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by now Victor wonderd where jae had got to since he was admited to hospital and now his thoughs were interupeted by another person runing in to the room with a smile on his face.
(occ. weve kinda jumped forward in the story line sorry about leving you adrift)
((OOC: it's okay, lol, misread the posts and didn't see fault.))

Jae woke up in a hospital bed, looking around very confused. Her arm was in a cast. We must have gotten out.. but she didn't remember going to sleep. She sighed and sat up, shifting her arm into her lap so it didn't dangle. The room was empty other than a TV. She slipped over to the edge of the bed and stood slowly, smiling. "That's better.." she mumbled, starting forwards. She made it to the door and reached forwards with her dominant hand, but winced. "Ouch.." she muttered, using her left hand to open the door instead of her broken one. She realized then that she was barefooted, but she didn't care. At least she was wearing clothes. She stepped into the hallway and walked around, curious. "I wonder where everyone is..I hope they're okay.." she sighed.
"Right." Zora said to Victor. "I need to go check on Jae."

Cole was in the hospital. He awoke with the police watching him.
"ok i hope she is ok to and didn't get badly hurt by the fire or the thief's" victor replies. Anothere visitor enters the room it was Victors Father. "hey son how are you we were so worried when saw in the news what happend" Victor's Father says as he ruffles his sons hair.
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Jae walked calmly down the hall, her arm in a sling, holding it close to her. She sighed, then noticed a door ahead in which voices where coming from. She stopped, wondering if she recognized any of them...she heard Zora's voice and a wave of relief shuddered over her. She walked to the door and stood there a moment, unable to find words. "Hi.." she managed to say, smiling a little.
Zora turned around about to look for Jae. When she did she saw her by the door opening. "Jae. How are you? Are you alright?" She asked her with concern. "I was just going o look for you. I guess you came to me instead." She said with a little laugh.
Victor replies to his dad " im doing fine dad just a little burn thats all". silence fell the room and then his dad almost broke out laughing and said " a little burn by jove son you lead helped the arest of criminals holding hostages and helped evacuate people out im so proud of you" Victors dad hugs him tightly.
"I'm..okay." Jae said, smiling a little. She moved forwards, pulling Zora into a tight hug with her one arm that was okay. "How do you feel?" she asked softly, letting go. She didn't know the man by Victor, but the fact that he called Victor his son she guessed he was his father. She watched Zora, wondering where Cole was, and every part of her wanted to punch him in the face..hard. But she still smiled.
After victors dad left Victor gets up and tryies to walk. it felt stiff at first but he could walk still at least and went out his room to find cole. he wanted to find out more about the thief's for him self.
Jae touched Victor's shoulder gently as he walked past, but didn't say anything. She hoped he was okay, and later if she saw him she would thank him for helping Zora and herself from the fire.
Victor stops and smiles gently before being interrupted by a man in suit again with a brief case and dark glasses who then spoke "are you victor?" "yes i am" victor replied with as hint of worry in his voice. The man Replied " Victor i am Agent Brent from FBI i want to congratulate you on behalf of the FBI for stopping the Group of Thief's today at the Mall". Victor looks shocked when he hears the word FBI but then relacsed with relife after hearing what the man in the suit said. "thank you Brent sir" Victor replies.
"I'm fine you don't need to worry about me." Zora said hugging her gently back. She let her go with a smile on her face. "I heard Cole and that other guy thief is here at the hospital too. The girl wasn't injured so she went to jail. They have the police watching them though." Zora noticed the FBI agent from the doorway. She wanted to ask him something. "Excuse me sir!" She called still with Jae though. "I have a question. Is Cole going to be locked away for a long time?" She hoped the answer would be yes. She didn't want to have to deal with his again. If he was going to be let out she was sure he would come after her. He had already did once, she didn't want to tell her mew friends why she knew him.
The FBI agent turns to the girl and replies " yes he will at least 10 years at max". The FBI agent turns to victor and says "victor you will be neaded to atend court to testife agains cole and so will you friend here and any other civilians involved directly in the incident" The FBI agent points to turning to Face Jae then continues his sencence " You 3 are vital to the prosicution of cole and The FBI will put you under Witness protection in till the Prosicution ends so when you are ready we have cars waiting outside to take you all to safty untill tomorow when the case begins tomorrow"
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Zora made a sigh of relief. "Good I won't have to deal with him of a while." She said to herself. She gave the agent a nod to his court explanation. "Where will we be going?" She asked. "We all are going to be together, right?" She asked as she grabbed Jae's hand in a friendly way. She didn't want to be away from her just yet.
the agent replies " yes you will be living in housing not far from each other on an island in Chicargo about an hours drive from here "
"That's good." She said back. "Thank you." She gave the agent a smile.
"its the least we can do to help you get back somthing after this incident and we leave in 5 minuets as we need to get moving so as that the theifs who escaped dont come here and try kill you" the agent replies and Victor asks him " will our parents know or be put in Witness protection? " the FBI agient quickly replies "yes their all ready there and have been informed about the happeings". Victor started to walk down the coridor to the lifts but stops and looks back to wards the otheres and waits.
Zora gave the agent another nod. "You ready to go Jae?" Zora said to her. "And you Yuki?" She began to walk out of the room with Jae. She looked back to Yuki so that she would follow them.
Out side the Hospital waited a car with blacked out passenger windows. victor said to the FBI Agent who was racing ahed toward the lift "hey wait up for the ohteres"
Jae nodded, listening to the man's explanation and answers. She said nothing until Zora asked if she was ready. "Yeah.." she followed Zora out. She wondered who stepped up this time to act as her parents. She didn't know if it was her older brother or her 'guardian', but it didn't matter at the moment. She held Zora's hand in a friendly way, as Zora felt like a little sister now.
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