm Ratumnus, by the way. You can call me Tom. Or Tommy, or Thomas. Whatever you prefer." He smiles at her. "What might your name be, miss?"
"oh how rude my name is Raven Nighthood" she smiles and walks with him "my friends call me Ray sometimes " she looks around in the hall way to remaber her wasy bak yo the main hloby
"Raven," he said, the name dancing off his tongue. "What a pretty name." She has a hard time remembering her way back, as with each step, the memory fades from view. "Ugh, I hate this place," he said, "Can hardly remember the way around here sometimes. I nicknamed it Daedalus' Labrinth, because it seems like the corridors are always changing." They arrive at the room, and he hands he the room key. "Well, here you are, Raven."
"thank you very much, have a nice day" she smiled at him and takes the key to the room then opend s the oor .
Jack tried to hide his staring when Miss Chilandrra revealed her beautiful body to him. He tried to stammer out a reply, but she was already in the pool. He didn't know what to do with himself. If he followed Miss Chilandrra, what would happen? But still... anything was better than sitting alone on the poolside. Besides, the sparkling water looked so cool...

He made his way to the deep end and dived in. (Well, attempted to dive, anyway. It wasn't particularly graceful.) He let himself stay under the water for a couple seconds, then shot back up, enjoying the sunlight on his skin. This was the life.
Miss Chilandrra swam over next to him, the water reflecting off her sunglasses. "Enjoying the water, deary? It's so dreadfully hot today, one can't help but love it!"
"Er... yes. It's nice to get out of the heat..." Miss Chilandrra surely had other men she could talk to... It's not like she had a hard time catching their eye. Why was she so interested in him?
An expression of realization suddenly spread across Miss Chilandrra's face. "Oh, dear, I forgot to feed the cat!" She swims over to the edge of the pool, and climbs out, the water glistening on her perfect figure. "Abraham! I will return promptly, I must feed Leroy Jenkins." She turns to Jack, continuing, "And I think I may have worked out a payment solution we both will enjoy." She winked at him as she walked away to feed her cat, Leroy Jenkins.
Jack watched Miss Chilandrra climb out of the pool, her lithe figure glittering in the sunlight. And now I'm alone... He swam around for a while, then got bored and climbed out. He grabbed a towel and went up to his room to shower. As the cool water ran over his head, he thought about the situation. Miss Chilandrra clearly wants me for... reasons. What's she so interested in me for? He stepped out, wrapped a towel around his waist, and went into his room to relax. He was tired from the sunlight and heat. Even though he knew Miss Chilandrra could call at any moment, he ended up drifting off to sleep.
A few hours later, Miss Chilandrra called him. His phone kept ringing, as it would until he picked up the phone. She was a very persistent woman.